69 research outputs found

    Post-combustion carbon capture

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    Fish Behaviour in the Vicinity of a Navigation Lock Complex: the Challenges

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    Hydraulic structures such as navigation locks, pumping stations and hydropower plants play an important role in navigation, water management and sustainable energy production. However, these structures may severely impact the aquatic ecosystem and freshwater fish in particular. In Belgium, the Albert Canal connecting the river Meuse to the river Scheldt, is an important migration route for European eel (Anguilla anguilla, critically endangered) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, vulnerable). Both species have a downstream migrating phase in their lifecycle (respectively silver eels and salmon smolts), during which they are hampered by hydraulic structures. In the coming years, Archimedes screws are to be installed at the navigation lock complexes present in the Flemish part of the canal, which can function both as pumping stations and hydropower generators. A first installation is already present at the navigation lock complex of Kwaadmechelen. Before fish mitigation measures can be implemented, it is important to gain understanding on how the downstream migrating fish are affected by hydrodynamics around the complex. In this paper, we focus on the challenges in investigating fish behaviour, related to the acoustic telemetry used to determine fish positions, as well as on the complexity of a hydrodynamic CFD model for the studied site. Additionally, we present some preliminary results. In the next phase of the research, observed fine-scale behaviour of the fish in front of the navigation lock complex will be compared with predicted flow patterns by means of a CFD model

    Reviewing the thermo-chemical recycling of waste polyurethane foam

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    The worldwide production of polymeric foam materials is growing due to their advantageous properties of light weight, high thermal insulation, good strength, resistance and rigidity. Society creates ever increasing amounts of poly-urethane (PU) waste. A major part of this waste can be recycled or recovered in order to be put into further use. The PU industry is committed to assist and play its part in the process. The recycling and recovery of PU foam cover a range of mechanical, physical, chemical and thermo-chemical processes. In addition to the well- documented mechanical and chemical processing options, thermo-chemical treatments are important either as ultimate disposal (incineration) or towards feedstock recovery, leading to different products according to the thermal conditions of the treatment. The review focuses on these thermo-chemical and thermal processes. As far as pyrolysis is concerned, TDI and mostly polyol can be recovered. The highest recovery yields of TDI and polyols occur at low temperatures (150–200 ◦C). It is however clear from literature that pure feedstock will not be produced, and that a further upgrading of the condensate will be needed, together with a thermal or alternative treatment of the non-condensables. Gasification towards syngas has been studied on a larger and industrial scale. Its application would need the location of the PU treatment plant close to a chemical plant, if the syngas is to be valorized or considered in conjunction with a gas-fired CHP plant. Incineration has been studied mostly in a co- firing scheme. Potentially toxic emissions from PU combustion can be catered for by the common flue gas cleaning behind the incineration itself, making this solution less evident as a stand-alone option: the combination with other wastes (such as municipal solid waste) in MSWI′s seems the indicated route to go

    European silver eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) migration behaviour in a highly regulated shipping canal

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    Among the many man-made structures that facilitate shipping, navigable canals take an important position. These canals may offer energetically favourable migration routes for diadromous fish, but they may also obstruct fish migration, for instance at shipping locks. Because the use of shipping canals by, and their effects on, migrating fish remain unknown, we assessed whether these canals can play a significant role in the migration of the critically endangered European eel. Only one third of 70 acoustically tagged silver eels completed migration through a shipping canal, and did so at a very low pace (average < 0.06 m s(-1)) due to delays at shipping locks and most likely also due to the disruption of water flow. These delays may come at an energetic cost, hampering the chances of successful migration. Knowledge on the impact of shipping canals on diadromous fish is crucial for proper management regulations. For instance, the observation that eels mostly migrated at night and during spring and autumn can support water managers to define adequate measures to improve eel migration in shipping canals

    Reviewing the potential of bio-hydrogen production by fermentation

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    Hydrogen is a common reactant in the petro-chemical industry and moreover recognized as a potential fuel within the next 20 years. The production of hydrogen from biomass and carbohydrate feedstock, though undoubtedly desirable and favored, is still at the level of laboratory or pilot scale. The present work reviews the current researched pathways. Different types of carbohydrates, and waste biomass are identified as feedstock for the fermentative bio-hydrogen production. Although all techniques suffer from drawbacks of a low H2 yield and the production of a liquid waste stream rich in VFAs that needs further treatment, the technical advances foster the commercial utilization. Bacterial strains capable of high hydrogen yield are assessed, together with advanced techniques of co-culture fermentation and metabolic engineering. Residual VFAs can be converted. The review provides an insight on how fermentation can be conducted for a wide spectrum of feedstock and how fermentation effluent can be valorized by integrating fermentation with other systems, leading to an improved industrial potential of the technique. To boost the fermentation potential, additional research should firstly target its demonstration on pilot or industrial scale to prove the process efficiency, production costs and method reliability. It should secondly focus on optimizing the micro-organism functionality, and should finally develop and demonstrate a viable valorization of the residual VFA-rich waste streams

    Bio-energy Carriers as Back-up Fuel in Hybrid Solar Power Plants

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    Electricity from concentrated solar power (CSP) plants, gains an increasing interest and importance. To fully match the supply-demand principle, CSP processes include a thermal energy storage and back-up fuel supply. Novel CSP concepts are needed with specific targets of increased efficiency and reliability, and of reduced CAPEX and OPEX. The use of particle suspensions offers significant advantages since applicable in all sub-sections of the complete CSP as heat carrier from the receiver, to the heat storage, and ultimately to the power block. The use of particles in the steam generation (power block) is a common fluidized bed boiler technology. This paper will present the entire particle-based concept, while also discussing the potential to use biomass-based energy carriers as back-up heat supply. Process data and expected effects on the process economy of the system will be discussed
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