153 research outputs found

    Phase diagram of the one-dimensional half-filled extended Hubbard model

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    We study the ground state of the one-dimensional half-filled Hubbard model with on-site (nearest-neighbor) repulsive interaction UU (VV) and nearest-neighbor hopping tt. In order to obtain an accurate phase diagram, we consider various physical quantities such as the charge gap, spin gap, Luttinger-liquid exponents, and bond-order-wave (BOW) order parameter using the density-matrix renormalization group technique. We confirm that the BOW phase appears in a substantial region between the charge-density-wave (CDW) and spin-density-wave phases. Each phase boundary is determined by multiple means and it allows us to do a cross-check to demonstrate the validity of our estimations. Thus, our results agree quantitatively with the renormalization group results in the weak-coupling regime (U2tU \lesssim 2t), with the perturbation results in the strong-coupling regime (U6tU \gtrsim 6t), and with the quantum Monte Carlo results in the intermediate-coupling regime. We also find that the BOW-CDW transition changes from continuous to first order at the tricritical point (Ut,Vt)(5.89t,3.10t)(U_{\rm t}, V_{\rm t}) \approx (5.89t, 3.10t) and the BOW phase vanishes at the critical end point (Uc,Vc)(9.25t,4.76t)(U_{\rm c}, V_{\rm c}) \approx (9.25t, 4.76t).Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Competing effects of interactions and spin-orbit coupling in a quantum wire

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    We study the interplay of electron-electron interactions and Rashba spin-orbit coupling in one-dimensional ballistic wires. Using the renormalization group approach we construct the phase diagram in terms of Rashba coupling, Tomonaga-Luttinger stiffness and backward scattering strength. We identify the parameter regimes with a dynamically generated spin gap and show where the Luttinger liquid prevails. We also discuss the consequences for the operation of the Datta-Das transistor.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Extended scaling behavior of the spatially-anisotropic classical XY model in the crossover from three to two dimensions

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    The bivariate high-temperature expansion of the spin-spin correlation-function of the three-dimensional classical XY (planar rotator) model, with spatially-anisotropic nearest-neighbor couplings, is extended from the 10th through the 21st order. The computation is carried out for the simple-cubic lattice, in the absence of magnetic field, in the case in which the coupling strength along the z-axis of the lattice is different from those along the x- and the y-axes. It is then possible to determine accurately the critical temperature as function of the parameter R which characterizes the coupling anisotropy and to check numerically the universality, with respect to R, of the critical exponents of the three-dimensional anisotropic system. The analysis of our data also shows that the main predictions of the generalized scaling theory for the crossover from the three-dimensional to the two-dimensional critical behavior are compatible with the series extrapolations.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure

    Solution of the infinite range t-J model

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    The t-J model with constant t and J between any pair of sites is studied by exploiting the symmetry of the Hamiltonian with respect to site permutations. For a given number of electrons and a given total spin the exchange term simply yields an additive constant. Therefore the real problem is to diagonalize the "t- model", or equivalently the infinite U Hubbard Hamiltonian. Using extensively the properties of the permutation group, we are able to find explicitly both the energy eigenvalues and eigenstates, labeled according to spin quantum numbers and Young diagrams. As a corollary we also obtain the degenerate ground states of the finite UU Hubbard model with infinite range hopping -t>0.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Solitonic approach to the dimerization problem in correlated one-dimensional systems

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    Using exact diagonalizations we consider self-consistently the lattice distortions in odd Peierls-Hubbard and spin-Peierls periodic rings in the adiabatic harmonic approximation. From the tails of the inherent spin soliton the dimerization d_\infty of regular even rings is found by extrapolations to infinite ring lengths. Considering a wide region of electron-electron onsite interaction values U>0 compared with the band width 4t_0 at intermediately strong electron-phonon interaction g, known relationships obtained by other methods are reproduced and/or refined within one unified approach: such as the maximum of d_\infty at U \simeq 3 t_0 for g \simeq 0.5 and its shift to zero for g \to g_c \approx 0.7. The hyperbolic tangent shape of the spin soliton is retained for any U and g <~ 0.6. In the spin-Peierls limit the d_\infty are found to be in agreement with results of DMRG computations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Physical Review B, Rapid Communications, v. 56 (1997) accepte

    Temperature dependence of optical spectral weights in quarter-filled ladder systems

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    The temperature dependence of the integrated optical conductivity I(T) reflects the changes of the kinetic energy as spin and charge correlations develop. It provides a unique way to explore experimentally the kinetic properties of strongly correlated systems. We calculated I(T) in the frame of a t-J-V model at quarter-filling for ladder systems, like NaV_2O_5, and show that the measured strong T dependence of I(T) for NaV_2O_5 can be explained by the destruction of short range antiferromagnetic correlations. Thus I(T) provides detailed information about super-exchange and magnetic energy scales.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Low-temperature transport in Heisenberg chains

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    A technique to determine accurately transport properties of integrable and non-integrable quantum-spin chains at finite temperatures by Quantum Monte-Carlo is presented. The reduction of the Drude weight by interactions in the integrable gapless regime is evaluated. Evidence for the absence of a Drude weight in the gapless regime of a non-integrable system with longer-ranged interactions is presented. We estimate the effect of the non-integrability on the transport properties and compare with recent experiments on one-dimensional quantum-spin chains.Comment: accepted for publication (PRL

    Nonlinear Optical Response of Spin Density Wave Insulators

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    We calculate the third order nonlinear optical response in the Hubbard model within the spin density wave (SDW) mean field ansatz in which the gap is due to onsite Coulomb repulsion. We obtain closed-form analytical results in one dimension (1D) and two dimension (2D), which show that nonlinear optical response in SDW insulators in 2D is stronger than both 3D and 1D. We also calculate the two photon absorption (TPA) arising from the stress tensor term. We show that in the SDW, the contribution from stress tensor term to the low-energy peak corresponding to two photon absorption becomes identically zero if we consider the gauge invariant current properly.Comment: we use \psfrag in figur

    On the correllation effect in Peierls-Hubbard chains

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    We reexamine the dimerization, the charge and the spin gaps of a half-filled Peierls-Hubbard chain by means of the incremental expansion technique. Our numerical findings are in significant quantitative conflict with recently obtained results by M. Sugiura and Y. Suzumura [J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. v. 71 (2002) 697] based on a bosonization and a renormalization group method, especially with respect to the charge gap. Their approach seems to be valid only in the weakly correlated case.Comment: 7pages,4figures(6eps-files