157 research outputs found

    A Holistic Sustainability Evaluation of Positive Energy Districts - Planetary Boundaries Framing the Transformation of Districts

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    The development of districts requires a distinct understanding of the current situation as well as a vision of future districts to be able to develop suit-able pathways for a sustainable transition. The concept of Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) is one of the main initiatives in Europe for the clean energy transition in the built environment. While PEDs are mainly heading for the energy transition, little is known how they relate to the holistic concept of planetary boundaries (PB). To be able to build representative methodology for sustainability assessment of PEDs as well as define comparable, measurable, and reliable indicators specifically targeted for the district scale, we take a closer look at the concept of PB in order to analyze how this concept can help to establish a holistic sustainability evaluation of PEDs. Below we present an analysis of two PED concepts to discuss their interrelation with the PB concept. Our research is based on literature and document analysis. We iden-tify the need for a comprehensive understanding of the different aspects impacting the sustainability assessment of PEDs. In this sense, although highly advisable, an integrated and systemic approach to the sustainability assessment of PEDs has still not been consolidated and the main environmental, economic, and social pillars are usually treated as separate spheres with limited interlinked issues.publishedVersio

    Implementation of positive energy district concepts and energy master plans for decarbonization of districts

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    In order to achieve a holistic approach to community energy planning for neighbourhoods and districts, it is crucial to provide planners, decision makers, and stakeholders with the necessary methods and instruments. However, there is a research gap in terms of planning and implementation strategies and models. To address this gap, our research used literature and document analysis as well as qualitative interviews to identify implementation models and energy supply options for Positive Energy Districts (PEDs), and to determine which market actors are needed for PEDs. We also discussed the consequences of scaling up the PED concept. Our analysis highlights the importance of integrated energy planning, which is critical for reducing energy consumption, securing the location of energy infrastructure (generation, distribution, storage), and achieving long-term sustainable development and climate neutrality. Therefore, understanding the different dimensions of sustainable development in combination with energy supply and consumption is more important than ever for planning and realizing settlements.publishedVersio

    Implementation of positive energy district concepts and energy master plans for decarbonization of districts

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    In order to achieve a holistic approach to community energy planning for neighbourhoods and districts, it is crucial to provide planners, decision makers, and stakeholders with the necessary methods and instruments. However, there is a research gap in terms of planning and implementation strategies and models. To address this gap, our research used literature and document analysis as well as qualitative interviews to identify implementation models and energy supply options for Positive Energy Districts (PEDs), and to determine which market actors are needed for PEDs. We also discussed the consequences of scaling up the PED concept.Our analysis highlights the importance of integrated energy planning, which is critical for reducing energy consumption, securing the location of energy infrastructure (generation, distribution, storage), and achieving long-term sustainable development and climate neutrality. Therefore, understanding the different dimensions of sustainable development in combination with energy supply and consumption is more important than ever for planning and realizing settlements

    Probing the hydrophobic effect of noncovalent complexes by mass spectrometry

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    The study of noncovalent interactions by mass spectrometry has become an active field of research in recent years. The role of the different noncovalent intermolecular forces is not yet fully understood since they tend to be modulated upon transfer into the gas phase. The hydrophobic effect, which plays a major role in protein folding, adhesion of lipid bilayers, etc., is absent in the gas phase. Here, noncovalent complexes with different types of interaction forces were investigated by mass spectrometry and compared with the complex present in solution. Creatine kinase (CK), glutathione S-transferase (GST), ribonuclease S (RNase S), and leucine zipper (LZ), which have dissociation constants in the nM range, were studied by native nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry (nanoESI-MS) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) combined with chemical cross-linking (XL). Complexes interacting with hydrogen bonds survived the transfer into gas phase intact and were observed by nanoESI-MS. Complexes that are bound largely by the hydrophobic effect in solution were not detected or only at very low intensity. Complexes with mixed polar and hydrophobic interactions were detected by nanoESI-MS, most likely due to the contribution from polar interactions. All noncovalent complexes could easily be studied by XL MALDI-MS, which demonstrates that the noncovalently bound complexes are conserved, and a real "snap-shot” of the situation in solution can be obtaine

    Illuminating opposing performance effects of stressors in innovation teams

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    Despite the clear relevance of stressors for the creative work performed by individuals, how they affect teams in their ability to innovate is poorly understood. Thus, the question as to what kind of, and by which mechanisms, team stressors may give rise to better innovation team performance needs further consideration. We address this issue by applying the challenge–hindrance stressor framework to the team level of analysis in the context of innovation teams. By integrating insights from social identity theory and the attentional focus model, we highlight the importance of identity- and information-based mechanisms in transmitting the differential effects of challenge and hindrance team stressors on the performance of innovation teams. We test our arguments for two of the most prominent indicators of innovation team performance (i.e., team creativity and team efficiency) in a multi-informant sample of team members, team-internal leaders, and team-external managers from 114 innovation teams. Our findings support the opposing effects of challenge and hindrance team stressors in predicting innovation team performance through the two differential mechanisms. Specifically, for team efficiency, both team stressors come with the cost of team task conflict (i.e., the information-based mechanism). However, whereas challenge team stressors enhance collective team identification (i.e., the identity-based mechanism), hindrance team stressors undermine collective team identification, thereby aggravating their already negative effect on team efficiency. In terms of team creativity, our results suggest that both types of team stressors exert their indirect effects solely via the identity-based mechanism. Implications for research and practice are discussed

    Positive energy districts in Norway and Switzerland

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    By looking at different recent developments of PEDs in Switzerland and Norway, we describe the characteristics of national approaches towards PEDs. By deepening the description of two respective case studies in the two countries, we analyzed how PED approaches are implemented within the specific context. We compare the PED concepts, local implementation and functional issues to analyze the approaches. Our research is based on literature and document analysis and qualitative interviews. The results show that different implementation concepts require different measures. From the analysis of the results, the conclusions are that integrated energy planning is more important than ever. Understanding the different dimensions of sustainable development in combination with energy supply and consumption is important to plan and realize settlements that not only contribute significantly to reducing energy consumption and securing the location of energy infrastructure (generation, distribution, storage), but also in terms of long-term sustainable development and specifically climate neutrality. shows/highlight the importance of integrated and cross-sector approaches of PEDs that are implemented and operated in multi-stakeholder settings

    Lehrerbildung und Praxiserfahrung im ersten Berufsjahr und ihre Wirkung auf die Unterrichtskompetenzen von Studierenden und jungen Lehrpersonen im Berufseinstieg

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    Zusammenfassung: Der Beitrag thematisiert die Kompetenzentwicklung im Lehrerstudium und im Übergang in die Berufstätigkeit. Das mehrperspektivisch angelegte Forschungsdesign ermöglichte, zu Beginn (t1), in der Mitte (t2) und am Schluss der Ausbildung (t3) von Studierenden der Primarstufe (1.-6. Klasse) an zwei Pädagogischen Hochschulen in der Schweiz sowie von jungen Lehrpersonen am Anfang (t4) und am Ende des ersten Jahres im Beruf (t5) in insgesamt elf Bereichen Daten zu erheben. Präsentiert werden Ergebnisse von Daten, die in zwei Bereichen zu jedem der fünf Messzeitpunkte aufgenommen wurden: (a) Mit Vignetten wurde das Wissen über das Planen von Unterricht erhoben. (b) In den Praktika während des Studiums sowie im ersten Jahr im Beruf wurden die Versuchspersonen beim Unterrichten auf Video aufgezeichnet. Dieselben Daten wurden mit Praxislehrpersonen erhoben, die maßgeblich an der berufpraktischen Ausbildung der Studierenden beteiligt sind. Die Aussagen zu den Vignetten wurden inhaltsanalytisch ausgewertet. Die Unterrichtsvideos wurden mit niedrig-inferentem Kodieren hinsichtlich des sichtbaren Unterrichtsgeschehens analysiert und mit hoch-inferentem Rating bezüglich der Qualität des Unterrichts beurteilt. Die Ergebnisse, einschließlich jene aus dem Vergleich der Studierenden und Lehrpersonen im ersten Berufsjahr (Novizen) mit den Praxislehrpersonen (Experten), lassen Rückschlüsse auf die Wirksamkeit der Ausbildung zu sowie hinsichtlich der Auswirkungen der Praxiserfahrung im ersten Berufsjahr auf das Wissen über (a) das Planen von Unterricht sowie (b) die Art und die Qualität des Unterrichts, der auf Video aufgenommen wurde. Insgesamt kann der neuen Ausbildung an den beiden Pädagogischen Hochschulen ein erfreulicher Professionalisierungserfolg attestiert werden. Erkennbar wird jedoch auch, wo und inwiefern in Bezug auf die Professionalisierung von Lehrpersonen Entwicklungsbedarf besteh

    (Ko-)konstruktivistisch, kompetenzorientiert und adaptiv unterrichten lernen

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    Die Studie verfolgte das Ziel, videobasiert (ko-)konstruktivistische und kompetenzorientierte, adaptive Lehrkompetenz bei angehenden (IG I) sowie erfahrenen Lehrpersonen, die als Praxislehrpersonen das Quartalspraktikum (QP) der Ersteren betreuen (IG II), zu fördern. Thematisiert wird das Theorie-Praxis-Problem. Mit der dreiteiligen doppelten Intervention lernten angehende und erfahrene Lehrpersonen, Art und Qualität ihres auf Video aufgenommenen Unterrichts wissenschaftsbasiert zu analysieren und zu beurteilen. Zur Verbindung von „Theorie“ und „Praxis“ kamen im Quartalspraktikum (QP) Tools zum Einsatz. Von acht Datenerhebungsinstrumenten zur Überprüfung der Intervention zeigen die präsentierten Ergebnisse zur Selbsteinschätzung der eigenen Lehrkompetenz Anstiege bei beiden Interventionsgruppen. Sie werden jenen von angehenden Lehrpersonen, die die bestehende berufspraktische Ausbildung durchliefen und im QP von Praxislehrpersonen ohne Teilnahme an der Intervention betreut wurden (KG I und II), gegenübergestellt