17 research outputs found

    Comparative evaluation of behaviours, which are related to tv preferences, between students of singular education schools and intelligent education schools

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    Analizamos hábitos asociados al consumo televisivo, comparando los datos obtenidos en un Centro de Acción Educativa Singular con los de un Centro Educativo Inteligente. Realizamos un estudio descriptivo transversal de observación prospectiva en el que participan 187 alumnos con una edad media de 10.04 años y DT = 1.362. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es determinar la influencia que ejerce el tipo de colegio en las dinámicas extraescolares relacionadas con la TV y valorar la asimilación de conductas transmitidas desde cuatro series de animación Encontramos que los discentes del centro ubicado en un barrio marginal prefieren la TV a jugar, no terminan sus deberes por ver TV e identifican mayor número de conductas sexuales inapropiadas. Los alumnos del Centro Educativo Inteligente prefieren jugar y acostarse antes. Encontramos confluencias, en la identificación de conductas sexistas, violentas y que perjudican la salud. Los alumnos de ambos centros reconocen imitar a personajes de TV. Proponemos la realización de talleres conjuntos, actividades de ocio al aire libre y la inclusión de contenidos educativos que permitan, desde la transversalidad, mejorar el uso del televisor y fomentar hábitos saludables.We have analyzed habits that are related to television consumption and contrasted the results and differences between a singular education school and an intelligent education school. We have carried out an investigation in which 187 students have participated, the average age is 10.04 years old and TD=1.362. The main aim of this project is to distinguish what type of education, whether if it is public or not, influences in activities related to TV consumption and how four TV cartoon series affect to the social behaviour of students. On the one hand, we discovered that students from the poor areas prefer watching TV instead of playing or doing homework and they recognize inappropriate sexual behaviour. On the other hand, students from richer areas prefers playing or going to bed early instead of watching TV. We found out a few coincidences between these kids, such as both imitate TV characters or recognize sexual and violence situations that are damaging for health.To sum up, we conclude that organising hands-on working, outdoors activities and incorporating sexual education in schools can help to improve TV consumption and promote healthy habits.peerReviewe

    Knowledge, Fiction, and the Other in Cervantes’s La Gitanilla.

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    In recent years, a number of critics have brought the history of science as well as more contemporary scientific approaches to bear on Spanish baroque literature and culture with positive results (a little pun for you there, Moi). Scholars such Amy Williamsen, David Castillo and Massimo Lollini, Vicente Pérez de León, William Egginton, and Carroll Johnson, among others, have illuminated the struggles taking place between emergent, modern scientific paradigms and residual natural philosophies and how Cervantes’s aesthetic experiments perform and problematize these paradigms and their collisions. The goal of this paper is to reframe these discussions according to contemporary scientific models of inquiry in order to demonstrate how Cervantes’s timely marriage of poiesis and scientific knowledge not only questions early modern assumptions about scientific knowledge but our own as well

    Estudio sobre hábitos nocivos asociados al consumo televisivo en relación con las aficiones practicadas por alumnos de primaria durante su tiempo de ocio

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    Social activities which children develop in their free time are known as a main issue in terms of physical and mental development. We have carried out a study focus on 377 students of Primary Education, who are 8 to 13 years old, the average age is 9.42 and DT = 3.44. After an analysis of the answers we have been given; we can say that, on the one hand, pupils who spend time playing videogames and watching TV, have worse behaviour, stay up later and forget more frequently to do homework. On the other hand, students whose hobby is reading are the one that do less TV consumption. Because all of that we propose to start working with reading workshops and promote arts at school, as a way of decrease the use of TV and videogames.Las actividades desarrolladas durante el tiempo de ocio infantil juegan un papel determinante en el desarrollo físico y mental del discente. Realizamos un estudio descriptivo transversal de observación prospectiva a 377 alumnos matriculados en los Centros de Educación Primaria con edades comprendidas entre los 8 y 13 años (M = 9.42 y la DT = 3.44). Un análisis de las respuestas recibidas a través del medio de contraste de hipótesis, sirve para poner de manifiesto que los alumnos aficionados a los videojuegos y a ver TV son los que más conductas nocivas asimilan, los que más trasnochan y los que, en mayor número de ocasiones, olvidan realizar sus tareas escolares; mientras que los aficionados a la lectura son los que consumen menos horas de TV. Por ello, proponemos talleres de lectura y fomentar el dibujo y las actividades de ocio al aire libre para disminuir el uso del televisor y videojuegos

    Campo abierto

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    Resumen en inglésResumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe analizan los hábitos asociados al consumo televisivo, comparando los datos obtenidos en un Centro de Acción Educativa Singular con los de un Centro Educativo Inteligente. Para ello se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal de observación prospectiva en el que participaron 187 alumnos con una edad media de 10.04 años y DT=1.362. El objetivo del trabajo es determinar la influencia que ejerce el tipo de colegio en las dinámicas extraescolares relacionadas con la televisión y valorar la asimilación de conductas transmitidas desde cuatro series de animación. Se observa que los discentes del centro ubicado en un barrio marginal prefieren la televisión a jugar, no terminan sus deberes por ver la televisión e identifican mayor número de conductas sexuales inapropiadas. Los alumnos del Centro Educativo Inteligente prefieren jugar y acostarse antes. Se encuentran confluencias, en la identificación de conductas sexistas, violentas y que perjudican la salud. Los alumnos de ambos centros reconocen imitar a personajes televisivos. Se propone la realización de talleres conjuntos, actividades de ocio al aire libre y la inclusión de contenidos educativos que permitan, desde la transversalidad, mejorar el uso del televisor y fomentar hábitos saludablesES

    Principis d'avaluació en clínica i salut, setembre 2018

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    Recurs d'aprenentatge de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Material publicat amb llicència Creative Commons passats 6 semestres des de la data de publicació.Recurso de aprendizaje de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Material publicado con licencia Creative Commons pasados 6 semestres desde la fecha de publicación.Learning resource of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Material published under a Creative Commons license after 6 semesters from the date of publication

    Principis d'avaluació en clínica i salut, setembre 2018

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    Recurs d'aprenentatge de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Material publicat amb llicència Creative Commons passats 6 semestres des de la data de publicació.Recurso de aprendizaje de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Material publicado con licencia Creative Commons pasados 6 semestres desde la fecha de publicación.Learning resource of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Material published under a Creative Commons license after 6 semesters from the date of publication

    Permanent postoperative hypoparathyroidism: an analysis of prevalence and predictive factors for adequacy of control in a cohort of 260 patients.

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    Recent guidelines for the treatment of hypoparathyroidism emphasize the need for long-term disease control, avoiding symptoms and hypocalcaemia. Our aim has been to analyze the prevalence of poor disease control in a national cohort of patients with hypoparathyroidism, as well as to evaluate predictive variables of inadequate disease control. From a nation-wide observational study including a cohort of 1792 patients undergoing total thyroidectomy, we selected 260 subjects [207 women and 53 men, aged (mean ± SD) 47.2±14.8 years] diagnosed with permanent hypoparathyroidism. In every patient demographic data and details on surgical procedure, histopathology, calcium (Ca) metabolism, and therapy with Ca and calcitriol were retrospectively collected. A patient was considered not adequately controlled (NAC) if presented symptoms of hypocalcemia or biochemical data showing low serum Ca levels or high urinary Ca excretion. Two hundred and twenty-one (85.0%) patients were adequately controlled (AC) and 39 (15.0%) were NAC. Comparison between AC and NAC patients did not show any significant difference in demographic, surgical, and pathological features. Rate of hospitalization during follow-up was significantly higher among NAC patients in comparison with AC patients (35.9% vs. 10.9%, P In a nation-wide cohort of 260 subjects with definitive hypoparathyroidism, 15% of them had poor disease control. These patients required higher doses of oral Ca and calcitriol, had higher rate of hospitalization during follow-up and showed lower PTH concentrations in the postoperative period

    Prevalence and risk factors for hypoparathyroidism following total thyroidectomy in Spain: a multicentric and nation-wide retrospective analysis

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    [Purpose]: The prevalence of postoperative hypoparathyroidism has been studied in registries and in surgical series with highly variable and imprecise results. However, the frequency of this hormonal deficiency in the clinical practice of endocrinologists is not known with accuracy. We aimed to assess the prevalence and risk factors of hypoparathyroidism in patients undergoing total thyroidectomy in Spain. [Methods]: We designed a retrospective, multicentre and nation-wide protocol including all patients with total thyroidectomy who were seen in the endocrinology clinic of the participant centers from January to March 2018. Prevalence of hypoparathyroidism was evaluated at discharge of surgery, 3–6 months after surgery, 12 months after surgery and at last visit. Twenty hospitals participated in the study. [Results]: Of 1792 patients undergoing total thyroidectomy, 866 (48.3%) developed postoperative hypoparathyroidism at discharge of surgery. Most of them recover parathyroid function over time. Prevalence of hypoparathyroidism at 3–6 months, 12 months and at last visit was 22.9%, 16.7% and 14.5%, respectively. The risk of developing definitive hypoparathyroidism was related to the presence of parathyroid tissue at histology, lymph node dissection, and two-stage thyroidectomy. Patients with thyroid cancer, with higher postoperative calcium levels and treated by expert surgical teams exhibited lower risk of developing permanent hypoparathyroidism. [Conclusions]: Although most patients with postsurgical hypoparathyroidism recover parathyroid function, the prevalence of permanent disease in clinical practice is non negligible (14.5%). Postoperative calcium, extent and timing of surgery, the presence of cancer, expert surgical team, and parathyroid tissue at histology are predictors of permanent hypoparathyroidism

    XV Congreso de Investigación de Estudiantes de Grado en Ciencias de la Salud. XIX Congreso de Ciencias Veterinarias y Biomédicas: trabajos premiados.

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    Trabajos premiados de investigación (clínica, básica) o revisión bibliográfica, en temas relacionados con las Ciencias de la Salud, realizados por alumnos de Grado principalmente de las titulaciones de Biología, Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos, Enfermería, Farmacia, Fisioterapia, Logopedia, Medicina, Nutrición Humana y Dietética, Odontología, Óptica y Optometría, Podología, Psicología, Terapia Ocupacional y Veterinaria.DecanatoFac. de OdontologíaFac. de Ciencias BiológicasFac. de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y PodologíaFac. de FarmaciaFac. de MedicinaFac. de Óptica y OptometríaFac. de PsicologíaFac. de VeterinariaTRUEpu