67 research outputs found

    Media E-Book Berbasis Problem Based Learning dalam Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi

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    Pada era digital seperti saat ini, penggunaan media pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan teknologi sangat membantu proses pembelajaran, siswa dapat dengan mudah mencari sumber belajar dengan tidak menjadikan guru sebagai sumber belajar satu-satunya. Namun, kenyataannya terdapat sekolah dengan fasilitas komputer yang memadai tetapi sumber belajarnya masih mengacu pada buku teks. Agar pembelajaran dapat memanfaatkan berbagai perkembangan teknologi sebagai sumber belajar yang beragam, maka perlu adanya media pembelajaran e-booksehingga hasil belajar siswa dapat berjalan lebih optimal. Mata pelajaran ekonomi adalah cabang ilmu sosial yang terus-menerus mengalami perkembangan, sehingga dibutuhkan media yang mengupdate berita terkini untuk mempermudah siswa dalam belajar.Proses pembelajaran dibutuhkan model pembelajaran yang tepat untuk mengimbangi penggunaan media e-book. Dalam kurikulum 2013, Problem Based Learning (PBL) adalah model pembelajaran yang diterapkan sebagai salah satu cara agar siswa berpikir untuk memecahkan suatu permasalahan yang terjadi. Model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) sangat cocok diterapkan dalam pembelajaran ekonomi dengan dihadirkannya berbagai kasus sosial yang terjadi saat ini, siswa terbiasa berpikir dalam memecahkan masalah dan memberikan solusi terbaik dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut.Metode penelitian dilakukan menggunakan studi literatur dengan mengkaji penelitian terdahulu yang relevan, dan bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh dari penggunaan media pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan teknologi. Berdasarkan penelitian ini diketahui bahwa penggunaan media E-Book berbasis Problem Based Learning sangat efektif dalam pembelajaran ekonomi


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    This study analyzes what drives Radicalism in Indonesia. Many argue between groups about their respective understandings, even though they are of the same religion. In today's era, this is good news for us, because knowledge in the fields of technology, science, medicine, progress very rapidly for Muslims, but in the field of morals, morals, social and even economics in Islam, it has a negative impact on radicals. This is because the group monitors their religious texts or texts based on their ratios or lusts without wanting to look at the arguments of naqli or aqli, so that in appreciating the ratio they often go too far. Keywords: Causing Factors, Radicalis

    Sufism and Pesantren as the Part of Our Islamic and Indonesian Identity

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    Tasawuf or Sufism in pesantren is an important material teaching that Muslims in Indonesia are very familiar. Historically, this social reality is important to understand that the beginning of Islamization here has put forward the nuances of Sufism. Saints and ulama such as  Walisongo in Java are teachers of Islamic religion who have a very Sufistic nuance in their teachings. They attach great importance to this esoteric aspect of religion. The characteristic of Sufism that they spread is Ghazalian centric and accommodate social smoothness. In this way, the characteristic of their Sufism can still be integrated with the existing local cultures, so that their wisdom and religiosity can provide peace and enlightenment as well as harmony with the social realities and locality. This article wants to introduce the characteristic of Sufism and the role of pesantren as exemplified by the saints (Walis) in Java as an "introductory" paper. This article intends to study the wisdom of the saints (Walis) in Java and the pioneers of the pesantren world in spreading islamicity. They have been chummy to Sufism for a long time in opening wide a model of islamicity and Indonesian identity. In this Context we can understand that Sufism is not only a complement learning of kalam and fiqh, but also has been part of religiosity in this country for a long time. The smoothness of Sufism is important to transform a model of Islamicity that is more tolerant, calm, friendly, and more Indonesian

    Peningkatan proses pembelajaran dan penilaian pembelajaran abad 21 dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran SMK

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    Kebijakan yang relevan dan baik selalu ditopang oleh suatu kajian yang baik pula. Artinya selalu ada korelasi positif antara suatu kajian yang berbasis penelitian akademik dengan kebijakan apa yang diambil. Tentu dalam konteks ini adalah yang ada kaitannya dengan pengembangan SMK ke depannya. Kajian NSPK ini bertujuan tidak lain untuk menjawab hal tersebut. Tuntutan pembaharuan kebijakan ditengah arus dan gelombang modernisasi yang semakin dinamis sangat diperlukan terlebih perkembangan revolusi Industri sudah mencapai 4.0 yang berbasis cyber physical system ini. Revolusi industrisangat memiliki keterkaitan dengan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan salah satunya pada aspek penggunaan peralatan praktik sebagai penunjang kompetensi siswa. Inti dari praktik siswa adalah memberikan kemampuan practical dalam penguasaan penggunaan peralatan praktik, semakin alat yang dimiliki relevan dengan perkembangan zaman semakin membantu pula peserta didik dalam upgrading skill-nya

    Rethinking the Position of Islam and Indonesianness Amid Hopes for the Emergence of Multipolar Powers

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    Globalization in the plurality of cultures and civilizations is a reality that cannot be denied in today's life. It's just that when the power played by the global world has been dominated by unipolar forces. What happens in it is an imbalance in various sectors of life, be it economic, political, socio-cultural, and physical-military. It is this unipolar power that, according to the author, is currently "forcing" the course of capitalistic-secularistic culture and civilization with the support of military power. From this kind of condition, it is necessary to create alternative multipolar energy to create global justice in the political, economic, and socio-cultural fields. In this short introduction, the author tries to reflect on and question our competitive position or our Islamic and Indonesian position during the siege of unipolar forces. This rethinking is a hope for the emergence of real multipolar power so that our position as a nation with the largest Muslim population can become a hope of contribution in offering culture and hope for the emergence of a new global ethic or spirituality for a new world order that is better for all parties

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Katalog untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi di SMA NEGERI 5 Surakarta

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    The purpose of this research is 1) to develop media based learning catalog valid for improving student learning outcomes and 2) to know the effectiveness of media based learning catalog quick to improving student learning outcomes on economic subject in the SMA N 5 Surakarta. This research is research method and development (R&D). Data collection techniques are used observation, interview, questionnaires, test and document. The result of development of research based instructional media catalog create more effective learning, and motivate students create creative ideas in learning can improving student learning outcomes. Catalogue-based learning media posttest results of the economic value of the learning outcomes of students of class XII S2 and XII S3 between class control and class experiments showed that the average posttest control group is 79,22 while the average posttest experiment class is 82,66. Once in the t-test analysis using IBM SPSS 21 software obtained significance value of 0,019 > a (0,05), which showed that H1 results of experimental class better than the control class with significant differences. Based on the results of the learning outcomes of economic value posttest control class and experimental class also analyzed by t-test formula. Price t obtained from posttest control class and experiment class is 2,404 with a price t table is 1,999. Thus t price > t table, means an increasing in economic class student learning outcomes experiment better than the control class. This shows that media-based learning catalog results further enhance the development of the economic value of student learning outcomes compared with no use of instructional media as before. The conclusion of this research is based instructional media valid catalog for increasing learning results and based instructional media effective catalog for increasing the results learning

    Rethinking the Position of Islam and Indonesianness Amid Hopes for the Emergence of Multipolar Powers

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    Globalization in the plurality of cultures and civilizations is a reality that cannot be denied in today's life. It's just that when the power played by the global world has been dominated by unipolar forces. What happens in it is an imbalance in various sectors of life, be it economic, political, socio-cultural, and physical-military. It is this unipolar power that, according to the author, is currently "forcing" the course of capitalistic-secularistic culture and civilization with the support of military power. From this kind of condition, it is necessary to create alternative multipolar energy to create global justice in the political, economic, and socio-cultural fields. In this short introduction, the author tries to reflect on and question our competitive position or our Islamic and Indonesian position during the siege of unipolar forces. This rethinking is a hope for the emergence of real multipolar power so that our position as a nation with the largest Muslim population can become a hope of contribution in offering culture and hope for the emergence of a new global ethic or spirituality for a new world order that is better for all parties

    Media Pembelajaran Video Tutorial Sebagai Suplemen Pendukung dalam Pembelajaran di SMK

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    Pendidikan Abad 21 dihadapkan pada sejumlah tantangan dan peluang yang dituntut untuk terus – menerus melakukan antisipasi dan penyesuaian diri agar dapat menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas. Pendidikan Abad 21 ditandai dengan perkembangan teknologi yang luar biasa pesat sehingga dunia pendidikan harus selalu meningkatkan mutu pendidikan melalui berbagai macam usaha dan pembaharuan yang inovatif. Salah satu usaha dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan adalah dengan melalui proses pembelajaran yang efektif dan dengan menggunakan atau mengembangkan media pembelajaran yang menarik. Salah satu sumber belajar yang dapat digunakan oleh siswa adalah dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran video tutorial. Video tutorial dapat dijadikan sebagai supleman pendukung sebagai solusi dalam mengahasilkan proses pembelajaran efektif. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan video tutorial sebagai suplemen pendukung dalam pembelajaran. Gagasan ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dengan metode pengumpulan data studi kepustakaan dari berbagai sumber. Berdasarkan hasil penulisan dari berbagai sumber diketahui bahwa proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan video tutorial layak dijadikan sebagai suplemen pendukung. Oleh karena itu, kedepannya perlu dilakukan pembelajaran maupun pembaharuan media pembelajaran video tutorial khususnya di SMK


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    Purpose of the study: This research aims to find out 1) the facts of electronic internship monitoring and 2) the practicality of using android-based electronic monitoring in the vocational student internship program. Methodology: The method applied in this research is a descriptive qualitative thorough survey on the implementation of electronic internship training. The respondents were the teachers at Public Vocational High School 1 Mondokan as the supervisors of the student internship program. The instrument used was a questionnaire for the implementation of e-monPrakerin. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis with percentages. Main findings: The results of the research show that Android-based electronic monitoring of internship. 1) facilitates monitoring; 2) is practical, with very high criteria (83,08%). An electronic monitoring internship based on Android is more practical according to the response from the internship supervisor. The implication of this study: The concept of electronic monitoring is easily understood by the supervisor. There are very few errors in using the features. The internship monitoring application the supervisor has already understood a guide before guiding the students. Novelty/Originality of this study: The novelty of this study lies in the strategy of monitoring electronically, this provides new insight in apprenticeship supervision compared to conventional apprenticeship supervision. Conventional monitoring is considered less effective because there are weaknesses


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    Purpose of the study: This study aims to find out the implementation of electronic monitoring of internship (e-monPrakerin) in industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 and user satisfaction in using e-monPrakerin android-based in monitoring internship of vocational students. Methodology: The research method is a descriptive survey of the use of e-monPrakerin for electronic internship monitoring. Respondents are the teachers at Mondokan 1 Vocational High School as supervisors of the student internship program. The instrument used was the USE questionnaire for e-monPrakerin implementation. Data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis with percentages. Main Findings: The results showed that the use of an e-monPrakerin android-based system for electronic internship monitoring 1) good use (74.52%); 2) good ease of use (80.09%); 3) it's easy to learn (84.94%); 4) users are very satisfied (81.97%). Electronic internship monitoring using Android-based e-monPrakerin satisfies application users. Applications of this study: Implementation of research results can be used to monitor students' industrial work practices so that their implementation can be monitored effectively and efficiently. Novelty/Originality of this study: Facing the disruption era of the industrial revolution 4.0, all activities were carried out by utilizing information technology, at a lower cost and a high level of quality. The e-monPrakerin model was created to answer these challenges on the basis of information technology so that it can save costs, be more practical, faster, and of high quality
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