333 research outputs found

    A rare telson anomaly in \u3cem\u3eParabuthus liosoma\u3c/em\u3e (Ehrenberg, 1828) (Scorpiones: Buthidae)

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    A rare anomaly of telson vesicle with two functional aculei is observed and discussed in a Parabuthus liosoma (Ehrenberg, 1828) specimen collected from Jizan, Saudi Arabia

    Signatures of unresolved binaries in stellar spectra: implications for spectral fitting

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    The observable spectrum of an unresolved binary star system is a superposition of two single-star spectra. Even without a detectable velocity offset between the two stellar components, the combined spectrum of a binary system is in general different from that of either component, and fitting it with single-star models may yield inaccurate stellar parameters and abundances. We perform simple experiments with synthetic spectra to investigate the effect of unresolved main-sequence binaries on spectral fitting, modeling spectra similar to those collected by the APOGEE, GALAH, and LAMOST surveys. We find that fitting unresolved binaries with single-star models introduces systematic biases in the derived stellar parameters and abundances that are modest but certainly not negligible, with typical systematic errors of 300K300\,\rm K in TeffT_{\rm eff}, 0.1 dex in logg\log g, and 0.1 dex in [Fe/H][\rm Fe/H] for APOGEE-like spectra of solar-type stars. These biases are smaller for spectra at optical wavelengths than in the near-infrared. We show that biases can be corrected by fitting spectra with a binary model, which adds only two labels to the fit and includes single-star models as a special case. Our model provides a promising new method to constrain the Galactic binary population, including systems with single-epoch spectra and no detectable velocity offset between the two stars.Comment: Accept to MNRAS with minor revisions since v1. 7 pages, 5 figure

    Breathing FIRE: How Stellar Feedback Drives Radial Migration, Rapid Size Fluctuations, and Population Gradients in Low-Mass Galaxies

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    We examine the effects of stellar feedback and bursty star formation on low-mass galaxies (Mstar=2×1065×1010MM_{\rm star}=2\times10^6-5\times10^{10}{\rm M_{\odot}}) using the FIRE (Feedback in Realistic Environments) simulations. While previous studies emphasized the impact of feedback on dark matter profiles, we investigate the impact on the stellar component: kinematics, radial migration, size evolution, and population gradients. Feedback-driven outflows/inflows drive significant radial stellar migration over both short and long timescales via two processes: (1) outflowing/infalling gas can remain star-forming, producing young stars that migrate 1kpc\sim1{\rm\,kpc} within their first 100Myr100 {\rm\,Myr}, and (2) gas outflows/inflows drive strong fluctuations in the global potential, transferring energy to all stars. These processes produce several dramatic effects. First, galaxies' effective radii can fluctuate by factors of >2>2 over 200Myr\sim200 {\rm\,Myr}, and these rapid size fluctuations can account for much of the observed scatter in radius at fixed Mstar.M_{\rm star}. Second, the cumulative effects of many outflow/infall episodes steadily heat stellar orbits, causing old stars to migrate outward most strongly. This age-dependent radial migration mixes---and even inverts---intrinsic age and metallicity gradients. Thus, the galactic-archaeology approach of calculating radial star-formation histories from stellar populations at z=0z=0 can be severely biased. These effects are strongest at Mstar1079.6MM_{\rm star}\approx10^{7-9.6}{\rm M_{\odot}}, the same regime where feedback most efficiently cores galaxies. Thus, detailed measurements of stellar kinematics in low-mass galaxies can strongly constrain feedback models and test baryonic solutions to small-scale problems in Λ\LambdaCDM.Comment: Accepted to ApJ (820, 131) with minor revisions from v1. Figure 4 now includes dark matter. Main results in Figures 7 and 1

    Discovery and Characterization of 3000+ Main-Sequence Binaries from APOGEE Spectra

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    We develop a data-driven spectral model for identifying and characterizing spatially unresolved multiple-star systems and apply it to APOGEE DR13 spectra of main-sequence stars. Binaries and triples are identified as targets whose spectra can be significantly better fit by a superposition of two or three model spectra, drawn from the same isochrone, than any single-star model. From an initial sample of \sim20,000 main-sequence targets, we identify \sim2,500 binaries in which both the primary and secondary star contribute detectably to the spectrum, simultaneously fitting for the velocities and stellar parameters of both components. We additionally identify and fit \sim200 triple systems, as well as \sim700 velocity-variable systems in which the secondary does not contribute detectably to the spectrum. Our model simplifies the process of simultaneously fitting single- or multi-epoch spectra with composite models and does not depend on a velocity offset between the two components of a binary, making it sensitive to traditionally undetectable systems with periods of hundreds or thousands of years. In agreement with conventional expectations, almost all the spectrally-identified binaries with measured parallaxes fall above the main sequence in the color-magnitude diagram. We find excellent agreement between spectrally and dynamically inferred mass ratios for the \sim600 binaries in which a dynamical mass ratio can be measured from multi-epoch radial velocities. We obtain full orbital solutions for 64 systems, including 14 close binaries within hierarchical triples. We make available catalogs of stellar parameters, abundances, mass ratios, and orbital parameters.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS with minor revisions since v1. 19 pages, 12 figures, plus Appendice

    Evolution of supernovae-driven superbubbles with conduction and cooling

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    We use spherically symmetric hydrodynamic simulations to study the dynamical evolution and internal structure of superbubbles (SBs) driven by clustered supernovae (SNe), focusing on the effects of thermal conduction and cooling in the interface between the hot bubble interior and cooled shell. Our simulations employ an effective diffusivity to account for turbulent mixing from nonlinear instabilities that are not captured in 1D. The conductive heat flux into the shell is balanced by a combination of cooling in the interface and evaporation of shell gas into the bubble interior. This evaporation increases the density, and decreases the temperature, of the SB interior by more than an order of magnitude relative to simulations without conduction. However, most of the energy conducted into the interface is immediately lost to cooling, reducing the evaporative mass flux required to balance conduction. As a result, the evaporation rate is typically a factor of \sim3-30 lower than predicted by the classical similarity solution of Weaver et al. (1977), which neglects cooling. Blast waves from the first \sim30 SNe remain supersonic in the SB interior because reduced evaporation from the interface lowers the mass they sweep up in the hot interior. Updating the Weaver solution to include cooling, we construct a new analytic model to predict the cooling rate, evaporation rate, and temporal evolution of SBs. The cooling rate, and hence the hot gas mass, momentum, and energy delivered by SBs, is set by the ambient ISM density and the efficiency of nonlinear mixing at the bubble/shell interface.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures, plus appendices. Accepted to MNRA

    Analyzing white dwarf + white dwarf binaries with Gaia trigonometric parallaxes

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    White dwarfs (WDs) have been used as chronometers to age date the solar neighborhood, open clusters, globular clusters, and even the Galactic halo field population. The availability of highly accurate and precise Gaia trigonometric parallaxes along with nearly all-sky, homogenous photometric surveys (SDSS, Pan-STARRS) now allows us to improve the precision in WD ages. We report on the consistency of ages among seven WD+WD binaries, run through BASE-9 individually and in pairs. BASE-9 uses Bayesian analysis to estimate the values for stellar parameters, such as age, distance, and metallicity. We found that using Gaia\u27s parallaxes with binary systems constrains the errors in these estimations, by lowering uncertainties and constraining the ages and distances of the systems