30 research outputs found

    Hubungan antara Konsentrasi Cr(VI) dan Sifat Kimia Tanah: Informasi Awal untuk Remediasi Lahan Bekas Tambang di Kalimantan Selatan

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    Relationship Between Concentration of Cr(VI) and Soil Chemical Characteristics: Preliminary Information for Remediation of Ex-mined Lands in the South Kalimantan (A.R. Saidy and Badruzsaufari): High concentration of heavy metals is frequently observed as an effect of mining activity. In order to determine relationship between concentration of Cr(VI) in ex-mined land and soil chemical characteristics, 15 of soils were sampled from ex-coal and chromate mined-lands in the South Kalimantan Province. Result of the experiment revealed that soils from the ex-mined lands contained 700 - 2645 mg Cr kg-1 soil. This research also showed that 0,73-1,35% of total Cr in these soils exist in the form of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) that is toxic and carcinogen. Concentration of Cr(VI) in these soils were correlated significantly with soil pH in which increasing soil pH would lead to increase in concentration of Cr(VI). In addition, increasing in soil organic carbon will be followed by decreasing concentration of Cr(VI). Relationship between concentration of Cr(VI) and soil pH and organic carbon content could be useful for preliminary information for Cr reclamation of ex-mined lands

    Ectomycorrhizal Fungi on South Kalimantan Serpentine Soil

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    Serpentine soil contains highly heavy metals, such as manganese, chromium, cobalt, and nickel,which could bean inappropriate growthmediaofmostplants. Someplants thatfound able to grow optimally on South Kalimantan serpentine soil have been known to do association with ectomycorrhizal fungi. This research aimed to obtain and characterize mushrooms assumed as ectomycorrhizal fungi indigenous South Kalimantan serpentine soil. This study used field exploration of fungal fruiting bodies and identified the genus based on morphological characters of fruiting bodies such as shape, size, and ornamentation, which are unique for the genus identification, then compared the characteristics on mushroomexpert.com. The mushrooms were also confirmed of genera assumed as ectomycorrhizal fungi based on mycorrhizas.info. Seven fruiting bodies were obtained and classified as Cantharellus (Ct), Chlorophyllum (Ch1 and Ch2), Lycoperdon (Ly), Ramaria (Rm1 and Rm2), and Thelephora (Tp). The results showed that all of those fruiting bodies belong to Basidiomycetes. There were 4 genera of Cantharellus, Lycoperdon, Ramaria, and Thelephora, assumed as ectomycorrhizal fungi. But Chlorophyllum genus was never reported as ectomycorrhizal fungu

    Genetic Diversity of Elephant Foot Yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius) and Two Other Relatives from the Meratus Mountains of South Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius) is a tuber crop with high economic value, so it is very prospective to be developed. This study aimed to characterize and determine the genetic diversity and relationship of A. paeoniifolius and two other relatives from the Meratus Mountains of South Kalimantan, Indonesia, using the rbcL marker. Eight samples of A. paeoniifolius and three other ones (outgroups), two of A. muelleri and one of A. borneensis, were used in the study. The genetic diversity was determined using the nucleotide diversity index (π), whereas the phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed using the Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Neighbor-Joining (NJ) methods. The results show that this germplasm has a high diversity at an inter-species level of 0.95% and a low at intra-species (0.33%). The phylogenetic analyses revealed that Amorphophallus from this region separated into different clades, three for NJ and one for ML. In this case, A. paeoniifolius var. sylvestris from Bati-Bati, Tanah Laut is closely related to A. paeoniifolius var. hortensis from Marajai, Balangan. In conclusion, although Amorphophallus from the Meratus Mountains of South Kalimantan, Indonesia, shows a high diversity at an inter-species level, the phylogenetic analyses revealed a unique relationship. This finding is expected to be a reference in supporting efforts to conserve, cultivate, and utilize sustainable Amorphophallus, globally and locally, particularly for the Dayak Meratus community of the South Kalimantan, Indonesia.

    Hubungan Kekerabatan Fenetik Beberapa Varietas Pisang Lokal Kalimantan Selatan

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    Hubungan kekerabatan fenetik pisang dapat diketahui dengan teknik analisis kromosom akar pisang, yaitu dengan membuat kariotipe kromosom sehingga jenis genom dan tingkat ploidi kromosom pisang terlihat dengan jelas. Selain itu, jenis genom dan tingkat ploidi kromosom pisang dapat ditentukan dengan metode skoring berdasarkan ekspresi fenotif Musa acuminata dan Musa balbisiana. Kesemua varietas lokal pisang Ka-limantan Selatan, yaitu pisang Ambon, pisang Mahuli, pisang Palembang dan pisang Raja tidak berkerabat dekat. Pisang Ambon bergenom AAA dengan subgroup Cavendish, pisang Mahuli bergenom AA dengan subgroup pisang Mas dan pisang Raja memiliki genom ABB dan termasuk subgroup Kepok. Untuk pisang Pa-lembang, tidak dapat diketahui genom dan subgroupnya karena analisis kromosom akar pisangnya tidak jelas

    Development of Science Handouts Based on Critical Thinking Skills on the Topic of the Human Digestive System

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    Improving the achievement of competencies which are indicators in the study of the quality of education in Indonesia, can be done by procuring quality and innovative teaching materials. This study aims to develop a science learning handout on the human digestive system to improve critical thinking skills for class VIII SMP. Development is done by (Educational Design Research). This study aims to develop a science learning handout on the human digestive system to improve critical thinking skills for class VIII SMP. This article describes the results of the validity and practicality of science learning handouts on the human digestive system. The instrument used in this study was a validity and practicality questionnaire. Data analysis techniques include descriptive data analysis, validation sheets, and questionnaires. The handout validation sheet is given to 5 validators. Instead, 31 grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 5 Banjarmasin were given practice sheets. The results of the validity questionnaire analysis concluded that the validity of the handout was 3.67 very valid categories. Practicality test of content average of 87.41 was obtained in the very practical category. The results of the practicality test of expectations average of 87.78 in the very practical category. Finally, the actual practicality test results average of 85.65 with a very practical category. This means that science handouts are valid and practical in the learning process to practice critical thinking skillsPeningkatan pencapaian kompetensi yang menjadi indikator dalam kajian mutu pendidikan di Indonesia, dapat dilakukan dengan pengadaan bahan ajar yang berkualitas dan inovatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan materi pembelajaran IPA tentang sistem pencernaan manusia untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa kelas VIII SMP. Pengembangan dilakukan dengan (Penelitian Desain Pendidikan). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan materi pembelajaran IPA tentang sistem pencernaan manusia untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa kelas VIII SMP. Artikel ini memaparkan hasil validitas dan kepraktisan materi pembelajaran IPA pada sistem pencernaan manusia. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah walkthrough dan angket. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket validitas dan kepraktisan. Teknik analisis data meliputi analisis data deskriptif, lembar validasi, dan angket. Lembar validasi modul diberikan kepada 5 validator. Sebagai gantinya, lembar latihan diberikan kepada 31 siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 5 Banjarmasin. Hasil analisis validitas angket menyimpulkan bahwa validitas handout adalah 3,67 kategori sangat valid. Kuesioner kepraktisan mendapat skor 88,12 dalam kategori sangat praktis. Artinya handout IPA valid dan praktis dalam proses pembelajaran untuk melatih keterampilan berpikir kritis

    Development of Student Worksheets on Biology Topics Based on Critical Thinking Skills

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    This study aims to develop student worksheets based on critical thinking skills for seventh-grade students in junior high school. Development is carried out by means of Education Design Research (EDR). This article describes the results of the validity and practicality of worksheets based on critical thinking skills. The data collection technique used is a test questionnaire. The instruments used in this study were students' validity and practicality questionnaires. Data analysis techniques include analysis of data validity, data, and practicality (practical content, expectations, and actual). The worksheets validation sheet based on critical thinking skills was given to 5 validators consisting of 3 education experts and 2 science teachers in public junior high school 12 Banjarmasin. Three students filled out the questionnaire on the practicality of the contents of the worksheets through the one to one evaluation test, nine students filled out the practicality of the expectations of the worksheets through the small group evaluation test, and thirty-two students of the developed worksheets filled out the actual practicality of the worksheets. The results of the analysis of the validity of the questionnaire concluded that the validity of the worksheets was 3.60 valid categories. The results of the practicality of the contents are 3.84 in the practical category, the practicality of hope is 95.90 in the practical category, and the actual practicality is 96.06 in the practical category. This means that the worksheets based on critical thinking skills are valid and practical in the learning process to practice critical thinking skillsPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan LKPD berbasis keterampilan berpikir kritis untuk kelas VII SMP. Pengembangan dilakukan melalui Education Design Research (EDR). Artikel ini memaparkan hasil validitas dan kepraktisan LKPD berbasis keterampilan berpikir kritis. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes angket. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket validitas dan kepraktisan peserta didik. Teknik analisis data meliputi analisis validitas dan kepraktisan (isi praktis, harapan, dan aktual). Lembar validasi LKPD berbasis keterampilan berpikir kritis diberikan kepada 5 orang validator yang terdiri dari 3 orang ahli pendidikan dan 2 orang guru IPA di SMP Negeri 12 Banjarmasin. Tiga peserta didik mengisi angket kepraktisan isi LKPD melalui uji coba perorangan, sembilan peserta didik mengisi kepraktisan harapan LKPD melalui uji coba kelompok kecil, dan tiga puluh dua peserta didik pengisian angket kepraktisan aktual LKPD. Hasil analisis validitas angket menyimpulkan bahwa validitas LKPD adalah 3,60 dengan kategori valid. Hasil kepraktisan isi 3,84 pada kategori praktis, kepraktisan harapan 3,82 pada kategori praktis, dan kepraktisan aktual 3,83 pada kategori praktis. Artinya LKPD berbasis keterampilan berpikir kritis valid dan praktis dalam proses pembelajaran untuk melatihkan keterampilan berpikir kritis


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    Phylogenetic analysis of mangoes species using the nucleotide sequences of 5.8S rRNA genes aimed to determine the cladistics and evolution of kinship amongst the species of the genus Mangifera to support the conservation and breeding efforts of local endemics of South Kalimantan. The analysis involved 23 nucleotide sequences of the 5.8S rRNA gene obtained from the GeneBank of NCBI which were aligned and trimmed into 655 bp using MEGA X software. The Kimura-2 parameter model and  Maximum-Likelihood method used to construct a monophyletic tree of 4 clades. Clade I consists of M. torquenda, M. sumatrana, M. kemanga, M. quadrifida, M. griffithii, M. casturi, M. lalijiwa, M. macrocarpa, M. flava, M. gracilipes, M. pentandra and M. caloneura. Clade II consists of M. foetida, M. cochinchinensis, M. gedebe, M. oblongifolia, M. indica, M. laurina, M. sylvatica, and M. zeylanica. Clade III only consists of M. andamanica. Clade IV consists of M. odorata and M. camptosperma. The closest kinship occurred between M. odorata and M. camptosperma and the farthest kinship was M. camptosperma. M. andamanica has the farthest evolutionary distance with the longest branch


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    South Kalimantan is an area with abundant biodiversity, especially vegetable and medicinal commodities. Shark chili is one of the varieties of cayenne pepper (Capsicum frustescens L.) which is a typical commodity from South Kalimantan. Shark chili is a local chili commodity that has been named the hottest chili in Indonesia. The aim of this research is to distinguish the morphology of the chili chili with other varieties of cayenne pepper found in Indonesia based on morphological and special characters for further analysis of the genetic relationship. The diversity of chilies in the genus Capsicum is quite diverse so that in the division of chili species is further divided among several varieties or cultivars. Shark chili varieties with Nirmala varieties showed the highest similarity coefficient results compared to other chili varieties with a value of 6.32 while the value of the similarity coefficient of sharks with the lowest cadets with a value of 3.74. Environmental factors where cultivars grow differently even though they have the same place of origin and the adaptive nature of the genotype can affect the different appearance caused by the phenotypic emergent traits