13 research outputs found

    30 artistas / 40 curadores Práctica de taller y problemáticas contemporáneas

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    Este texto es una reflexión sobre el proceso de gestación de la muestra “30 artistas/40 curadores” producida por los alumnos del año 2015 de la cátedra, como culminación de la práctica curatorial anual para la cual invitaron, a los docentes de la casa, a exponer la primera producción que consideraron obra junto a la más reciente.This text is a reflection on the process that gave birth to the exhibition titled “30 artists / 40 curators”, put together by the students of the 2015 course as closing activity of the assignments on the subject of curation. They invited the teaching staff to show two pieces: one being their so-called first artwork, the other a recent one.Badra, Majo. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina.Rocío, Blati. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina.Echen, Roberto. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina.Muntaabski, Paula. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina.Pissinis, Florencia. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina.Ricci, Georgina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina

    Yeyunostomía de alimentación en cirugía. Contribución técnica y experiencia

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    The necessity to maintain the nutritional integrity in patients subjected to major surgery of the superior digestive tract has been broadly accepted. The enteral nutrition for yeyunostorny is accepted as more physiologic, sure and effective than the parenteral one. Materials ami Method: 171 yeyunostomies were indicated in: 151 patients with rnahignant neoplasm of the superior digestivelract, 15 with infected pancreatíc necrosis, 3 hi le-duodenum-pancreatic traumatisms and in 1 stenosis for gastroesophagic reflux.Depending on the pathological type, a yeyunostorny using the Witzell technique was carried out with either local or generalanesthesia ata 15 to 20 cm. of the Treitz angle. To facihitate the fixation of the catheter and to avoid the stenosis of the jejunum we have incorporated, as an original technical detail, the proximal serous section with cold scalpel in about 4 cm, that is to say in the sector to be tunneled. Results: There was not mortality in relation to the yeyunostomy. Among the minor complications we crnphasize the abdominal distension, cohic pain and diarrhea, situations that were reverted, controlling the debit and the feedi ng characteri sties. This approach could be maintained for period of 2 months and in sorne cases at home.Conclusions: Wc emphasize the great importance of the enteral feeding for yeyunostomy, for its of easy handling, securityand low cost that, together with the suggested technical detail, has allowed us to obtain a deeding road almost without inherentcomplications.La necesidad de mantener la integridad nutricional en pacientes sometidos a cirugía mayor del tracto digestivo superior ha sidoampliamente reconocida. La nutrición enteral por yeyunostomía se acepta como más fisiológica, segura y eficaz que la parenteral. Materiales y Método: 171 yeyunostomías fueron indicadas en 15 1 pacientes con neoplasias malignas del tracto digestivo superior, 15 necrosis pancreáticas infectadas, 3 traumatismos hi ho-duodeno-pancreáticos y una estenosis por reflujo gastroesofágico. Dependiendo del tipo de patología se realizó con anestesia, local o general, una veyunostomía a lo Witzell a 15 020cm. del ángulo de Treitz. Para facilitar la fijación del catéter y evitar la estenosis del yeyuno hemos incorporado como detalle técnico original la sección serosa proxirnal con bisturí frío en unos 4 cm, es decir en el sector a tunelizar. Resultados: No hubo mortalidad en relación a la yeyunostomía. Entre las complicaciones menores destacamos la distención abdominal, dolor eólico y diarrea, situaciones que revirtieron controlando el débito y las características de la alimentación. Esta vía pudo ser mantenida hasta por un período de 2 meses y en algunos casos a domicilio. Conclusiones: Destacamos la gran importancia de la alimentación enteral por yeyunostomía, por su fácil manejo seguridad y bajo costo que unido al detalle técnico sugerido en el presente trabajo nos ha permitido obtener una vía de alimentación prácticamente sin complicaciones inherentes a la misma

    Análise perceptivo-auditiva e acústica da voz em crianças de 4 a 12 anos com obstrução nasal crônica

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    Disfonias infantis acometem de 6 a 24% das crianças, tendo como etiologias principais as desordens funcionais e os nódulos vocais. A obstrução nasal crônica participa na fisiopatologia dos distúrbios da voz, sendo importante fator predisponente e responsável por processo inflamatório, ressecamento de mucosas e acúmulo de secreções sobre as pregas vocais. Estudar as implicações da obstrução nasal crônica sobre as qualidades vocais de crianças de 4 a 12 anos. Foram compostos dois grupos de estudo: grupo obstrução nasal (GON) composto por 60 crianças de 4 a 12 anos com sintomas importantes de obstrução nasal crônica atendidas nos ambulatórios de ORL e um grupo controle (GC), com similaridade de gênero e faixa etária, composto por 60 alunos saudáveis, sem sintomas nasais, vocais ou auditivos, escolhidos por sorteio, provenientes de escolas públicas. Os grupos foram subdivididos igualmente em três faixas etárias (4 a 6; 7 a 9; 10 a 12 anos). Os pais responderam um questionário contendo perguntas sobre as qualidades vocais de seus filhos. Todas as crianças foram submetidas à análise vocal perceptivo-auditiva (escala GRBASI, cálculo do Tempo Máximo de Fonação-TMF, ataque vocal, coordenação pneumofonoarticulatória e qualidade da ressonância), avaliação acústica vocal (freqüência fundamental, porcentagem de jitter, porcentagem de shimmer, PPQ, APQ, NHR e SPI), avaliação da acuidade auditiva (pesquisa das emissões otoacústicas transientes e/ou audiometria tonal limiar); e avaliação videoendoscópica (nasofibroscopia e telelaringoscopia). Os grupos foram similares em idade e gênero, GC (31M e 29 F) e GON (35M e 25F); p>0,05. As informações fornecidas pelos pais indicaram índice de disfonia de 76,6% em GON e de abuso vocal de 68,3%. No Grupo GON oito crianças (13,34%) apresentaram hipoacusia condutiva leve, timpanometria tipo B e ausência...Dysphonia affects 6 to 24% of children, with functional disorders and vocal nodules as its main etiologies. Chronic nasal obstruction participates in the physiopathology of dysphonia, and it is a predisposing factor, responsible for inflammatory processes, mucosal over drying and secretion accumulation on the vocal folds. To study the effects of chronic nasal obstruction on children's vocal quality. Two study groups were formed: nasal obstruction group (NOG), consisting of 60 children aged 4 to 12 years with important symptoms of chronic nasal obstruction, who were cared for at the ORL outpatient units; and a control group (CG), similar in gender and age range, consisting of healthy students without nasal, vocal or auditory symptoms, who were randomly selected from public schools. The groups were equally distributed into three sub-groups by age range (4 to 6; 7 to 9; 10 to 12 years). The parents answered a questionnaire containing questions concerning their children's vocal qualities. All the children were submitted to perceptual auditory analysis (GRBASI scale, Maximum Phonation Time-MPT, vocal attack, pneumo-phono-articulatory coordination and resonance quality), acoustic vocal analysis (Multi-Speech 3700 software, fundamental frequency (fo), jitter percentage, shimmer percentage, PPQ, APQ, NHR and SPI; auditory acuity assessment (transient otoacoustic emissions and/or threshold tone audiometry); and videoendoscopic assessment (nasofibroscopy and telelaryngoscopy). The groups were similar as regards age and gender, CG (31M and 29F) and NOG (35M and 25F);p>0.05. The information provided by the parents showed a dysphonia rate of 76.6% in NOG, and a vocal abuse rate of 68.3%. Eight children from NOG (13.34%) showed mild conductive hypoacusia, type-B tympanometry and absence of otoacoustic emissions. Laryngeal lesions were detected in 35 children from NOG (58%), of which inflammatory... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Neumatosis intestinal asociada a neumatosis portal intrahepática por oclusión intestinal: presentación de un caso Pneumatosis intestinalis and intrahepatic portal venous gas associated with small bowel occlusion: case report

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    La neumatosis intestinal es una entidad muy infrecuente asociada a varias patologías, como el infarto intestino-mesentérico, la enterocolitis necrotizante y la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica. Se caracteriza por la presencia de gas en la subserosa o submucosa a través del tracto gastrointestinal. Presentamos el caso de un paciente de sexo masculino de 63 años de edad que consultó por dolor en abdomen superior, vómitos y fiebre elevada (39º) nueve días después de una gastrectomía total por cáncer. La radiografía directa de abdomen constató distensión intestinal y la tomografía computada (TC) demostró distensión intestinal, edema mesentérico, neumatosis intestinal a través del intestino delgado y neumatosis portal, preferentemente en el lóbulo hepático izquierdo. Se realizó una laparotomía de urgencia que reveló únicamente distensión intestinal por adherencias, sin evidenciar necrosis intestinal. El paciente evolucionó desfavorablemente, falleciendo posteriormente. Reportamos un nuevo caso y revisamos la literatura de la neumatosis intestinal asociada con neumatosis portal.<br>The pneumatosis intestinalis is a very infrequent condition associated with a number of diseases, such as mesenteric infarction, necrotizing enterocolitis, and obstructive pulmonary disease characterized by the presence of subserosal or submucosal gas cyst throughout the gastrointestinal tract. A 63- year- old man complained of upper abdominal pain, vomiting and high fever (39º C) on the nine day after total gastrectomy for cancer. Abdominal X-ray revealed intestinal distension. The abdominal Computed Tomography (CT) showed intestinal dilatation, mesenteric oedema, diffuse pneumatosis throughout the small intestine and gas in the portal venous system predominantly in the left hepatic lobe. It was performed emergency activity that revealed intestinal distension secondary to adhesion without intestinal necrosis. The patient had a downhill course and died thereafter. We report a new case and reviewed the literature of pneumatosis intestinalis associated with hepatic portal venous gas

    Normative study of vocal acoustic parameters from children from 4 to 12 years of age without vocal symptoms: a pilot study

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    Análise vocal acústica é método simples e rápido de avaliação vocal e permite diferenciar vozes normais de alteradas. em crianças, poucas pesquisas analisam os parâmetros vocais acústicos normais nas diversas idades. OBJETIVOS: Estabelecer parâmetros acústicos vocais de normalidade em crianças de 4 a 12 anos. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: 240 crianças distribuídas por idade em quatro subgrupos: G1 (n-60; 4-5 anos), G2 (n-60; 6-7 anos), G3 (n-60; 8-9 anos) e G4 (n-60; 10-12 anos). Os pais responderam um questionário de avaliação e as crianças foram submetidas à avaliação da acuidade auditiva (Pesquisa das Emissões Otoacústicas Transientes), às análises vocais acústicas e ao exame otorrinolaringológico (nasofibroscopia/ videolaringoscopia). RESULTADOS: Foram estabelecidos os valores normais dos parâmetros acústicos vocais estudados de acordo com as faixas etárias e o gênero. Com o aumento da idade, observou-se diminuição de f0 e do APQ e aumento do SPI com diferença estatística. Os parâmetros vocais não diferiram entre os gêneros até a idade de 12 anos. CONCLUSÕES: A caracterização dos padrões vocais normativos de crianças é importante ferramenta para outras pesquisas. Algumas das alterações constatadas mostraram relação com a idade como a diminuição de f0 e do APQ e aumento do SPI, sem haver diferença com relação ao gênero.Acoustic vocal analysis is a simple and fast method that allows to differentiate normal from changed voices. There are few studies that analyze normal acoustic vocal parameters at different age ranges in children. AIMS: To establish normative acoustic parameters of children's voice aged 4 to 12 years. METHODS: Two hundred and forty children were divided into four sub-groups by age: G1 (n-60; 4-5 years), G2 (n-60; 6-7 years), G3 (n-60; 8-9 years) and G4 (n-60; 10-12 years). The children's parents answered a questionnaire and the children were submitted to auditory acuity evaluation (Assessment of Transient Otoacoustic Emissions), acoustic vocal analyses, otorhinolaryngological and videolaryngoscopy exams. RESULTS: The normal values for the acoustic vocal parameters studied were established according to age range and gender. As age increased, there was a decrease of f0 and APQ and an increased in SPI with statistical difference of these parameters. The vocal parameters did not differ between genders until the age of 12. CONCLUSIONS: the characterization of the normative vocal patterns of children is an important reference for future studies. Some of the changes showed a direct relationship between age and a reduction of f0 and of APQ, and increase in SPI, with no difference between genders

    Revalidation and genetic characterization of new members of Group C (<i>Orthobunyavirus</i> genus, <i>Peribunyaviridae</i> family) isolated in the Americas

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    <div><p>Group C serogroup includes members of the <i>Orthobunyavirus</i> genus (family <i>Peribunyaviridae</i>) and comprises 15 arboviruses that can be associated with febrile illness in humans. Although previous studies described the genome characterization of Group C orthobunyavirus, there is a gap in genomic information about the other viruses in this group. Therefore, in this study, complete genomes of members of Group C serogroup were sequenced or re-sequenced and used for genetic characterization, as well as to understand their phylogenetic and evolutionary aspects. Thus, our study reported the genomes of three new members in Group C virus (Apeu strain BeAn848, Itaqui strain BeAn12797 and Nepuyo strain BeAn10709), as well as re-sequencing of original strains of five members: Caraparu (strain BeAn3994), Madrid (strain BT4075), Murucutu (strain BeAn974), Oriboca (strain BeAn17), and Marituba (strain BeAn15). These viruses presented a typical genomic organization related to members of the <i>Orthobunyavirus</i> genus. Interestingly, all viruses of this serogroup showed an open reading frame (ORF) that encodes the putative nonstructural NSs protein that precedes the nucleoprotein ORF, an unprecedented fact in Group C virus. Also, we confirmed the presence of natural reassortment events. This study expands the genomic information of Group C viruses, as well as revalidates the genomic organization of viruses that were previously reported.</p></div

    ML phylogenetic trees based on alignments of nucleotide sequences of Group C viruses.

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    <p>(a) S segment (b) M segment and (c) L segment. Phylogenies are midpoint rooted for clarity of presentation. The scale bar indicates evolutionary distance in numbers of substitutions per nucleotides substitutions/site, and the principal bootstrap support levels were indicated. Branches are colour-coded according to group. Viruses strains sequenced in this study are highlighted with red color. The Bimiti, Guama, Catu and Mahogany hammock were used as outgroup. Pairwise distance based on alignments of nucleotide sequences of Group C viruses with (d) S segment (e) M segment and (f) L segment.</p