564 research outputs found

    Giant optical anisotropy in a single InAs quantum dot in a very dilute quantum-dot ensemble

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    We present the experimental evidence of giant optical anisotropy in single InAs quantum dots. Polarization-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy reveals a linear polarization ratio with huge fluctuations, from one quantum dot to another, in sign and in magnitude with absolute values up to 82%. Systematic measurements on hundreds of quantum dots coming from two different laboratories demonstrate that the giant optical anisotropy is an intrinsic feature of dilute quantum-dot arrays.Comment: submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Coulomb interactions in single, charged self-assembled quantum dots: radiative lifetime and recombination energy

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    We present results on the charge dependence of the radiative recombination lifetime, Tau, and the emission energy of excitons confined to single self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots. There are significant dot-to-dot fluctuations in the lifetimes for a particular emission energy. To reach general conclusions, we present the statistical behavior by analyzing data recorded on a large number of individual quantum dots. Exciton charge is controlled with extremely high fidelity through an n-type field effect structure, providing access to the neutral exciton (X0), the biexciton (2X0) and the positively (X1+) and negatively (X1-) charged excitons. We find significant differences in the recombination lifetime of each exciton such that, on average, Tau(X1-) / Tau(X0) = 1.25, Tau(X1+) / Tau(X0) = 1.58 and Tau(2X0) / Tau(X0) = 0.65. We attribute the change in lifetime to significant changes in the single particle hole wave function on charging the dot, an effect more pronounced on charging X0 with a single hole than with a single electron. We verify this interpretation by recasting the experimental data on exciton energies in terms of Coulomb energies. We show directly that the electron-hole Coulomb energy is charge dependent, reducing in value by 5-10% in the presence of an additional electron, and that the electron-electron and hole-hole Coulomb energies are almost equal.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Observation of Faraday rotation from a single confined spin

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    Ability to read-out the state of a single confined spin lies at the heart of solid-state quantum information processing. While all-optical spin measurements using Faraday rotation has been successfully implemented in ensembles of semiconductor spins, read-out of a single semiconductor spin has only been achieved using transport measurements based on spin-charge conversion. Here, we demonstrate an all-optical dispersive measurement of the spin-state of a single electron trapped in a semiconductor quantum dot. We obtain information on the spin state through conditional Faraday rotation of a spectrally detuned optical field, induced by the polarization- and spin-selective trion (charged quantum dot) transitions. To assess the sensitivity of the technique, we use an independent resonant laser for spin-state preparation. An all-optical dispersive measurement on single spins has the important advantage of channeling the measurement back-action onto a conjugate observable, thereby allowing for repetitive or continuous quantum nondemolition (QND) read-out of the spin-state. We infer from our results that there are of order unity back-action induced spin-flip Raman scattering events within our measurement timescale. Therefore, straightforward improvements such as the use of a solid-immersion lens and higher efficiency detectors would allow for back-action evading spin measurements, without the need for a cavity

    Dressed excitonic states and quantum interference in a three-level quantum dot ladder system

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    We observe dressed states and quantum interference effects in a strongly driven three-level quantum dot ladder system. The effect of a strong coupling field on one dipole transition is measured by a weak probe field on the second dipole transition using differential reflection. When the coupling energy is much larger than both the homoge-neous and inhomogeneous linewidths an Autler-Townes splitting is observed. Striking differences are observed when the transitions resonant with the strong and weak fields are swapped, particularly when the coupling energy is nearly equal to the measured linewidth. This result is attributed to quantum interference: a modest destructive or constructive interference is observed depending on the pump / probe geometry. The data demonstrate that coher-ence of both the bi-exciton and the exciton is maintained in this solid-state system, even under intense illumina-tion, which is crucial for prospects in quantum information processing and non-linear optical devices.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to New Journal of Physic

    Contrast in transmission spectroscopy of a single quantum dot

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    We perform transmission spectroscopy on single quantum dots and examine the effects of a resident carriers spin, the incident laser spot size, polarization, and power on the experimental contrast. We demonstrate a factor of 4 improvement in the maximum contrast by using a solid immersion lens to decrease the spot area. This increase yields a maximum signal to noise ratio of 2000 Hz-1/2, which will allow for MHz detection frequencies. We anticipate that this improvement will allow further investigation of spectral fluctuation and open up the feasibility for an all-optical read-out of an electron spin in a quantum dot

    Generation of induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (UNIBSi008-A, UNIBSi008-B, UNIBSi008-C) from an Ataxia-Telangiectasia (AT) patient carrying a novel homozygous deletion in ATM gene.

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    Abstract Using a Sendai Virus based vector delivering Yamanaka Factors, we generated induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of a patient affected by Ataxia Telangiectasia (AT), caused by a novel homozygous deletion in ATM, spanning exons 5 to 7. Three clones were fully characterized for pluripotency and capability to differentiate. These clones preserved the causative mutation of parental cells and genomic stability over time (>100 passages). Furthermore, in AT derived iPSCs we confirmed the impaired DNA damage response after ionizing radiation. All these data underline potential usefulness of our clones as in vitro AT disease model

    Gut-dependent inflammation and alterations of the intestinal microbiota in individuals with perinatal HIV exposure and different HIV serostatus

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    Objective: HIV-exposed infected (HEI) and uninfected (HEU) children represent the two possible outcomes of maternal HIV infection. Modifications of the intestinal microbiome have been linked to clinical vulnerability in both settings, yet whether HEI and HEU differ in terms of gut impairment and peripheral inflammation/activation is unknown. Design: We performed a cross-sectional, pilot study on fecal and plasma microbiome as well as plasma markers of gut damage, microbial translocation, inflammation and immune activation in HIV-infected and uninfected children born from an HIV-infected mother. Methods: Fecal and plasma microbiome were determined by means of 16S rDNA amplification with subsequent qPCR quantification. Plasma markers were quantified via ELISA. Results: Forty-seven HEI and 33 HEU children were consecutively enrolled. The two groups displayed differences in fecal beta-diversity and relative abundance, yet similar microbiome profiles in plasma as well as comparable gut damage and microbial translocation. In contrast, monocyte activation (sCD14) and systemic inflammation (IL-6) were significantly higher in HEI than HEU. Conclusion: In the setting of perinatal HIV infection, enduring immune activation and inflammation do not appear to be linked to alterations within the gut. Given that markers of activation and inflammation are independent predictors of HIV disease progression, future studies are needed to understand the underlying mechanisms of such processes and elaborate adjuvant therapies to reduce the clinical risk in individuals with perinatal HIV infection

    Increased use of high-flow nasal cannulas after the pandemic in bronchiolitis: a more severe disease or a changed physician’s attitude?

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    After the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, we noticed a marked increase in high-flow nasal cannula use for bronchiolitis. This study aims to report the percentage of children treated with high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) in various seasons. The secondary outcomes were admissions for bronchiolitis, virological results, hospital burden, and NICU/PICU need. We conducted a retrospective study in four Italian hospitals, examining the medical records of all infants (< 12 months) hospitalized for bronchiolitis in the last four winter seasons (1 September–31 March 2018–2022). In the 2021–2022 winter season, 66% of admitted children received HFNC versus 23%, 38%, and 35% in the previous 3 years. A total of 876 patients were hospitalized in the study periods. In 2021–2022, 300 infants were hospitalized for bronchiolitis, 22 in 2020–2021, 259 in 2019–2020, and 295 in 2018–2019. The percentage of patients needing intensive care varied from 28.7% to 18%, 22%, and 15% in each of the four considered periods (p < 0.05). Seventy-seven percent of children received oxygen in the 2021–2022 winter; vs 50%, 63%, and 55% (p < 0.01) in the previous 3 years. NIV/CPAP was used in 23%, 9%, 16%, and 12%, respectively. In 2021–2020, 2% of patients were intubated; 0 in 2020–2021, 3% in 2019–2020, and 1% in 2018–2019. Conclusion: This study shows a marked increase in respiratory support and intensive care admissions this last winter. While these severity indexes were all driven by medical choices, more reliable indexes such as intubation rate and length of stay did not change. Therefore, we suggest that there is a more aggressive treatment attitude rather than a more severe disease.What is Known:• COVID-19 pandemic deeply impacted bronchiolitis epidemiology, reducing hospitalizations to onetenth. In the 2021-2022 winter, bronchiolitis resurged to pre-pandemic numbers in Europe.What is New:• Bronchiolitis hospitalization rose much faster in the 2021-2022 winter period, peaking at a higher level. Respiratory supports and high-flow nasal cannula increased significantly compared to the pre-pandemic era
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