307 research outputs found


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    Registration and Measurement of Right and Left Mediotrusion by using the Method of Electronic Axiography

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    PURPOSE. The aim of this study was to register and measure lower jaw movements and to analyse the measured length of maximal right and left mediotrusion movement in asymptomatic and symptomatic subjects. MATERIALS AND METHODS. A symptomatic group consisted of 51 subjects with temporomandibular disorders. A control group consisted of 43 subjects without signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorders. In the symptomatic group of subjects signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders were crepitation, bruxism, sensitivity, pain in the temporomandibular joint and muscles, as well as pain and sensitivity in the region surround and anterior to the ear, together with difficulties while opening the mouth. Each subject was registered by the GAMMA CADIAX system for registration of positions and movement of the lower jaw, which consist of a convetional SAM axiograph, electronic device for drawing of curves with a computer. RESULTS. No significant differences were found between the groups of subject for the measured variables. CONCLUSION. The results of the length of the mandibular and condyle movements are important, alhough unreliable indicators of temporomandibular join function. Description analysis of a graphic recording of mandibular and TMJ movement remains a precise evaluation method for determination of TMJ dysfunction

    Control and Correction of Occlusal Relations of Complete Dentures

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    Control and correction of occlusal relations are a constituent part of clinical and laboratory procedures of complete denture fabrication. Denture materials and fabrication procedures cannot ensure dimensionally correct complete dentures, and therefore it is necessary to check the occlusion. A remount procedure is carried out in order to establish correct occlusal contacts of denture teeth by mounting the finished dentures back on the articulator. There are several reasons for remounting: changed volume of the acrylic resin during polymerisation, dimensional changes in the early days of wearing due to water absorption in the acrylic base and placement of denture bases to the denture foundation area. Remounting starts with fabrication of transfer casts, determination and transfer of interarch relations to the articulator. When the dynamic concept of occlusion is chosen, priority is given to incisor or canine teeth guided occlusion. Remounting should be a constituent part of complete denture fabrication. Supported by Ministry of Science and Technology. Republic of Croatia, Project No. 065010

    Sub-nanometer active seismic isolator control

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    Ambitious projects such as the design of the future Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) require challenging parameters and technologies. Stabilization of the CLIC particle beam is one of these challenges. Ground motion (GM) is the main source of beam misalignment. Beam dynamics controls are however efficient only at low frequency (<4Hz), due to the sampling of the beam at 50 Hz. Hence, ground motion mitigation techniques such as active stabilization are required. This paper shows a dedicated prototype able to manage vibration at a sub-nanometer scale. The use of cutting edge sensor technology is however very challenging for control applications as they are usually used for measurement purposes. Limiting factors such as sensor dynamics and noise lead to a performance optimization problem. The current state of the art in GM measurement and GM mitigation techniques is pointed out and shows limits of the technologies. The proposed active device is then described and a realistic model of the process has been established. A dedicated controller design combining feedforward and feedback techniques is presented and theoretical results in terms of Power Spectral Density (PSD) of displacement are compared to real time experimental results obtained with a rapid control prototyping tool

    Power-gated MOS current mode logic (PG-MCML): a power aware DPA-resistant standard cell library

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    MOS Current Mode Logic (MCML) is one of the most promising logic style to counteract power analysis attacks. Unfortunately, the static power consumption of MCML standard cells is significantly higher compared to equivalent functions implemented using static CMOS logic. As a result, the use of such a logic style is very limited in portable devices. Paradoxically, these devices are the most sensitive to physical attacks, thus the ones which would benefit more from the adoption of MCML

    Influence of Occlusal Interference on the Prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorders

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    The significance of occlusal interference in the etiology of temporomandibular disorders has been questioned in numerous recent articles. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of the clinical signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in a young male nonpatient population and to investigate a possible association between the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders and occlusal interference. A questionnaire including data from history and clinical functional examination was used in the study. All subjects (a total of 230) were male (army recruits), of 19 to 28 years of age (mean 21.3). Temporomandibular joint clicking was reported in 91 subjects, temporomandibular joint pain on palpation and functional loading in 78 subjects, masticatory muscle pain on palpation and functional loading in 58 subjects, tension type headache in 30 subjects, and mandibular deviation on opening and closing movements greater than 2 mm in 43 subjects. The prevalence of occlusal interference in percentage in 230 young adults, 65% had no occlusal interference during examination of the functional state of occlusion, while 14%subjects had centric slide between centric relation and maximum intercuspation, 5% subjects had working side interference and 16% subjects had non-working side interference during lateral and protrusive mandibular movements. Clinical signs and symptoms were correlated with occlusal interference, although their correlation cannot be considered unique or dominant in definition of a temporomandibular disorder population

    Oral Health of Croatian Army Recruits

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    Uporabom DMFT (KEP indeks) i FST (zbroj zdravih zuba i zuba liječenih ispunom) indeksa prikazano je oralno zdravlje i oralne zdravstvene navike novaka Hrvatske vojske. Klinički je godine 2001. pregledano i o zdravstvenim navikama ispitano 505 19-godišnjih novaka iz vojarne u Koprivnici. Oralni status zuba (osim umnjaka) opisan je DMFT indeksom (decayed, filled, and missing teeth) i uspoređen s FS-T indeksom (filled and sound teeth). Utvrđen je broj pranja zuba u danu te razlog i broj posjeta novaka stomatologu tijekom godine. Ispitana je ovisnost rezultata o specifičnosti gradske i seoske socijalne zajednice. Izračunan je stupanj saniranosti zubi novaka izrazom FT x 100/DFT. Istraživanje je pokazalo prosječni DMFT indeks 7,32 (DT: 3,15, MT: 1,29 i FT: 2,88). Prosječna vrijednost FST indeksa iznosi 23,56, a saniranost zuba 47,8 %. Utvrđena je statistički znatna razlika prema prebivalištu kod DT, MT, FT i FST indeksa. Ispitanici iz seoskih sredina imaju više zuba zahvaćenih karijesom, a ispitanici iz gradskih sredina imaju veću saniranost zuba (66 %). Ispitanici koji tri ili više puta na dan peru zube te redovito posjećuju stomatologa imaju znatno više vrijednosti FT i FST indeksa. Bolje je zdravstveno stanje zuba ispitanika gradskih sredina (više vrijednosti FT indeksa te sporija kumulativna distribucija i statistička znatnost FST indeksa). Nema statistički znatne razlike u vrijednosti DMFT indeksa u usporedbi s ispitanicima seoskih sredina. U novaka Hrvatske vojske utvrđene su visoke vrijednosti DMFT indeksa. FST indeks prikladnije je od DMFT indeksa primjenjivati u populacijama s višim stupnjem zahvaćenosti zuba karijesom. Provedeno istraživanje pomaže da se utvrdi zdravlje zuba novaka Hrvatske vojske i pridonosi osmišljavanju optimalnih prevencijskih programa.DMFT index and FST index were used to determine the oral health and oral health care habits of Croatian Army recruits. In 2001 505 19- year-old recruits in the barracks in Koprivnica were clinically examined and asked about their health care habits. Oral status of all teeth (except wisdom teeth) was described by DMFT index (decayed, filled, and missing teeth) and compared withFST index (filled and sound teeth). The number of tooth brushing per day and the reason and number of visits to the dentist each year were determined. The dependence of results in the specific urban and rural community was tested. The level of teeth sanation of the recruits was calculated by the formula FT x 100/DFT. The study showed average DMFT index 7.32 (DT: 3.15, MT: 1.29 and FT: 2.88). The average value of FST index was 23.56 and teeth sanation 47.8 %. Statistically significant difference according to domicile in DT, MT, FT and FST index was determined. Subjects from the rural environment had more teeth affected by caries, and those from urban environment had better teeth sanation (66 %). Subjects who brushed their teeth three or more times per day and who regularly visited the dentist had significantlly higher values of FT and FST index. Health condition of subjects from urban environment, was better (higher values of FT index and slower cumulative distribution and statistical significance of FST index). There was no statistically significant difference in values of DMFT index in relation to subjects from rural environment. High values of DMFT index were determined in Croatian Army recruits. FST index is more adequate than DMFT index for application in a population with a higher level of dental caries. The conducted research contributes to determination of the dental health of Croatian Army recruits as well as to the organisation of optimal preventive programs

    Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. eucalyptorum pv. nov. causing bacterial leaf blight on eucalypt in Brazil.

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    Bacterial leaf blight is a major disease of eucalypt, especially under nursery conditions. Different bacterial species have been associated with the disease in several countries, and despite its importance worldwide, it is not clear to date whether similar disease symptoms are caused by the same or by different etiological agents. In this study, 43 bacterial strains were isolated from blighted eucalypt leaves collected in different geographic areas of Brazil and inoculated onto a susceptible eucalypt clone. Polyphasic taxonomy, including morphological, physiological, biochemical, molecular, and pathogenicity tests showed that only certain strains of Xanthomonas axonopodis caused symptoms of the disease. Strains varied in their aggressiveness, but no correlation with geographic origin was observed. MLSA-based phylogenetic analysis using concatenated dnaK, fyuA, gyrB and rpoD gene sequences allocated the strains in a well-defined clade, corresponding to Rademarker?s group RG 9.6. Inoculation of nineteen plant species belonging to seven botanical families with representative strain LPF 602 showed it to be pathogenic only on Eucalyptus spp, and Corymbia spp. Based on distinct biochemical and pathogenic characteristics that differentiate the eucalypt strains from other pathovars of the X. axonopodis species, here we propose their allocation into the new pathovar X. axonopodis pv. eucalyptorum pv. nov