1,108 research outputs found

    Credit of peanut to subsequent wheat under desert farming conditions in presence of diazotrophs and nitrogen fertilizers

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    Rotation with leguminous crops to break non-legume monocultures has been established to benefit the latter. The lacking information on this cultivation system in stressed environments encouraged the implementation of two field trials in two different locations of Ismailia desert soils. The experimental design included the cultivation of wheat subsequent to peanut in presence of diazotroph inoculation and N fertilization. Bradyrhizobial inoculation of the legume in combination with 50 kg N acre-1 resulted in the highest total biological yields of 4.24 and 5.01 kg plot-1 at the experimental sites 1 and 2, respective seed yields of 1.46 and 1.61 kg pot-1 were recorded. In case of the cereal crop, the measured acetylene reducing activities in soils of associative diazotroph-inoculated plants together with 50 kg N acre-1 were the highest being 515.8-886.2 and 616.7-1066.2 nmoles C2H4 g-1 h-1 at locations 1 and 2 respectively. The enzymatic activity of fallow-cultivated wheat generally represented ca. 95 % of that in subsequent to peanut. Irrespective of inoculation and N fertilization, the wheat biomass yield increases in residual effect-field over the fallow one were 6.4-35.1 % and 4.6-38.5 % at experimental sites 1 and 2 respectively. Increase percentages of 3.1-26.6 and 6.9-44.7 were scored as well for grain yield. The beneficial residual effect of the legume to the succeeding cereal was also extended to protein yields, increases of 4.0-14.2 % and 4.5-7.6 % were estimated for grain protein as well as 8.3-24.1 % and 8.1-35.3 % for straw protein yield. The findings of this study proved that the positively yield turnover of a legume is extended to the subsequent non-legume. Besides, the beneficial residual effects of legumes toward rotated non legumes could be magnified by diazotroph inoculation together with adequate N supply particularly in stressed environments represented, in the present study, by Ismailia sandy soil

    Protective effect of propolis on manganese chloride neurotoxicity of olfactory bulb in adult male albino rat

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    Background: Manganese (Mn) is widely used for industrial purposes and exposure to high levels of Mn may cause an irreversible brain disease. Propolis is a natural plant product; it acts as a powerful reactive oxygen species scavenger and improves the neurodegeneration process. Materials and methods: In this study 40 adult male albino rats were divided randomly into four groups 10 rats each: group I (control group), group II manganese chloride (MnCl2) received 10 mg/kg/day/orally for 4 weeks by intra-gastric tube, group III (propolis group) received 50 mg/kg/day/orally for 4 weeks by intra-gastric tube, and group IV (MnCl2 + propolis group) received the same doses with the same duration and route as in groups II and III. Rats were sacrificed after 24 h of last dose. The olfactory bulbs removed, the right bulb cut to be processed for haematoxylin and eosin, immunohistochemical staining and the left cut for electron microscopic studies. Results: Results revealed that rat olfactory bulb from MnCl2 group showed darkly stained mitral cells with dark pyknotic nuclei, some show pericellular spaces and vacuolation, dark apoptotic cells in granular cells, neuropil vacuolation and pyknotic astrocyte. Electron microscopic examination showed abnormal granular cell with irregular damaged nuclear membrane, rupture of myelin fibre. Mitral nerve cell with destructed nucleus, many cytoplasmic vacuoles, swollen rough endoplasmic reticulum, vacuolated mitochondria and neuropil were observed. Manganese chloride + propolis group showed improvement compared to MnCl2 group. Conclusions: It was concluded that propolis can ameliorate the toxic changes of manganese chloride on rat olfactory bulb

    Study of the Optical Properties of Zno Nano-structure at Different Ti Content

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    Zinc oxide (ZnO) and TZO samples having different Ti content were synthesized from doping to composite by Citrate sol-gel method (dissolving and react with citric acid) characterized according to their optical properties. The UV - vis characterization exhibiting good optical properties. The results show there are one absorption edge at pure and low Ti doping but at higher Ti% another edge appeared and slightly shifted around 400 nm. The maximum absorption nearly at 350 nm, and the band gap energy of Ti-doped ZnO increase from 3.16 to 3.20 eV achieving a blue-shift. A red shift from 3.07 to 3.19 eV in the visible range which has a very important application, this improves the optical properties of ZnO and gives an indication how to tune its band gap (increase or decrease by doping or composition)

    Role of Nigella sativa seed oil on corneal injury induced by formaldehyde in adult male albino rats

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    Formaldehyde is frequently used in occupational environments, its toxicity concerns to all who work closely with it such as anatomists. Nigella sativa is an amazing herb with a rich historical and religious background; its seeds are the source of its active ingredients. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the role of Nigella sativa oil on corneal injury induced by formaldehyde in adult male albino rats. Forty adult male albino rats were divided randomly to four groups 10 rats each: I — Control group, II — Formaldehyde exposed group, III — Nigella sativa oil group (40 mg/kg/day) via intragastric tube daily for 2 weeks and IV — Formaldehyde and Nigella sativa group. Rats were sacrificed with ether, the corneas were extracted, one processed for haematoxylin and eosin stain and the other was used for transmission electron microscopic examination. Our results in group II revealed marked disorganisation, erosion, vacuolation and necrosis of epithelial cells with loss of parts of epithelial layer. Large congested invasion of blood vessels with separation and disorganisation of stromal fibrils. The corneas of group IV showed intact layers of epithelial cells with appearance close to control group. Star shaped cells (limbal stem cells) were obviously noticed in basal and intermediate layer with intact Bowman’s membrane. Stroma showed regular parallel collagen, limbal stem cells were also noticed in group III. We concluded that Nigella sativa oil can ameliorate the toxic changes of formaldehyde on rat corneas.

    Vaccine-like and Prophylactic Treatments of EAE with Novel IDomain Antigen Conjugates (IDAC): Targeting Multiple Antigenic Peptides to APC

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    The objective of this work is to utilize novel I-domain antigenic-peptide conjugates (IDAC) for targeting antigenic peptides to antigen-presenting cells (APC) to simulate tolerance in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). IDAC-1 and IDAC-3 molecules are conjugates between the I-domain protein and PLP-Cys and Ac-PLP-Cys-NH2 peptides, respectively, tethered to N-terminus and Lys residues on the I-domain. The hypothesis is that the I-domain protein binds to ICAM-1 and PLP peptide binds to MHC-II on the surface of APC; this binding event inhibits the formation of the immunological synapse at the APC-T-cell interface to alter T-cell differentiation from inflammatory to regulatory phenotypes. Conjugation of peptides to the I-domain did not change the secondary structure of IDAC molecules as determined by circular dichroism spectroscopy. The efficacies of IDAC-1 and -3 were evaluated in EAE mice by administering i.v or s.c. injections of IDAC in a prophylactic or a vaccine-like dosing schedule. IDAC-3 was better than IDAC-1 in suppressing and delaying the onset of EAE when delivered in prophylactic and vaccine-like manners. IDAC-3 also suppressed subsequent relapse of the disease. The production of IL-17 was lowered in the IDAC-33 treated mice compared to those treated with PBS. In contrast, the production of IL-10 was increased, suggesting that there is a shift from inflammatory to regulatory T-cell populations in IDAC-33treated mice. In conclusion, the Idomain can effectively deliver antigenic peptides in a vaccine-like or prophylactic manner for inducing immunotolerance in the EAE mouse model

    Kajian Perlindungan HAM Bagi Narapidana Perempuan Pada Lembaga Pemasyarakatan di Sulawesi Selatan

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    Abstract: This study examines the Protection of Human Rights for Woman in Prison Inmates in South Sulawesi. The aim of this study, was to determine: 1) implementation of the human rights protection of woman prisoners in prison in South Sulawesi, 2)-the condition of woman prisoners as inmates in prison in South Sulawesi, 3) the condition of facilities and infrastructure prison, 4) enabling and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the human rights protection of woman prisoners in prison in South Sulawesi. Research location is determined by quota sampling technique. The selected location is: Prison Class IIB Makassar, woman Prison Class II A in Sungguminasa. prison Class II B in Takalar, Prison Class II B in Barru, Prison Class II B in Pare-Pare. and prison Class II B in Pinrang. Subjects in this study were 257 women prisoners. The results showed that: 1) There are seven criteria for implementation of human rights protection women prisoners has been going well, namely: a) To worship according to the religion and belief; b) physical care; c) obtain adequate medical health care; d) get decent food services; e) submit a complaint to the officer; f) obtain reading materials and follow other broadcast media; and g) are given free time receive family visits, legal counsel or other particular person. There are five criteria for implementation of human rights protection women prisoners who have not implemented weil, namely: a) education and teaching; b) the provision of assistance and psychological guidance; c) providing guidance spiritual / religious; d) get wages for the work done; and e) get a chance to assimilate including leave and visiting family. 2) physical, social, and spiritual conditions for women prisoners have been implemented well. But the psychological condition women prisoners need special attention. 3) facilities and infrastructure prison classified representative but the required storage capacity wider prisoners. 4) There are five aspects of the enabling and inhibiting implementation of human rights protection in women cnsoners, namely: a) the budget, b) human resources (personnel), c) the character of prisoners, d) facilities and infrastructure, e) concern other institutions in contributing to guidance women prisoners

    Supporting ultra poor people with rehabilitation and therapy among families of children with cerebral palsy in rural Bangladesh (SUPPORT CP) : Protocol of a randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction Poverty is a key contributor to delayed diagnosis and limited access to early intervention and rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy (CP) in rural Bangladesh. 97% of families of children with CP live below the poverty line in Bangladesh. Therefore, in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs), efforts to improve outcomes for children with CP (including health-related quality of life, motor function, communication, and nutritional attainments) should also include measures to improve family economic and social capital. We propose a randomised controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate the effectiveness of an integrated microfinance/livelihood and community-based rehabilitation (IMCBR) program for ultra-poor families of children with CP in rural Bangladesh. Material and methods This will be a cluster RCT comparing three arms: (a) integrated microfinance/livelihood and community-based rehabilitation (IMCBR); (b) community-based rehabilitation (CBR) alone; and (c) care-as-usual (i.e. no intervention). Seven clusters will be recruited within each arm. Each cluster will consist of 10 child-caregiver dyads totalling 21 clusters with 210 dyads. Parents recruited in the IMCBR arm will take part in a microfinance/livelihood program and Parent Training Module (PTM), their children with CP will take part in a Goal Directed Training (GDT) program. The programs will be facilitated by specially trained Community Rehabilitation Officers. The CBR arm includes the same PTM and GDT interventions excluding the microfinance/livelihood program. The care-as-usual arm will be provided with information about early intervention and rehabilitation. The assessors will be blinded to group allocation. The duration of the intervention will be 12 months; outcomes will be measured at baseline, 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months. Conclusion This will be the first RCT of an integrated microfinance/livelihood and CBR program for children with CP in LMIC settings. Evidence from the study could transform approaches to improving wellbeing of children with CP and their ultra-poor families

    An unusual presentation of hemoglobin SD Punjab in a Saudi Arabian adult

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    HbDPunjab is an uncommon variant hemoglobin that does not result in significant pathology when inherited as a homozygous disorder. When inherited with other hemoglobinopathies, it may result in varying disease phenotypes. HbSDPunjab has been rarely reported in Saudi Arabia, coexisting with alpha or beta thalassemia. In this report, we discuss the case of a 39 years old male who presented with severe anemia and renal injury and was later diagnosed with HbSDPunjab through electropheresis and genetic testing
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