151 research outputs found

    Виховний вплив впровадження освіти через дисципліну пригодницької форми у навчальну програму з фізичного виховання та спорту

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    Introduction: The inclusion in the curriculum for students of physical education specialization in Romania of a new discipline- Education through adventure (EA) falls within the current trends of practicing physical activities and modernization of the European curriculum. Purpose: The purpose of the study aims at assessing the educational level of implementation of EA discipline within the academic curriculum of physical education and sport specialization. Material and Methods: Study through the survey method based on a questionnaire concerning the assessment of the educational impact of implementing the EA disciplines. Participants: 72 students from physical education, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Targu Mures. The questionnaire on the assessment of the educational impact of implementing the EA discipline included 15 items with Linckert responses. Statistically processed with SPPS 20: Cronbach's alpha, effect size, the percentage of individual qualifications, the arithmetic mean, the standard deviation, t-test. Results: The 15-item questionnaire had a Cronbach reliability scores .792. We identified five patterns that emerged explaining more than 60.2% of the variance. 54.82% consider relevant the educational discipline with maximum response, effect size of each ≥.683 items, the results are statistically significant for all items, p <0.05. The study results reveal the major educational impact of EA discipline content, being considered by students as it follows: attractive, useful, effective with innovative relevance in the professional training. Conclusions: We recommend the conduct of future studies of impact assessment of EA specific activities on students’ motor abilities.Введение: Включение в учебную программу для студентов специальности физического воспитания в Румынии новой дисциплины «Обучение через приключения» (EA) подпадает под современные тенденции практики физической активности и модернизации европейской учебной программы. Цель: Целью исследования является оценка образовательного уровня реализации дисциплины EA в рамках учебной программы по физическому воспитанию и спортивной специализации. Материал и методы. Изучение методом опроса на основе вопросника, касающегося оценки образовательного воздействия внедрения дисциплин EA. Участники: 72 студента из физического воспитания, Университета медицины и фармации Тыргу ​​Муреш. Анкета по оценке образовательного воздействия внедрения дисциплины ЕА включала 15 пунктов с ответами Линкерт. Статистически обработано с помощью SPPS 20: альфа Кронбаха, величина эффекта, процентная доля индивидуальных квалификаций, среднее арифметическое, стандартное отклонение, t-критерий. Результаты: Вопросник из 15 пунктов имел оценки надежности Кронбаха 0,792. Мы определили пять паттернов, которые объясняют более 60,2% дисперсии. 54,82% считают релевантной учебную дисциплину с максимальной реакцией, величиной эффекта каждого ≥ 683 элемента, результаты статистически значимы для всех элементов, p <0,05. Результаты исследования показывают основные образовательные последствия содержания дисциплины ЕА, которые студенты рассматривают следующим образом: привлекательные, полезные, эффективные, с инновационной значимостью в профессиональной подготовке. Выводы: мы рекомендуем проводить дальнейшие исследования по оценке влияния специфических действий ИА на двигательные способности студентов.Вступ: Включення в навчальну програму студентів спеціалізації фізичного виховання в Румунії нової дисципліни «Освіта через пригоди» підпадає під сучасні тенденції занять фізичними вправами та модернізації європейської навчальної програми. Мета: Мета дослідження спрямована на оцінку освітнього рівня виконання навчальної дисципліни в рамках навчальної програми фізичної культури та спортивної спеціалізації. Матеріал та методи: Вивчення методом опитування на основі анкети, що стосується оцінки навчального впливу на виконання навчальних дисциплін. Учасники: 72 студенти фізичного виховання з Університету медицини та фармації Таргу Муреш. Анкета щодо оцінки навчального впливу на виконання навчальної дисципліни включала 15 пунктів із відповідями Лінкерта. Статистично обробляється SPPS 20: альфа Кронбаха, розмір ефекту, відсоток індивідуальних кваліфікацій, середнє арифметичне, стандартне відхилення, t-тест. Результати: Опитувальник на 15 пунктів мав оцінку надійності Cronbach .792. Ми виділили п'ять моделей, що пояснюють більше 60,2% дисперсії. 54,82% вважають відповідною навчальну дисципліну з максимальним відгуком, розміром ефекту кожного ≥.683 пункту, результати є статистично значущими для всіх предметів, p <0,05. Результати дослідження виявляють основний навчальний вплив змісту дисципліни EA, оскільки студенти вважають його таким чином: привабливим, корисним, ефективним з інноваційною актуальністю у професійній підготовці. Висновки: Рекомендуємо проводити майбутні дослідження оцінки впливу конкретних заходів ЕА на рухові здібності учнів

    Clin d'œil sur un CDI francophone

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    Grâce au projet de coopération bilatéral franco-roumain « Education à l'information en milieu rural défavorisé », des centres de documentation et d'information ont été implantés dans les établissements scolaires de Roumanie à partir de l'an 2000. Très vite, « le phénomène CDI» a dépassé le milieu rural et le cadre scolaire et s'est imposé comme un pôle de dynamisme éducatif, culturel et social, ainsi qu'un vecteur fondamental de la francophonie en Roumanie. La formation des cadres et des documentalistes roumains a été assurée par des formateurs français de l'ESEN de Poitiers, IUFM de Reims, CRDP de Paris, CRDP de Reims, CDDP de Chalons en Champagne et l'observation des activités spécifiques au CDI a été possible grâce aux réseaux des CDI des trois régions mentionnées ci-dessus. A partir de 2002, une équipe de formateurs nationaux a pris le relais pour la formation continue des cadres et du personnel des CDI roumains et, depuis 2006, l'Université de Bucarest a commencé la formation initiale des documentalistes

    Assessment of ICT Teachers’ Competence to Implement the New ICT Curriculum in North Eastern Nigeria.

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    This study assessed the competence of ICT  of rural and urban secondary school ICT teachers for the implementation of ICT curriculum in North Eastern Nigeria. The study looked at the competence of applying ICT technical literacy on the six components of teachers work in the secondary schools. All the one thousand, seven hundred and forty four (1,744) secondary school ICT  teachers from the six states of the North Eastern Nigeria participated in the study by responding to close ended questionnaire. The instrument sought information on ICT teachers’ policy, curriculum, pedagogy, technology, administration, professional development competences and obstacles to ICT teachers’ competences. Data was analyzed through grand mean, standard deviation and percentage. Results reveal that the competence of ICT teachers on policy, curriculum, pedagogy, technology, administration and professional development is low. Obstacles to ICT teachers competences were identified as lack of hardware, software, and financial resources, lack of electricity in most rural schools and insufficient information and experience from teachers in ICT applications. It was recommended among others that  ICT should be incorporated in the professional  development of teachers and ICT curriculum should be robust enough to enhance teachers job performance in schools. Keywords: ICT Curriculum, Teachers Competences, Curriculum Implementation, Secondary Schools

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Harga Terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Pada Official Store Emina Di Shopee

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang bersifat deskriptif dan kausal. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang pernah membeli minimal satu kali pada official store di shopee serta berminat untuk membeli kembali produk Emina. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 51 responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan alat analisis data SPSS 22.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tanggapan responden terhadap variabel kualitas produk memiliki persentase sebesar 81,80% dengan kategori baik dan variabel harga memiliki persentase sebesar 78,58% dengan kategori baik dan tanggapan responden terhadap variabel minat beli ulang sebesar 71,92% dengan kategori baik juga. Kualitas produk dan harga berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap minat beli ulang, berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap variabel minat beli ulang dengan total pengaruh sebesar 58,6% dan sisanya 41,4% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini

    Outbreak of femoral head necrosis in Japanese quails in Maiduguri, Nigeria

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    No Abstrac

    Physico-chemical, malting and biochemical properties of some improved Nigerian barley cultivars and their malts

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    Five improved Nigerian barley cultivars (ESCOBA, ASE-2, ALOE, GOB-2, SUMBARD) were obtained from Lake Chad Research Institute Maiduguri, Nigeria, and their physicochemical, malting and biochemical properties investigated employing standard procedures. Data were analyzed by means of ANOVA [at 95% significant level] and correlations using SPSS 14 software. Results showed GOB-2 grain and malt recording the highest kernel weight (47.50 g) and kernel volume (41.21 ml); whereas ALOE grain had the longest kernel length (13.40 mm) and GOB-2 the shortest (9.40 mm). GOB-2 had the largest major diameter (3.39 mm) and SUMBARD had the least (2.86 mm). ESCOBA, SUMBARD and ASE-2 cultivars had the highest protein values (as %N) of 14.90%, 13.90% and 13.69% respectively, while ALOE, ASE-2 and GOB-2had the highest total carbohydrates of 69.97, 69.39 and 68.90% respectively. All the cultivars had good germinative capacities (> 90%), with GOB-2 and ASE-2 having the highest germinative energy values of 96.65% and 95.00%. No significant (p > 0.05) changes in the dimension of the kernels after malting. SUMBARD recorded the highest malt yields (88.55%)followed by ASE-2 (83.45%) and ALOE (82.00%). The highest α-amylase activities of 105.34 and 96.23 unit/mg protein/min were recorded by ASE-2 and ALOE, respectively, with corresponding diastatic powers of 81.92 and 76.23oL. Thousand kernel weight correlated positivelywith protein (r = 0.500, P < 0.05) and with total soluble solids (r = 0.435, p < 0.05) but negatively with α-amylase (r = -0.869, p < 0.05) and with diastatic power (r = -0.838, p < 0.05). This study showed that the cultivars have good potentials for use as malting materials in beverage making

    Physical and Functional Properties of Extruded Sorghum-Cowpea Blends: A Response Surface Analysis

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    Blends of sorghum and cowpea flours (90:10, 80:20 and 70:30 respectively) were extruded at 20%, 22.5% and 25% moisture levels and 120oC, 140oC and 160oC barrel temperatures using a single-screw extruder. Response surface methodology with central composite face-centered (CCF) design was used to model the viscosity, water absorption index (WAI) water solubility index (WSI) sectional expansion index (SEI) and bulk density (BD). Results obtained showed that the viscosity of extrudates varied from 6.90 to 19.58, WAI, 5.10 to 6.69g water/g sample, WSI, 9.50 to 25%, SEI, 2.16 to 4.97 and BD, 0.207 to 0.297 g/cm-3. Feed composition had the most effect on the physical and functional properties of the extrudates followed by extrusion temperature and feed moisture. The coefficients of determination (R2) varied from 0.71 to 0.97 with a non-significant (p&lt;0.05) lack-of-fit for the viscosity, WAI and SEI. Correlation coefficients of the observed and predicted values ranged from 0.60 to 0.95 suggesting the adequacy of the second-order polynomial in predicting these functional and physical properties. Keywords: Extrudate, Optimization, Viscosity, Water absorption, Expansion

    Modeling of Residual Polyphenols, Phytic Acid and Protein Digestibility of Extruded Sorghum-Cowpea Formulated Foods

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    Blends of cowpea (10%, 20% and 30%) and sorghum flour were extruded at 20%, 22.5% and 25% moisture levels and 120oC, 140oC and 160oC barrel temperatures using a single-screw extruder. Response surface methodology with central composite face-centered (CCF) design was used to model the residual phytic acid and polyphenols, protein solubility and protein digestibility of the extrudates. Increasing the barrel temperature caused a reduction in protein solubility, residual polyphenols and phytic acid but increased the in vitro protein digestibility of the extrudates. The coefficients of determination (R2) were 0.97, 0.99, 0.98 and 0.89 for polyphenols, phytic acid, protein solubility and protein digestibility respectively with non-significant lack of fit in all cases. The correlation coefficients (r2) of observed and predicted values ranged from 0.99 to 0.98 suggesting a good fit for the model. Barrel temperature had the most effect on the responses. The second order polynomial was found appropriate for the prediction of polyphenols, phytic acid and protein digestibility of the sorghum- cowpea extrudates. Keywords: response surface, digestibility, polyphenols, phytic acid, extrusion

    Physicochemical and manufacturing cost elements of complementary food formulations from broken fraction of rice cultivars, soybean and sorghum malt

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    The broken fractions of rice cultivars improved for yield, grain quality, amylose content and tolerance to common production constraints consisting of FARO 44, FARO 52, NERICA L-34, NERICA L-19 and LOCAL RICE. The rice cultivars, Sorghum malt and soybean were processed. Evaluation of the physicochemical properties of these new African rice cultivars together with their products yield and utilization (value addition) were the main objective of this study. The experimental design for these infant food formulations (5x2x2 factorial design) consisted of those 5 rice cultivars, sorghum malt (0, 5%) and soybeans flour (0, 30%). These formulations together with the raw materials were evaluated for their physicochemical properties. Manufacturing cost of formulations with ratios of rice to soybeans 70:30 with malt were selected and quantified. Results of particle size distributions showed significant (p < 0.05) difference. However, 98.38 and 94.90% of raw materials and blends respectively, successfully passed through 600 µm sieve aperture. Mesh 300 and 180 µm were found to retain the highest percentage particles. Functional properties of raw materials and blends were within the recommended range. More importantly, pH values of blends were comparable to infants’ natural milk drinks. Proximate composition of raw materials and blends contain 4.14 to 9.59% moisture, 0.37 to 5.12% ash, 8.25 to 45.35% protein, 0.41 to 20.00% fat and 26.54 to 82.59% carbohydrate. Blends fiber and energy ranged from 1.27 to 4.33 and 362.95 to 388.71 Kcal (1541.92 to 1643.04 KJ) respectively. Formulations with ratios of rice to soybeans 70:30 with malt and those of rice 100% alone with malt were observed suitable as follow-on formulae and for infant(s) with critical protein related ailments, respectively. Net profit generated is more significant than interest rate that could have been obtained from bank saving system