17 research outputs found

    The Influence of Problem Based Learning Model in Student Motivation and Learning Achievement Toward Biological Science on MTs Nurul Huda Sarimulyo Ngawen Blora

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    The purpose of this research was to know the influence of problem based learning model in student motivation and learning achievement of MTs Nurul Huda Sarimulyo Ngawen Blora toward biological science on environmental pollution and it's impact in life. The design of this research is true experimental design with pretest-posttest control group design. The sample was chosen by simple random sampling technique with VII B as experimental class and VII C as control class. The experimental class was applied by a treatment with problem based learning model and the control class was applied by direct instruction model. The research instruments were from test data (pretest and posttest) and student motivation form. In analyzing the data, there were two techniques used, namely: Mann Whitney u-test and independent sample t-test. The result of research showed that: 1) the average of student learning motivation score in experimental class was 84,61 and student learning motivation score in control class was 79,5. Based on the result of Mann Whitney u-test analyzing technique, p value was 0,008, and 0,008 < 0,05, it means that the using of problem based learning model has an influence on student learning motivation. 2) the average of student posttest score in experimental class was 66,85 and student posttest score in experimental class was 61,00. Based on the result of Mann Whitney u-test analyzing technique, p value was 0,039, and 0,039 < 0,05, it means that the using of problem based learning model had an influence on student learning achievement

    Posisi Indonesia pada Kerja Sama Energi Regional dalam Memasuki Era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN Studi Kasus: ASEAN Power Grid

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    ASEAN Power Grid merupakan sebuah kerja sama interkoneksi listrik ASEAN yang telah diamanatkan pada tahun 1997 di bawah Visi ASEAN 2020. Selain itu, percepatan pembangunan ASEAN Power Grid juga dicantumkan dalam cetak biru Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN menuju 2015. ASEAN menyadari bahwa energi memiliki peranan penting dalam medukung aktivitas ekonomi, termasuk listrik. Namun, sampai pada tahun 2015 realisasi pembangunan ASEAN Power Grid masih belum mengalami kemajuan yang signifikan. Sebagai pengguna energi terbesar di ASEAN dan aktivitas ekonomi serta industri yang terus berkembang, kerja sama ASEAN Power Grid ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasokan energi dalam memasuki era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN. Di Indonesia belum ada ASEAN Power Grid yang sudah selesai terinterkoneksi, namun proyek interkoneksi listrik tersebut sedang dalam konstruksi sebesar 600 MW yang akan menghubungkan Sumatra dengan Malaysia, dan sebesar 230 MW yang akan menghubungkan Kalimantan dengan Serawak. Adapun interkoneksi yang akan mengubungkan Batam – Singapura, serta Singapura – Sumatera yang masing-masing sebesar 600 MW masih dalam tahap perencanaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meninjau kembali posisi Indonesia pada kerja sama enerhi regional demi mempersiapkan diri dalam memasuki era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Indonesia, melalui HAPUA, telah berupaya dalam melakukan realisasi atas komitmen perwujudan ASEAN Power Grid. Namun, oleh karena adanya kendala, maka realisasi ASEAN Power Grid di Indonesia cenderung bergerak lambat. Adapun pola kerja ASEAN Power Grid, yaitu melibatkan ASEAN sebagai institusi supra nasional, investor sebagai aktor non negara, dan negara anggota ASEAN sebagai aktor negara

    Tpc1 is an important Zn(II)(2)Cys(6) transcriptional regulator required for polarized growth and virulence in the rice blast fungus

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    The establishment of polarity is a critical process in pathogenic fungi, mediating infection-related morphogenesis and host tissue invasion. Here, we report the identification of TPC1 (Transcription factor for Polarity Control 1), which regulates invasive polarized growth in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. TPC1 encodes a putative transcription factor of the fungal Zn(II)(2)Cys(6) family, exclusive to filamentous fungi. Tpc1-deficient mutants show severe defects in conidiogenesis, infection-associated autophagy, glycogen and lipid metabolism, and plant tissue colonisation. By tracking actin-binding proteins, septin-5 and autophagosome components, we show that Tpc1 regulates cytoskeletal dynamics and infection-associated autophagy during appressorium-mediated plant penetration. We found that Tpc1 interacts with Mst12 and modulates its DNA-binding activity, while Tpc1 nuclear localisation also depends on the MAP kinase Pmk1, consistent with the involvement of Tpc1 in this signalling pathway, which is critical for appressorium development. Importantly, Tpc1 directly regulates NOXD expression, the p22(phox) subunit of the fungal NADPH oxidase complex via an interaction with Mst12. Tpc1 therefore controls spatial and temporal regulation of cortical F-actin through regulation of the NADPH oxidase complex during appressorium re-polarisation. Consequently, Tpc1 is a core developmental regulator in filamentous fungi, linking the regulated synthesis of reactive oxygen species and the Pmk1 pathway, with polarity control during host invasion

    Cyber Traveling and Cinematic Reality: Experiences of the K-drama Fans

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    Involvement in globalization and enjoying various different cultures become easier. With new development in the entertainment industry, K-drama consumers from every corner of the world able to experience Korean daily life and its atmosphere that is delivered into their gadgets. Our research shows that the quality of experience gained by our source from the new entertainment product is relatively similar to the experiences they gained from traveling in general. This phenomenon revealed the new traveling experience which is called cyber traveling, while consumers who enjoy k-drama in our research become our model of cyber traveler. Besides that, the success of the cyber traveling experience is in the presence of cinematic reality. Our research finding shows several facts about what kind of experiences that traveler received through the cinematic reality of k-drama. The finding is also telling about experiences that are similar to daily life, or other experience when a traveler could not distinguish between k-drama visualization and real daily life. Our research use phenomenology as the main method, while in-depth interview, observation, documentation, and online document searching as data collecting methods. This research revealed that the cyber traveling experience could change our sources' perception about the comparison between real traveling and cyber traveling. In conclusion, we could also see that cyber traveling has become an alternative or in further development even a substitute for real traveling. To cite this article (7th APA style):Safira, B. A. & Badaruddin, M. (2021). Cyber traveling and cinematic reality: Experiences of the k-drama fans. Journal Communication Spectrum: Capturing New Perspectives in Communication, 11(1), 84-94. http://dx.doi.org/10.36782/jcs.v11i1.215

    Revitalisasi Budaya Lokal dalam Rangka Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter pada Lingkungan Sekolah (Studi pada SMP Negeri 3 Minasa Te'ne Kabupaten Pangkep)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan usaha sekolah dalam revitalisasi budaya lokal dalam rangka penguatan pendidikan karakter pada lingkungan sekolah di SMP Negeri 3 Minasa Te'ne Kabupaten Pangkep. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif untuk melihat strategi sekolah dalam menumbuhkan nilai kearifan lokal dalam rangka penguatan Pendidikan karakter di lingkungan sekolah, informan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari kepala sekolah, guru dan siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses implementasi nilai-nilai budaya lokal melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dilakukan dengan memobilisasi kegiatan-kegiatan organisasi disekolah seperti Osis, Pramuka, PMR, Rohis, dan program ekstrakurikuler lainnya. Organisasi sekolah disetting agar mampu memobilisasi cita-cita dalam rangka membangun karakter dan kepribadian peserta didik sehingga dengan sendirinya akan membentuk pribadi peserta didik yang baik dan santun. hasil pengamatan yang diperoleh melalui observasi langsung pada subjek penelitian terlihat bahwa peserta didik di SMP Negeri 3 Minasa Te'ne menunjukkan pribadi yang baik, jujur, toleransi yang merepresentasikan nilai tabe' (permisi/sopan-santun) dalam aktivitas sosial disekolah. Selain itu mereka juga menunjukkan sikap bekerja keras, kreatif, inovatif merepresentasikan nilai assamaturu' (bekerjasama) dalam kegiatan-kegiatan baik dalam belajar dikelas hingga dalam kegiatan berorganisasi. Terlihat juga sikap rapi, peduli lingkungan yang merepresentasikan nilai tangkasa' (bersih) dalam proses sosial dilingkungan sekolah. Guru berperan sebagai pelaku utama dalam membantu pengimplementasian pendidikan karakter melalui nilai-nilai budaya lokal kepada peserta didik terlihat berdasarkan interpretasi pada deskripsi yang dipaparkan diatas, yaitu dalam mewujudkan fungsinya sebagai motor penggerak dalam merealisasikan strategi-strategi yang dibangun dalam rangka membentuk pribadi-pribadi yang memiliki kompetensi tidak hanya pada ranah kognitif tetapi juga pada ranah spiritual dan emosional melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang sifatnya membangun karakter peserta didik. Kegiatan yang dimaksud dioptimalkan agar terkonstruksi dengan baik dalam membentuk karakter peserta didik baik melalui kehadiran visual guru dalam kelas atau kegiatan maupun dalam lingkungan pergaulan atau proses sosial yang dijalani

    Polar growth and associated processes that take place during appressorium maturation in <i>M</i>. <i>oryzae</i> and model of Tpc1-mediated plant penetration.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> Polarity factors regulate the emergence and elongation of the germ tube and the penetration peg required for appressorium development and function. Polarity is concomitant with autophagic cell death and glycogen/lipid degradation–cellular processes that also control appressorium function. <b>(B)</b> During germination, environmental signals trigger the Pmk1 kinase cascade and the control of autophagy to activate Tpc1 function. Nuclear-localised Tpc1 in turn activates transcription of genes required for polar growth, autophagy, and glycogen degradation. Tpc1 interacts with Mst12 and this complex is required for regulation of the expression of several genes, including NoxD. Polarity is associated with cytoskeletal dynamics that is controlled by Tpc1 through the Nox1 and Nox2 NADPH oxidase complexes. NoxD interacts with Nox1 and maybe with Nox2 indirectly. Interactions of NoxR and Pls1 with Nox1 and/or Nox2 need to be confirmed. To initiate plant infection Nox1/Nox2 NADPH oxidases regulate the formation of the F-actin network at the appressorium pore, which leads to penetration peg emergence and subsequent elongation. Mutant strains used in this study are highlighted in black.</p

    <i>M</i>. <i>oryzae</i> NoxD is required for ROS production in appressoria, localizes in ER-derived vesicles and plasma membrane, and interacts with Nox1.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> Superoxide production is significantly affected in the mutants as shown by nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) staining and quantification of pixel intensities in hyphal tips (mean±SD; n = 10). Both Δ<i>noxD</i> and Δ<i>nox1</i>Δ<i>nox2</i> produced less ROS in appressoria but higher amounts of ROS in hyphal tips compared to WT; Δ<i>tpc1</i> generated higher amounts of ROS in hyphal tips and appressoria. Addition of diphenylene iodonium (DPI) before NBT treatment abolishes the formation of dark precipitates associated with sites of superoxide generation. Values to calculate mean pixel intensity were for white 0 and black for 100. <b>(B)</b> A yeast two-hybrid screen reveals that NoxD interacts with Nox1. A yeast colony co-transformed simultaneous with the pGBK-NOX1 (bait Nox1) and pGAD-NOXD (prey NoxD) vectors grows in high stringency media (-His/-Ade/-Leu/-Trp/+X-α-Gal). The interaction of proteins expressed by prey and bait vectors generates a blue-coloured colony due to the activation of α-galactosidase expression in the presence of X-α-Gal. <b>(C)</b> Images of <i>NOXD</i> fusion constructs using GFP and mRFP under two different promoters, the <i>NOXD</i> promoter and the strong promoter of ribosomal protein Rp27, respectively. Both NoxD fusions localized in vesicles and plasma membrane. In conidia expressing <i>NOXD</i>:<i>mRFP</i>, fluorescence signal is observed in vesicles closely associated to ER membranes labelled with GFP containing the ER retention signal KDEL. After 8h, fluorescence signal is strongly detected at the plasma membrane of the appressoria. pEFGPKDEL encodes GFP with the ER retention signal KDEL. <b>(D)</b> Micrographs of F-actin ring organization visualized by expression of gelsolin:GFP and Sep:GFP in WT and Δ<i>noxD</i>. This mutant produces aberrant septin and actin rings; mis-localization of Sep5:GFP is more severe. The linescan graphs show fluorescence in a transverse section of individual appressoria.</p

    M1422 mutant shows severe defects in pathogenicity and vegetative growth together with increase tolerance to nitrogen depletion, calcofluor white (CFW) and hyperosmotic stress.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> M1422 shows reduced disease symptoms on rice roots. Photographs were taken 15 days after inoculation. Wild-type (WT) strain Guy11 presents maximum lesion severity (score 3) in 95% of the infected roots compared to the M1422-infected seedlings that show mild (score 1–2) or null (score 0) necrotic symptoms on roots. Lesions were scored on a scale 0–3, based on colour intensity and extension of the necrotic lesion[<a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1006516#ppat.1006516.ref030" target="_blank">30</a>]. <b>(B)</b> M1422 is strongly impaired in its ability to infect rice leaves. <b>(C)</b> M1422 displays impaired ability to grow on complete medium (CM) and minimal medium (MM) depleted of carbon (MM-C) and nitrogen (MM-N). Relative to strain growth on MM, WT is more affected than M1422 on MM-N. <b>(D)</b> Sustained growth ratio difference in M1422 and WT strains on CM with 10 μg ml<sup>-1</sup> Congo Red (CR) and 10 μg ml<sup>-1</sup> CFW. Relative to growth on CM, M1422 shows stronger growth defects on CR compared to WT. <b>(E)</b> Colony images of CM plates with increased concentrations of sodium chloride (NaCl) (left). Diameter of WT and M1422 colonies measured at 10 dpi reveals increased tolerance to NaCl (right graph). All error bars represent the standard deviation of at least three independent biological replicas. All colony images were captured at 10 days post inoculation (dpi).</p

    Tpc1 and Mst12 bind the promoter region of the <i>NOXD</i> gene.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> Genomic location of fragments used for chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA). Transcription start site (TSS) was identified by 5’-end RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) followed by sequencing. The 3’UTR length was estimated using EST data. <b>(B)</b> ChIP analysis with anti-GFP antibody was used to identify Tpc1:GFP levels associated with <i>NOXD</i> promoter (means±SD, n = 4). DNA isolated from chromatin immunoprecipitated with anti-GFP antibody was subjected to qPCR. The DNA in ChIP fractions prepared without antibody was used as negative control. The ratio of DNA in ChIP fractions with respect to that in the untagged wild-type cell extracts was calculated for <i>NOXD</i> region and normalized with the values for the <i>NOXD</i> site. The normalized ratios were plotted in the lower panel. Probes indicated by asterisks are statistically significant according to the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test and have a <i>p</i> value <0.05 (*) or <0.01 (**). <b>(C)</b> EMSA with Mst12 and Tpc1. Mst12 recognises strongly probe 1, and with less affinity probes 2 and 3. Tpc1 cannot directly bind to the <i>NOXD</i> promoter. The promoter region of a YdiU-containing protein was used as a negative control. <b>(D)</b> DNA-binding analysis of Mst12 to <i>NOXD</i> promoter. Dissociation constant (K<sub>D</sub>) was estimated using bound probes against protein concentration and the fitting equation y = mx/(k+x). <b>(E)</b> DNA-binding experiments showing Tpc1 promoting Mst12 DNA-binding affinity to NoxD probe 1 using different amounts of Tpc1. BSA (bovine serum albumin) resuspended in Tpc1 buffer was used as a negative control; BSA does not stimulate Mst12 binding to the probe. <b>(F)</b> Analysis of <i>NOXD</i> transcript abundance in Δ<i>tpc1</i> and Δ<i>mst12</i> mutants by qPCR. <b>(G)</b> Transcript abundance of <i>MST12</i> and <i>TPC1</i> in Δ<i>tpc1 and</i> Δ<i>mst12</i> backgrounds, respectively. cDNA concentration in the mutants was normalised using actin and wild-type levels of the genes analysed (referred as 1; mean±SD, n = 3).</p