197 research outputs found

    Structural characterization of carboxyatractyloside and acaricidal activity of natural ent-kaurene diterpenoids isolated from Chamaeleon gummifer against Tetranychus urticae

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    Plant-borne secondary metabolites are attracting high interest for their potential use in agricultural applications, with special reference to the control of arthropod pests. In the present work, the structural elucidation of glycosylated diterpenoid carboxyatractyloside (2) isolated from the roots of Chamaeleon gummifer Cass. (Asteraceae) is reported by means of spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques. Complete identification occurred thanks to one- and two-dimensional NMR experiments, assigning the single protons and carbons, and the stereochemistry by the NOESY correlations. Carboxyatractyloside (2), together with two ent-kaurenes atractyloside (1) and atractyligenin (3), extracted from the roots of C. gummifer, have been tested for their acaricidal and oviposition inhibition activity against the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) Notably, compounds 1–3 were toxic to T. urticae, leading to significant mortality, oviposition inhibition, reduced hatchability of eggs, and natality inhibition. However, at the lowest dose (12.5 ÎŒg cm− 2) compound 2 was the most effective, leading to mortality > 60% after 5 days exposure, inhibiting oviposition by > 70% and egg hatching by 33%; it also reduced natality by 80%. Overall, these compounds represent valuable candidates to develop novel acaricides for crop protection. Further research on how to develop stable formulations for field use, as well as on non-target effects of these compounds on pollinators and mite biocontrol agents, is ongoing

    The chemical composition of the aerial parts essential oil of Acinos alpinus subsp. nebrodensis (Lamiaceae) growing in Sicily (Italy)

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    Acinos is a small genus of economically important plants belonging to Lamiaceae family whose botanical collocation is quite problematic due to the disagreement among the botanists and the presence in litera- ture of several names and synonyms from different sources. In the pre- sent study the chemical composition of the essential oil from aerial parts of Acinos alpinus subsp. nebrodensis (Strobl) Brullo & Brullo col- lected in Central Sicily was analyzed by GC-MS. The result showed the presence of large quantity of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons with germa- crene D (37.9%) as the most abundant component followed by (E)- b-caryophyllene (5.1%). Among the oxygenated monoterpenes thymol (8.3%) was the most abundant; good quantity of hexadecanoic acid (6.8%) was also observed. Chemotaxonomic considerations with respect all the other oils of Acinos taxa, studied so far, were carried out

    Assessing Tolerance to the Hydrodynamic Exposure of Posidonia oceanica Seedlings Anchored to Rocky Substrates

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    Among a suite of abiotic and biotic factors, the hydrodynamic regime strongly influences the success of seagrass recruitment through sexual propagules. Uprooting of propagules by drag forces exerted by currents and waves is one of the main causes for the failed establishment and the consequent recruitment. Substrate type and stability play a key role in determining the success of colonization through sexual propagules, as seedling establishment probabilities proved to be significantly higher on rocky bottoms than on unstable unconsolidated substrates. In this research, the current and wave flow intensity that Posidonia oceanica seedlings anchored to rocky substrates can withstand before uprooting were evaluated and the influence of substrate complexity on seedling anchorage success and anchorage strength was investigated. P. oceanica seedlings withstood the current velocity of 70 cm s–1 and increased orbital flow velocities up to 25 cm s–1. Seedling adhesion strength ranged from 3.92 to 29.42 N. Results of the present study corroborate the hypothesis that substrate complexity at scales relevant to the size of propagules is a crucial feature for P. oceanica seedling establishment. The intensity of unidirectional and oscillatory flow that seedlings can withstand without being dislodged assessed in this study support the hypothesis that P. oceanica sexual propagules, once adhered to a consolidated substrate, are able to tolerate high hydrodynamic stress. The results of the present study contribute to re-evaluation of the habitat requirements of P. oceanica, assessing the range of hydrodynamic conditions that this species can tolerate during the early stages of its life history

    Root Hair Adhesion in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile Seedlings: A Numerical Modelling Approach

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    Animals and plants use adhesion to move, to anchor to a substrate, or to disperse seeds and fruits. Some plants developed a root pad as a common strategy to adhere to consolidated substrates. In the marine environment, the seagrass Posidonia oceanica attaches ïŹ rmly to consolidated substrates via adhesive root hairs, forming a pad structure. We used novel morphological and ultrastructural data to develop a numerical model to study the dynamics of root hair adhesion during contact formation on rough consolidated substrates for this species. Morphological analysis, conducted using Scanning Electron Microscope, highlighted the role of root hair branching in pad formation. Transmission Electron Microscope microscopy allowed us to identify a glue-like substance at the pad/ substrate interface. The numerical model highlighted the role played by the cell wall ’ s elasticity in pad formation and its importance in guaranteeing a ïŹ rm adhesion. Furthermore, the effectiveness of these mechanisms was assessed at different simulated roughness levels. Increasing knowledge on the adhesion mechanism of seagrass to consolidated substrates could be pivotal in developing advanced seedling-based restoration protocols. The ïŹ ndings of this study could contribute to restoration activities planned to contrast seagrass regression. Transplanting initiatives using seedlings can now better address the search for suitable and low-impact ways to ïŹ x germinated plants to the substrate

    Chemical composition and broad-spectrum insecticidal activity of the flower essential oil from an ancient Sicilian food plant, Ridolfia segetum

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    Several species of the family Apiaceae are aromatic herbs that produce essential oils usable on an industrial scale for pharmaceutical, cosmetical and food purposes. Particularly, some essential oils, as green insecticides, may replace synthetic insecticides keeping most of their efficacy and avoiding environmental pollution or human’ poisoning. In the present study, we explored the in-secticidal potential of Ridolfia segetum (L.) Moris essential oil (EO), rich in α-phellandrene (49.3%), ÎČ-phellandrene (9.2%), terpinolene (20.7%) and piperitenone oxide (5.9%), against three different pests, Culex quinquefasciatus, Musca domestica and Spodoptera littoralis. For this purpose, the flower EO was obtained by hydrodistillation and its composition was achieved by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Concerning mosquitocidal efficacy, the EO showed a noteworthy toxicity against C. quinquefasciatus 3rd instar larvae, with a LC50=27.1 ”L L-1 and LC90=42.5 ”L L-1. Regarding M. domestica, a different toxicity of the R. segetum EO was found on male and female flies, calculating LD50 values of 10.5 and 50.8 ”g adult-1, respectively. The EO was also toxic to S. littoralis 3rd instar larvae, achieving LD50 and LD90 values of 37.9 and 99.6 ”g larva-1, respectively. Overall, this flower EO extracted from a traditional Sicilian food plant merits further investigation for the development of green insecticide formulations to be used in the real-world conditions, pending a careful assessment of non-target toxicity on beneficial organisms

    Hairy garlic (Allium subhirsutum) from Sicily (Italy): LC-DAD-MSn analysis of secondary metabolites and in vitro biological properties

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    Allium subhirsutum, known as hairy garlic, is a bulbous plant widespread in the Mediterranean area and locally used as a food and spice. In the present study, the chemical profile of the ethanolic extracts from bulbs (BE) and aerial parts (APE) were analyzed by HPLC-ESI-MSn, and antioxidant properties were evaluated by DPPH, ABTS and TEAC assays. The traditional use in the diet, and the well documented biological activity of Allium species suggest a potential as a new nutraceutical. For this reason, the potential usefulness of this food can be considered in the treatment and prevention of degenerative Alzheimer disease. For this reason, acetylcholinesterase inhibitory property was investigated. Furthermore, due to the observed presence of sulfur-containing and phenolic constituents, the cytotoxicity on tumor cells line was investigated. Results revealed significant AChE inhibitory activity for BE and APE. Both extracts exhibited also moderate antioxidant properties in the in vitro assays. Finally, limited cytotoxic activity was observed towards Human colon carcinoma and adenocarcinoma cell line, with differences between the individual parts tested. HPLC-ESI-MSn analysis showed that hairy garlic is a good source of sulphur compounds, flavonoids and phenylpropanoids derivatives, thus being a valid alternative to the common garlic (A. sativum). This work opens new opportunities for the application of A. subhirsutum as a health-promoting food

    Ceiba speciosa (A. St.-Hil.) seeds oil: Fatty acids profiling by GC-MS and NMR and bioactivity

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    This study aimed to evaluate the chemical composition by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analyses, the antioxidant activities evaluated by different in vitro assays namely 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2,20-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS), Ferric Reducing Ability Power (FRAP), and ÎČ-carotene bleaching tests, and the inhibitory effects of enzymes linked to obesity (lipase, α-amylase, and α-glucosidase) of fixed seed oil of Ceiba speciosa (A. St.-Hil.). Fourteen compounds were identified. Linoleic acid (28.22%) was the most abundant followed by palmitic acid (19.56%). Malvalic acid (16.15%), sterculic acid (11.11%), and dihydrosterculic acid (2.74%) were also detected. C. speciosa fixed oil exerted a promising ABTS radicals scavenging activity with an IC50 value of 10.21 ”g/mL, whereas an IC50 of 77.44 ”g/mL against DPPH+ radicals was found. C. speciosa fixed oil inhibited lipase with an IC50 value of 127.57 ”g/mL. The present investigation confirmed the functional properties of C. speciosa fixed oil, and proposes its use as valuable source of bioactive constituents

    Thymus richardii subsp. nitidus (Guss.) Jalas Essential Oil: An Ally against Oral Pathogens and Mouth Health

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    The genus Thymus L., belonging to the Lamiaceae family, contains about 220 species with a distribution that mainly extends in Europe, northwest Africa, Ethiopia, Asia, and southern Greenland. Due to their excellent biological properties, fresh and/or dried leaves and aerial parts of several Thymus ssp. have been utilized in the traditional medicine of many countries. To evaluate not only the chemical aspects but also the biological properties, the essential oils (EOs), obtained from the pre-flowering and flowering aerial parts of Thymus richardii subsp. nitidus (Guss.) Jalas, endemic to Marettimo Island (Sicily, Italy), were investigated. The chemical composition of the EOs, obtained by classical hydrodistillation and GC-MS and GC-FID analyses, showed the occurrence of similar amounts of monoterpene hydrocarbons, oxygenated monoterpenes, and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. The main constituents of the pre-flowering oil were ÎČ-bisabolene (28.54%), p-cymene (24.45%), and thymol methyl ether (15.90%). The EO obtained from the flowering aerial parts showed as principal metabolites ÎČ-bisabolene (17.91%), thymol (16.26%), and limonene (15.59%). The EO of the flowering aerial parts, and its main pure constituents, ÎČ-bisabolene, thymol, limonene, p-cymene, and thymol methyl ether were investigated for their antimicrobial activity against oral pathogens and for their antibiofilm and antioxidant properties

    Microplastics impair the feeding performance of a Mediterranean habitat-forming coral

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    none9siThe impact of plastic debris, and in particular of microplastics (here referred as particles smaller than 5 mm) on aquatic environments has now become a topic of raising concern. Microplastics are particularly abundant in the Mediterranean Sea, potentially exerting substantial pressures on marine organisms at different levels of organization. Ingestion of microplastics has been observed in a large number of marine species. The aim of this work is to test if microplastics produce a feeding impairment in Astroides calycularis, a shallow water, habitat-forming coral endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. Our findings suggest a lack of any avoidance mechanism allowing the polyps to discern between food items and microplastics when occurring simultaneously. Moreover, polyps spend a considerable amount of time on handling microplastic particles. As a consequence, microplastics impair the feeding efficiency in A. calycularis, since polyps may not be fully able to profit from the drifting plankton aggregations. Therefore, we suggest that microplastics can cause a reduction of fitness in A. calycularis, and presumably also in other species characterized by suspension feeding strategy.embargoed_20220123Savinelli B.; Vega Fernandez T.; Galasso N.M.; D'Anna G.; Pipitone C.; Prada F.; Zenone A.; Badalamenti F.; Musco L.Savinelli, B.; Vega Fernandez, T.; Galasso, N. M.; D'Anna, G.; Pipitone, C.; Prada, F.; Zenone, A.; Badalamenti, F.; Musco, L

    Improving the Aromatic Profiles of Catarratto Wines: Impact of Metschnikowia pulcherrima and Glutathione-Rich Inactivated Yeasts

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    Catarratto is one of the most widely cultivated grape varieties in Sicily. It is an indigenous non-aromatic white grape variety. Despite its widespread use in winemaking, knowledge of the aroma and chemical and microbiological properties of Catarratto wines is quite limited. The influence of Metschnikowia pulcherrima combined with Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the aromatic expression of Catarratto wines was investigated with and without the addition of glutathione-rich inactivated yeast. The substance is a natural specific inactivated yeast with a guaranteed glutathione level used to limit oxidative processes. The aromatic profiles of the final wines were determined through analysis of the volatile organic compounds using a solid-phase microextraction technique that identified 26 aromatic compounds. The addition of M. pulcherrima in combination with the natural antioxidant undoubtedly increased the aromatic complexity of the wines. Dodecanal was exclusively detected in the wines processed with glutathione-rich inactivated yeasts. Furthermore, the presence of this natural antioxidant increased the concentration of six esters above the perception threshold. Sensory analysis was also performed with a panel of trained judges who confirmed the aromatic differences among the wines. These results suggest the suitability of glutathione-rich inactivated yeasts for determining the oxidative stability of Catarratto wines, thus preserving its aromatic compounds and colour
