6 research outputs found

    Pemikiran Joesoef Sou’yb Tentang Bunga Bank Dan Kontribusi Kredit Perbankan Bagi Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat Islam

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    Sejak tahun 1960-an, pengharaman bunga bank telah menjadi salah satu isu yang banyak didiskusikan di kalangan umat Muslim. Ini adalah konsekwensi dari adanya dua pandangan dari bunga Bank Konvensional. Para sarjana Muslim mutakhir berbeda pendapat mengenai apakah riba yang diharamkan dalam Alquran dapat diterapkan dalam bunga Bank Konvensional/ bunga bank modern. Perbedaan itu tampaknya berakar dari satu isu pokok yaitu: Apakah penekanan harus diberikan kepada alasan pengharaman riba yaitu kezaliman ataukah kepada bentuk legal dimana riba terkonseptualisasi seperti formal dalam hukum Islam. Kecenderungan Kaum Modernis mengarah kepada pandangan pertama (kezaliman), sementara Kaum Neo-Revivalis cenderung kepada yang kedua (legal). Interpretasi kaum neo-Revivalis sebenarnya adalah interpretasi tradisional dengan penekanan pada pandangan bahwa semua bentuk bunga adalah riba. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut diatas, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemikiran Joesoef Sou’yb tentang Perbankan Konvensional dan kontribusinya bagi pemberdayaan umat Islam, yaitu bunga Bank Konvensional itu tidak termasuk riba menurut kategori Alquran, kontribusi kredit perbankan terhadap pemberdayaan ekonomi umat Islam, serta relevansi pemikiran Joesoef Sou’yb tentang perbankan dengan perkembangan perbankan saat ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui riset kepustakaan (library reserch), dengan melalui pendekatan kualitatif, karena objek pembahasannya terfokus pada pemikiran Joesoef Sou’yb tentang bunga perbankan dan kontribusi kredit perbankan bagi pemberdayaan ekonomi ummat Islam, serta relevansi pemikiran Joesoef Sou’yb tentang perbankan dengan perkembangan perbankan saat ini, yang sumber datanya diambil dari buku Riba Rente Bank, dan literatur-literatur lainnya yang ada hubungan langsung atau tidak langsung dengan pembahasan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif analitis, komparatif dan induktif. Deskriptif analitis digunakan untuk mengungkap dan menjelaskan bunga/ bank. Kemudian metode komparatif digunakan untuk membandingkan persamaan dan perbandingan antara pemikiran Joesoef Sou’yb tentang bunga/ bank, kontribusi kredit perbankan, serta relevansi pemikiran Joesoef Sou’yb tentang perbankan dengan perkembangan perbankan saat ini dengan para pemikir lainnya. Dan metode deduktif untuk menarik suatu kesimpulan dari pembahasan ini


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    Indonesia as a developing country aims to achieve a fair and prosperous society, evenly material and also spiritual. As a country with a goal and strategy, Indonesia is implementing a lot of things to do to improve Indonesia's mature economy along with equitable development spread throughout the archipelago. BUMN is one of the national economy drivers. Banking as one of the State enterprises in implementing its operations is not solely to seek profit, but should support the Government's efforts in enhancing the national economy. It is expressly stated in article 4 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 7 year 1992 concerning banking mentions: "Indonesia's banking aims to support national development implementation in order to improve equitable, economic growth, and national stability toward the enhancement of many people's welfare

    Joesoef Sou’yb’s Opinion on Interest and Bank Credit Contribution to Moslem Economic Empowerment.

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    Based on that condition, the writer tries to know Joesoef Sou’yb’s thought on conventional bank and its contribution to Moslem Economic Empowerment, that is; conventional bank interest is not usury in Al-qur’an. The contribution of bank credit to the Moselm Economic Empowerment, and its relevance to banking and its development in Joesoef Sou’yb’s thought


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    The role of banking in the economy as the intermediary institution will strengthen the economic structure of a country. Loans extended by the bank to borrowers have risks to be stuck credit such as experienced by banking institutions including Medan Singamangaraja BRI Branch Office. Therefore, the problems in this study are about causes of stuck credit, efforts of the bank business in the implementation of dispute resolution over stuck and problematic credits and the ways of reconstruction of problematic credit dispute at Medan Singamangaraja BRI Branch Office. This research is descriptive empirical jurisdiction, and the research results show that the causes of stuck credit at Medan Singamangaraja BRI Branch Office are due to internal factors (weakness in credit analysis and credit documents, as well as carelessness of bank officer), and external factors (economic and political situation, in the country, and Legal Policy of the Government). Efforts of Medan Singamangaraja BRI Branch Office to anticipate stuck credit are preventively applying the precautionary principle (Prudential Principle) in credit distribution procedures, and repressively through Restructuring, sale of security object of credit under hand, and if the efforts do not yield results, then lines to resolution at courts are chosen, through the State Receivables Affairs Committee. From the results of fair dispute resolution of stuck credit, the reconstructions are as follows: 1. Article 2 of Law No. 7 of 1992 states: "Bank Indonesia in running the banking business is based on economic democracy using the precautionary principle; providing criminal and administrative sanctions to employees who violate the principles of prudence, resulting in stuck credit and causing losses for banks/state 2. To achieve equitable settlement credit dispute, then in the letter of credit agreement a firm clause must be included, that: "In the event of disagreement or dispute settlement of stuck credit occurring between the bank / creditor and the debtor, the parties concerned will choose the best dispute resolution for them through banking mediation, and if they fail, they will take the path of litigation or referral to the State Receivables Affairs Committee " Keywords: Bank, Stuck Credit, Justice Valu

    Analisis Yuridis Pengawasan Manifes Penumpang Untuk Mewujudkan Kelaiklautan Kapal (Studi Penelitian di Kantor Kesyahbandaran dan Otoritas Pelabuhan Khusus Batam)

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    In a maritime country like Indonesia, the role of shipping in the socio-economic life of the population is very important, the sea and ships are a unity of transportation systems at sea that cannot be separated, history proves the movement of trade and distribution of population with the use of human labor, starting from rowing boats, installing sails, to being driven by machines and we arrive at the term shipping for water transportation activities at sea,  To be able to create shipping conditions as expected, every voyage must prioritize seaworthy conditions. The problem in this study is how to apply passenger manifest supervision to achieve ship seaworthiness, how to regulate passenger manifest supervision to achieve ship seaworthiness, and what factors hinder passenger manifest supervision to achieve ship seaworthiness. This research uses normative techniques (legal research) with sociological and descriptive research types to collect primary data through field research. Law Number 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping, which regulates the responsibility and authority of harbour master as one of the pioneers of shipping safety supervision, as well as seaworthiness standards for ships before obtaining sailing permits. The study's conclusion is that since governments are responsible for making and enforcing laws, they are expected to create specific laws and regulations that address the authority of law enforcement organizations at sea so that they can serve as a starting point for the prosecution of maritime offenses, streamline shipping, improve inter-agency surveillance, and safeguard the jurisdiction of waters


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    This study aims to find out the investment instruments that have effect on return on investment of the employer pension fund in a defined benefit of pension plan in Indonesia (defined benefit pension plan from employer pension fund). The data used are investment instruments that are permitted for industrial pension funds, return on investment as the secondary data taken from monthly pension fund statistics in the period 2015-2016, and a defined benefit pension plan from employer pension fund industry uses multiple regression with the type of research verification. The results show that deposit certificates and asset backed security have a positive effect on return on investment defined pension plan from employer fund retirement, while shares and mutual funds have a negative effect. This research is useful for those who manage defined benefit pension plan from employer pension fund to allocate funds for investment instrument that results high return on investment because the managers have responsibility for loss and inability to pay employee pension fund and for the financial service authority. This research is also useful to make policy changes about fund allocation limit that are allowed, and the investment instrument that can be used for defined benefit pension plan from employer retirement funds in order to get maximum profit