17 research outputs found

    Chemical Evaluation Of Lignocellulolytic Microbes, Yeast and Lactobacilli Addition to Rice Straw at Silage preservation

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    ABSTRACT Lignocelluiolytie microbial isolate, Trichoderma reseei and rumen fluid, Lactobacilli plantarum and Ithizopus sp were used as starter for rice straw silage fermentation. The fermentation have an objective to improve the nutritive value of nee straw. There were four different fermented rice straw in respect to various starter used. Fl, using T reseei - L. plontorumF2, rumen fluid isolate - L. plantarumF3 nimcn fluid and added by L. &martini as prohioticF4, T. reseei - Wrizopus sp, plantarlim. Mier three weeks fermentation, sample were taken out to the analyzed their nutritive value which were include moisture, dry matter. fat,crude protein, true protein, crude fibre, Neutral Detergen Fibre (NDF), Acid Dctcrgcn Fibre (ADF), ash, and pH. The result of the experiment showed that the fermentation improved of nutritive value (

    The Effect of Different Rice Straw and Concentrate Content of The Ration on Hemiceliulase Activity in The Rumen Fluid of Carabao, Cattle, Goat and Sheep

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    ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to analyze the enzyme activity of Hemicellulase in the wen fluid of the ruminants. Various ruminants were used in this study is carabao, cattle, goat and sheep. The kinds of rations as treatment for this study were ration 1 of 25% concentrate and 75% rice straw, and ration 1i of 100% rice straw. The result of this study showed that the hcmiccllulasc activity of the lumen fluid of carabao (1.29 41xylosaiing protein/60\u27) was higher than other ruminants. It was also ceing showed that the hoinicellulase activity of the rumen fluid which were treated by the ration containing 100% riee straw were 2.23, 0.21, 0.23 and 0.24 (pig xylosating protein/60 for carabao, cattle, goat and sheep respectively. The conclusion of this study was that the carabao have more tolerant to rice straw snide fiber as treatment than other ruminants. Key Words: Hemicellulase, Ruminants, Rumen Fluid, Rice Straw

    Simulator Input-output Sistem Kontrol Menggunakan Raspberry Pi

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    In this research has been made I / O simulator which is a tool to simulate input and output of a control system using Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi has 26 GPIO (General Purpose Input and Output) pins that can be used to control inputs and outputs on the I / O simulator. The 26 GPIO pins are divided into two main systems, is 13 GPIO pins that are odd numbered as inputs and 13 other GPIO pins which are even numbered as outputs. The Raspberry Pi GPIO pins are ordered as inputs and outputs using Python programming languages. The command is done by reading the switch as input signal input, then Raspberry Pi process the input signal and send data as output signal with LED flame on the I / O Simulator. The I / O simulator can simulate logic gates, as AND, OR, NOT, and ADD, and can run mini distillation plant

    Physical Characteristics and Chemical Composition of Meat from Sheep Fed With Fermented Straw

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    ABSTRACT The experiment was conducted to evaluate cheimeal composition and physical characteristics of LD and BF of sheep which was fed using fermented rice straw. Fifteen male sheep, approximately 6-8 month old Wcrc used in this experiment_ Tlic.y were divided into 5 groups i.e., group A, B, C, D and E Basal ration (BR) consisted of manure, rice bran, dry cassava powder and rice straw was prepared. Basal ration was fermented using inoculum from. ruminal fluid of Ongole cross bred cattle for 2 wc.,4:ks. Fermented basal ration (FBR) was wind-dried until it had dryness similar to BR. The sheep of group A. B, C, D and E was then fed using 100% BR : 0% FBR_ 75% BR 25% FBR, 50% BR 50% FBR, 25% BR 74% FBR and 0% BR 100% FBR, They were undergone Iced treatment for ten weeks. Afterward 2 sheep from each group were taken for slaughter. Muscles samples especially LD and BF were taken For analysis Chemical analysis consisted of moisture, protein, fat and cholesterol content whereas CL, WF1C and pH were for physical analysis. The data obtained was analyzed statistically using factorial &sign 2x5. Results of the experiment indicated that chemical composition of sheep meat i.e, protein, fat and cholesterol contents as %Yell as physical characteristics was not influenced by the treatment, except moisture coutent and pH. Statistical analysis showed that dim,: was not different significantly between LD and ST muscles on whether chemical composition or physical characteristics. Key Words: Sheep, Chemical Composition_ Physical Charaetenstic, Fermented Straw, Muscles

    Effect of Protected Kapok Seed Oil Supplementation on in Vitro Ruminal Lipid Status

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    This investigation was conducted to study the influence of protected kapok seed oil (KSO) supplementation on ruminal lipid status. Kapok seed oil (KSO), field grass (FG), Javanese Thin Tailed Sheep (JTTS) sheep rumen fluid, were used as experimental material. There were two treatment factors, namely : KSO supplementation as factor I, and KSO protection (throughout formation of Ca- salt after lipolysis by KOH) as factor II. Factor I consist of 4 supplementation levels, namely : 0% (S0); 5% (S1); 10% (S2), and 15% (S3), respectively, wheareas factor II consist of 5 protection levels, namely : 0% (P0); 25% (P1); 50% (P2); 75% (P3), and 100% (P4), repectivelly. Amount of 15 treatment combination were formed with control, namely without KSO supplementation and without protection (S0P0). The measured variables included : relative proportion of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), i.e. : acetic acid, propionic acid, and butyric acid. In addition, the iodine number (IN) and relative proportion of long chain fatty acid (LCFA), i.e. : stearic acid and linoleic acid )omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acid) were also measured. Collected data were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance with factorial treatment pattern in completely randomized design. The result of this investigation showed that supplementation 10% or upper KSO without protection decreased asetis acid/propionic (A/P) ratio. Ratio of A/P tend increased again with protected KSO supplementation, but on 10 and 15% supplementation levels still lower than control (1.47–2.99 vs 3.36). Protected KSO supplementation increased the relative proportion of linoleic acid and unsaturation rate of ruminal fatty acid (P<0,05) with the higher iodine number, a long with enhancing of supplementation level. Relative proportion of linoleic acid and iodine number (IN) in S1P0, S2P0, S2P3, S2P4 and S3P4 treatment groups were : 17,65 and 10,32; 33,07% and 18,67; 42,29% and 41,95; 45,01% and 47,40; 45,17and 50,99%, respectively. (Animal Production 11(2): 122-128 (2009


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    The tropical forages ussually poor, rapid to mature, thus its digestibility and total digestible nutrient (TDN) is low. There fore, high concentrate diet must be fed to obtain the adequate animal performance, so that economically ineficient. Unsaturated fatty acids supplementation (in this case were using kapok seed oil as source of polyunsaturated fatty acids ) were hoped could enhanching energy density. Kapok seed supplementation, in turn tobe hoped can enhanced feed efficientcy throughout reducing of concentrate feeding. Unsaturated fatty acids can reduces metan (CH4) production, so that enhanches energy efficientcy an/or metabolic efficientcy throughout altering ruminal fermentation pattern as decreasing of acetic acid/propionic acid (A/P) ratio. The predominant polyunsaturated in kapok seed oil were linoleic acid. Feeding of it were combined with partial protection treatment in ration can improve the ruminal metabolic efficiency and suplies polyunsaturated fatty acids, and turn enhanches productivity and product quality, namely the altering lipid composition of animal product which can supplies essential fatty acids especially omega 6 fatty acids requirement and controled the cholesterol level for consumers of it. The first year investigation was conducted to study the influence of protected kapok seed oil supplementation on fiber utility, ruminal fermentation pattern and lipids ruminal profile. Grass land, kapok seed oil, and sheep rumen fluid were used as experimental material. There were two treatment factors, namely Kapok seed supplementation (S) as factor 1 and protection by KOH as factor 2 respectivelly. The factor 1 consist of 4 levels were 0 % (SO); 5% (SI); 10 % (S2) and 15 % (S3), wheareas factor 2 consist of 5 levels were : 0 % (P0); 25 %(P1); 50 % (P2); 75 % (P3) and 100 % (P4). The measurement variables included : In Vitro NDF, DM and OM digestibility, VFA, NH3 and total protein production. Ruminal fermentation pattern variables were measured consist of molar proportion of acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid in addition to A/P ratio, wheareas ruminal lipid profile included iodine number, proportion of linoleic acid and stearic acid. The collected data were statistical analized by analysis of variance with factorial treatment pattern in completelly randomized design. Result of this investigation showed that kapok seed oil (KSO) supplementation at 5 % level wityhout protyection, did not influence the fiber utility. The fiber utility weredecrease, if KSO supplementation was increased upto 10 % or more than it without protection. The decreasing of fiber utility enhanches to be joined with increasing of KSO spplementation levels. Kapok seed oil protection by KOH could improve the utility of fiber, which reflected in increasing of in vitro NDF, DM and OM digestibility of grassland were supplemented by 10 nad 15 % KSO. Supplementation of KSO up to 5 % did not influence total protein production. The increasing of KSO supplementation up to 10 % or more than it, decrease total protein production. Protection of KSO supplemen at that level will improved total protein production, up to its production rate equivalent to total protein production of controle group, supplementation of KSO at 10 % level combined with 50; 75 and 100 % protection levels. The highest total protein production was found in treatmen combination between supplementation KSO 10 % with 75 % protection level. Supplementation of KSO at 10 % level or more than it decreased A/P ratio. Unsaturated fatty acids protection, tend to increases A/P ratio in each of supplementation level. Ratio of A/P tend to increased a long with increasing of protection level. The increasing of KSO supplementation decreased the saturation of ruminal fatty acids. Protection in all of KSO supplementation levels decreased of ruminal fatty acids saturation. The saturation to be low if protection level to be high. Supplementation of KSO increased of linoleic acid proportion. The increasing of KSO supplementation level (up to 15 %), the increasing of linoleic acid proportion were higher. Protection of KSO supplemen were increases of linoleic acid proportion in each supplementation level. Linoleic acid proportion in treatment group of KSO supplementation 10 and 15 % which combined with 50 — 100 % protection level, resulted in average proportion of linoleic acid between 42 to 45 %, with the highest value was found in treatment combination between 15 % KSO supplementation level and 75 % protection level. Based on this investigation result, comboination treatment between 10 % KSO supplementation level and 75 % protection level were best combination treatment to be applied in further more in in vivo investigation. Hijauan tropik pada umumnya berkualitas rendah, cepat tua, dengan demikian kandungan "total digestible nutrient" (TDN) dan kecernaannya rendah. Untuk menghasilkan performans ternak yang memadai perlu porsi konsentrat tinggi, sehingga kurang ekonomis. Suplementasi asam lemak takjenuh (dalam hal ini menggunakan minyak bioji kapok sebagai sumber asam lemak takjenuh ganda) diharapkan dapat meningkatkan densitas energi. Suplementasi minyak biji kapok dengan demikian daiharapkan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi pemberioan pakan metalui pengurangan konsentrat.. Asam lemak takjenuh dapat mengurangi produksi metan (CH4) sehingga meningkatkan efisiensi energi dan/atau efisiensi metabolik dengan pengubahan pola fermentasi ruminal berupa penurunan nisbah asam asetat/asam propionat (A/P). Asam lemak takjenuh ganda yang predominan dalam minyak biji kapok (MBK) adalah asam linoleat. Suplai asam lemak tersebutdalam ransum disertai proteksi parsial, selain akanmemperbaiki efisiensi metabolisme ruminal juga dapat mensuplai asam lemak takjenuh ganda bagi ternak, yang pada gilirannya akan meningkatkan produktivitas dan kualitas produk, berupa perubahan komposisi lipida produk ternak, yang bagi konsumen produk ternak tersebut berguna dalam pengendalian kolesterol dan pemenuhan kebuutuhan akan asam lemak esensial, utamanya asam lemak omega 6. Penelitian tahun pertama dilakukan untuk mengkaji pengaruh suplementasi MBK tersaponifikasi/terproteksi terhadap utilitas serat, pola fermentasi ruminal dan profit lipida ruminal. Sebagai bahan percobaan, digunakan rumput lapangan, minyak biji kapok dan cairan rumen ternak domba. Terdapat dua faktor yakni suplementasi MBK sebagai faktorl, yang terdiri atas 4 aras perlakuan, SO, SI, S2 dan S3, masing-masing 0; 5; 10 dan 15 MBK. Adapun faktor II adalah proteksi menggunakan KOH, dengan 5 aras proteksi, yakni 0; 25; 50; 75 dan 100 persen. Variabel yang diukur meliputi KcNDF, KcBK, KcB0, produksi VFA, NH3 dan protein total.. Untuk pola fermentasi ruminal, diukur proporsi molar asam asetat, propionat dan butirat serta nisbah A/P., sedangkan untuk mengkaji profit lipida ruminal, diukur proporsi asam linoleat, asam stearat dan bilangan iodine (B1). Terhadap data yang terkumpul dilakukan analisis ragarn pola perl;akuan faktorial dalam rancangan acak lengkap. : Hasil penelitian m,enunjukkan bahwa suplementasi minyak biji kapok (MBK) 5 % tanpa proteksi, tidak mempengaruhi utilitas pakan serat. Utilitas serat menurun hila arassuplementasi MBK ditingkatkan menjadi 10 % atau lebih tanpa proteksi. Penurunan utilitas serat makin besar sejalan dengan makin tingginya aras suplementasi MBK. Proteksi asam lemak takjenuh dengan KOH dapatmemperbaiki utilitas pakan serat, yang tercermin pada peningkatan KcNDF, KcBK dan KcB0 rumput lapangan yang tersuplementasi MBK 10 dan 15 %. Suplementasi MBK sampai 5 tak berpengaruh pada produksi protein total . Peningkatan sampai 10 % ke atas, menurunkan produksi protein total. Proteksi suplemen MBK pada aras tersebut akan memperbaiki produksi protein total, hingga tingkat produksinya setara dengan produksi protein total kelompok kontrol . Suplementasi MBK 10 % dengan kombinasi aras proteksi 50, 75 dan 100 %. Produksi protein total tertinggi dijumpai pada kombinasi perlakuan suplementasi MBK 10 % dengan aras proteksi 75 %. Suplementasi MBK pada aras 10 % atau lebih menurunkan nisbah asam asetat / asam propionat (A/P). Proteksi asam lemak takjenuh cenderung meningkatkan nisbah A/P pada setiap aras suplementasi. Nisbah A/P cenderung meningkat sejalan dengan peningkatan aras proteksi.. Peningkatan aras suplementasi MBK menurunkan derajat kejenuhan asam lemak ruminal. Proteksi pada semua aras suplementasi MBK menurunkan derajat keje-nuhan asam lemak ruminal. Derajat kejenuhan makin rendah sejalan makin tingginya aras proteksi. Suplementasi MBK meningkatkan proporsi asam linoleat. Makin tinggi aras su -plemntasi MBK (sampai 15 %), proporsi asam linoleat makin tinggi. Proteksi suplemen MBK meningkatkan proporsi asam linoleat pada setiap aras suplementasi. Proporsi asam linoleat pada kelompok percobaan suplementasi MBK 10 dan 15 % yang dikombinasi dengan proteksi pada aras 50 — 100 %, menghasilkan nilai rata-rata yang tinggi (42 — 45 %), dengan nilai tertinggi ditunjukkan pada kombinasi perlakuan suplementasi MBK 15 % dengan aras proteksi 75%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, Kombinasi perlakuan suplementasi MBK pada aras 10 % dengan aras proteksi 75 % merupakan kombinasi perlakuan terbaik untuk diterapkan dalam penelitian lebih lanjut secara in vivo

    POTENSI MIKROBIA SELULOLITIK CAMPURAN DARI EKSTRAK RAYAP, LARUTAN FESES GAJAH DAN CAIRAN RUMEN KERBAU [Potentiality of Mixed Cellulolytic Microbes of Termite Extract, Elephant Feces Solution and Buffalo Rumen Fluid]

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua penelitian. Penelitian pertama bertujuan untuk memperoleh mikrobia selulolitik dari ekstrak rayap (RE), larutan feses gajah (GLF), cairan rumen kerbau (KCR) dan sapi (SCR). Dua belas tabung hungate yang masing-masing berisi 13,5 ml media terbatas [(NH4)2SO4, CaCO3, K2HPO4, MgSO4.7H2O, NaCl, kertas saring, aquades] secara acak dibagi menjadi empat perlakuan berdasarkan sumber mikrobia (SM), yaitu: perlakuan RT (SM: RE), GT (SM: GLF), KT (SM: KCR), dan ST (SM: SCR). Rerata perubahan aktivitas spesifik carboxymethylcellulase (CMC-ase) perlakuan KT (0,0753 + 0,0170 U/mg) lebih tinggi dan berbeda nyata (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan perlakuan RT (-0,0677 + 0,0099 U/mg), GT (0,0229 + 0,0034 U/ mg), dan ST (0,0145 + 0,0074 U/mg). Penelitian kedua bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi mikrobia selulolitik hasil penelitian pertama dan beberapa kombinasinya dalam mendegradasi selulosa. Dua puluh empat tabung hungate yang masing-masing berisi 10 ml media pertumbuhan [(NH4)2SO4, MgSO4.7H2O, NaCl, CaCl2.2H2O, K2HPO4, KH2PO4, selulosa, resazurin, yeast, sistein-HCl, dan aquades] secara acak dibagi menjadi delapan perlakuan berdasarkan sumber mikrobia (SM), yaitu: perlakuan RP (SM: RT), GP (SM: GT), KP (SM: KT), SP (SM: ST), RGP (SM: RT+GT), RKP (SM: RT+KT), RSP (SM: RT+ST), RGKP (SM: RT+GT+KT). Rerata perubahan aktivitas spesifik CMC-ase perlakuan RGKP (0,2344 + 0,0014 U/mg) lebih tinggi dan berbeda sangat nyata (P<0,01) dibandingkan dengan perlakuan RP (0,0781 + 0,0015 U/mg), GP (0,0060 + 0,0006 U/mg), KP (0,0117 + 0,0005 U/mg), SP (0,0285 + 0,0009 U/mg), RGP (0,0569 + 0,0014 U/mg), RKP (0,0965 + 0,0023 U/mg), dan RSP (0,0868 + 0,0032 U/mg). Potensi mikrobia selulolitik campuran dari ekstrak rayap, larutan feses gajah, dan cairan rumen kerbau (perlakuan RGKP) dalam mendegradasi selulosa adalah yang tertinggi. Kata Kunci: Mikrobia Selulolitik, Ekstrak Rayap, Larutan Feses Gajah, Cairan Rumen Kerbau ABSTRACT This research consisted of two experiments. The first experiment was conducted to get cellulolytic microbes of termite extract (RE), elephant feces solution (GLF), buffalo (KCR) and cattle (SCR) rumen fluid. Twelve hungate tubes each contained of 13,5 ml limited media [(NH4)2SO4, CaCO3, K2HPO4, MgSO4.7H2O, NaCl, paper filter, aquadest] was divided to four treatments based on microbe resources (MR), namely: RT (MR: RE), GT (MR: GLF), KT (MR: KCR), and ST (MR: SCR). The average of specific activity change of CMCace KT (0.0753 + 0.0170 U/mg) treatment was higher and significantly different (P<0.05) than those of RT (- 0.0677 + 0.0099), GT (0.0229 + 0.0034 U/mg), and ST (0.0145 + 0.0074 U/mg) treatment. The second experiment was aimed to know potentiality of cellulolytic microbes from the first experiment and their several combinations in degrading cellulose. Twenty four hungate tubes each contained of 10 ml growth media [(NH4)2SO4, MgSO4.7H2O, NaCl, CaCl2.2H2O, K2HPO4, KH2PO4, cellulose, resazurine, yeast, cycteine- HCl, and aquadest] was divided to eight treatments based on microbe resources (MR), namely: RP (MR: RT),GP (MR: GT), KP (MR: KT), SP (MR: ST), RGP (MR: RT+GT), RKP (MR: RT+KT), RSP (MR: RT+ST), RGKP (MR: RT+GT+KT).). The average of specific activity change of CMC-ase RGKP (0.2344 + 0.0014 U/mg) treatment was higher and significantly different (P<0.01) than those of RP (0.0781 + 0.0015 U/mg), GP (0.0060 + 0.0006 U/mg), KP (0.0117 + 0.0005 U/mg), SP (0.0285 + 0.0009 U/mg), RGP (0.0569 + 0.0014 U/ mg), RKP (0.0965 + 0.0023 U/mg), and RSP (0.0868 + 0.0032 U/mg). Potentiality of mixed cellulolytic microbes containing termite extract, elephant feces solution, and buffalo rumen fluid (RGKP treatment) in degrading cellulose was the highest. Keywords: Cellulolytic Microbes, Termite Extract, Elephant Feces Solution, Buffalo Rumen Flui

    Potentiality of Mixed Cellulolytic Microbes of Termite Extract, Elephant Feces Solution and Buffalo Rumen Fluid

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    This research consisted of two experiments. The first experiment was conducted to get cellulolytic microbes of termite extract (RE), elephant feces solution (GLF), buffalo (KCR) and cattle (SCR) rumen fluid. Twelve hungate tubes each contained of 13,5 ml limited media [(NH4)2SO4, CaCO3, K2HPO4, MgSO4.7H2O, NaCl, paper filter, aquadest] was divided to four treatments based on microbe resources (MR), namely: RT (MR: RE), GT (MR: GLF), KT (MR: KCR), and ST (MR: SCR). The average of specific activity change of CMCace KT (0.0753 + 0.0170 U/mg) treatment was higher and significantly different (P<0.05) than those of RT (- 0.0677 + 0.0099), GT (0.0229 + 0.0034 U/mg), and ST (0.0145 + 0.0074 U/mg) treatment. The second experiment was aimed to know potentiality of cellulolytic microbes from the first experiment and their several combinations in degrading cellulose. Twenty four hungate tubes each contained of 10 ml growth media [(NH4)2SO4, MgSO4.7H2O, NaCl, CaCl2.2H2O, K2HPO4, KH2PO4, cellulose, resazurine, yeast, cycteine- HCl, and aquadest] was divided to eight treatments based on microbe resources (MR), namely: RP (MR: RT),GP (MR: GT), KP (MR: KT), SP (MR: ST), RGP (MR: RT+GT), RKP (MR: RT+KT), RSP (MR: RT+ST), RGKP (MR: RT+GT+KT).). The average of specific activity change of CMC-ase RGKP (0.2344 + 0.0014 U/mg) treatment was higher and significantly different (P<0.01) than those of RP (0.0781 + 0.0015 U/mg), GP (0.0060 + 0.0006 U/mg), KP (0.0117 + 0.0005 U/mg), SP (0.0285 + 0.0009 U/mg), RGP (0.0569 + 0.0014 U/ mg), RKP (0.0965 + 0.0023 U/mg), and RSP (0.0868 + 0.0032 U/mg). Potentiality of mixed cellulolytic microbes containing termite extract, elephant feces solution, and buffalo rumen fluid (RGKP treatment) in degrading cellulose was the highest. Keywords: Cellulolytic Microbes, Termite Extract, Elephant Feces Solution, Buffalo Rumen Flui

    [The Influence of Protected Kapok Seed Oil Supplementation on In Vitro Forage Fiber Utility]

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    This investigation was conducted to study the influence of protected kapok seed oil supplementation on forage fiber utility. Native grass, kapok seed oil, and sheep rumen fluid were used as experimental material. There were two treatment factors, namely kapok seed supplementation (S) as factor I and protection by saponification as factor II. Factor I consisted of 4 levels, were 0% (S0); 5% (S1); 10% (S2) and 15% (S3), wheareas factor II consisted of 5 levels, were 0% (P0); 25%(P1); 50 % (P2); 75 % (P3) and 100% (P4). The measurement variables included in vitro NDF, DM and OM digestibility, VFA, NH 3 and total protein production. Collected data were statistically analized by analysis of variance with factorial treatment pattern in completely randomized design. The result of this investigation showed that kapok seed oil (KSO) supplementation at 5% without protec-tion, did not influence the fiber utility. The fiber utility decreased, if KSO supplementation was increased up to 10% or more without protection. The decreasing of fiber utility increased with the increasing of KSO spplementation levels. Kapok seed oil protection could improve the utility of fiber, which reflected in increas-ing of in vitro NDF, DM and OM digestibility of native grass were supplemented by 10 and 15% KSO. Supplementation of KSO up to 5% did not influence total protein production. The increasing of KSO supple-mentation up to 10% or more decreased total protein production. The protection of KSO supplementation at that level will improve total protein production, up to the production of control group, supplementation of KSO at 10% level combined with 50; 75 and 100% protection levels. The highest total protein production was found in the combination treatment between supplementation KSO 10% and 75% protection level. Keywords : kapok seed oil, polyunsaturated fatty acid, protection, supplementatio