124 research outputs found

    UPC++: A high-performance communication framework for asynchronous computation

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    UPC++ is a C++ library that supports high-performance computation via an asynchronous communication framework. This paper describes a new incarnation that differs substantially from its predecessor, and we discuss the reasons for our design decisions. We present new design features, including future-based asynchrony management, distributed objects, and generalized Remote Procedure Call (RPC). We show microbenchmark performance results demonstrating that one-sided Remote Memory Access (RMA) in UPC++ is competitive with MPI-3 RMA; on a Cray XC40 UPC++ delivers up to a 25% improvement in the latency of blocking RMA put, and up to a 33% bandwidth improvement in an RMA throughput test. We showcase the benefits of UPC++ with irregular applications through a pair of application motifs, a distributed hash table and a sparse solver component. Our distributed hash table in UPC++ delivers near-linear weak scaling up to 34816 cores of a Cray XC40. Our UPC++ implementation of the sparse solver component shows robust strong scaling up to 2048 cores, where it outperforms variants communicating using MPI by up to 3.1x. UPC++ encourages the use of aggressive asynchrony in low-overhead RMA and RPC, improving programmer productivity and delivering high performance in irregular applications

    A comparison of A-level performance in economics and business studies: how much more difficult is economics?

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    This paper uses ALIS data to compare academic performance in two subjects often viewed as relatively close substitutes for one another at A-level. The important role of GCSE achievement is confirmed for both subjects. There is evidence of strong gender effects and variation in outcomes across Examination Boards. A counterfactual exercise suggests that if the sample of Business Studies candidates had studied Economics nearly 40% of those who obtained a grade C or better in the former subject would not have done so in the latter. The opposite exercise uggests that 12% more Economics candidates would have achieved a grade C or better if they had taken Business Studies. In order to render a Business Studies A-level grade comparable to an Economics one in terms of relative difficulty, we estimate that a downward adjustment of 1.5 UCAS points should be applied to the former subject. This adjustment is lower than that suggested by correction factors based on conventional subject pair analysis for these two subjects

    UPC++ Specification v1.0, Draft 4

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    This document has been superseded by: UPC++ Specification v1.0, Draft 6 (LBNL-2001135) https://escholarship.org/uc/item/82094433 UPC++ is a C++11 library providing classes and functions that support Asynchronous Partitioned Global Address Space (APGAS) programming. We are revising the library under the auspices of the DOE’s Exascale Computing Project, to meet the needs of applications requiring PGAS support. UPC++ is intended for implementing elaborate distributed data structures where communication is irregular or fine-grained. The UPC++ interfaces for moving non-contiguous data and handling memories with different optimal access methods are composable and similar to those used in conventional C++. The UPC++ programmer can expect communication to run at close to hardware speeds. The key facilities in UPC++ are global pointers, that enable the programmer to express ownership information for improving locality, one-sided communication, both put/get and RPC, futures and continuations. Futures capture data readiness state, which is useful in making scheduling decisions, and continuations provide for completion handling via callbacks. Together, these enable the programmer to chain together a DAG of operations to execute asynchronously as high-latency dependencies become satisfied

    Access, participation and capabilities: Theorising the contribution of university bursaries to students’ well-being, flourishing and success

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    For the last 10 years, universities in England have been expected to offer financial support to low-income students alongside that provided by government. These bursaries were initially conceived in terms of improving access for under-represented groups, but attention has turned to their role in supporting student retention and success. This paper reports on two qualitative studies undertaken by contrasting universities that have been brought together due to their complementary findings. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with a total of 98 students. Students’ views on bursaries and how they impact on their lives are reported and used to develop a descriptive model of the web of choices that students have in balancing finances and time. This is contextualised within Sen’s ‘capabilities approach’, to argue that providing access to higher education is insufficient if disadvantaged students are not able to flourish by participating fully in the university experience

    University rankings:What do they really show?

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    University rankings as developed by the media are used by many stakeholders in higher education: students looking for university places; academics looking for university jobs; university managers who need to maintain standing in the competitive arena of student recruitment; and governments who want to know that public funds spent on universities are delivering a world class higher education system. Media rankings deliberately draw attention to the performance of each university relative to all others, and as such they are undeniably simple to use and interpret. But one danger is that they are potentially open to manipulation and gaming because many of the measures underlying the rankings are under the control of the institutions themselves. This paper examines media rankings (constructed from an amalgamation of variables representing performance across numerous dimensions) to reveal the problems with using a composite index to reflect overall performance. It ends with a proposal for an alternative methodology which leads to groupings rather than point estimates
