46 research outputs found

    Occludin Content Modulates Hydrogen Peroxide–Induced Increase in Renal Epithelial Paracellular Permeability

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    The ability of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to increase paracellular permeability of renal epithelial cell monolayers was examined and the role of occludin in this regulation was investigated. H2O2 treatment increased the paracellular movement of calcein, a marker for the leak pathway permeability, across monolayers of two renal epithelial cell lines, MDCK and LLC-PK1, in a concentration-dependent manner. At the same concentrations, H2O2 did not alter transepithelial resistance (TER) nor increase cell death. The magnitude of the H2O2-induced increase in leak pathway permeability was inversely related to cellular occludin protein content. H2O2 treatment did not produce any major change in total cellular content or Triton X-100-soluble or -insoluble fraction content of occludin protein. Occludin protein staining at the tight junction region was diminished following H2O2 treatment. The most dramatic effect of H2O2 was on the dynamic mobility of GFP-occludin into the tight junction region. H2O2 treatment slowed lateral movement of GFP-occludin into the tight junction region but not on the apical membrane. Further, removal of the cytoplasmic C-terminal region of occludin protein eliminated the effect of H2O2 on GFP-occludin lateral movement into the tight junction region. An increase in the mobile fraction of GFP-occludin was associated with a loss of response to H2O2. These data indicate that the H2O2-induced increase in renal epithelial cell paracellular permeability is mediated, at least in part, through occludin protein, possibly through a slowing of the rate of occludin movement into the tight junction region

    Recent Activities in the Center for Membrane Biosciences

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    poster abstractThe Center for Membrane Biosciences (CMB) is active in facilitating collaborative research among center members and other IUPUI community members. A number of seed grants have been made and the results from two will be presented. Recent major funding from the NSF supports a CMB-centered program that promotes intensive undergraduate research opportunities. Project 1: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is characterized by the slow growth of fluid-filled cysts in the kidney tubules and liver bile ducts. We identified LPA (lysophosphatic acid) as a component of cyst fluid that stimulates secretory Cl- and compensatory water flux into cysts through binding of receptors on the basolateral membrane of renal cells. LPA concentrations measured in ADPKD cyst fluid and in normal serum are sufficient to maximally stimulate ion transport. Thus, cyst fluid seepage and/or leakage of vascular LPA into the interstitial space are capable of stimulating secretion from epithelial cells resulting in cyst enlargement. Project 2: Upon the recent acquisition of Center-supported high-resolution mass spectrometers at IUPUI, methods for the analysis of lipid and protein samples to support nascent research endeavors within the CMB are being developed. Identification and quantification of sphingolipids in biological samples as well as other lipidomic experiments will be presented. Project 3: The IUPUI URM Immersion in Interdisciplinary Research in Biological Signaling program targets underrepresented minorities in the biological sciences, and through early and sustained undergraduate research experiences that are intensely mentored at multiple levels, aims to increase the number of underrepresented minorities achieving graduate degrees in the Biological Sciences. The first cohort will begin research in the program during the summer of 2011 and are currently in the selection process

    Management of Pain in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease and Anatomy of Renal Innervation

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    Purpose Chronic pain is a prominent feature of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease that is difficult to treat and manage, often resulting in a decrease in quality of life. Understanding the underlying anatomy of renal innervation and the various etiologies of pain that occur in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease can help guide proper treatments to manage pain. Reviewing previously studied treatments for pain in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease can help characterize treatment in a stepwise fashion. Materials and Methods We performed a literature search of the etiology and management of pain in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and the anatomy of renal innervation using PubMed® and Embase® from January 1985 to April 2014 with limitations to human studies and English language. Results Pain occurs in the majority of patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease due to renal, hepatic and mechanical origins. Patients may experience different types of pain which can make it difficult to clinically confirm its etiology. An anatomical and histological evaluation of the complex renal innervation helps in understanding the mechanisms that can lead to renal pain. Understanding the complex nature of renal innervation is essential for surgeons to perform renal denervation. The management of pain in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease should be approached in a stepwise fashion. Acute causes of renal pain must first be ruled out due to the high incidence in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. For chronic pain, nonopioid analgesics and conservative interventions can be used first, before opioid analgesics are considered. If pain continues there are surgical interventions such as renal cyst decortication, renal denervation and nephrectomy that can target pain produced by renal or hepatic cysts. Conclusions Chronic pain in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is often refractory to conservative, medical and other noninvasive treatments. There are effective surgical procedures that can be performed when more conservative treatments fail. Laparoscopic cyst decortication has been well studied and results in the relief of chronic renal pain in the majority of patients. In addition, renal denervation has been used successfully and could be performed concurrently with cyst decortication. Nephrectomy should be reserved for patients with intractable pain and renal failure when other modalities have failed

    Functional studies of the kidney of living animals using multicolor 2-photon microscopy

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    Optical microscopy, when applied to living animals, provides a powerful means of studying cell biology in the most physiologically relevant setting. The ability of two-photon microscopy to collect optical sections deep into biological tissues has opened up the field of intravital microscopy to high-resolution studies of the brain, lens, skin, and tumors. Here we present examples of the way in which two-photon microscopy can be applied to intravital studies of kidney physiology. Because the kidney is easily externalized without compromising its function, microscopy can be used to evaluate various aspects of renal function in vivo. These include cell vitality and apoptosis, fluid transport, receptor-mediated endocytosis, blood flow, and leukocyte trafficking. Efficient two-photon excitation of multiple fluorophores permits comparison of multiple probes and simultaneous characterization of multiple parameters and yields spectral information that is crucial to the interpretation of images containing uncharacterized autofluorescence. The studies described here demonstrate the way in which two-photon microscopy can provide a level of resolution previously unattainable in intravital microscopy, enabling kinetic analyses and physiological studies of the organs of living animals with subcellular resolution

    Genetic Variants Contributing to Colistin Cytotoxicity: Identification of TGIF1 and HOXD10 Using a Population Genomics Approach

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    Colistin sulfate (polymixin E) is an antibiotic prescribed with increasing frequency for severe Gram-negative bacterial infections. As nephrotoxicity is a common side effect, the discovery of pharmacogenomic markers associated with toxicity would benefit the utility of this drug. Our objective was to identify genetic markers of colistin cytotoxicity that were also associated with expression of key proteins using an unbiased, whole genome approach and further evaluate the functional significance in renal cell lines. To this end, we employed International HapMap lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) of Yoruban ancestry with known genetic information to perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS) with cellular sensitivity to colistin. Further association studies revealed that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with gene expression and protein expression were significantly enriched in SNPs associated with cytotoxicity (p ≤ 0.001 for gene and p = 0.015 for protein expression). The most highly associated SNP, chr18:3417240 (p = 6.49 × 10−8), was nominally a cis-expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) of the gene TGIF1 (transforming growth factor β (TGFβ)-induced factor-1; p = 0.021) and was associated with expression of the protein HOXD10 (homeobox protein D10; p = 7.17 × 10−5). To demonstrate functional relevance in a murine colistin nephrotoxicity model, HOXD10 immunohistochemistry revealed upregulated protein expression independent of mRNA expression in response to colistin administration. Knockdown of TGIF1 resulted in decreased protein expression of HOXD10 and increased resistance to colistin cytotoxicity. Furthermore, knockdown of HOXD10 in renal cells also resulted in increased resistance to colistin cytotoxicity, supporting the physiological relevance of the initial genomic associations

    Hydrodynamic Isotonic Fluid Delivery Ameliorates Moderate-to-Severe Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Rat Kidneys

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    Highly aerobic organs like the kidney are innately susceptible to ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury, which can originate from sources including myocardial infarction, renal trauma, and transplant. Therapy is mainly supportive and depends on the cause(s) of damage. In the absence of hypervolemia, intravenous fluid delivery is frequently the first course of treatment but does not reverse established AKI. Evidence suggests that disrupting leukocyte adhesion may prevent the impairment of renal microvascular perfusion and the heightened inflammatory response that exacerbate ischemic renal injury. We investigated the therapeutic potential of hydrodynamic isotonic fluid delivery (HIFD) to the left renal vein 24 hours after inducing moderate-to-severe unilateral IRI in rats. HIFD significantly increased hydrostatic pressure within the renal vein. When conducted after established AKI, 24 hours after I/R injury, HIFD produced substantial and statistically significant decreases in serum creatinine levels compared with levels in animals given an equivalent volume of saline via peripheral infusion (P<0.05). Intravital confocal microscopy performed immediately after HIFD showed improved microvascular perfusion. Notably, HIFD also resulted in immediate enhancement of parenchymal labeling with the fluorescent dye Hoechst 33342. HIFD also associated with a significant reduction in the accumulation of renal leukocytes, including proinflammatory T cells. Additionally, HIFD significantly reduced peritubular capillary erythrocyte congestion and improved histologic scores of tubular injury 4 days after IRI. Taken together, these results indicate that HIFD performed after establishment of AKI rapidly restores microvascular perfusion and small molecule accessibility, with improvement in overall renal function

    Transcriptome analysis reveals manifold mechanisms of cyst development in ADPKD

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    BACKGROUND: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) causes progressive loss of renal function in adults as a consequence of the accumulation of cysts. ADPKD is the most common genetic cause of end-stage renal disease. Mutations in polycystin-1 occur in 87% of cases of ADPKD and mutations in polycystin-2 are found in 12% of ADPKD patients. The complexity of ADPKD has hampered efforts to identify the mechanisms underlying its pathogenesis. No current FDA (Federal Drug Administration)-approved therapies ameliorate ADPKD progression. RESULTS: We used the de Almeida laboratory's sensitive new transcriptogram method for whole-genome gene expression data analysis to analyze microarray data from cell lines developed from cell isolates of normal kidney and of both non-cystic nephrons and cysts from the kidney of a patient with ADPKD. We compared results obtained using standard Ingenuity Volcano plot analysis, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) and transcriptogram analysis. Transcriptogram analysis confirmed the findings of Ingenuity, GSEA, and published analysis of ADPKD kidney data and also identified multiple new expression changes in KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) pathways related to cell growth, cell death, genetic information processing, nucleotide metabolism, signal transduction, immune response, response to stimulus, cellular processes, ion homeostasis and transport and cofactors, vitamins, amino acids, energy, carbohydrates, drugs, lipids, and glycans. Transcriptogram analysis also provides significance metrics which allow us to prioritize further study of these pathways. CONCLUSIONS: Transcriptogram analysis identifies novel pathways altered in ADPKD, providing new avenues to identify both ADPKD's mechanisms of pathogenesis and pharmaceutical targets to ameliorate the progression of the disease

    Skeletal muscle metabolic responses to physical activity are muscle type specific in a rat model of chronic kidney disease

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) leads to musculoskeletal impairments that are impacted by muscle metabolism. We tested the hypothesis that 10-weeks of voluntary wheel running can improve skeletal muscle mitochondria activity and function in a rat model of CKD. Groups included (n = 12–14/group): (1) normal littermates (NL); (2) CKD, and; (3) CKD-10 weeks of voluntary wheel running (CKD-W). At 35-weeks old the following assays were performed in the soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL): targeted metabolomics, mitochondrial respiration, and protein expression. Amino acid-related compounds were reduced in CKD muscle and not restored by physical activity. Mitochondrial respiration in the CKD soleus was increased compared to NL, but not impacted by physical activity. The EDL respiration was not different between NL and CKD, but increased in CKD-wheel rats compared to CKD and NL groups. Our results demonstrate that the soleus may be more susceptible to CKD-induced changes of mitochondrial complex content and respiration, while in the EDL, these alterations were in response the physiological load induced by mild physical activity. Future studies should focus on therapies to improve mitochondrial function in both types of muscle to determine if such treatments can improve the ability to adapt to physical activity in CKD