2,689 research outputs found

    PACAP and migraine headache: immunomodulation of neural circuits in autonomic ganglia and brain parenchyma.

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    The discovery that intravenous (IV) infusions of the neuropeptide PACAP-38 (pituitary adenylyl cyclase activating peptide-38) induced delayed migraine-like headaches in a large majority of migraine patients has resulted in considerable excitement in headache research. In addition to suggesting potential therapeutic targets for migraine, the finding provides an opportunity to better understand the pathological events from early events (aura) to the headache itself. Although PACAP-38 and the closely related peptide VIP (vasoactive intestinal peptide) are well-known as vasoactive molecules, the dilation of cranial blood vessels per se is no longer felt to underlie migraine headaches. Thus, more recent research has focused on other possible PACAP-mediated mechanisms, and has raised some important questions. For example, (1) are endogenous sources of PACAP (or VIP) involved in the triggering and/or propagation of migraine headaches?; (2) which receptor subtypes are involved in migraine pathophysiology?; (3) can we identify specific anatomical circuit(s) where PACAP signaling is involved in the features of migraine? The purpose of this review is to discuss the possibility, and supportive evidence, that PACAP acts to induce migraine-like symptoms not only by directly modulating nociceptive neural circuits, but also by indirectly regulating the production of inflammatory mediators. We focus here primarily on postulated extra-dural sites because potential mechanisms of PACAP action in the dura are discussed in detail elsewhere (see X, this edition)


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    This paper examines finger motion during the bow string release in archery. METHOD: Fifty-six shots from one athlete were captured with an infrared motion tracking system. Kinematics for index, third and ring fingers were calculated. Two different kinematic variables were defined, related to the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) of the third finger: maximum angular velocity (MAX) and minimum angular velocity (MIN). For statistical analysis shots were separated into two groups (very good shots: shots which hit the innermost score area and bad shots: score of 8 or less; shots which achieved a nine or a ten were excluded). A Mann-Whitney test was used. RESULTS: No significant differences were found in the variables MAX and MIN between very good and bad shots (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Findings in this study show that there are no significant differences in angular velocity (related to the PIP joint) between very good and bad shots, but that reproducibility of kinematic characteristics are possible crucial factors in archer’s performance


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of selected kinematic parameters on the performance of the naeryo-chagi technique in taekwondo. Performance was quantified by the vertical velocity of the ankle at initial target contact (VIMP). METHOD: A sample of 19 competitive taekwondo athletes (17 males and 2 females) aged from 17 to 30 years (mean age = 19 ± 4), who were able to accomplish a correct naeryo-chagi technique, participated in this study. After warm up, participants were asked to perform several series of five naeryo-chagi kicks with their front leg at a kicking pad which was mounted on a frame at chin height. For data acquisition a motion tracking system comprising eight infrared cameras and a force plate were used. Only that series, which included the trial with the highest ankle velocity at initial target contact, was further processed. RESULTS: Significant differences between the best and worst performed kick of each athlete (p = 0.025) were found for the extension of the hip joint during the pull down phase (EHIP). No significant differences were found for the maximum ankle velocity during the strike out phase (AVSO; p = 0.28). Considering the best trials of each athlete only, Pearson correlation between EHIP and VIMP was significant (r = 0.542; p = 0.017), that between AVSO and VIMP was not (r = 0.354, p = 0.137). CONCLUSION: The magnitude of change of the hip flexion angle during the pull down movement seems to be an important factor for performing a kick featuring high velocity at initial target contact

    Content categories system for body constructs applied to patients with mastectomy

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    Body image is a predictor of psychological adjustment to cancer and a risk factor for depression. Questionnaires to assess body image in cancer patients assume a preconceived concept of body image and do not reflect the patient's subjective experience. This study aims to develop a content categories system for analyzing body constructs in breast cancer patients from their own experience. Methods The sample comprised 542 constructs, from 23 patients subjected to surgery (12 mastectomy/11 breast-conserving surgery) and 24 controls. Participants were assessed with the Body Grid. Three independent judges coded the constructs elicited following a tentative categories system. Result Six categories appeared: Objective Appearance, Esthetics, Function, Strength, Energy and Emotions, with similar distribution in the samples. Objective Appearance, Esthetics and Emotions were the most used. The inter-rater agreement was very good. Conclusions These findings highlight the importance of knowing which thematic areas concern the most to each patient and the absent ones in their constructions, in order to focus psychotherapy on the developing of new meanings that allow a more integrated body imag

    Applications of Parallel-Element, Embedded Mesh-Cap Acoustic Liner Concepts

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    This study explores progress achieved with 2DOF, 3DOF, and MDOF acoustic liners constructed with mesh caps embedded within a honeycomb core. These liner configurations offer potential for broadband noise reduction, and are suitable for conventional aircraft implementation. Samples for each configuration are tested in the NASA normal incidence tube and grazing flow impedance tube, with and without a wire mesh facesheet. Impedances based on these measured data compare favorably with those predicted using a transmission line impedance prediction model. Predicted impedances are then used as input for an aeroacoustic propagation code to compute axial acoustic pressure distributions in the grazing flow tube. These predicted distributions compare favorably with the corresponding measured distributions at frequencies away from the frequency of peak attenuation, but suffer slight degradation for frequencies very near the peak attenuation frequency, where the predicted results are sensitive to input impedance changes. As expected, the noise reduction frequency range increases as more degrees of freedom are included. Although the specific results achieved herein may differ from those that would be achieved with other 2DOF, 3DOF, and MDOF liners, this comparison highlights some of the key features that can be exploited in the design of parallel-element, embedded mesh-cap liners

    On H-irregularity Strengths of G-amalgamation of Graphs

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    A simple graph G=(V(G),E(G)) admits an H-covering if every edge in E(G) belongs at least to one subgraph of G isomorphic to a given graph H. Then the graph G admitting H-covering admits an H-irregular total k-labeling f: V(G) U E(G) \to {1, 2, ..., k} if for every two different subgraphs H\u27 and H\u27\u27 isomorphic to H there is wtf(H2˘7)≠wtf(H2˘72˘7)wt_{f}(H\u27) \neq wt_{f}(H\u27\u27), where wtf(H)=∑v∈V(H)f(v)+∑e∈E(H)f(e)wt_{f}(H)= \sum \limits_{v\in V(H)} f(v) + \sum \limits_{e \in E(H)} f(e) is the associated H-weight. The minimum k for which the graph G has an H-irregular total k-labeling is called the total H-irregularity strength of the graph G.In this paper, we obtain the precise value of the total H-irregularity strength of G-amalgamation of graphs

    Electron doping evolution of the neutron spin resonance in NaFe1−x_{1-x}Cox_{x}As

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    Neutron spin resonance, a collective magnetic excitation coupled to superconductivity, is one of the most prominent features shared by a broad family of unconventional superconductors including copper oxides, iron pnictides, and heavy fermions. In this work, we study the doping evolution of the resonances in NaFe1−x_{1-x}Cox_xAs covering the entire superconducting dome. For the underdoped compositions, two resonance modes coexist. As doping increases, the low-energy resonance gradually loses its spectral weight to the high-energy one but remains at the same energy. By contrast, in the overdoped regime we only find one single resonance, which acquires a broader width in both energy and momentum, but retains approximately the same peak position even when TcT_c drops by nearly a half compared to optimal doping. These results suggest that the energy of the resonance in electron overdoped NaFe1−x_{1-x}Cox_xAs is neither simply proportional to TcT_c nor the superconducting gap, but is controlled by the multi-orbital character of the system and doped impurity scattering effect.Comment: accepted by PR

    Scaling properties of the critical behavior in the dilute antiferromagnet Fe(0.93)Zn(0.07)F2

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    Critical scattering analyses for dilute antiferromagnets are made difficult by the lack of predicted theoretical line shapes beyond mean-field models. Nevertheless, with the use of some general scaling assumptions we have developed a procedure by which we can analyze the equilibrium critical scattering in these systems for H=0, the random-exchange Ising model, and, more importantly, for H>0, the random-field Ising model. Our new fitting approach, as opposed to the more conventional techniques, allows us to obtain the universal critical behavior exponents and amplitude ratios as well as the critical line shapes. We discuss the technique as applied to Fe(0.93)Zn(0.07)F2. The general technique, however, should be applicable to other problems where the scattering line shapes are not well understood but scaling is expected to hold.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure
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