9 research outputs found

    Survey of Employers in two LGAs in Southwestern Sydney 2013-2014

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    This is a report on the responses of 82 employers in Campbelltown, Fairfield, Narellan, Camden and Smeaton Grange, to a 2013-2014 survey designed to gather employers’ views of their skilled labour needs, in order to remain competitive and grow through innovation. Overall recommendation A lighthouse Regional Manufacturing Innovation and Workforce Development Partnership be piloted, to pioneer a regional program of information exchange and shared workforce development accessible to small and medium businesses. This Government-funded model would be supported by creating seconded or earmarked cross-organisational staff positions and roles, with the brief of working across employer groups, key training organisations and the three tiers of government. Their brief would be to provide a focus for gathering, exchanging and disseminating information that is timely, targeted, well- integrated and readily digestible. This information would cover: - Case study approaches to setting up local innovation initiatives - Environmental scanning of technological developments and locally-relevant market opportunities in Australian and global markets - Best- practice tools such as strategies and resources for induction and advice about accessing customised delivery of accredited workplace, online and off-site learning to building workplace expertise - Regional Manufacturing occupational labour market data, and a regional job-matching website specifically for use by local employers and jobseekers. The Partnership would also provide funding and practical support for the creation of recognized workplace development programs and resource materials supporting small manufacturing businesses in training novices and in upskilling staff. The Partnership would have initial funding for five years, and be tasked with the specific mission of embedding into ongoing practice the structures and approaches it develops. Development of the Badgerys Creek Precinct provides a unique catalyst, with significant multiplier effects, for the creation of such a South Western Sydney Advanced Manufacturing Initiative, one of whose focal points might be an Advanced Manufacturing and Aircraft Maintenance hub

    Expanding Frankfurt Airport Under Conflict: Social Responsibility on the Growth Path

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    At airports, civil aviation meets its permanent com-panion: civil protest. Airports are under pressure to grow to meet air transport demand and stay competitive. In wide pub-lic perception, this interferes with their commitment to Cor-porate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability goals. This article examines the new business environment for air-ports and proceeds to investigate the past and present of re-gional expansion conflicts at Frankfurt Airport, Germany. A very violent history of confrontation in the region has changed stakeholder approach culture, but recent years have again seen the rise of a new, well-organized anti-growth protest movement which uses confrontational tactics. The author dis-cusses the operator’s strategy to counter the substantial op-position to its expansion by a communication campaign to generate visible public support for the airport, and analyzes broader CSR efforts which may help to avoid potential conflict escalation. The article concludes with eight recommendations for socially responsible airports

    A mixed interval type-2 fuzzy best-worst MACBETH approach to choose hub airport in developing countries: case of Iranian passenger airports

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    Hub airports are the ones that model networks in which most journeys go via a few central points. Famous hub airports deliver positive social and environmental impact to the communities along with economic effects. This paper is about to investigate indicators related to hub performance excellence from various angles, considering leading hub airports performance while determining the priorities in order to help airports especially in developing countries to find the way of progress. A list of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is prepared from the literature, which is prioritized using Best-Worst Method (BWM). The weights of these criteria are specified via application of interval type-2 fuzzy BWM. Then using five most important criteria, MACBETH (Measuring Attractiveness by a Categorical Based Evaluation TecHnique) ranking approach is used to analyse 19 Iranian international airports and find the most appropriate one for being hub airport. The results show Kish airport with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) code “OIBK” is prior to other airports and can be chosen as the hub airport that means Iran airports holding company is suggested to focus more investments in this airport to gain fastest possible benefits of an international hub airport

    Improving check-in processing at Brisbane airport

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    It is concerned that current designs in airport terminals need to be adaptable in terms of time and cost increasing their capacity to be able to meet demand. The terminal functionality is limited for some issues in the system’s performance as queues or delays, affecting the quality perceived by the passengers about the provided service. According to current research, the check-in area is considered the bottleneck in the facilities of the terminal. Consequently, the system needs to be reconfigured to improve its operation. Passengers can chose the traditional manual check-in at the counter or self-service automatic kiosk and bag drop. In this project, real-time information system will be provided using passenger throughput information to create flow path simulation for the domestic terminal in the Brisbane Airport. By building the simulation model, the system’s structure will be explored and the behaviour tested under a variety of conditions to play and compare scenarios to optimize the procedure. Ultimately, renovations will be made to the facility with the aim to minimize average dwell time and improve overall customer satisfaction. The ability to react quickly to the increasing passenger fluctuations with rapid and inexpensive changes in the check-in configuration would be the major contribution of the thesis. The strategy presented as a solution for a real world problem supports the adaptation of check-in facilities to the different dynamic environments in other airports

    Flughäfen als neue Arbeitsplatzzentren und Immobilienstandorte: kleinräumige Analysen der stadtstrukturellen Entwicklung australischer Metropolen

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    Der globale Luftverkehr hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten sehr dynamisch entwickelt. Internationale Direktverbindungen sowie eine gute Einbindung in die regionalen Verkehrsnetze verleihen den Flughäfen und angrenzenden Gebieten ein hohes Maß an Erreichbarkeit. Zusätzlich wurden Flughafenbetreiber zunehmend kommerzialisiert und privatisiert, so dass sie ihre Gelände offensiv als Immobilienstandort vermarkten. Aufgrund der besonderen Standortgunst und dem attraktiven Flächenangebot haben sich viele Großflughäfen in neue Immobilienstandorte und Arbeitsplatzzentren von regionaler Bedeutung entwickelt. Es ist jedoch bislang nur unzureichend erforscht, inwieweit sich dieser Prozess auf die interne Stadtstruktur der Verdichtungsräume auswirkt. Daher wird in dieser Arbeit basierend auf der interdisziplinären Flughafenliteratur zunächst ein umfassendes theoretisches Konzept erarbeitet und auf die Metropolen Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane und Perth in Australien angewendet. Dabei steht die Frage im Mittelpunkt, inwieweit sich flughafenbezogene Zentren von anderen suburbanen Gewerbestandorten unterscheiden und inwiefern die Flughäfen die regionale Zentrenstruktur in spezifischer Form prägen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Flughäfen trotz ihrer zunehmenden Etablierung als städtische Zentren nicht notwendigerweise Wachstumsmotoren von Immobilien- und Beschäftigungsentwicklung, sondern primär Katalysatoren des wirtschaftlich-baulichen Strukturwandels innerhalb der Region darstellen. Flughäfen allein sind demzufolge nicht in der Lage neue städtische Formen hervorzubringen, sondern sie sind dabei auf günstige Kontextbedingungen der sie umgebenden Stadtökonomie angewiesen

    Sustentabilidade e benchmarking no sector aeroportuário

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Gestão e Sistemas AmbientaisA evolução dos sistemas de transportes, a longo prazo, caracteriza‐se por uma substituição contínua dos modos de transporte pelos que melhor se adaptam às necessidades económicas e sociais em cada momento. A aviação proporciona uma rede de transporte rápido a nível global, transportando anualmente mais de 2,2 mil milhões de passageiros. A construção de aeroportos, infra-estruturas essenciais no sector da aviação, envolve uma série de actividades que afectam o ambiente. Aeroportos, por todo o mundo, já desenvolveram ou estão a desenvolver programas de sustentabilidade. A sustentabilidade é geralmente avaliada através de indicadores úteis na identificação de tendências, previsão de problemas, estabelecimento de metas, avaliação de soluções e de progresso. Com a globalização da indústria aeroportuária, os aeroportos são cada vez mais comparados,individualmente, e numa base global. Esta dissertação desenvolve‐se no âmbito da sustentabilidade e do desenvolvimento sustentável no sector aeroportuário, associados ao benchmarking, não incluindo os factores sociais e económicos. Foi analisado um conjunto de indicadores, práticas e medidas de sustentabilidade para aeroportos,através de uma acção de benchmarking, com a participação de aeroportos a nível global, e de uma pesquisa bibliográfica para obtenção de informação complementar. Os dados disponíveis permitem concluir sobre a atitude actual dos aeroportos em relação às questões ambientais e à sustentabilidade em particular. Constata‐se que a disparidade entre os resultados obtidos apresenta uma marcada diferença, em termos de consciência e de atitude, em relação à temática em análise. Consequentemente, o nível de evolução em direcção a uma hipotética existência sustentável dos aeroportos analisados apresenta‐se obrigatoriamente e igualmente díspar. Além da análise de indicadores ambientais, são identificadas medidas e práticas ambientais relativas ao desempenho ambiental dos aeroportos. A construção de um novo aeroporto constitui uma excelente oportunidade para utilização do conhecimento actual adquirido no sector aeroportuário, e para a implementação das melhores práticas que podem ser identificadas através de acções de benchmarking. Neste âmbito, inclui‐se na dissertação, um caso estudo – o Novo Aeroporto de Lisboa, para o qual se apresenta uma proposta de práticas e medidas ambientais para integração neste projecto e que poderão constituir um contributo útil, adicional às recomendações já propostas no Estudo de Impacte Ambiental deste aeroporto