19 research outputs found

    The Hall-Petch effect as a manifestation of the general size effect

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    The experimental evidence for the Hall-Petch dependence of strength on the inverse square-root of grain size is reviewed critically. Both the classic data and more recent results are considered. While the data can be fitted to the inverse square-root dependence excellently (but using two free fitting parameters for each dataset), it is also consistent with a dependence on the simple inverse of grain size (with one free fitting parameter for each dataset). There have been difficulties, recognised for half-a-century, in explaining the inverse square-root expression. A Bayesian analysis shows that the data strongly supports the simple inverse expression proposed. Since this expression derives from underlying theory, it is also more readily explicable. It is concluded that the Hall-Petch effect is not to be explained by the variety of theories found in the literature, but is a manifestation of, or underlain by, the general size effect observed throughout micromechanics, due to the inverse relationship between the stress required and the space available for dislocation sources to operate.Comment: Paper presented at Plasticity 2014, The Bahama

    The sero-epidemiology of Rift Valley fever in people in the Lake Victoria Basin of western Kenya

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    Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is a zoonotic arbovirus affecting livestock and people. This study was conducted in western Kenya where RVFV outbreaks have not previously been reported. The aims were to document the seroprevalence and risk factors for RVFV antibodies in a community-based sample from western Kenya and compare this with slaughterhouse workers in the same region who are considered a high-risk group for RVFV exposure. The study was conducted in western Kenya between July 2010 and November 2012. Individuals were recruited from randomly selected homesteads and a census of slaughterhouses. Structured questionnaire tools were used to collect information on demographic data, health, and risk factors for zoonotic disease exposure. Indirect ELISA on serum samples determined seropositivity to RVFV. Risk factor analysis for RVFV seropositivity was conducted using multi-level logistic regression. A total of 1861 individuals were sampled in 384 homesteads. The seroprevalence of RVFV in the community was 0.8% (95% CI 0.5–1.3). The variables significantly associated with RVFV seropositivity in the community were increasing age (OR 1.2; 95% CI 1.1–1.4, p<0.001), and slaughtering cattle at the homestead (OR 3.3; 95% CI 1.0–10.5, p = 0.047). A total of 553 slaughterhouse workers were sampled in 84 ruminant slaughterhouses. The seroprevalence of RVFV in slaughterhouse workers was 2.5% (95% CI 1.5–4.2). Being the slaughterman, the person who cuts the animal’s throat (OR 3.5; 95% CI 1.0–12.1, p = 0.047), was significantly associated with RVFV seropositivity. This study investigated and compared the epidemiology of RVFV between community members and slaughterhouse workers in western Kenya. The data demonstrate that slaughtering animals is a risk factor for RVFV seropositivity and that slaughterhouse workers are a high-risk group for RVFV seropositivity in this environment. These risk factors have been previously reported in other studies providing further evidence for RVFV circulation in western Kenya

    O exercício físico no tratamento da depressão em idosos: revisão sistemática Physical exercise in the treatment of depression in the elderly: a systematic review

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    OBJETIVOS: Revisar a literatura quanto (I) ao possível efeito protetor do exercício físico sobre a incidência de depressão e (II) à eficácia do exercício físico como intervenção no tratamento da depressão. MÉTODO: Revisão sistemática de artigos em inglês e português nas bases ISI, PubMed, SciELO e LILACS de janeiro de 1993 a maio de 2006, utilizando conjuntamente os termos "depressão", "idosos" e "exercício". Artigos que avaliaram o efeito do exercício em idosos com doenças clínicas ou que utilizaram escalas para depressão somente para um diagnóstico inicial foram excluídos. RESULTADOS: Do total de 155 artigos, 22 atenderam aos critérios de inclusão, e oito foram acrescentados com busca manual. Os artigos de corte transversal (n = 8) utilizaram somente questionários de auto-avaliação para medir os níveis de atividade física. Os artigos longitudinais (n = 22) utilizaram também pedômetro digital, consumo direto de oxigênio e o exercício físico como intervenção metodológica. Os estudos que atenderam ao objetivo I apontaram para uma relação inversamente proporcional entre atividade física e alterações nos níveis de depressão. Os trabalhos que utilizaram o exercício como intervenção terapêutica na depressão encontraram resultados divergentes e apontaram para a interferência de fatores fisiológicos e psicológicos nessa relação. CONCLUSÃO: O papel do exercício e da atividade física no tratamento da depressão direciona-se para duas vertentes: a depressão promove redução da prática de atividades físicas; a atividade física pode ser um coadjuvante na prevenção e no tratamento da depressão no idoso.<br>OBJECTIVES: To review the literature on the (I) possible protective effect of physical activity on the incidence of depression, and (II) on the efficacy of physical exercise as a therapeutic intervention in depression. METHODS: Systematic review of ISI, PubMed, LILACS and SciELO articles in English and Portuguese from January 1993 to May 2005 using the keywords "depression," "elderly," and "exercise." Articles assessing the effect of physical exercise in the elderly with clinical diseases or that used depression scales only for initial diagnosis were excluded. RESULTS: We found 155 articles, 22 of which met the inclusion criteria. Other eight studies were included after a manual search. Cross-sectional studies (n = 8) used only self-evaluation questionnaires to measure the levels of physical activity. Longitudinal studies (n = 22) also used digital pedometer, direct measurements of oxygen consumption and physical exercise as methodological intervention. The studies meeting the first objective pointed to an inverse relationship between physical activity and changes in levels of depression. The studies that used physical activity as a therapeutic intervention in depression found divergent results and pointed to the interference of physiological and psychological factors on this relation. CONCLUSION: There are two aspects involved in the role of physical activity and exercise in the treatment of depression. Depression decreases the practice of physical activities; physical activity may be useful in the treatment and prevention of depression in the elderly