19 research outputs found

    Quasi-Steady State Solutions of MHD Oscillatory Flow Between two Parallel Plates in a Rotating System

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    The physical situation considered is that of quasi-state hydro magnetic flow of a viscous, incompressible and electrically conducting fluid between two parallel plates distance™ apart, when the lower plate is set in sinusoidal motion and the upper stationary .Neglecting the Magnetic Prandtl Number, Solution for Quasi-study state when the lower plate moves with cos ( and the corresponding Skin friction at the lower plate have been obtained. Discussion has been made of these two features for the two cases when the magnetic lines of force have been fixed relative to the fluid and the moving plate respectively

    Effect of labetalol and lignocaine on hemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation

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    Direct laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation is a noxious stimuli and induce sympathomimetic responses. Although well tolerated in healthy subjects, it may impose life-threatening arrhythmias, left ventricular failure or rupture of cerebral aneurysm in susceptible patients. The aim is to study the effects of intravenous labetalol and lignocaine on haemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation. Materials and methods: It is a cross-sectional and randomized controlled study with two study groups was planned. 70 patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups: those receiving Labetalol 0.25 mg/kg (n=35) or those receiving lignocaine 1mg/kg (n=35). The parameters assessed are heart rate, systolic BP, diastolic BP and Mean arterial pressure. Baseline parameters were recorded at the time of induction, post-intubation immediately and 1, 3, 5, 10 minutes later. Results: In the current study, at the time of induction, the mean heart rate was 65.97 ± 5.22 per min in group LB whereas the mean heart rate was 76.66 ± 8.49 per min in group LG which was statistically significant (P value <0.001). There was significantly reduced systolic blood pressure at 1min after intubation, 3min after intubation, 5min after intubation, and 10min after intubation in patients of group LB when compared with patients of group LG (P value <0.05). Significantly reduced diastolic blood pressure at 1 min after intubation, 3 min after intubation, 5 min after intubation, and 10 min after intubation in patients of group LB when compared with patients of group LG (P value <0.05). Conclusions: It was concluded in the present study that intravenous labetalol of dosage 0.25 mg/kg before laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation was efficient in attenuating the hemodynamic parameter

    Rotula aquatica. Lour-A Review on Medicinal uses Phytochemistry and Pharmacological actions

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    Rotula aquatic Lour is an important medicinal herb in Ayurvedic system of medicine. The plant occurs as a small branched shrub that grows characteristically among rocks and trailing over pebbles in stream beds, belonging to the family Boraginaceae and widely distributed throughout India. It is commonly called as Pasanabheda in Ayurveda. As only few studies are done on this plant, the comprehensive review presenting here will summarize regarding its Phytochemical and Pharmacological activities with the help of available and update information. Various studies indicated the antiurolithiatic, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anthelmintic properties of Rotula aquatica. Although the information are very encouraging and revealed some of the constituents of the plant like polyphenols and tannins as important therapeutically agents. The herb should be studied more extensively to confirm these results and reveal other potential therapeutic effects. Various traditional claims of the plant are still remain to be validated scientifically. Clinical trials for the reported preclinical studies should be performed urgently to further validate the claims on human

    Enzymatic hydrolysis of market vegetable waste and subsequent ethanol fermentation-Kinetic evaluation

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    In this work, kinetic properties evaluation was made for bioethanol production from sugar hydrolysate of vegetable waste. The saccharified sugars were fermented by using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The effect of various saccharification factors on sugars release were studied and observed that the optimized conditions contributed to 14.4 gL-1of fermentable sugars production. The produced sugars were subjected to batch fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae at pH 4.5 and the kinetic parameters of fermentation were estimated by fitting the experimental data in modified logistic equations. The data revealed product (ethanol) yield (YP/S) of 0.39g/g of reducing sugars. Maximum specific growth rate (μmax), the yield of ethanol on biomass (YP/X) and the yield of biomass on sugars utilization (YX/S) were determined to be 0.18 h-1, 1.097 g/g and 0.313 g/g, respectively. The process yielded 4.13 gL-1 of ethanol by consumption of 10.6 gL-1 sugars with a volumetric production rate of 0.0861±0.002 gL-1 h-1

    A comparative study of efficacy and safety of intrathecal midazolam plus bupivacaine versus bupivacaine in sub-arachnoid block for cesarean section

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    Introduction: Spinal anaesthesia, which is one of the techniques for infraumbilical surgeries, is most commonly criticized for limited duration of postoperative analgesia. Several adjuvants have been tried along with local anesthetic for prolonging the duration of analgesia. Aim: To study the bupivacaine sparing effect of intrathecal midazolam in sub-arachnoid block for cesarean section Materials and methods: A hospital-based interventional study 100 Patients scheduled for elective cesareansection . From the study population two groups of 50 each were observed to assess the selected parameters. Group B - receiving 2 cc of 0.5%Hyperbaric Bupivacaine (10mg) intrathecal Group BM- receiving 1.6 cc of 0.5%Hyperbaric Bupivacaine (8mg) + 0.4cc of 0.5% preservative free midazolam (2mg) intrathecal. Onset times of sensory and motor blockade, duration of sensory and motor blockade, duration of effective analgesia, Ramsay sedation score, newbornAPGAR score and side effects were recorded. Results:. Duration of sensory block is signifcantly high in group BM when compared to Group-B. Duration of effective analgesia is significantly high in Group BM than that of Group-B. There is a statistically significant difference (p-value&lt; 0.05) in the incidence of hypotension between the 2 groups with patients receiving midazolam in combination with low-dose bupivacaine having significantly lesser incidence of hypotension. Comparing nausea/vomiting between the groups the result is statistically significant at p&lt;0.05. APGAR scores of the newborns were comparable between the groups and there was no statistically significant difference. Conclusion: Intrathecal midazolam as an adjuvant to Bupivacaine is safe and effective

    Порівняльне дослідження інтратекального введення трамадолу та фентанілу як допоміжних засобів в абдомінальних хірургіях

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    Spinal anesthesia is preferred choice of anesthesia in lower abdominal surgeries for a long time. However, the problem with this is limited duration of action, so for long duration surgeries alternatives are required. The aim: to compare the intra-operative effects of a low dose of intrathecal tramadol and intrathecal fentanyl with hyperbaric bupivacaine hydrochloride. Materials and methods: prospective randomized control study for a duration of study is one year. 50 patients, aged 18 years to 60 years, belonging to ASA physical status I and II, posted for elective lower abdominal surgeries under spinal anaesthesia were chosen. These patients were divided into two groups: group BT- this group of patients received 2.5 mL volume of 0.5 % hyperbaric bupivacaine with 25 mg of tramadol intrathecally. Group BF- this group of patients received 2.5 mL volume of 0.5 % hyperbaric bupivacaine with 25 μg of fentanyl intrathecally. Results: demographic parameters in both the groups are not statistically significant. The association between the differences in duration of surgeries of both the study groups is not statistically. The association between the differences in mean time of onset of sensory block and motor block of both the study groups was comparable with p&gt;0.05 The duration of sensory block (analgesia) and duration of motor block difference between the two means was statistically significant with p&lt;0.0000001. The difference between the mean VAS score at 3 hours and at 20 hours was statistically significant with p&lt;0.05. Among the study BT group, 52 % needed 2 analgesics and 48 % needed 3 doses of analgesics. Among BF group, 6 % needed only one dose of analgesics and 44 % needed 2 doses of analgesics. The difference between the two was statistically significant with p&lt;0.000002. The association between the hemodynamic variables between both the groups at the end of procedure was statistically significant with p&lt;0.05. Conclusions: Intrathecal fentanyl and tramadol produced a similar onset of sensory and motor blocks. Fentanyl provided better duration and quality of postoperative analgesia compared to tramadolДовгий час спінальна анестезія залишається кращим варіантом анестезії при операціях на нижній частині живота. Однак проблема полягає в обмеженій тривалості дії, тому для тривалих операцій потрібні альтернативні варіанти. Мета: порівняти інтраопераційні ефекти низької дози інтратекального введення трамадолу та інтратекального введення фентанілу з гіпербаричним розчином бупівакаїну гідрохлориду. Матеріали та методи: проспективне рандомізоване контрольне дослідження тривалістю один рік. Було відібрано 50 пацієнтів віком від 18 до 60 років, які належать до I та II фізичного статусу ASA, направлених на планові абдомінальні операції під спинальною анестезією. Ці пацієнти були розділені на дві групи: група BT – ця група пацієнтів отримувала 2,5 мл 0,5% гіпербаричного розчину бупівакаїну з 25 мг трамадолу інтратекально. Група BF – ця група пацієнтів отримувала 2,5 мл 0,5% гіпербаричного розчину бупівакаїну з 25 мкг фентанілу інтратекально. Результати: демографічні параметри в обох групах не є статистично значущими. Зв'язок між відмінностями в тривалості операцій в обох досліджуваних групах не є статистично значущою. Зв'язок між відмінностями в середньому часі виникнення сенсорного та моторного блоку в обох досліджуваних групах була порівнянною з p&gt;0,05. Різниця між двома середніми показниками тривалості сенсорного блоку (анальгезії) та тривалості моторного блоку була статистично значущою з p&lt;0,0000001. Різниця між середнім балом за VAS через 3 години та через 20 годин була статистично значущою з p&lt;0,05. Серед досліджуваної групи BT 52% потребували 2 дози анальгетики, а 48% потребували 3 дози анальгетиків. У групі BF 6% потребували лише однієї дози анальгетиків, а 44% потребували 2 дози анальгетиків. Різниця між ними була статистично значущою з p&lt;0,000002. Зв'язок між гемодинамічними змінними між обома групами наприкінці процедури був статистично значущим з p&lt;0,05. Висновки: інтратекальне введення фентанілу і трамадолу викликало подібний початок сенсорних і моторних блоків. Фентаніл забезпечував кращу тривалість та якість післяопераційного знеболення порівняно з трамадоло

    Analysis of a Ferromagnetic Nanofluid Saturating a Porous Medium with Nield’s Boundary Conditions

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    This research delves into the intricacies of a two-dimensional, steady flow of a ferrofluid within a porous medium, where the thermal conductivity is subject to temperature variations. The study encompasses the influence of magnetic dipoles, radiation, Brownian motion, and thermophoresis phenomena as they interact with a stretching sheet. A novel aspect of this investigation is the detailed analysis of Brownian and thermophoresis effects on nanoparticles while considering Nield’s boundary conditions. The study involves the transformation of flow equations into ordinary differential equations through standard similarity transformations, unraveling the governing equations using the BVP4C method. The outcomes are presented graphically, providing a comprehensive assessment of the factors impacting the fluid properties, including velocity, temperature, and concentration. Notably, this study reveals that an increase in the ferrofluid parameter leads to elevated temperature profiles while causing a decrease in velocity. Furthermore, an increase in the viscosity parameter is associated with a reduction in velocity. Some technological applications of the problem include magnetically controlled actuation and drug targeting

    Phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of genus haplophyllum (Rutaceae): A review

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    The genus Haplophyllum belongs to the large family of flowering plants, Rutaceae. The genus Haplophyllum comprises of about 133 species of low shrubs and perennial herbs in the subtropical and tropical regions of the northern hemisphere of the Old World, markedly in Iran, Turkey and Central Asia. Species from this genus contains a rich sources of secondary metabolites such as quinoline alkaloids, furoquinoline alkaloids, isoquinoline alkaloids, acridone alkaloids, amide alkaloids, quinolone alkaloids, lignans, arylnaphtalene lignans, lignan glycosides, flavonoids, coumarins, saponins, amides and sterols. Extracts and pure compounds isolated from Haplophyllum species have been experimentally shown to have various bioactivities such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, insecticidal, antiprotozoal, molluscicidal, cytotoxic, anti-cancer and anti-HIV activities. This reviews compile the phytochemical constituents, various pharmacological activities of the different plants of the Haplophyllum genus and the NMR value of different compounds of Haplophyllum genus