575 research outputs found

    Законопроект Временного правительства о “легализации” в России третьей Православной церкви — Древлеправославной, имеющей Белокриницкую иерархию

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    The legislative acts of the Provisional Government regulating the functioning of religious organizations has not been sufficiently studied. The bills, which were created in the various ministries of the Provisional Government and failed to become law, are virtually unexplored. On the wave of political events in Russia in February and March 1917, the nondenominational Provisional Government came to power. There arose the need for a comprehensive reform of public administration in Russia and, in particular, church-state relations. In the bowels of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Provisional Government, there was created a structure that developed the draft laws on the status of various denominations: 1) the group on general religious issues; 2) the commission for the revision of the statutory provisions about the Roman Catholic Church in Russia; and 3) the group on issues relating to the Old Believers. This publication focuses on the activities of this final group. The main outcome of this group, working in close alliance with representatives of the Old Believers, was the creation of the draft law on the “legalization” of the third Orthodox Church in Russia (after the Russian and Georgian Orthodox Churches), that is, the Old Orthodox Belokrinitskaya Hierarchy, which, in 1988, became known as the Russian Orthodox Old Belief Church. The resulting bill, dated 18 October 1917, was submitted to the Provisional Government for approval. However, it was not approved because of the overthrow of the Provisional Government on 25 October of that same year. The present article introduces this 1917 bill to “legalize” the Russian Old Orthodox Belokrinitskaya Hierarchy into scholarly awareness.В статье водится в научный оборот законопроект Временного правительства о “легализации” третьей по счёту в России (после Российской и Грузинской) Православной церкви — Древле-Православной Белокриницкой иерархии, с 1988 г. ставшей называться Русской православной старообрядческой церковью. Законопроект, датированный 18 октября 1917 г., не был утверждён Временным правительством по причине смены власти — 25 числа того же месяца

    Muscle trematode infection of alien cyprinids in the basin of the Middle Ob (Sibiria, Russia)

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    The book represents proceedings of Sixth International Symposium “Invasion of Alien Species in Holarctic. Borok -VI” (11 Oct. – 15 Oct. 2021, Borok – Uglich, Russia). The wide spectrum of problems related to appearance and spread of invasive plants and animals is discussed. The book may be interested for specialists in many fields, such as limnologists, hydrobiologists, ecologists, botanists, zoologists, geographers, managers of dealing with nature preservation and fisheries

    Wetting of Superfluid 4He by Liquid 3He

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    We have investigated optically the spreading of He3 on top of the He4-rich solution in phase-separated helium-mixture films, 20-50 μm thick. In equilibrium, the He3 layer wets the He4-rich phase completely, but nearly circular or stripelike pools of He3-rich phase are stabilized instead when He4 atoms are condensed to the liquid sample at the rate 10 exp 15-5 × 10 exp 15 atoms/cm2s. For the contact angle we obtain about 10 mrad, which suggests a fractional change of the He3 surface tension by a factor of 10 exp −5 from the equilibrium value.Peer reviewe

    Preprofile and specialized education of pupils in professional education system

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    Представлена практика Центра по профессиональной ориентации и содействия трудоустройству ГАПОУ СО «ЕПТТ им. В.М. Курочкина» на основе преемственности общего и профессионального образования, действующего на принципах сетевого взаимодействия образовательных учреждений, организаций и предприятий. Обращается внимание на значение предпрофильной подготовки обучающихся основной школы с использованием элективных курсов и профессиональных проб.The practice of the Centre of professional orientation and assistance to the employment of CO GAPOU "EPTT them. named after VM Kurochkin" is presented here, on the basis of continuity of general and professional education, working on the principles of network interaction of educational institutions, organizations and enterprises. The special attention is drawn to the importance of preprofile training of students with elective courses and professional trials

    The role of non-commercial cyprinids in maintenance and spread of the opisthorchiasis focus in the middle Ob River basin (Tomsk region, Russia)

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    The study assessed the role of non-commercial cyprinid species in maintaining the opisthorchiasis focus in the middle Ob River basin, Tomsk region, Russia. The source of O. felineus infection for humans and carnivores is fish of the family Cyprinidae. This is the most numerous family, 14 species live in the middle Ob River basin, which includes 6 commercial species and 8 non-commercial species. This study aimed to investigate the current situation on infestation of non-commercial cyprinids with O. felineus metacercariae and their role in maintaining and spreading the natural focus of opisthorchiasis in the middle Ob River basin. We investigated 4 non-commercial species (tench, sunbleak, common bleak, gudgeon), which are highly abundant in water bodies. Tench, common bleak and gudgeon are objects of amateur fishing. These species are traditionally included in the diet of the local population. Opisthorchis felineus metacercariae were recorded in muscles of all the examined fish species. The identification of metacercariae was confirmed by morphological methods and PCR diagnostics. Tench and sunbleak are the main sources of opisthorchiasis infection in the floodplain lakes of the Ob River basin (the prevalence of tench infection is 89.3% and mean intensity of infection is 11.2 metacercariae per fish, the prevalence of sunbleak infection is 50.9% and the intensity of infection is 4.25 metacercariae per fish). The prevalence of infection in the introduced common bleak from the rivers of the middle Ob River basin is rapidly increasing from 2.4 (2016-2018) to 37.5% (2020-2021), and mean intensity of infection increased from 1 to 4.15. The epizootic state of water bodies in the middle Ob River basin remains unfavorable in relation to opisthorchiasis. Tench, common bleak and sunbleak, along with ide and dace, are the main source of infection for humans and animals, which is evidenced by high infection with Opisthorchis felineus metacercariae in these numerous fish species. They pose the greatest danger of infection of people and animals with opisthorchiasis. These species should be included in the campaign to avoid raw and poorly cooked fish in the diet. In addition, such species as roach, bream and sunbleak also pose the danger of infection with opisthorchiasis, but to a lesser extent


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    It was examined 40 patients with atopic dermatitis in various stages of the clinical course of dermatosis. It has revealed typical endoscopic changes of the gastrointestinal tract in patients with atopic dermatitis in quiescent and acute stages. It has studied the cellular composition of infiltrates and histomorphology of mucous coat of stomach and distal part of sigmoid colon. It has found the generic dysbiotic malfunctions of intestinal microflora in different periods of the clinical course of dermatosis. It is suggested an assumption about the relations between morphological changes of mucous coat of stomach and distal part of sigmoid colon in patients with atopic dermatitis with symtomatic dysbiotic disorders of the intestine and the severity of skin lesions in atopic dermatitis.Обследовано 40 пациентов с атопическим дерматитом в различные стадии течения дерматоза. Выявлены типичные эндоскопические изменения желудочно-кишечного тракта у больных атопическим дерматитом в стадии ремиссии и обострения. Изучены клеточный состав инфильтратов и гистоморфология слизистой оболочки желудка и дистальных отделов сигмовидной кишки. Обнаружены характерные дисбиотические нарушения микрофлоры кишечника в различные периоды течения дерматоза. Сделано предположение о связи морфологических изменений слизистой оболочки желудка, дистальных отделов сигмовидной кишки у больных атопическим дерматитом с выраженными дисбиотическими нарушениями кишечника и с тяжестью поражения кожи при атопическом дерматите

    Observation of a New Surface State on 4He Crystal Interfaces

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    The equilibrium shape of hcp 4He crystals has been studied at temperatures 0.05≤T≤0.7 K by means of a high-precision optical interferometer. We find that the profile of the interfacial boundary, close to an almost horizontal c-facet, has a well-defined slope discontinuity separating two angular regions with different behavior of the surface stiffness α̃. For surfaces tilted by an angle φ≲100 μrad with respect to the c-facet, we obtain α̃=κ/φ, contrary to the linear angular dependence predicted by current theories. Our results on four large crystals yield κ=(11±3)×10 exp −4T erg/ cm exp 2 K.Peer reviewe