114 research outputs found

    Nutrition of primary school children: world and Ukrainian realities

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    The aim of the study is to assess the actual nutrition of primary school children in Ukraine and other countries. Material and methods. An analysis of publications in scientific journals and reports of national agencies on the state of nutrition of primary school children. Search depth 10 years. The following search strategy "primary school", "nutrition", "sentinel surveillance" was used. The 15 most relevant publications were selected for further analysis. In addition, a survey of 450 primary school students was conducted on the quality of nutrition during school. Statistical processing was performed using MedCalc software. Results. Most countries in the world have some kind of nutrition program for younger students. At the same time, the diets that these programs offer do not always meet the principles of healthy eating. According to our own data, only 96 (21.3%) of the surveyed schoolchildren aged 6-10 had a full meal at school. For the rest, there was either a qualitative or quantitative discrepancy in the composition of breakfast and lunch at school. The children noted the lack of time for meals, low taste of school lunches. Every second child consumed insufficient volume of fluids during school. Conclusion. The nutritional status of primary school children is affected by lack of time for eating and recreational physical activity, unbalanced diet when using home lunch boxes and low coverage of high school students with organized meals. Unlike other countries, the main problem for Ukraine is not an energy surplus diet, but the popularity of fast food among children of primary school age is undoubtedly unacceptable

    Amino acid score of some products for younger school children nutrition

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    Introduction. Wholesome nutrition is one of the most important factors in shaping a person's somatic and mental health. Eating habits are formed in childhood and consolidated in adulthood. They can also have an impact on the development of future chronic diseases, such as metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases. The purpose of the work is to evaluate the amino acid score of the main food products of children of primary school age. Material and methods. The research was carried out during 2016 - 2021. Food menus for 1000 of children aged 6-9 years old living in the South of Ukraine (cities Odessa and Mykolaiv, suburban villages and villages far from the regional centres). The study was carried out during the spring-summer (May-June) and autumn-winter (November-December). Field studies of the amino acid content in 24 products, which were included in the first two deciles in terms of frequency of consumption, were also conducted. The results. The distribution of food products was marked by a certain constancy and depended little on the season of the year. Most foods are a major source of carbohydrates. Only 8 out of 24 products were a source of protein and essential amino acids. The overall consumption of protein-rich foods by younger schoolchildren was low. Conclusion. Children 6-10 years old should consume protein in the amount of 0.95 g/kg/day. Our research shows that even such an understated standard of need may not be fulfilled under the current state of affairs. The main sources of protein for children of primary school age in Southern Ukraine are milk, cheese, chicken, river fish and legumes.  Dairy products, eggs and chicken have the highest value in terms of amino acid content, and pork has the lowest value. Legumes have a high amino acid content, but they are inferior to products of animal origin

    The issues of environmental safety in the conditions of Eastern-Ukrainian war conflict

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    The aim of the study was to assess the issues of environmental safety in the conditions of Eastern-Ukrainian war conflict. There was demonstrated that the risk of environmental contamination remains to be high in conflict areas. There is a great potential for long-term civilian health risks from the pollution generated by the war conflict in the Eastern Ukraine. The necessity to restore water infrastructure and access to safe drinking water in conflict areas and IDP shelters and to provide remediation means for elimination of long-term environmental risks related to the war conflict is discussed

    Вплив неорганічних прекурсорів монооксиду азоту на стан здоров'я

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    Метою дослідження було вивчення впливу неорганічних прекурсорів оксиду азоту на організм людини з використанням підходів позитивістської парадигми. У роботі використано методи радіоімунного та імуноферментного аналізу (визначення ендотеліну-І та цГМФ), ехолокація високого розрішення та доплерографічний метод. Показано, що в осіб, що зазнають впливу нітратів у субтоксичних дозах у разі їх надходження з питною водою відзначаються більш високі значення АДсист. (145,2±3,6 мм рт. ст.), ніж під час виробничого контакту з неорганічними прекурсорами NO (відповідно, 134,5±2,8 мм рт. ст. і 137,7±3,2 мм рт. ст. у І і ІІ групах) та у контролі (129,0±2,8 мм рт. ст.). Доведено, що в осіб, що підпадають під тривалий вплив прекурсорів NO, зміст цГМФ і цитруліну вірогідно нижчий (відповідно 6,1±0,3 пмоль/л та 6,0±0,3 нмоль/л), ніж у контролі. При оцінці гемодинамічних характеристик визначено, що у більшості обстежених контрольної групи виявлено нормальну вазоділятаційну реакцію на компресійну пробу, однак серед обстежених I, II і ІІІ груп середній приріст діаметра плечової артерії був в 1,8 рази менш вираженим, ніж у контролі. Передбачається, що тривалі гемодинамічні перевантаження артеріального русла на тлі впливу субтоксичних доз нітратів/нітритів можуть викликати декомпенсацію регуляторних механізмів, що призведе до ослаблення й перекручування дилятуючої реакції ендотелію на звичайні стимули, порушення утворення або блокади дії системи брадикініну й оксиду азоту.The study was aimed to assess the effect of inorganic precursor of nitric oxide on the human body with the approaches of positivistic paradigm. There were used methods of radioimmune and immunoenzyme assay (endothelin and cGMP determination), ultrasound examination and dopplerography. There was shown that individuals exposed to doses of nitrates in subtoxic doses during their admission to drinking water are marked with higher values of systolic blood pressure (145,2±3,6 mm Hg) than in employees having contact with inorganic precursors NO (respectively, 134,5±2,8 mm Hg and 137,7±3,2 mm Hg in the first and second group) and control (129,0±2,8 mm Hg.). It is also proved that the persons who are exposed the prolonged action of NO precursors have the blood concentration of cGMP and citrulline significantly lower (respectively 6,1±0,3 pmol/l and 6,0±0,3 nmol/l), than in controls. In assessing the hemodynamic characteristics there was determined that the majority of the patients of the control group revealed normal vasodilatation response to the compression test, but among the patients I, II and III groups the average increase of brachial artery diameter wasin 1.8 times less comparingly to controls. It is assumed that long>term hemodynamic overload arterial against the effects of subtoxic doses of nitrates/nitrites can cause decompensation of regulatory mechanisms, which leads to weakening and distortion of dilatation endothelial reaction to normal stimuli, education or violation of the blockade of bradykinin and nitric oxide