14 research outputs found

    Causal relationships between the parameters of gas discharge visualization and leukocytogram

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    Background. Previously we have been shown that between parameters of GDV and principal neuroendocrine factors of adaptation exist strong canonical correlation. In the next study, we detected very strong (R=0,994) integral canonical correlation between the parameters of GDV and Immunity. This study, conducted in the same contingent, will analyze the relationships between GDV parameters, on the one hand, and Phagocytosis and Leukocytogram parameters, on the other. Material and Methods. We observed twice ten women and ten men aged 33-76 years without clinical diagnose. In the morning in basal conditions at first registered kirlianogram by the method of GDV by the device “GDV Chamber” (“Biotechprogress”, SPb, RF). Than we counted up the Leukocytogram and determined Interleukin-1 serum level. Results processed by method of canonical analysis, using the software package “Statistica 5.5”. Results. According to the value of the canonical correlation coefficient R with GDV parameters, the components of the Leukocytogram are arranged in this order: proportion of monocytes (0,769) and eosinophils (0,703), entropy of Leukocytogram (0,636), total leukocytes level (0,558), proportion of lymphocytes (0,492), stub neutrophils (0,374) and polymorphonuclear neutrophils (0,307). Coefficient of canonical correlation between parameters of GDV, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, Leukocytogram, makes 0,904; Leukocytary Strain&Adaptation Indices-1 – 0,756; Leukocytary Strain&Adaptation Indices-2 – 0,783; Interleukin-1 – 0,798. Conclusion. The above data, taken together with the previous ones, state that between parameters of Neuroendocrine-Immune complex and GDV exist strong canonical correlation suggesting suitability of the latter method

    Causal relationships between the parameters of gas discharge visualization and phagocytosis

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    Background. Previously we have been shown that between parameters of GDV and principal neuroendocrine factors of adaptation exist strong canonical correlation. In the next study, we detected very strong (R=0,994) integral canonical correlation between the parameters of GDV and Immunity. This study, conducted in the same contingent, will analyze the relationships between GDV parameters, on the one hand, and Phagocytosis parameters, on the other. Material and Methods. We observed twice ten women and ten men aged 33-76 years without clinical diagnose. In the morning in basal conditions at first registered kirlianogram by the method of GDV by the device “GDV Chamber” (“Biotechprogress”, SPb, RF). Than we estimated the parameters of Phagocytic function of neutrophils. Results processed by method of canonical analysis, using the software package “Statistica 5.5”. Results. According to the value of the canonical correlation coefficient R with GDV parameters, the registered Phagocytosis parameters are arranged in the following order: activity (0,616), bactericidal capacity (0,493), completeness (0,489) and intensity (0,484) of Phagocytosis of E. coli; completeness (0,482), bactericidal capacity (0,448), activity (0,364) and intensity (0,338) of Phagocytosis of Staph. aureus. Coefficient of canonical correlation between parameters of GDV, on the one hand, and Phagocytosis, on the other hand, makes 0,847. Conclusion. The above data, taken together with the previous ones, state that between parameters of Neuroendocrine-Immune complex and GDV exist strong canonical correlation suggesting suitability of the latter method

    Relationships between the neuro-endocrine parameters and virtual chakras energy and asymmetry

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    Background. Earlier, we found a close correlation between EEG and gas-discharge image (GDI) parameters. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship of EEG parameters with the energy and asymmetry of virtual chakras, reconstructed on the basis of GDI parameters. Material and Methods. We observed twice 31 women and 29 men aged 26-76 years with dysfunction of neuroendocrine-immune complex. In the morning in basal conditions at first registered GDI by the method of GDV by the device “GDV Chamber” (“Biotechprogress”, SPb, RF). Than we registered EEG. Results processed by method of canonical analysis, using the software package “Statistica 64”. Results. The coefficients of canonical correlation between the EEG parameters and virtual Chakras Energy are in the interval 0,415Ă·0,564 and 0,358Ă·0,528 when registering without a filter and with a filter, respectively. Additional inclusion of HRV and endocrine parameters increases the strength of the canonical correlation to 0,768 and 0,772, respectively. The coefficients of canonical correlation between the EEG parameters and individual virtual Chakras Asymmetry are in the interval 0,284Ă·0,634 and 0,152Ă·0,458 when registering without a filter and with a filter, respectively. Integral coefficient of the canonical correlation is 0,820. Conclusion. The above data, taken together with the previous ones, state that between parameters of neuroendocrine-immune complex and GDV exist strong canonical correlation suggesting suitability of the latter method

    The parameters of gas discharge visualization (biophotonics) correlated with parameters of acupuncture points, EEG, HRV and hormones

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    Background. Previously we have been shown that exist strong canonical correlation between parameters of GDV and principal neuroendocrine factors of adaptation as well as parameters of leukocytogram, immunity and phagocytosis. This study, conducted on a much expanded contingent, will analyze the relationships between GDV parameters, on the one hand, and the parameters of acupuncture points (APs), EEG, HRV and adaptation hormones, on the other. Material and Methods. We observed twice 31 women and 29 men aged 26-76 years with dysfunction of neuroendocrine-immune complex. In the morning in basal conditions at first registered kirlianogram by the method of GDV by the device “GDV Chamber” (“Biotechprogress”, SPb, RF). Than we registered simultaneously EEG and HRV and recorded electrical conductivity of three pairs of Aps. Finally, a blood sample was taken to determine the plasma levels of the main hormones of adaptation: cortisol, testosterone and triiodothyronine. Results processed by method of canonical analysis, using the software package “Statistica 64”. Results. The coefficient of canonical correlation between the electrical conductivity of APs and gas-discharge image (GDI) parameters is 0,635; between APs and virtual Chakras parameters – 0,614; instead, between APs and GDV parameters as a whole – 0,707. The autonomic-endocrine constellation is somewhat more strongly associated with GDI parameters than with virtual Chakras parameters (0,769 vs 0,712). Additional inclusion of EEG parameters in the neuroendocrine set increases the strength of the canonical correlation to 0,869. Conclusion. The above data, taken together with the previous ones, state that between parameters of neuroendocrine-immune complex and GDV exist strong canonical correlation suggesting suitability of the latter method

    Effects of transcutaneous electrical stimulation with the device “VEB” ® on the human body

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    Background. In 2015, a generator for electrotherapy and stimulation oh human nerve centers was created, called “VEB-1”®. Preliminary observation of volunteers revealed a modulating effect of a four-day course of electrical stimulation on the parameters of electroencephalogram, metabolism, as well as gas-discharge visualization (GDV). In this message, we present the results of the approbation of the device on an expanded contingent of volunteers with the use of additional research methods and a new modification of the device. Material and research methods. The object of observation were employees of the sanatorium “Moldova”, patients with chronic cholecystitis: 19 women 30-62 y and 19 men 25-63 y. In the morning registered HRV (“CardioLab+HRV”, “KhAI-Medica”, Kharkiv, UA), EEG (“NeuroCom Standard”, “KhAI-Medica”, Kharkiv, UA), kirlianogram by the method of GDV (“GDV Chamber”, “Biotechprogress”, SPb, RF), electroconductivity of skin in three pairs of points of acupuncture (“Medissa”), electrokinetic index of buccal epithelium ("Biotest", Kharkiv State University), as well as some endocrine, immune and metabolic parameters. After the initial testing, an transcutaneous electrical stimulation session was performed with a “VEB-1”® or a “VEB-2” devices. The next morning after completing the four-day course, retesting was performed. Results. Electrical stimulation causes a sympathotonic shift in the sympatho-vagal balance and an increase in PSD of delta-rhythm generating neurons combined with a decrease in PSD of beta- and theta-rhythm generating neurons. This is accompanied by increase in phagocytosis and favorable changes in immune, biochemical and biophysical parameters as well as increase in testosterone level in men only. The integral effects on the constellation of registered body parameters of both device modifications do not differ significantly. Conclusion. The "VEB" device exerts an adaptogenic effect on the body through transcutaneous electrical stimulation of neurons

    Influence of the course of electrostimulation by the device "VEB-1" on parameters of electroencephalogramm at practically healthy males

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    Background . We created and patented device for electrostimulation "VEB-1". It is intended for activation of functional systems of organism by wave influence on nerve plexus by frequency beats method. This article launches a series of articles on the influence of this device on the parameters of the neuroendocrine-immune complex and the metabolism of various categories of people. Materials and Methods. The object of observation were 14 males aged 24-59 years without clinical diagnose but with dysfunction of neuro -endocrine- immune complex and metabolism. In the basal conditions we recorded electroencephalogram (EEG) a hardware-software complex “NeuroCom Standard” (KhAI Medica, Kharkiv, Ukraine ). Then the volunteers were subjected to an electrostimulation session lasted for 21 minutes in four days. One day after the last session, the EEG was re-registered. Results. 20 parameters of EEG were identified, in which the volunteers' neurodynamics before and after the course of electrostimulation differed considerably (Squared Mahalanobis Distance make up 191; F=16,7; p<10^-3 ). The neurotropic stimulation effect has a modulating character, namely: the initially decreased spectral power density (SPD) of the alpha-rhythm in F3, F4, T4, T5 loci as well as of theta-rhythm in P3 locus increases; decreased SPD of beta-rhythm in the F3, C3, C4, P3, P4 and O2 loci as well as Amplitude of beta-rhythm becomes even smaller; the initially increased SPD of delta-rhythm in the loci Fp1, F8 and P4 rises further. Conclusion. A four-day electrostimulation course causes on males with dysfunction of the neuro-endocrine-immune complex and metabolism a notable neuro-modulating effect evaluated by changes in basal EEG

    Causal relationships between the parameters of gas discharge visualization and immunity

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    Background. Earlier, we found a close canonical correlation between parameters of gas discharge visualization (GDV) and principal neuroendocrine factors of adaptation. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the relationship between GDV and immunity parameters. Material and research methods. We observed twice 10 women and 10 men aged 33-76 years without clinical diagnose. In the morning in basal conditions at first registered kirlianogram by the method of GDV by the device “GDV Chamber” (“Biotechprogress”, SPb, RF). For further analysis the following parameters were selected: Area, Shape Coefficient as ratio Square Length of outward contour gas discharge image to its Area as well as Entropy of contour in Right, Frontal and Left projections registered both with and without polyethylene filter. Estimated also Energy and Asymmetry of virtual Chakras. Then registered routine parameters of cellular and humoral Immunity. Results processed by method of canonical analysis, using the software package “Statistica 5.5”. Results. According to the value of the canonical correlation coefficient R with GDV parameters, the immunity parameters are arranged in the following order: IgA (0,716; p=0,005), CD8+CD3+ Tc-lymphocytes (0,646; p=0,004), IgG (0,645; p=0,002), IgM (0,622; p=0,0001), “active” T-lymphocytes (0,572; p=0,007), CD4+CD3+ Th-lymphocytes (0,566; p=0,003), CIC (0,491; p=0,018), 0-lymphocytes (0,457; p=0,036), CD16+ NK-lymphocytes (0,396; p=0,043), CD22+ B-lymphocytes (0,439; p=0,105). The integral canonical correlation between the parameters of GDV and Immunity was very strong (R=0,994;

    Entropy of gas-discharge image correlates with the entropies of EEG, immunocytogram and leukocytogram but not HRV

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    Background. In implementing the project of verification gas discharge visualization (kirlianography, biophotonics) method, we documented the significant correlation of the gas discharge image parameters with the parameters of electroencephalogram, heart rate variability (HRV), dexterity and spasticity of brush, blood pressure, as well as blood levels of adaptive hormones. As part of a project to investigate the physiological nature of entropy, we have shown that EEG entropy is related to a number of its amplitude-frequency and spectral parameters, as well as to the parameters HRV, blood leukocytogram and immunocytogram and their entropies. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationships between the entropies of the listed information systems. Material and research methods. The object of observation were 20 volunteers: 10 women and 10 men aged 33-76 years without clinical diagnose but with dysfunction of neuro-endocrine-immune complex and metabolism. We registered twice kirlianogram by the method of GDV by the device of “GDV Chamber” (“Biotechprogress”), EEG (“NeuroCom Standard”, KhAI Medica), HRV ("CardioLab+HRV", "KhAI-Medica"), Leukocytogram and Immunocytogram. Than we calculated the entropies of the listed information systems. Results. By stepwise exclusion, 5 variables were included in the canonical GDV root structure, and 6 variables were included in the root EEG structure. Overall, GDI entropy determines the SPD EEG entropy by 33%. The additional inclusion in the dependent set the parameters of HRV, LCG and ICG entropies gives a increase in determination to 48%. HRV entropy was found outside the model. Conclusion. We have documented the relationship between the entropy parameters of electroencephalogram, blood leukocytogram and immunocytogram but not HRV on the one hand, and gas-discharge images on the other. However, the question of the causal nature of this relationship remains open. What is primary: electrical activity of the brain, excretion of cytokines and hormones by immunocytes, or emission of photons and free electrons by acupuncture points (circulation of vital energy)

    Gas Discharge Visualization (Electrophotonic Imaging, Kirlianography). Theoretical and Applied Aspects, 189 s.

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    The monograph highlights the results of priority clinical-physiological studies of the relationships between gas discharge visualization (electrophotonic imaging, kirlianography) parameters, on the one hand, and electroencephalograms, heart rate variability, immunograms, phagocytosis, the content of the main adaptation hormones (cortisol, aldosterone, testosterone, triiodothyronine, calcitonin) in the blood as well as acupuncture points - on the other hand. It is shown that the GDV/EPI method reliably reflects the state of the body's neuro-endocrine-immune complex as well as others parameters and has the right to take its place in the arsenal of physiological/biophysical methods. For biophysicists, physiologists, psychophysiologists, endocrinologists, immunologists, medical rehabilitation specialists. INTRODUCTION Advances in biophysics, biology, functional genomics, neuroscience, psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, and other fields suggest the existence of a subtle system of “biofield” interactions that organize biological processes from the subatomic, atomic, molecular, cellular, and organismic to the interpersonal and cosmic levels. Biofield interactions may bring about regulation of biochemical, cellular, and neurological processes through means related to electromagnetism, quantum fields, and perhaps other means of modulating biological activity and information flow. The biofield paradigm, in contrast to a reductionist, chemistry-centered viewpoint, emphasizes the informational content of biological processes; biofield interactions are thought to operate in part via low-energy or “subtle” processes such as weak, nonthermal electromagnetic fields (EMFs) or processes potentially related to consciousness and nonlocality. Biofield interactions may also operate through or be reflected in more well-understood informational processes found in EEG and ECG data. Recent advances have led to the development of a wide variety of therapeutic and diagnostic biofield devices, defined as physical instruments best understood from the viewpoint of a biofield paradigm [Muehsam D et al, 2015]. Biofield devices comprise physical instruments that may be most clearly understood from the viewpoint of a biofield paradigm, and a large and diverse number of devices have been developed to measure or manipulate biofield interactions. These include both diagnostic devices (to measure biofield properties) and therapeutic devices (to manipulate biofield interactions). The study of biofield devices is at a nascent stage of development, and much further research is needed to determine clinical efficacy and elucidate the underlying mechanisms of action for many of the devices mentioned here. The biofield devices operate through a variety of modalities rather than a single mechanism. Some biofield devices function through well-understood mechanisms and are already widely used in clinical settings: for example, electroencephalography (EEG)- and electrocardiography (ECG)-based heart rate variability (HRV). Other devices appear to operate through mechanisms that are novel or incompletely understood. However, all of these devices share a common property: rather than functioning primarily in a reductionist, chemistry-centered manner, biofield devices function via the informational content of biological processes and can interact via low-energy or “subtle” processes, including those potentially related to consciousness and nonlocality [Muehsam D et al, 2015]. Here Muehsam D et al [2015] provide a brief overview of the broad categories of biofield devices, with the goal being to stimulate further discussion and research. Authors describe those devices for which thay deemed that sufficient evidence exists to warrant mention. They chose to focus upon devices for which peer-reviewed scientific reports suggesting efficacy are available rather than conference proceedings or manufacturers' white papers. However, in the few cases that specific devices with sufficient promise and relevance lacked a peer-reviewed basis, authors have presented whatever evidence was available. Here, devices are organized according to mode of operation and these modalities include electromagnetic field (EMF)-light, EMF-heat, EMF-nonthermal, electrical current, vibration and sound, physical and mechanical, intentionality and nonlocality, gas and plasma, and other (mode of operation not well understood). Muehsam D et al [2015] deemed that gas discharge visualization (GDV) is an important example of the use of plasma in biofield science. Back in 1880 Nikola Tesla demonstrated that when placing the man in the high-frequency field around the body there is a bright glow [cit. by Korotkov KG, 2001]. In 1892 Nardkevych-Yodko YO recorded glow human hands on photographic plate [cit. by Ciesielska I, 2009]. However, a well-known method of "high-frequency photography" was due to spouses Kirlian SD&VH who in 1939 independently discovered this phenomenon [Kirlian SD & Kirlian VKh, 1961], later called "Kirlian’s effect". This technique has been called corona discharge photography [Boyers DG & Tiller WA, 1973], electrophotography [Earle L, 1975], electrography [Konikiewicz LW, 1979], GDV [Bankovskii NG et al, 1986]. In 1996 Korotkov KG created a new scientific approach, based on the digital videotechnics, modern electronics and computer processing quantitative data, called as method gas discharge visualization (GDV bioelectrography). Parallel uses the terms Kirlianography and Electrophotonic imaging (EPI) [Korotkov KG, 2001; 2007; 2014; Korotkov KG et al, 2002; Wisneski LA & Anderson L, 2009; Jakovleva E & Korotkov K, 2013]. Method of GDV, essence of which consists in registration of photoelectronic emission of skin, induced by high-frequency electromagnetic impulses, allows to estimate integrated psycho-somatic state of organism. The first base parameter of GDV is Area of Gas Discharge Image (GDI) in Right, Frontal and Left projections registered both with and without polyethylene filter. The second base parameter is a coefficient of form/shape (ratio of square of length of external contour of GDI toward his area), which characterizes the measure of serration/fractality of external contour. The third base parameter of GDI is Entropy, id est measure of chaos. It is considered that GDI, taken off without filter, characterizes the functional changes of organism, and with a filter characterizes organic changes. Program estimates also Energy and Asymmetry of virtual Chakras [Korotkov KG, 2001; 2007; 2014]. Nearly 1000 papers have been published (mostly in Russian) on GDV research and a few hundred more in the West. These intriguing data suggest that informatics based upon biofield measurement devices such as the GDV may be useful for gaining deeper understanding of disease states and guiding practitioners and their patients towards states of greater wellness [Muehsam D et al, 2015]. Without regard to the wideuse enough of method in medicine, psychology, valeology and others like that, he yields to the just criticizing for an insufficient physiology ground. There fore we put before itself sweep to analyse relationships between the parameters of GDV - from one side, and by the row of neurodynamics, endocrine, immune. psychophysiological, and other parameters - on the other hand

    Liturgy affects the parameters of gas discharge visualization, acupuncture points and neuro-endocrine-immune complex

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    Background. The impact of religion on the human body has been the subject of a number of studies, including ours. The proposed article is a continuation of them. Purpose of the study: to detect in the supervised observation the characteristic effects of the Liturgy on some biophysical and physiological parameters of healthy people. Materials and methods. Under a observations were 10 healthy men by age 26-56 years. In the morning in basale condicions registered parameters of Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV), electroskin conductivity of Points Acupuncture (CPA), Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Leukocytogram, phagocytic function of neutrophils as well as anxiety and plasma levels of main adaptive hormones: Cortisol, Triiodothyronine and Testosterone. After testing, one volunteer went to a chapel to attend a half-hour Liturgy, and another volunteer was in the park nearby, serving as a control. After that, both participants returned to their duties, and after 1 hour all tests were repeated. Results. The characteristic effects of the Liturgy are: minimization the decrease in CPA TR(X) and G8Dg on the right, reactive anxiety, cortisolemia and one marker of vagal tone; limitation the increase in the area of the GDV in the frontal projection and the intensity of phagocytosis; initiation an increase in plasma testosterone, entropy of the leukocytogram and the proportion of rod-core neutrophils, as well as reversion the decrease in the tone of the vagus and the decrease of the energy of the virtual seventh chakra, which takes place in the control group. Conclusion. Liturgy affects the parameters of gas discharge visualization, acupuncture points and neuro-endocrine-immune complex in healthy men