10 research outputs found

    Organizational culture and effective management: problems and challenges

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    Background: Managers are always trying to reduce the costs while improving the quality and efficiency of services. Thus, the aim of present study was to evaluate the status of organizational culture and to investigate the problems and challenges, to provide a developed and effective model of management. Methods: This research was a descriptive cross-sectional survey. The sample size was 344 clerks who were selected by stratified random sampling. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data. The organizational culture questionnaire was designed in 9 factors and 42 sub-dimensions. The face and content validities of the questions were confirmed. To analyze the data, univariate t-test was used in SPSS software and structural equation modeling was used in AMOS software. Results: According to the results, the mean of organizational culture variable was above average (3) and was at the desired level (p-value <0.05). The status of identifying challenges and problems in the study population was measured below the average level. The results showed that more challenges and problems were identified by improving the implementation of organizational culture (0.486). Organizational culture also indirectly affects organizational effectiveness by identifying challenges and problems (0.214). Conclusion: based on our finding, the mediating effect of identifying challenges and problems on the relationship between organizational culture and identifying challenges and problems was confirmed

    Development of structural equation model for human resource management in health sectors

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    Background: To achieve sustainable productivity, creativity and innovation, proper quality of organizational performance, and effective management of human resources is essential. The aim of this study was to determine the structural equation model of human resources management in healthcare centers. Methods: This study was a descriptive-correlational. Library search method was used to review the literature. The statistical population of the study included staff of health centers and experts in different departments of Hormozgan health centers (n=420). According to the Cochran's formula, the sample size was 200 people who were selected by random sampling. To collect data by reviewing the research literature and surveys of experts. A researcher-made questionnaire was prepared that includes 50 items in the form of 6 categories, including contextual, interventional, core concept, the strategies and the consequences. To analyze the data, structural equation modeling was used in PLS software. Results: Causal factors have had an effect on strategies with a rate of 0.705 in the main category (employment and retention of hospital employees) and the main category (recruitment and retention of hospital employees) with a rate of 0.379 with a confidence level of 95%. Intervening factors with a rate of 0.129, background factors on strategies with a rate of 0.457, and finally strategies with a rate of 0.849 had an effect on the results. Conclusion: Strategic human resource management has been presented as the only way to the success of health centers in the new era

    Valores morales de la organización basados en patrones morales comerciales y requisitos legales para presentar el modelo en la administración tributaria

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze and explain the organization's ethical values ​​based on ethical business models and legal requirements to present a model to the Kerman Tax Administration (Iran). The present investigation is descriptive and exploratory, and of a combined type (quantitative, qualitative). Therefore, the orientation of this research was first to determine and identify the components of the organization's ethical values, in addition to reviewing the literature and the research background. The exploratory qualitative sampling method and the sample size due to access limitations are considered for this stage 11 people. This group includes managers and employees of the Kerman Tax Administration. According to statistics, there are 727 managers and employees of the Kerman Tax Administration. Because the type of research requires information from specific individuals, that is, specific types of people such as managers (19) and employees (708) who can provide the desired information in the research, they were selected as a statistical sample. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. In this research, ethical values ​​include organizational justice, organizational commitment, corporate moral culture, and social responsibility of an organization. Patterns of work morale include professional morale, social morale, and individual morale, and legal requirements include appropriate services, quality of services, and trust. In the case of the ethical values ​​measurement model based on ethical standards and legal requirements in the Kerman province, the correlation between variables is not more than 0.9. Therefore, there is no need to merge or remove them. Furthermore, all factor loads are greater than 0.5, indicating that all dimensions have good factor validity. Regarding the structural model of ethical values ​​based on ethical patterns and legal requirements in the tax administration of the Kerman province, the relationship between the variable of organizational ethical models and the corporate moral values ​​is positive and significant. There is also a positive and significant relationship between the variable of legal requirements and the ethical values ​​of the organization.El propósito de esta investigación fue analizar y explicar los valores éticos de la organización basados en modelos éticos comerciales y requisitos legales para presentar un modelo en la Administración Tributaria de Kerman (Irán). La presente investigación es descriptiva y exploratoria, y de tipo combinado (cuantitativo, cualitativo). Por lo tanto, la orientación de esta investigación fue primero determinar e identificar los componentes de los valores éticos de la organización, además de revisar la literatura y los antecedentes de la investigación. El método de muestreo cualitativo exploratorio y el tamaño de la muestra debido a las limitaciones de acceso se consideran para esta etapa 11 personas. Este grupo incluye gerentes y empleados de la Administración Tributaria de Kerman. Según las estadísticas, hay 727 gerentes y empleados de la Administración Tributaria de Kerman. Debido a que el tipo de investigación requiere información de individuos específicos, es decir, tipos específicos de personas como gerentes (19) y empleados (708) que pueden proporcionar la información deseada en la investigación, fueron seleccionados como muestra estadística. La validez del cuestionario fue confirmada por análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio y la confiabilidad del cuestionario fue confirmada por el alfa de Cronbach. En la presente investigación, los valores éticos incluyen justicia organizacional, compromiso organizacional, cultura moral empresarial y responsabilidad social de una organización. Los patrones de la moral del trabajo incluyen la moral profesional, la moral social y la moral individual, y los requisitos legales incluyen los servicios apropiados, la calidad de los servicios y la confianza. En el caso del modelo de medición de valores éticos basado en patrones éticos y requisitos legales en la provincia de Kerman, la correlación entre variables no es más de 0.9. Por lo tanto, no es necesario fusionarlos o eliminarlos. Además, todas las cargas de factor son mayores que 0.5, lo que indica que todas las dimensiones tienen una buena validez de factor. Con respecto al modelo estructural de valores éticos basado en patrones éticos y requisitos legales en la administración tributaria de la provincia de Kerman, la relación entre la variable de modelos éticos organizacionales y los valores morales empresariales es positiva y significativa. También existe una relación positiva y significativa entre la variable de requisitos legales y los valores éticos de la organización. The purpose of this research was to analyze and explain the organization's ethical values ​​based on ethical business models and legal requirements to present a model to the Kerman Tax Administration (Iran). The present investigation is descriptive and exploratory, and of a combined type (quantitative, qualitative). Therefore, the orientation of this research was first to determine and identify the components of the organization's ethical values, in addition to reviewing the literature and the research background. The exploratory qualitative sampling method and the sample size due to access limitations are considered for this stage 11 people. This group includes managers and employees of the Kerman Tax Administration. According to statistics, there are 727 managers and employees of the Kerman Tax Administration. Because the type of research requires information from specific individuals, that is, specific types of people such as managers (19) and employees (708) who can provide the desired information in the research, they were selected as a statistical sample. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. In this research, ethical values ​​include organizational justice, organizational commitment, corporate moral culture, and social responsibility of an organization. Patterns of work morale include professional morale, social morale, and individual morale, and legal requirements include appropriate services, quality of services, and trust. In the case of the ethical values ​​measurement model based on ethical standards and legal requirements in the Kerman province, the correlation between variables is not more than 0.9. Therefore, there is no need to merge or remove them. Furthermore, all factor loads are greater than 0.5, indicating that all dimensions have good factor validity. Regarding the structural model of ethical values ​​based on ethical patterns and legal requirements in the tax administration of the Kerman province, the relationship between the variable of organizational ethical models and the corporate moral values ​​is positive and significant. There is also a positive and significant relationship between the variable of legal requirements and the ethical values ​​of the organization

    Identificación y selección de indicadores de factores socio-educacionales que afectan la calidad de los servicios

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    Municipalities in Mazandaran province (Iran), like other service organizations, are working within legal frameworks. In light of the increasing importance of customer satisfaction and respect in municipalities, the objective of this article is to identify and evaluate indicators of social factors that affect the quality of educational services. The statistical population of the present study included experts and university professors in the Mazandaran province. 15 people were selected by a non-random sampling method. Based on previous studies, research literature, and interviews conducted, the questionnaire was designed and approved. Of 36 questions on social factors that affect the quality of educational services, 7 were related to the quality of educational services. The examination of the items of the questionnaire was carried out with the Delphi technique approach and the suitability of the components and dimensions was measured using the SPSS software. According to the results of the second round of the Delphi technique, 33 indicators of social factors that affect the quality of educational services and 5 indicators of quality of service obtained a score higher than 3. The educational services based on the criteria proposed by the experts included the behavior of the employees, in addition to their competence and skills, innovation in the provision of educational services, coordination and responsibility of the organization, organizational trust, organizational performance, social responsibility and the labor values of employees. Furthermore, the mean of all dimensions was between 4 and 5 (between appropriate and completely appropriate). In conclusion, there was an adjustment between all dimensions of social factors that affect the quality of educational services according to the proposed criteria.Los municipios de la provincia de Mazandaran (Irán), como otras organizaciones de servicios, están trabajando dentro de los marcos legales. A la luz de la creciente importancia de la satisfacción del cliente y su respeto en los municipios, el objetivo de este artículo es identificar y evaluar los indicadores de los factores sociales que afectan la calidad de los servicios. La población estadística del presente estudio incluyó expertos y profesores universitarios en la provincia de Mazandaran. 15 personas fueron seleccionadas por un método de muestreo no aleatorio. Con base en estudios previos, la literatura de investigación y las entrevistas realizadas, el cuestionario fue diseñado y aprobado. De 36 preguntas sobre los factores sociales que afectan la calidad de los servicios, 7 estaban relacionadas con la calidad de los servicios. El examen de los ítems del cuestionario se realizó con el enfoque de la técnica Delphi y la idoneidad de los componentes y dimensiones se midió utilizando el software SPSS. De acuerdo con los resultados de la segunda ronda de la técnica Delphi, 33 indicadores de factores sociales que afectan la calidad de los servicios y 5 indicadores de calidad de servicio obtuvieron una puntuación superior a 3. Los servicios basados ​​en los criterios propuestos por los expertos incluyeron el comportamiento de los empleados, además de su competencia y habilidades, la innovación en la prestación de servicios, la coordinación y la responsabilidad de la organización, la confianza organizacional, el desempeño organizacional, la responsabilidad social y los valores laborales de los empleados. Además, la media de todas las dimensiones estaba entre 4 y 5 (entre apropiado y completamente apropiado). En conclusión, hubo un ajuste entre todas las dimensiones de los factores sociales que afectan la calidad de los servicios según los criterios propuestos

    The ways of recruiting and interacting with staffs to improve the performance of the hospitals: a qualitative study

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    Background: Human resource management should use the various systems of retention of individuals that lead to mental and physical reconstruction. Methods: This was a qualitative and descriptive-analytical study. Collecting data was achieved through interviews and was coded in three stages of open, axial and selective coding. The statistical population included all managers of the province hospitals. They included 20 managers, 3 governor’s deputy and 3 governor's advisor and a total number of 26 people. In the axial coding stage, by categorizing, conceptualizing and approximating open codes, the researcher classified open codes in 19 classes regarding the phenomenon of recruitment and retention of staff in the study hospital.  In the selective coding stage, the conceptualized codes were organized into six classes, including causal factors, contextual factors, intervening factors, central or core concept, strategies and consequences. Results: Recognition of employability, Job adaptability, Person-job and Improving motivational structures, demographic, employment policies, Political conditions and relations in the organization, structural factors and building culture , empowerment in line with job path progress, delegation of authority and opportunities for professional development, diversity, management style, organizational innovation, creativity, learning and problem solving, Improving the efficiency, performance of the organization, improving human capital and internal marketing and learning and problem solving were causal factors of the phenomenon of effective recruitment and retention of hospital staff.. Conclusion: Organizations, should provide the importance of recruitment strategy and performance of hospital staff to enhance the organizational goals

    Presenting a Developed and Effective Model of Organizational Culture Regarding the Existing Problems and Challenges (A Case Study of Refah Bank of Iran)

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    Organizational effectiveness as the most significant objective of any organization is the goal that all organizational efforts are made to achieve. Thus, the aim of this paper is to provide a developed and effective model of organizational culture considering the existing problems and challenges. This research is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive of correlational type in terms of nature, and a survey in terms of method. The statistical population is the employees of the Refah Bank of Iran. The sample size was 344 people who were selected by stratified random sampling. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect information. The questionnaire of organizational culture was set up in 9 factors and 42 sub- dimensions (indices), the questionnaire of challenge and problem identification was set in 3 factors and 18 sub-dimensions (indices) and the questionnaire of organizational effectiveness was set in 4 factors and 28 sub-dimensions (indices). The face and content validity of the questions was confirmed by experts. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated higher than (0.7) which indicated the internal consistency of the items confirming reliability. In order to analyze the data, structural equation modeling was applied through using amos software. The results indicated a significant relationship between organizational culture and the identification of challenges and problems (p = 0.001, β = 0.486). Considering the positive path coefficient, this relationship is incremental (direct). The results also showed a significant relationship between identification of challenges and problems with organizational effectiveness (p = 0.001, β = 0.441). This relationship is incremental (direct). The results indicated that organizational culture indirectly and through identifying challenges and problems affects organizational effectiveness by the amount of (0.214). The rate of indirect effect through the identification of challenges and problems is equal to (0.214)

    Analyzing the Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment in the Relationship between Psychological Capital and Human Resource Productivity

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    The aim of this study is to identify the mediating role of organizational commitment in the relationship between psychological capital and human resource productivity. This study is an applied study in terms of aim and descriptive-correlational in terms of way of collecting data based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the present study is the employees of the affiliated departments of one of the governmental organizations of South Khorasan province, which included about 700 people in 2019. The sample size was 520 people and was selected using random sampling method. To collect the data, valid (Setiyanto & Natalia, 2017) Organizational Commitment Questionnaire and Luthans et al Psychological Capital Questionnaire were used, and a 31-item questionnaire was used to measure the variable of human resource productivity. In this questionnaire, the dimensions of ability, understanding and recognition, organizational support, motivation, feedback, credibility and adaptability were extracted from (Kumar & Agarwal, 2019) human resource productivity model and the dimension of effort was extracted from (Karakus et al., 2019) human resource productivity model. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to assess the reliability of the questionnaires, and the results indicated an acceptable value for the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The results of structural analysis of the research showed a positive and significant effect of psychological capital on human resource productivity (0.160) and also a positive and significant effect of psychological capital on organizational commitment (0.889). The results showed a positive and significant effect of organizational commitment on human resource productivity (0.847). Also, the research results indicate that psychological capital both directly and indirectly affects the productivity of human resources (0.753) through organizational commitment. Thus, the mediating effect of organizational commitment on the relationship between psychological capital and human resource productivity was confirmed