289 research outputs found

    Impact of climate change using CRAFT: a case study for West Africa

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    The CGIAR research program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Program’s (CCAFS) Regional Agricultural Forecasting Toolbox (CRAFT) is a framework for multi-scale spatial gridded simulations using an ensemble of crop models. The toolbox facilitates studies on the potential impact of climate change on crop production for a region in addition to other capabilities such as the regional in-season yield forecasting and risk assessment. CRAFT can be used to generate and conduct multiple simulation scenarios, maps, and interactive visualizations using a crop engine that can run the crop simulation models DSSAT, APSIM, and SARRA-H, in concert with the Climate Predictability Tool (CPT) for probabilistic seasonal climate forecasts

    Training on Climate Risk Management in Agricultural Advisory Services in Senegal

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    The phenomenon of climate change encompasses all sectors of life, and its impact on the agricultural sector (farming and livestock breeding) is well established. Faced with these challenges of adaptation and survival, it is important to raise awareness among all those involved (technicians and producers) of the basic concepts and decision-support tools needed to derive maximum benefit from agricultural activities. It was against this backdrop that AICCRA set up a train-the-trainer program with the support of universities, agricultural technicians, producers' organizations and agricultural technology extension services. A model curriculum was selected at an earlier event in Dakar from December 05 to 10, 2022 (Fleur de Lys Point E). A train-the-trainer workshop was organized in Saly from March 06 to 16, 2023 to validate and improve the training modules. The AICCRA project (Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research in Africa), is a three (3) year project (2021-2023) funded by the World Bank (IDA) in six (6) African countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Zambia, Ghana, Mali and Senegal. The main objective of AICCRA-Senegal is to strengthen the technical, institutional and human capacities needed to improve the transfer of climate-related information, decision-making tools. and technologies in support of scaling-up efforts to strengthen the resilience of agricultural and livestock value chains, particularly in arid zones. As part of this training program, AICCRA aims to improve and facilitate access to climate information services and climate-smart agricultural technologies for the project's target farmers, via extension agents. AICCRA therefore aims to help build producers' resilience and make it easier for them to understand weather and climate phenomena, so they can forecast and plan their farming activities effectively. Capacity building for intermediate users, in particular of agricultural extension and advisory services (EAS) in Senegal and five other target countries is a key element of AICCRA's strategy for achieving this objective

    Les Performances Agro-Economiques De L’urée Super Granulé : Cas Du Riz Au Sénégal

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    Le riz est l’aliment de base des sénégalais. Cependant sa production nationale est inférieure à la demande. La production du riz donne des rendements de 7 à 8 t/ha dans la vallée du Fleuve Sénégal avec une utilisation de grandes quantités d’urée. Dans cette étude, nous comparons les performances agronomiques et économiques de l’application de l’urée suivant deux technologies : la technique du placement profond de l’urée et l’épandage à la volée de l’urée. Un dispositif expérimental en blocs complets randomisés est utilisé avec quatre niveaux de fertilisation (T1 : 113 kg / ha d’urée super granulé (USG) de 1,8 g soit 52 kg N / ha ; T2 : 170 kg / ha d’urée super granulé (USG) de 2,7g soit 78 kg N / ha; T3 : 226 kg / ha d’urée super granulé (USG) de 3,6g (2 USG de 1,8g) soit 104 kg N / ha et T4 : 300 kg / ha d’urée ordinaire soit 138 kg N / ha.). Les résultats montrent que la technologie du placement profond de l’urée permet d’obtenir des rendements plus élevés (T3 : 7582 kg/ha ; T2 : 7082 kg/ha et T1 : 5441 kg/ha) que celui enregistré avec l’épandage à la volée de l’urée T4 (5375 kg/ha). L’analyse économique a montré un taux marginal de rentabilité de 1063% en prenant comme référence la fertilisation actuellement pratiquée. Rice is the staple food of Senegalese people. However, its domestic production is below demand. Rice production yields 7 to 8 t/ha in the Senegal River Valley with the use of large amounts of urea. In this study, we compare the agronomic and economic performance of urea application using two technologies: the technique of deep placement of urea and the application of urea on the fly. An experimental device in randomized complete blocks is used with four fertilization levels (T1: 113 kg/ha of super granulated urea (USG) of 1.8 g or 52 kg N/ha; T2: 170 kg/ha of super granulated urea (USG) of 2.7g or 78 kg N/ha; T3: 226 kg/ha of super granulated urea (USG) of 3.6g (2 USG of 1.8g) or 104 kg N/ha and T4: 300 kg / hectare of ordinary urea or 138 kg N/ha.). The results show that deep urea placement technology provides higher yields (T3: 7582 kg/ha; T2: 7082 kg/ha and T1: 5441 kg/ha) than that recorded with the on-the-fly application of T4 urea (5375 kg/ha). The economic analysis showed a marginal rate of return of 1063% using the current fertilization as a reference

    Leishmaniases in West Africa: Past and Current

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    Leishmaniases are vector-borne diseases. Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is endemic in West Africa. Sporadic and anecdotal cases of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) have been reported in the past. Recent data showed the changing of epidemiology of leishmaniases in West Africa, with the occurrence of outbreak of CL due to Leishmania major in urban and rural areas. CL is transmitted by Phlebotomus duboscqi. The role of Sergentomyia (Spelaeomyia) darlingi as vector in rural areas has been evoked but not confirmed. Cases of VL due to Leishmania spp. have been described in West Africa; however, parasites species were not identified and dogs were suspected to be the reservoir. No humans’ case of symptomatic VL due to L. infantum has been described in West Africa. Recent data in rural areas of Senegal confirmed dog as reservoir of L. infantum. In the same study in Senegal, Sergentomyia sandflies were found infected with L. infantum, indicating a possible role in leishmaniasis transmission. Coinfection leishmaniases-HIV is reported but rare. In this chapter, we included most recent publications and propose an updated landscape of CL and VL epidemiology in West Africa

    Enquête sur l’Importance des Ressources Végétales pour la Population Riveraine du Parc National de la Langue de Barbarie (Sénégal)

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    Les espèces végétales constituent une composante essentielle de la biodiversité. Ainsi au Sénégal plusieurs études ont été effectuées sur ces espèces. Cependant celles qui portent à la fois sur les ligneux et les herbacées sont rares. Ce travail a été réalisé entre 2012 et 2014 pour évaluer l’importance des ressources végétales pour la population riveraine du Parc National de la Langue de Barbarie (PNLB). Une enquête ethnobotanique basée sur un questionnaire a été réalisée. La valeur d’usage, le facteur de consensus et le niveau de fidélité ont été évalués. L’analyse des résultats montre que Prosopis glandulosa (1,05) présente la plus grande valeur d’usage suivie d’Acacia tortilis subsp raddiana (0,83). Les usages les plus courants sont l’alimentation humaine (19,90 %), l’usage médicinal (19,40 %) et l’alimentation animale (16,50 %). Les facteurs de consensus sont plus élevés pour l’alimentation humaine et l’usage médicinal. La flore médicinale utilisée par les riverains du PNLB est plus diversifiée avec 67 espèces réparties dans 32 familles et 56 genres. Elle est suivie de l’alimentation humaine avec 52 espèces réparties dans 32 familles et 45genres. Les résultats sur le niveau de fidélité des espèces aux catégories d’usages les plus citées montrent l’existence d’espèces à usages exclusifs avec 100% de niveaux de fidélité et d’espèces à usages multiples avec moins de 100% de niveau de fidélité. Le niveau de fidélité des espèces utilisées dans l’alimentation humaine, animale ainsi que dans la médecine traditionnelle et leur valeur d’usage sont corrélés négativement. Les ressources végétales sont importantes pour la population riveraine du Parc National de la Langue de Barbarie qui les utilise dans plusieurs catégories d’usages. Cependant une étude plus approfondie sur les espèces médicinales serait bénéfique pour l’humanité.   Plant species are an essential component of biodiversity. Thus in Senegal several studies have been carried out on these species. However, those relating to both ligneous and herbaceous plants are rare. This work was carried out between 2012 and 2014 to assess the importance of plant resources for the local population of the Thongue of Barbarism National Park (TBNP). An ethnobotanical survey based on a questionnaire was carried out. Analysis of the results shows that  Prosopis glandulosa (1.05) shows the highest use value followed by Acacia tortilis subsp raddiana (0.83). The most common use are food (19.90%), medicinal use (19.40%) and animal feed (16.50%). Consensus factor are highest for human food and medicinal use. The medicinal flora used by residents of the NPLB is more diversified with 67 species distributed in 32 families and 56 genera. The families most represented in this medicinal flora are the Fabaceae (22.38%), the Malvaceae (8.95%) and the Combretaceae (5.97%). It is followed by human food with 52 species divided into 32 families and 45 genera. The results on the level of fidelity of species to the most cited use categories show the existence of species for exclusive use with 100% fidelity levels and multiple use species with less than 100% fidelity level. The level of fidelity of species used in human and animal food as well as in traditional medicine and their use value are negatively correlated. Plant resources are important for the local population of the Thongue of Barbarism National Park who use them in several categories of uses. The importance of  plant resources for the population is well known. However, further study of medicinal species would be beneficial to mankind

    Corps Ѐtranger du Sigmoïde: À propos d’une Observation

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    The foreign bodies of the colon by the anal way are rare in our daily practice and constitute a taboo contrary to those ingested. These objects can be put into the rectum for therapeutic, sexual, behavioral disorder, to conceal the object (drugs) or more rarely, in accidental circumstances. They are very diverse and unusual. We report the case of a 66-year-old patient admitted to the emergency department for a foreign body in the sigmoid colon. X-ray of the abdomen without preparation showed the foreign body in the sigmoid. The extraction was done in trans anal, by medial laparotomy under umbilical. The postoperative course was simple.Les corps étrangers du côlon par voie anale sont rares dans notre pratique quotidienne et constituent un tabou contrairement à ceux ingérés. Ces objets peuvent être introduits dans le rectum à des fins thérapeutiques, sexuelles, par trouble du comportement, pour dissimuler l'objet (drogues) ou plus rarement, lors de circonstances accidentelles. Ils sont de nature très diverse et insolite. Nousrapportons le casrelativement rare dans notre pratique d’un patient de 66 ans reçu aux urgences pour corps étranger sigmoïdien. La radiographie de l’abdomen sans préparation montrait le corps étranger dans le sigmoïde. L’extraction a été faite en trans anale, par laparotomie médiane sous-ombilicale. Les suites opératoires étaient simples

    Safety and Efficacy of Adding a Single Low Dose of Primaquine to the Treatment of Adult Patients With Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in Senegal, to Reduce Gametocyte Carriage: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

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    Introduction: More information is needed about the safety of low-dose primaquine in populations where G6PD deficiency is common. Methods: Adults with Plasmodium falciparum malaria were randomized to receive 1 of 3 artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs) with or without primaquine (0.25 mg/kg). Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) status was determined using a rapid test. Patients were followed for 28 days to record hemoglobin concentration, adverse events, and gametocyte carriage. The primary end point was the change in Hb at day 7. Results: In sum, 274 patients were randomized, 139 received an ACT alone, and 135 received an ACT + primaquine. The mean reduction in Hb at day 7 was similar in each group, a difference in the ACT + PQ versus the ACT alone group of -0.04 g/dL (95% confidence interval [CI] -0.23, 0.31), but the effect of primaquine differed according to G6PD status. In G6PD-deficient patients the drop in Hb was 0.63 g/dL (95% CI 0.03, 1.24) greater in those who received primaquine than in those who received an ACT alone. In G6PD-normal patients, the reduction in Hb was 0.22 g/dL (95% CI -0.08, 0.52) less in those who received primaquine (interaction P = .01). One G6PD normal patient who received primaquine developed moderately severe anaemia (Hb < 8 g/dL). Dark urine was more frequent in patients who received primaquine. Primaquine was associated with a 73% (95% CI 24-90) reduction in gametocyte carriage (P = .013). Conclusion: Primaquine substantially reduced gametocyte carriage. However, the fall in Hb concentration at day 7 was greater in G6PD-deficient patients who received primaquine than in those who did not and one patient who received primaquine developed moderately severe anemia. Clinical Trial registration: PACTR201411000937373 (www.pactr.org)

    Root Canal Shaping by Single-File Systems and Rotary Instruments: a Laboratory Study

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the shaping ability of two single-file systems and conventional rotary instruments in severely curved root canals of extracted human molars. Methods and Materials: Mesiobuccal canals of 120 mandibular molars with angles of curvature ranging between 25° and 35° and radii of curvature from 5 to 9 mm, were divided into three groups (n=40). In each group the canals were instrumented with either WaveOne (W), Reciproc(R) or ProTaper (P). The time required for canal shaping and the frequency of broken instruments were recorded. The standardized pre and post-instrumentation radiographs were taken to determine changes in working length (WL) and straightening of canal curvature. The presence of blockage or perforation was also evaluated. Data were analyzed using the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post-hoc Tukey’s test. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results: Both single-instrument systems reduced the canal preparation time by approximately 50% (P&lt;0.05). No incidence of broken instruments from single-file systems was reported; however, two F2 instruments in the P group were broken (P&lt;0.05). Reduction in WL and straightening of canal curvature was observed in all three systems with the highest scores belonging to P system (P&lt;0.05). No case of blockage or perforation was found during shaping in any group. Conclusion: Single-file systems shaped curved canals with substantial saving in time and a significant decrease in incidence of instrument separation, change in WL, and straightening of canal curvature

    Evolution of Agroclimatic Indicators in Senegal Using CMIP6 Simulations

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    Climate has a strong influence on agriculture, which is considered the most dependent human activity on climate variations. The future performance of the Senegalese agricultural sector will depend on its ability to adapt to the negative impacts of climate change. This study demonstrated that the impact of three climate change scenarios (ssp126, ssp245 and ssp585) on the evolution of 14 agro-climatic indicators is already evident in Senegal in the near and distant future. Indeed, the results obtained show a generalized decrease over the whole country in seasonal rainfall totals of about −10% in the near future (2020–2049; PSE horizon) up to −40% in the distant future (2070–2099) for the ssp585 scenario. This decrease in precipitation will be associated with two phenomena, namely a shortening of the rainy season due to increasingly late starts and an increase in dry spells, particularly the DSl and DSxl. The other trend observed is an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events (R99 and R20), which illustrates an increasingly chaotic distribution of rain in the future. Finally, this characterization of agroclimatic indicators made it possible to evaluate and classify the sensitivity of four global models corrected by the CFD-t method in order to run agronomic simulations and to explore adaptation strategies for farmer management in the future

    Parasitoses Intestinales Et Statut Nutritionnel Chez L’enfant À Guédiawaye Au Sénégal

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    Introduction : Les parasitoses intestinales constituent un problème majeur de santé dans le monde particulièrement dans les pays en voie de développement. Afin de réduire l’ampleur de ces affections, le Ministère de la Santé du Sénégal a introduit en 2005 le déparasitage de masse systématique des enfants conformément aux recommandations de l’Organisation Mondiale pour la Santé (OMS). L’objectif de ce travail était de déterminer la prévalence des parasitoses intestinales et leur impact sur l’anémie et la nutrition quelques années après l’instauration de la chimiothérapie préventive. Matériels et méthodes : Etude transversale du 1er septembre 2017 au 28 février 2018 au niveau du service de pédiatrie du Centre Hospitalier Roi Baudouin de Guédiawaye. Un effectif de 375 enfants avait participé à l’étude, avec un âge moyen 44 mois et une prédominance masculine (54,1%). Pour chaque enfant reçu, un examen direct de selles et après une concentration par technique de Ritchie étaient effectués. L’état nutritionnel a été appréciés et les paramètres hématologiques évalués. Résultats : Au total, 103 enfants étaient porteurs de parasites soit une prévalence globale de 27,5%. Les helminthes étaient beaucoup plus représentatifs que les protozoaires et les espèces parasitaires les&nbsp;plus fréquentes étaient Ascaris lumbricoides (18,14%), Trichocéphales (3,74%), et Entamoeba coli (2,67%). L’état nutritionnel était normal chez 265 enfants tandis que 18,9% et 10,5% avaient respectivement une malnutrition aigüe modérée (MAM) et une malnutrition aigüe sévère (MAS). Nous avons noté une association significative entre la parasitose intestinale et la malnutrition (p=0,035 et OR=1,66). L’anémie était sévère chez 4,8% des enfants et modérée chez 68,6%. Une corrélation entre les parasitoses intestinales et la survenue d’une anémie a été démontrée (p=0,001 et OR=2,6). Conclusion : La prévalence des parasitoses intestinales reste élevée en banlieue dakaroise malgré le déparasitage de masse. L’amélioration des conditions de vie et l’élargissement du déparasitage aux enfants de plus de 5 ans pourraient rendre plus efficiente cette stratégie. Introduction: Intestinal parasitosis is a major health problem in the world, particularly in developing countries. In order to reduce the scale of&nbsp;these diseases, the Ministry of Health of Senegal introduced, in 2005, the systematic mass deworming of children in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organisation (WHO). This paper focuses on determining the prevalence of intestinal parasites and their impact on anemia and nutrition a few years after the initiation of preventive chemotherapy. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from 1st September 2017 to 28th February 2018 at the pediatric ward of the hospital center Roi Baudouin in Guédiawaye, Senegal. A total of 375 children participated in the study, with a mean age of 44 months and a male predominance (54.1%). Each child received a direct stool examination after a concentration using Ritchie techniques was obtained. The nutritional status was assessed and the hematological parameters evaluated. Results: A total of 103 children had parasites, with an overall prevalence of 27.5%. Helminths were much more representative than the protozoa, and the most common parasitic species were Ascaris lumbricoides (18.14%), whipworms (3.74%), and Entamoeba coli (2.67%). Nutritional status was normal in 265 children, while 18.9% and 10.5% respectively had moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) and severe acute malnutrition (SAM). A significant association between intestinal parasitosis and malnutrition was found (p = 0.035 and OR = 1.66). Anemia was severe in 4.8% of children and moderate in 68.6%. There was a link between intestinal parasitosis and the occurrence of anemia (p = 0.001 and OR = 2.6). Conclusion: The prevalence of intestinal parasitosis remains high in the suburbs of Dakar despite mass deworming. Improving living conditions and expanding deworming to children over 5 years of age could make this strategy more efficient
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