26 research outputs found

    Concordancia pronominal anticipadora y la fraseología hebrea de Qumrán

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    It is a pleasure for me to dedicate this study to Miguel Pérez Fernández, to whom students of the Hebrew language in its various phases owe their lasting gratitude. I am grateful to my friends Wido van Peursen and Mervyn Richardson for their useful remarks on an earlier draft of this article. 1. G. Khan, Studies in Semitic Syntax (London Oriental Series 38; Oxford 1988).Against a recent suggestion that 4Q252 1.4 בו ביום ההוא ‘on that day’ is a case of prolepsis or anticipatory pronominal agreement in Qumran Hebrew, the present study contends that the evidence for the suggestion is rather weak. An examination of Qumran Hebrew calendrical phraseology shows that בו refers to a preceding phrase, whereas ביום ההוא constitutes the beginning of the next sentence. The two other alleged instances of prolepsis in Qumran Hebrew (4QRPc 12b iii 2 כאשר צוהו יהוה את מושה and 11QT 66.4 מצאה האיש את האשה ) also prove to be highly uncertain.Recientemente ha sido sugerido que 4Q252 1.4 בו ביום ההוא ‘en aquel día’ sea un caso de prolepsis, o concordancia pronominal anticipadora, en el Hebreo de Qumrán. El presente estudio afirma, al contrario, que esta proposición carece de prueba concreta. Tras un análisis de la fraseología calendaria de Qumrán el sintagma בו resulta referirse a lo que precede, mientras ביום ההוא constituye el principio de la frase siguiente. Los otros dos presuntos casos de prolepsis en el Hebreo de Qumrán (4QRPc 12b iii 2 כאשר צוהו יהוה את מושה y 11QT 66.4 מצאה האיש את האשה ) también se muestran muy inciertos

    The non-verbal clause in Qumran Hebrew

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    The present study comprises a classification and analysis of the syntax of the non-verbal clause in Qumran Hebrew, i.e. the linguistic variety (or varieties) found in the so-called Dead Sea Scrolls. The corpus consists of the non-biblical texts written in Hebrew; biblical texts and texts written in Aramaic are excluded. Chapter 1, ‘Introduction’ discusses methodological problems (approach, description) and provides an overview of non-verbal clause patters in variety of Semitic languages. Chapter 2, ‘A survey of previous research’, summarises the results of earlier research into specifically Biblical, Mishnaic and Qumran Hebrew. Chapter 3, ‘The non-verbal clause in Qumran Hebrew’ is the core of the present work, which offers an analysis of the syntax of the non-verbal clause (including the existential clause) in Qumran Hebrew. Chapter 4 contains the conclusions. A bibliography, a Dutch summary and a Curriculum Vitae are appended.LEI Universiteit LeidenDescriptive and Comparative Linguistic

    Diminished growth of atrioventricular cushion tissue in stage 24 retinoic acid-treated chicken embryos.

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    Stage 34 chicken hearts have shown a spectrum of looping disturbances, changed hemodynamics, and changed growth of both right ventricular myocardium and atrioventricular cushion tissue after retinoic acid treatment. To obtain more information about the onset of the malformations we studied stage 24, the stage between the previously studied stage 34 and the moment of treatment. Sixteen stage 24 chicken embryos were examined after treatment with 1 microg all-trans retinoic acid at stage 15 and compared with 6 sham operated embryos. Morphological examination was supported by graphic reconstructions. Absolute volumes of atrial, atrioventricular, and ventricular myocardia were measured by a point counting method. The absolute volumes of the endocardial cushions were measured as well. Fifteen (15/16) retinoic acid-treated hearts did not show marked malformations as far as could be detected with our current macroscopic and microscopic techniques. One (1/16) retinoic acid-treated heart showed an abnormal tubular C-shape with a less bended inner curvature and with an abnormal horizontally oriented atrioventricular canal. The dorsal cushion tissue of this atrioventricular canal was discontinuous with the dorsal mesocardium and covered the malpositioned myocardial border between the atrium and the atrioventricular canal. The volume measurements did show a difference between retinoic acid treatment and sham operations. The retinoic acid-treated hearts showed a significant volume decrease of the atrioventricular cushions. No significant differences were found in the volumes of the ventricular myocardium compared to the sham operated embryos. We hypothesize that, between stages 15 and 24, retinoic acid directly affects the myocardial wall and the cushion tissue formation. In the present material this has resulted in decreased atrioventricular cushion growth, in changed hemodynamics, and in a severe looping disturbance of one embryo. We further hypothesize that, between stages 24 and 34, the malformations with minor looping disturbances will become apparent. Thus, development beyond stage 24 would result in the spectrum of looping disturbances as has been found at stage 34. These latter morphological malformations would lead to increasing hemodynamic changes, resulting in changes in growth as a secondary effect

    A. Schopenhauer, "De doctrina deque viris doctis" [translation]

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    An annotated Latin translation of Arthur Schopenhauer, "Über Gelehrte und Gelehrsamkeit", Parerga und Paralipomena. Kleine philosophische Schriften II (1851; Sämtliche Werke V; ed. W. von Lohneysen; Darmstadt 1976) cap. 21, §§ 244-256 by Martin F.J. Baasten.FGW – Publications without University Leiden contrac

    Anticipatory pronominal agreement and Qumran Hebrew Phraseology

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    'Love of one's Neighbour in Pinhas Hurwitz's Sefer ha-Berit'

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    Leerboek van het bijbels Hebreeuws

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    In dit leerboek wordt de grammatica van het Bijbels Hebreeuws in zorgvuldig opgebouwde lessen didactisch verantwoord aangeboden. Het is goed te gebruiken naast J.P. Lettinga, Grammatica van het Bijbels Hebreeuws, 12e herziene editie door M.F.J. Baasten en W.Th. van Peurse

    A Dutch Grammar of Biblical Hebrew

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    Studies in Hebrew Literature and Jewish Culture

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