19 research outputs found

    Double crossed products of locally compact quantum groups

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    For a matched pair of locally compact quantum groups, we construct the double crossed product as a locally compact quantum group. This construction generalizes Drinfeld's quantum double construction. We study C*-algebraic properties of these double crossed products and several links between double crossed products and bicrossed products. In an appendix, we study the Radon-Nikodym derivative of a weight under a quantum group action, following Yamanouchi and obtain, as a corollary, a new characterization of closed quantum subgroups.Comment: 29 pages, LaTe

    Non-semi-regular quantum groups coming from number theory

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    In this paper, we study C*-algebraic quantum groups obtained through the bicrossed product construction. Examples using groups of adeles are given and they provide the first examples of locally compact quantum groups which are not semi-regular: the crossed product of the quantum group acting on itself by translations does not contain any compact operator. We describe all corepresentations of these quantum groups and the associated universal C*-algebras. On the way, we provide several remarks on C*-algebraic properties of quantum groups and their actions.Comment: 25 pages LaTe

    Unitaires multiplicatifs en dimension finie et leurs sous-objets

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    A pre-subgroup of a multiplicative unitary VV on a finite dimensionnal Hilbert space HH is a vector line LL in HH such that V(L⊗L)=L⊗LV(L\otimes L)=L\otimes L. We show that there are finitely many pre-subgroups, give a Lagrange theorem and generalize the construction of a `bi-crossed product'. Moreover, we establish bijections between pre-subgroups and coideal subalgebras of the Hopf algebra associated with VV, and therefore with the intermediate subfactors of the associated (depth two) inclusions. Finally, we show that the pre-subgroups classify the subobjects of (H,V)(H,V).Comment: 34 page

    Hyperglycemia due to the utilization of anabolic steroids

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    Department of Pharmacology and Cinical Pharmacology, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, September 24-26, 2020Introduction. Hyperglycemia is a condition in which an excessive amount of glucose circulates in the blood plasma and is a common adverse reaction of anabolic steroids therapy, affecting 20% to 50% of patients without a history of diabetes. In addition, glucose levels are often elevated among patients with prediabetes and previously well-controlled diabetes during steroid therapy. Anabolics stimulate glucose production by the liver and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake, resulting in insulin resistance allowing blood glucose levels to rise and remain higher. Aim of the study. To determine the manifestations of hyperglycemia after utilization of anabolics. Materials and methods. It was made the bibliographic and personal investigations of hyperglycemic state due to anabolics. Twenty-five healthy male power athletes were followed up during their self-regimen of substance abuse. Results. In our investigation, there is determined that more than half of the men receiving highdose steroids develop hyperglycemia, with an incidence of 86% of at least one episode of hyperglycemia and 41% of athletes presenting a mean blood glucose ≥ 140 mg/dL Hyperglycemia incidence in men without a prior history of diabetes mellitus (DM) to steroid use varies from 34.3% to 56% for athletes with 1-3 years of anabolic utilization. The manifestations of hyperglycemia were: polyuria (36%), polydipsia (29%), polyphagia (41%), dizziness (18%), shakiness (19%), irritability or moodiness (37%), anxiety or nervousness (26%), trouble concentration (15%). The development of hyperglycemia was observed on 41% athletes, 29 - 41 years old, who reported a consumption of AAS for 1-3 years. They selfadministered high doses of oral stanozolol, oxymetholone, methandrostenolone and ibutamoren. For management of hyperglycemia, if diet and physical exercise do not reduce the glucose levels adequately, it is recommended to prescribe antidiabetic drugs, such as metformin, DPP-4 inhibitors or sulfonylureas that are effective and work by increasing insulin release from the pancreas but they may cause hypoglycemia. Conclusions. Complications associated with steroid-induced hyperglycemia are often underestimated despite hyperglycemia being a well-known adverse effect of anabolic therapy. Appropriate management of hyperglycemia due to anabolics is oral antidiabetic agent, such as a DPP-4 inhibitors, metformin, or by using the weight-based NPH insulin may reduce the risk of adverse outcomes, including symptomatic hyperglycemia and new-onset diabetes

    Complications of anabolic steroids utilisation

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    Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. The anabolic steroids are most controversial drugs in the world. It works as heroin and amphetamine. Young people turning to use steroids as away to improve or change their body shape and nowadays a lot of people likely to use more steroids to bulk up so the number of people that require the steroids has been increased in the last few years, because these kind of drugs are incredibly effective. Steroids can push the physiologic limits of the muscle making it bigger faster and stronger that it could get naturally but abuse of steroids comes with several undesirable effects and health problems including liver, heart and skin infections as well as physiological disturbances such as depression and dependence. Aim of the study. To study the most important complications of anabolic utilization. Materials and methods. I analyzed the bibliographic review and documents about steroid utilization last 5 years ago. Results. Anabolic steroids are powerful hormone. Steroids increase muscle growth and recovery, strength and leanness. Many serious side effects and health risks are involved with using steroids. Early symptoms are cystic acne, increase in body weight, headache, dizziness, cramping and premature hair loss, health risks involving the cardiovascular system include cholesterol modification, heart disease, high blood pressure, septic chock and even death. Effects to the reproductive system include genital atrophy, genital swelling, sexual dysfunction, impotence, fetal damage, sterility and menstrual irregularities. The liver and kidney are under constant attack by steroids. Effects to the liver include cancer, pelosis hepatitis and effects on the kidney that include kidney stones, kidney diseases. Taking steroids can also affect the skin producing acne, rashes, and red spots on the body, increase body hair and baldness and increase facial hair in the women. The steroids can also affect the users psychologically: they can become depressed, aggressive and very hostile. Steroids often cause shrinking of testicles, breast growth, and a higher risk of prostate cancer. Conclusions. Steroids are serious drugs that produce a lot of complications. The discontinuing use often leads to withdrawal and depression, which creates a lack of physical drive or social interaction among users