17 research outputs found

    Replication Protein A-Directed Unloading of PCNA by the Ctf18 Cohesion Establishment Complex

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    The replication clamp PCNA is loaded around DNA by replication factor C (RFC) and functions in DNA replication and repair. Regulated unloading of PCNA during the progression and termination of DNA replication may require additional factors. Here we show that a Saccharomyces cerevisiae complex required for the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion functions as an efficient unloader of PCNA. Unloading requires ATP hydrolysis. This seven-subunit Ctf18-RFC complex consists of the four small subunits of RFC, together with Ctf18, Dcc1, and Ctf8. Ctf18-RFC was also a weak loader of PCNA onto naked template-primer DNA. However, when the single-stranded DNA template was coated by the yeast single-stranded DNA binding protein replication protein A (RPA) but not by a mutant form of RPA or a heterologous single-stranded DNA binding protein, both binding of Ctf18-RFC to substrate DNA and loading of PCNA were strongly inhibited, and unloading predominated. Neither yeast RFC itself nor two other related clamp loaders, containing either Rad24 or Elg1, catalyzed significant unloading of PCNA. The Dcc1 and Ctf8 subunits of Ctf18-RFC, while required for establishing sister chromatid cohesion in vivo, did not function specifically in PCNA unloading in vitro, thereby separating the functionality of the Ctf18-RFC complex into two distinct paths

    A sensor complements the steric gate when DNA polymerase ϵ discriminates ribonucleotides

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    The cellular imbalance between high concentrations of ribonucleotides (NTPs) and low concentrations of deoxyribonucleotides (dNTPs), is challenging for DNA polymerases when building DNA from dNTPs. It is currently believed that DNA polymerases discriminate against NTPs through a steric gate model involving a clash between a tyrosine and the 2′-hydroxyl of the ribonucleotide in the polymerase active site in B-family DNA polymerases. With the help of crystal structures of a B-family polymerase with a UTP or CTP in the active site, molecular dynamics simulations, biochemical assays and yeast genetics, we have identified a mechanism by which the finger domain of the polymerase sense NTPs in the polymerase active site. In contrast to the previously proposed polar filter, our experiments suggest that the amino acid residue in the finger domain senses ribonucleotides by steric hindrance. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that the steric gate in the palm domain and the sensor in the finger domain are both important when discriminating NTPs. Structural comparisons reveal that the sensor residue is conserved among B-family polymerases and we hypothesize that a sensor in the finger domain should be considered in all types of DNA polymerases

    The PRC-barrel domain of the ribosome maturation protein RimM mediates binding to ribosomal protein S19 in the 30S ribosomal subunits

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    The RimM protein in Escherichia coli is associated with free 30S ribosomal subunits but not with 70S ribosomes. A ΔrimM mutant is defective in 30S maturation and accumulates 17S rRNA. To study the interaction of RimM with the 30S and its involvement in 30S maturation, RimM amino acid substitution mutants were constructed. A mutant RimM (RimM-YY→AA), containing alanine substitutions for two adjacent tyrosines within the PRC β-barrel domain, showed a reduced binding to 30S and an accumulation of 17S rRNA compared to wild-type RimM. The (RimM-YY→AA) and ΔrimM mutants had significantly lower amounts of polysomes and also reduced levels of 30S relative to 50S compared to a wild-type strain. A mutation in rpsS, which encodes r-protein S19, suppressed the polysome- and 16S rRNA processing deficiencies of the RimM-YY→AA but not that of the ΔrimM mutant. A mutation in rpsM, which encodes r-protein S13, suppressed the polysome deficiency of both rimM mutants. Suppressor mutations, found in either helices 31 or 33b of 16S rRNA, improved growth of both the RimM-YY→AA and ΔrimM mutants. However, they suppressed the 16S rRNA processing deficiency of the RimM-YY→AA mutant more efficiently than that of the ΔrimM mutant. Helices 31 and 33b are known to interact with S13 and S19, respectively, and S13 is known to interact with S19. A GST-RimM but not a GST-RimM(YY→AA) protein bound strongly to S19 in 30S. Thus, RimM likely facilitates maturation of the region of the head of 30S that contains S13 and S19 as well as helices 31 and 33b

    Antagonistic interactions safeguard mitotic propagation of genetic and epigenetic information in zebrafish

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    Abstract The stability of cellular phenotypes in developing organisms depends on error-free transmission of epigenetic and genetic information during mitosis. Methylation of cytosine residues in genomic DNA is a key epigenetic mark that modulates gene expression and prevents genome instability. Here, we report on a genetic test of the relationship between DNA replication and methylation in the context of the developing vertebrate organism instead of cell lines. Our analysis is based on the identification of hypomorphic alleles of dnmt1, encoding the DNA maintenance methylase Dnmt1, and pole1, encoding the catalytic subunit of leading-strand DNA polymerase epsilon holoenzyme (Pole). Homozygous dnmt1 mutants exhibit genome-wide DNA hypomethylation, whereas the pole1 mutation is associated with increased DNA methylation levels. In dnmt1/pole1 double-mutant zebrafish larvae, DNA methylation levels are restored to near normal values, associated with partial rescue of mutant-associated transcriptional changes and phenotypes. Hence, a balancing antagonism between DNA replication and maintenance methylation buffers against replicative errors contributing to the robustness of vertebrate development

    Mechanism of suppression of chromosomal instability by DNA polymerase POLQ

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    Although a defect in the DNA polymerase POLQ leads to ionizing radiation sensitivity in mammalian cells, the relevant enzymatic pathway has not been identified. Here we define the specific mechanism by which POLQ restricts harmful DNA instability. Our experiments show that Polq-null murine cells are selectively hypersensitive to DNA strand breaking agents, and that damage resistance requires the DNA polymerase activity of POLQ. Using a DNA break end joining assay in cells, we monitored repair of DNA ends with long 3' single-stranded overhangs. End joining events retaining much of the overhang were dependent on POLQ, and independent of Ku70. To analyze the repair function in more detail, we examined immunoglobulin class switch joining between DNA segments in antibody genes. POLQ participates in end joining of a DNA break during immunoglobulin class-switching, producing insertions of base pairs at the joins with homology to IgH switch-region sequences. Biochemical experiments with purified human POLQ protein revealed the mechanism generating the insertions during DNA end joining, relying on the unique ability of POLQ to extend DNA from minimally paired primers. DNA breaks at the IgH locus can sometimes join with breaks in Myc, creating a chromosome translocation. We found a marked increase in Myc/IgH translocations in Polq-defective mice, showing that POLQ suppresses genomic instability and genome rearrangements originating at DNA double-strand breaks. This work clearly defines a role and mechanism for mammalian POLQ in an alternative end joining pathway that suppresses the formation of chromosomal translocations. Our findings depart from the prevailing view that alternative end joining processes are generically translocation-prone

    Loss of <i>Polq</i> contributes to chromosomal instability both spontaneously and in the presence of DNA damage.

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    <p><i>Polq<sup>+/+</sup></i> or <i>Polq<sup>−/−</sup></i> bone marrow stromal cells plated in chamber slides were exposed to (A) X-rays or (B) etoposide. 48 hr after damage cells were fixed and stained with DAPI to enumerate cells with micronuclei. Counts represent the average percentage of cells with micronuclei scored in three independent experiments. (Slopes for X-ray and etoposide-induced MN: <i>Polq<sup>+/+</sup></i> clone 1 (2.8, 0.73); <i>Polq<sup>+/+</sup></i> clone 2 (3.1, 0.85); <i>Polq<sup>−/−</sup></i> clone 1 (4.8, 1.2); <i>Polq<sup>−/−</sup></i> clone 3 (6.2, 1.3). The frequency of spontaneous micronuclei for each of the clones in Figure 2A and 2B were combined to generate (C) total spontaneous micronuclei observed for all genotypes. The p-value was determined by Wilcoxon Mann Whitney rank sum test. <i>Polq<sup>+/+</sup></i> or <i>Polq<sup>−/−</sup></i> (D) bone marrow stromal cells and (F) mouse embryonic fibroblasts were plated in growth medium in triplicate. Cells were counted at the indicated days and cumulative population doublings were recorded. The experiment was repeated three times. (E and G) Absolute quantification of <i>Polq</i> transcript numbers in three independent experiments.</p