99 research outputs found

    Etude sur la démocratisation culturelle : rapport d\u27analyse qualitative

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    Le secrétariat général pour la modernisation de l\u27action publique (SGMAP) a commandé à l’institut BVA une étude qualitative sur la représentation de la culture concernant des publics et des territoires peu ou pas usagers de l’offre culturelle traditionnelle (médiathèques, théâtres, musées, etc.). L\u27enquête s\u27est centrée sur les jeunes de 18 à 25 ans et les adultes à partir de 26 ans au revenu inférieur ou égal au salaire médian (en revenus et au diplôme inférieur à bac +2). L\u27étude révèle que sur l\u27échantillon interrogé, la culture s\u27avère être une activité secondaire qui passe au second plan. De plus, la culture dite "classique" qui renvoie au théâtre ou au musée, est perçue pour beaucoup comme une activité intellectuelle et peu divertissante, donc peu attirante. La culture dite "moderne" (hip hop, techno, culture populaire) ne semble pas être considéré comme faisant partie du champ culturel. L\u27étude montre également les différents facteurs qui empêchent les usagers d\u27accéder à la culture (le coût, l\u27accès au transports en commun,...). Enfin, une partie est consacrée aux usages numériques liés ou non à la culture et qui servent à médiatiser les pratiques culturelles

    Comprendre les comportements face à un risque modéré d’inondation. Etude de cas dans le périurbain toulousain (Sud-Ouest de la France)

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    Les espaces urbanisés soumis à des risques modérés d’inondation pour les vies humaines sont souvent peu considérés dans les études sur la vulnérabilité aux risques naturels en dépit des enjeux qu’ils représentent en termes de gestion de crise. Comment les riverains y font-ils face au danger et quelles sont leurs « bonnes raisons » d’agir? A partir de l’étude socio-géographique de deux inondations récentes (2000 et 2003) dans la périphérie toulousaine (Sud-Ouest de la France), nous montrons que les caractéristiques de l’aléa dans les vallées étudiées influencent les représentations du risque et par conséquent les motivations à se protéger. Face au risque majeur, la vulnérabilité sociale se trouve ainsi augmentée. Pour améliorer la résilience des populations, il convient d’adapter la communication sur les risques: personnaliser l’information, améliorer la compréhension de l’événement vécu et mobiliser de nouvelles formes de médiation entre gestionnaires et riverains

    Discourse, justification and critique: towards a legitimate digital copyright regime?

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    Digitization and the internet have posed an acute economic challenge to rights holders in the cultural industries. Faced with a threat to their form of capital accumulation from copyright infringement, rights holders have used discourse strategically in order to try and legitimate and strengthen their position in the digital copyright debate with governments and media users. In so doing, they have appealed to general justificatory principles – about what is good, right, and just – that provide some scope for opposition and critique, as other groups contest their interpretation of these principles and the evidence used to support them. In this article, we address the relative lack of academic attention paid to the role of discourse in copyright debates by analysing user-directed marketing campaigns and submissions to UK government policy consultations. We show how legitimacy claims are justified and critiqued, and conclude that amid these debates rests some hope of achieving a more legitimate policy resolution to the copyright wars – or at least the possibility of beginning a more constructive dialogue

    Bovine Tuberculosis and Badger Control in Britain: Science, Policy and Politics

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    Bovine tuberculosis (bovine TB) is the most economically important animal health policy issue in Britain. The problem of what to do about badgers has plagued successive governments since a dead badger was discovered with bovine TB in 1971. Successive Labour governments (1997–2010) oversaw the Randomised Badger Culling Trial (RBCT) from 1998 to 2006. Despite the RBCT recommendation against culling, the 2010–2015 Coalition government implemented pilot badger culls. This paper provides an account of the evolution of bovine TB and badger control policy, focusing on the 1997–2010 Labour, the 2010–2015 Coalition and the 2015-present Conservative governments. Interviews with bovine TB policy stakeholders supplement discussion of the development of bovine TB policy. The paper discusses the science and politics of bovine TB policy, in which there are different badger control policies in Westminster, Welsh and Scottish governments. Badger control is a highly polarised issue, and the Coalition and Conservative governments have been heavily criticised for a culling policy opposed by the independent scientific community. Recent governments have defended badger culling on the basis of veterinary advice and experience in countries such as New Zealand. The paper concludes with two key recommendations to inform controversial animal health and welfare policy issues such as bovine TB. First, mandatory Animal Welfare Impact Assessment provides objective data on the impacts of policy options on cows and badgers. Second, robust ethical analysis, conducted by independent experts using established moral frameworks, should be applied to animal health and welfare issues for the benefit of decision makers

    Gamma probes and their use in tumor detection in colorectal cancer

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    The purpose of this article is to summarize the role of gamma probes in intraoperative tumor detection in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC), as well as provide basic information about the physical and practical characteristics of the gamma probes, and the radiopharmaceuticals used in gamma probe tumor detection. In a significant portion of these studies, radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies (Mabs), particularly 125I labeled B72.3 Mab that binds to the TAG-72 antigen, have been used to target tumor. Studies have reported that intraoperative gamma probe radioimmunodetection helps surgeons to localize primary tumor, clearly delineate its resection margins and provide immediate intraoperative staging. Studies also have emphasized the value of intraoperative gamma probe radioimmunodetection in defining the extent of tumor recurrence and finding sub-clinical occult tumors which would assure the surgeons that they have completely removed the tumor burden. However, intraoperative gamma probe radioimmunodetection has not been widely adapted among surgeons because of some constraints associated with this technique. The main difficulty with this technique is the long period of waiting time between Mab injection and surgery. The technique is also laborious and costly. In recent years, Fluorine-18-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (18F-FDG) use in gamma probe tumor detection surgery has renewed interest among surgeons. Preliminary studies during surgery have demonstrated that use of FDG in gamma probe tumor detection during surgery is feasible and useful
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