146 research outputs found

    Perumusan Strategi Pengembangan Pariwisata Desa Nelayan Sungsang IV Kabupaten Banyusasin

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    This study aims to find out and axplain how the strategies in developing alternative tourism throught the 3A elements is Attractions, Accessiility and  Amenities on the Sungsang Village tourist, Banyasin District, Sumatera Selatan . The studi was located at Sungsang Village tourist, Banyasin District, Sumatera Selatan. This type of research is quantitative research with sample of  30  visitors who had visited Sungsang Village tourist. The sampling technique used in this study was non purposive sampilng. This study use descriptive analysis, as well as using a SWOT analysis that is formulated throught the IFAS Matrix, EFAS Matrix, Grand Strategy Matrix and SWOT Matrix. The result showed that is position of Sungsang Village is in quadran I, so taht strategies taht can be used are support the agressive policies (growth oriented strategy) by the utilizing strenght to win opportunities that exist


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    This study aims   This research aims to determine the Potential Tourism Attraction of Kujur Batik in Muara Enim Regency. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. The research location is at the Kujur Batik Industry Center, Tanjung Enim Hamlet, Tanjung Enim Village. The results show that the typical Tanjung Enim Batik art craft had a large enough potential to be developed into a tourist destination or attraction because it met the dimensions of tourist attraction which include aspects of uniqueness, beauty, rarity, seasonality, sensitivity, accessibility and social function. . As for the obstacles in the development of Batik Kujur to become a tourist attraction, namely in the aspect of high prices, the cost of shipping raw materials and mambatik equipment that is still sent from outside the region, besides the lack of human resources, one of the efforts needed to overcome this is procurement raw materials and equipment for batik to the region as well as the continuous empowerment of human or community resources through training and socialization on tourism so that people understand better the importance of the sustainability of the Kujur Batik handicraft and its potential attractivenessThis study aims   This research aims to determine the Potential Tourism Attraction of Kujur Batik in Muara Enim Regency. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. The research location is at the Kujur Batik Industry Center, Tanjung Enim Hamlet, Tanjung Enim Village. The results show that the typical Tanjung Enim Batik art craft had a large enough potential to be developed into a tourist destination or attraction because it met the dimensions of tourist attraction which include aspects of uniqueness, beauty, rarity, seasonality, sensitivity, accessibility and social function. . As for the obstacles in the development of Batik Kujur to become a tourist attraction, namely in the aspect of high prices, the cost of shipping raw materials and mambatik equipment that is still sent from outside the region, besides the lack of human resources, one of the efforts needed to overcome this is procurement raw materials and equipment for batik to the region as well as the continuous empowerment of human or community resources through training and socialization on tourism so that people understand better the importance of the sustainability of the Kujur Batik handicraft and its potential attractiveness

    Mengidentifikasi Bilangan Dominasi Lokasi Pada Graf Bintang Kipas (Identify Locating-dominating Number in Star Fan Graph)

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    Bilangan dominasi–lokasi dari graf merupakan kardinalitas terkecil dari himpunan sehingga setiap dua titik dengan , . Suatu graf dengan memiliki titik dan memiliki sisi dengan orde dan disebut graf bintang kipas yang diperoleh dengan menempelkan satu salinan pada masing-masing titik pendant dari dimana adalah graf bintang dengan titik dan sisi serta adalah graf kipas dengan titik dan sisi

    Motivasi Berjilbab Mahasiswi Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia (UAI)

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    – Titik tolak penelitian ini adalah untuk menelusuri secara ilmiah motivasi berjilbab mahasiswi UAI –khususnya mereka yang berjilbab setelah masuk UAI, pengetahuan mereka tentang syariat jilbab, dan manfaat yang mereka peroleh. Diharapkan, hasilnya dapat membantu pimpinan dan segenap civitas akademika UAI, serta orang tua mahasiswi dalam membangun pendidikan karakter dan lingkungan keagamaan yang kondusif. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan sejumlah temuan penting, di antaranya: (1) Para mahasiswi UAI yang berjilbab secara garis besar bisa dikategorikan ke dalam dua kelompok: konsisten dan inkonsisten. (2) Konsistensi mereka dalam berjilbab sangat dipengaruhi motivasi intrinsik yang kuat. (3) Mahasiswi UAI yng berjilbab mendapat dukungan dari keluarga, teman-teman kuliah, dan orang terdekatnya. Dan motivasi ekstrinsik ini sangat membantu dalam kasus di mana motivasi intrinsiknya tidak begitu kuat. Abstarct – The main purpose of this research is to explore scientifically the motivation behind wearing hijab among UAI students –particulary those who decide to wear hijab after entering the UAI, their syariah knowledge about the obligation of wearing hijab, and what the benefit is. The result is expected to help the leaders and academic community in the UAI, as well as parents in building character and strengthening religious environment. The study summarizes a number of important findings: (1) Basically, the UAI students can be categorized into two groups; consistent and inconsistent in wearing hijab. (2) Their consistency in wearing hijab briefly influenced by its strong intrinsic motivation. (3) Students who wear hijab get strong support from the family, friends, and people who close to them. This extrinsic motivation can be very helpful where intrinsic motivation is not strong enough

    Implementation of Graph Colouring Using Welch-Powell Algorithm to Determine Student Mentoring Schedule

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    Graph colouring using the Welch-Powell algorithm is one of the schedule preparation techniques. Especially for arranging student guidance schedules in a study program. The vertex on a graph is represented as a student who will conduct guidance, while the side that connects two vertex states if the two vertex or two students have one and/or two of the same supervisors. The results of this research indicate that the coloring of graphs using the Welch Powell algorithm can be applied to compile the guidance schedule of PGSD students at the Pacific University of Morotai

    Analisa Debit Aliran Irigasi Saluran Induk Sawitto Terhadap Kebutuhan Air Sawah Di Kabupaten Pinrang

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    This research aims to determine the available water discharge in the Sawitto Main Channel in Kab. Pinrang and the amount of discharge available at Benteng Dam and to find out whether the flowing discharge can meet the water needs of the Sawitto Main Canal Irrigation. In this research, primary and secondary data collection was carried out in the field and at the UPTD PSDA office in the Sadang River Region using quantitative descriptive research methodology. Data were analyzed using the Water Balanced method. The results of the research show that the water balance condition in the Sawitto irrigation area in Pinrang district is experiencing a surplus where the availability of water exceeds the amount of air flow required with the largest difference being in June where the availability of air flow is 510 m3/second, the air flow requirement is 18.43 m3/second, with a water difference of 491.57 m3/second and the smallest difference was in November 201 m3/second, the water discharge requirement was 61.53 m3/second with a difference of 139.47 m3/second. &nbsp

    On the Locating Rainbow Connection Number of Trees and Regular Bipartite Graphs

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    Locating the rainbow connection number of graphs is a new mathematical concept that combines the concepts of the rainbow vertex coloring and the partition dimension. In this research, we determine the lower and upper bounds of the locating rainbow connection number of a graph and provide the characterization of graphs with the locating rainbow connection number equal to its upper and lower bounds to restrict the upper and lower bounds of the locating rainbow connection number of a graph. We also found the locating rainbow connection number of trees and regular bipartite graphs. The method used in this study is a deductive method that begins with a literature study related to relevant previous research concepts and results, making hypotheses, conducting proofs, and drawing conclusions. This research concludes that only path graphs with orders 2, 3, 4, and complete graphs have a locating rainbow connection number equal to 2 and the order of graph G, respectively. We also showed that the locating rainbow connection number of bipartite regular graphs is in the range of r-⌊n/4⌋+2 to n/2+1, and the locating rainbow connection number of a tree is determined based on the maximum number of pendants or the maximum number of internal vertices. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-04-016 Full Text: PD

    Contenido de aceite en pasta de aceituna sobre una base de peso seco (OPDW): un indicador del tiempo de cosecha óptimo en modernos olivares

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    In modern oil olive orchards, mechanical harvesting technologies have significantly accelerated harvesting outputs, thereby allowing for careful planning of harvest timing. While optimizing harvest time may have profound effects on oil yield and quality, the necessary tools to precisely determine the best date are rather scarce. For instance, the commonly used indicator, the fruit ripening index, does not necessarily correlate with oil accumulation. Oil content per fruit fresh weight is strongly affected by fruit water content, making the ripening index an unreliable indicator. However, oil in the paste, calculated on a dry weight basis (OPDW), provides a reliable indication of oil accumulation in the fruit. In most cultivars tested here, OPDW never exceeded ca. 0.5 g.g–1 dry weight, making this threshold the best indicator for the completion of oil accumulation and its consequent reduction in quality thereafter. The rates of OPDW and changes in quality parameters strongly depend on local conditions, such as climate, tree water status and fruit load. We therefore propose a fast and easy method to determine and monitor the OPDW in a given orchard. The proposed method is a useful tool for the determination of optimal harvest timing, particularly in large plots under intensive cultivation practices, with the aim of increasing orchard revenues. The results of this research can be directly applied in olive orchards, especially in large-scale operations. By following the proposed method, individual plots can be harvested according to sharp thresholds of oil accumulation status and pre-determined oil quality parameters, thus effectively exploiting the potentials of oil yield and quality. The method can become a powerful tool for scheduling the harvest throughout the season, and at the same time forecasting the flow of olives to the olive mill.En los modernos olivares, las tecnologías de recogida mecánica han acelerado significativamente la recogida de las cosechas, lo que permite la planificación del momento idóneo de la cosecha. Mientras que la optimización de tiempo de cosecha puede tener importantes efectos en la producción de un aceite de calidad, las herramientas para determinar con precisión la mejor fecha de la cosecha son más bien pobres. Por ejemplo, el indicador de uso común, el índice de maduración de la fruta, no se correlaciona necesariamente con la acumulación de aceite. El contenido de aceite por peso de fruto fresco está estrechamente afectado por el contenido de agua de la fruta, por lo que es un indicador poco fiable. Sin embargo, el aceite en la pasta, calculado sobre una base de peso seco (OPDW), proporciona una indicación fiable de la acumulación de aceite en el fruto. En la mayoría de los cultivares analizados aquí, OPDW nunca excedió 0.5 g·g–1 de peso seco, haciendo de este umbral el mejor indicador para la terminación de la acumulación de aceite y su consiguiente reducción de la calidad. Las tasas de OPDW y los cambios en los parámetros de calidad dependen en gran medida de las condiciones locales, como el clima, el estado hídrico del árbol, y la carga frutal. Por tanto, proponemos un método rápido y fácil de determinar y seguir OPDW en un olivar determinado. El método propuesto es una herramienta útil para la determinación del momento óptimo de cosecha, especialmente en las grandes parcelas bajo prácticas intensivas de cultivo, y con el consiguiente aumento de ingresos. Los resultados de esta investigación pueden aplicarse directamente a un olivar, especialmente en operaciones a gran escala. Siguiendo el método propuesto, las parcelas individuales pueden cosecharse de acuerdo con los perfiles de estado de acumulación de aceite y determinados parámetros de calidad del aceite, por lo tanto explotar eficazmente los potenciales de rendimiento de aceite y calidad. El método puede convertirse en una poderosa herramienta de programar la cosecha a lo largo de la temporada, la previsión de este modo el flujo de las aceitunas a la almazara

    Re-sequencing of the APOAI promoter region and the genetic association of the -75G > A polymorphism with increased cholesterol and low density lipoprotein levels among a sample of the Kuwaiti population

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    BACKGROUND: APOAI, a member of the APOAI/CIII/IV/V gene cluster on chromosome 11q23-24, encodes a major protein component of HDL that has been associated with serum lipid levels. The aim of this study was to determine the genetic association of polymorphisms in the APOAI promoter region with plasma lipid levels in a cohort of healthy Kuwaiti volunteers. METHODS: A 435 bp region of the APOAI promoter was analyzed by re-sequencing in 549 Kuwaiti samples. DNA was extracted from blood taken from 549 healthy Kuwaiti volunteers who had fasted for the previous 12 h. Univariate and multivariate analysis was used to determine allele association with serum lipid levels. RESULTS: The target sequence included a partial segment of the promoter region, 5’UTR and exon 1 located between nucleotides −141 to +294 upstream of the APOAI gene on chromosome 11. No novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were observed. The sequences obtained were deposited with the NCBI GenBank with accession number [GenBank: JX438706]. The allelic frequencies for the three SNPs were as follows: APOAI rs670G = 0.807; rs5069C = 0.964; rs1799837G = 0.997 and found to be in HWE. A significant association (p < 0.05) was observed for the APOAI rs670 polymorphism with increased serum LDL-C. Multivariate analysis showed that APOAI rs670 was an independent predictive factor when controlling for age, sex and BMI for both LDL-C (OR: 1.66, p = 0.014) and TC (OR: 1.77, p = 0.006) levels. CONCLUSION: This study is the first to report sequence analysis of the APOAI promoter in an Arab population. The unexpected positive association found between the APOAI rs670 polymorphism and increased levels of LDL-C and TC may be due to linkage disequilibrium with other polymorphisms in candidate and neighboring genes known to be associated with lipid metabolism and transport
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