263 research outputs found

    Validation du GAP Index, un outil prédictif de mortalité dans la fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique

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    Fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique La fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique (FPI, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis) est une maladie diffuse du parenchyme pulmonaire de cause inconnue caractérisée par une aggravation de la dyspnée, une réduction du volume pulmonaire et une altération des échanges gazeux. Elle est la plus fréquente de pneumopathies interstitielles idiopathiques (IIPs, Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias), avec une incidence annuelle estimée entre 4,6 et 16,3 pour 100'000 personnes et une prévalence de 13 à 20 cas pour 100 000 personnes. Son évolution est progressive, irréversible et de mauvais pronostic avec une survie médiane de 2 à 3.5 ans et une survie à 5 ans de moins de 20%

    X-ray spectra of Hercules X-1. 3: Pulse phase dependence in high energy continuum

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    Pulse phase-dependent spectral changes in the high energy (less than 20 keV) continuum of Hercules X-1 were observed. Cyclotron absorption of underlying continua can reproduce the observed angular dependence in the high energy cutoff. Implications of this model, which include the possibility of determining the angular separation between the line of sight and the neutron star magnetic field if the absorbing electron spectrum is known are discussed


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    Peritoneal cells (PC) from normal, unimmunized mice were placed in ultra-thin monolayer cultures containing carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), sheep red blood cells (SRBC), and complement, and tested for the appearance of plaques of lysis. The behavior of PC from young male mice and from female mice that had given birth to several litters (retired breeder mice) was studied. It was found that cells from spleen, mesenteric lymph node, thymus, bone marrow, thoracic duct lymph, or Peyer's patches could not form plaques in the CMC microcultures. Also, various combinations of these cells did not lead to plaque formation. When cells from any of these sources were mixed with PC, there was either no effect or an actual inhibition of plaque formation, the plaque counts being lower than would have been expected from the number of PC present in the mixture. Optimal plaque formation by peritoneal cells was found to be dependent on an optimal cell concentration, this optimum being around 5 x 106/ml for young male mice and 0.5 x 106/ml for retired breeders. Inhibition of plaque formation was found with either supra- or suboptimal cell concentrations. The inhibition by excess cell concentration may have been a simple nutritional or nonspecific overcrowding effect, as it could also be induced by an addition of an excess of spleen or lymph node cells. The failure of more dilute PC preparations to give adequate numbers of plaques appeared to be more specific, as plaque numbers could not be restored to normal by addition of spleen cells. The suggestion was that some cell to cell interaction between PC was involved. This dependence on cell concentration was not seen with immunized spleen PFC. Plaque appearance could be specifically and reversibly suppressed by placing PC in a medium containing rabbit anti-mouse IgM serum. Anti-IgG serum had no such effect. These experiments strengthened our view, expressed in the accompanying paper, that plaque formation was due to the formation of IgM, hemolytic antibody to SRBC by the PC. Metabolic inhibitors were incorporated into monolayer cultures and had different effects with the different types of PFC used. In the case of spleen cells from mice actively immunized against SRBC 4 days before killing, actinomycin D had no effect on plaque counts and puromycin reduced plaque numbers by a factor of 2. In the case of PC from young male mice, actinomycin D in concentrations above 0.01 µg/ml caused reductions down to < 2% of control values in plaque counts, and puromycin (10 µg/ml) had a similar effect. The PC from retired breeder mice occupied an intermediate position between the two cases just discussed. A compartment of cells, equal to about one-fifth of the total normal PFC compartment, was identified as resistant to high concentrations of either actinomycin D or puromycin, being similar in these respects to PFC from spleens of intentionally preimmunized mice. The mitotic poison, Colcemid, did not affect plaque counts in any situation tested. The theoretical implications of these results are briefly discussed


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    An improved method for the short-term culture of mouse peritoneal cells in a medium containing carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), sheep erythrocytes (SRBC), and guinea pig complement is described. It involves preparation of microcultures, of thickness 12–15 µ and volume 3.6 µl, under paraffin oil. With such cultures, peritoneal cells from normal, unimmunized young male CBA mice give about 3000 hemolytic plaques per million cells cultured, this figure being attained within 24 hr. The plaque detection method is about four times as sensitive as the Jerne technique. A method is described whereby such plaque-forming cells (PFC) can be transferred, by micromanipulation, to fresh monolayer cultures containing SRBC, CMC, and complement. In this fashion, the secretory capacity and susceptibility to inhibitors of peritoneal PFC can be tested in detail. Using this technique, evidence is presented that the hemolytic substance responsible for plaque formation is actually secreted by the cell at the center of the plaque, and is not a complement component but probably an antibody. Studies on the time of plaque appearance after cell transfer, and the subsequent growth rate of the zone of hemolysis, have been performed. They speak against the idea that the PFC is either a reservoir of cytophilic antibody or a "background" PFC. Rather they suggest that active antibody secretion is induced in the cell at some defined time point in culture. Detailed kinetics of the rate of appearance of plaques in peritoneal cell cultures revealed an exponential phase lasting from about 3 to about 13 hr with a doubling time of 2 hr. The reasons for this are not known. A greatly heightened reactivity was shown in peritoneal cells of mice that had been pregnant several times. Cultures of such cells showed more rapid plaque appearance and a peak activity about 20 times higher than with cells from young male mice. Cultures in which 1 cell in 10 formed a plaque were not infrequent. A series of experiments on germ-free mice showed reactivity similar to that of conventional mice from the same strain and source. The significance of the findings for cellular immunology are discussed

    Les transformations paysagères de la plaine du Rhône : Analyse diachronique et cartographie historique (1840-2010)

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    National audienceCet article vise deux objectifs. D’une part, il présente une cartographie et desstatistiques sur l’évolution de la plaine entre 1840 et 2005; d’autre part, il étudieplus en détail la question de l’assèchement de la plaine et de la progressive disparitiondes zones humides. Le texte est organisé en trois parties. Dans un premiertemps, nous présentons les caractéristiques méthodologiques de l’approche géohistorique;dans un deuxième temps, nous analysons la plaine selon cinq états de référence(1840, 1880, 1920, 1965, 2005); la troisième partie se penche sur l’assèchementprogressif des zones marécageuses de la plain

    Unstable states in QED of strong magnetic fields

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    We question the use of stable asymptotic scattering states in QED of strong magnetic fields. To correctly describe excited Landau states and photons above the pair creation threshold the asymptotic fields are chosen as generalized Licht fields. In this way the off-shell behavior of unstable particles is automatically taken into account, and the resonant divergences that occur in scattering cross sections in the presence of a strong external magnetic field are avoided. While in a limiting case the conventional electron propagator with Breit-Wigner form is obtained, in this formalism it is also possible to calculate SS-matrix elements with external unstable particles.Comment: Revtex, 7 pages. To appear in Phys. Rev. D53(2

    Chasing the immortal strand: evidence for nature's way of protecting the breast genome

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    Mutations arise during cell division at a predictable rate. Besides DNA repair mechanisms, the existence of cellular hierarchies that originate with a stem cell serve to reduce the number of divisions necessary for normal physiology. In a previous issue, Bussard and colleagues demonstrate that mammary stem cells have an additional remarkable trait; namely the ability to selectively retain a template DNA strand during self renewal. In doing so, they avoid the accumulation of mutations in that so called 'immortal strand'. The implications of this are discussed with reference to the development and treatment of cancer

    Formal Analysis of Distance Bounding with Secure Hardware

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    A distance bounding (DB) protocol is a two-party authentication protocol between a prover and a verifier which is based on the distance between the prover and the verifier. It aims to defeat threats by malicious provers who try to convince that they are closer to the verifier or adversaries which seek to impersonate a far-away prover. All these threats are covered in several security definitions and it is not possible to have a single definition covering all. In this paper, we describe a new DB model with three parties where the new party is named hardware. In this model, called secure hardware model (SHM), the hardware is held by the prover without being able to tamper with. We define an all-in-one security model which covers all the threats of DB and an appropriate privacy notion for SHM. In the end, we construct the most efficient (in terms of computation by the prover-hardware and number of rounds) and secure DB protocols achieving the optimal security bounds as well as privacy

    BVRI Light Curves for 29 Type Ia Supernovae

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    BVRI light curves are presented for 27 Type Ia supernovae discovered during the course of the Calan/Tololo Survey and for two other SNe Ia observed during the same period. Estimates of the maximum light magnitudes in the B, V, and I bands and the initial decline rate parameter m15(B) are also given.Comment: 17 pages, figures and tables are not included (contact first author if needed), to appear in the Astronomical Journa

    A Governance Framework for Mitigating Risks and Uncertainty in Collaborative Business Processes

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    International audienceThe development of collaborative business process relies mostly on software services spanning multiple organizations. Therefore, uncertainty related to the shared assets and risks of Intellectual Property infringement form major concerns and hamper the development of inter-enterprise collaboration. This paper proposes a governance framework to enhance trust and assurance in such collaborative context, coping with the impacts of Cloud infrastructure. First, a collaborative security requirements engineering approach analyzes assets sharing relations in business process, to identify risks and uncertainties and, therefore, elicits partners’ security requirements and profiles. Then, a ‘due usage’ aware policy model supports negotiation between asset provider’s requirements and consumer’s profiles. The enforcement mechanism adapts to dynamic business processes and Cloud infrastructures to provide end-to-end protection on shared assets