69 research outputs found

    Juan Pablo II y las Conferencias episcopales: comunión y colegialidad

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    John Paul II has presented the Bishops’ Conference both in his large teaching about bishop’s ministry and his legislative role. In his genuine teaching about that, Pope using precise theological and legal terms, strengthen the theological and juridical nature of the Bishops’ Conferences. In this article a detailed analysis is made of the first fifteen years of teaching of the Pope John Paul II about the Episcopal Conferences communion and collegiality. The main sources of this paper are Apostolic Letter Apostolos Suos, that clarifies the theological and legal nature of Bishops’ Conferences, and Directory for the Pastoral Ministry of Bishops Apostolorum Successores, which refers to Bishops’ Conferences as instruments of communion in the Church and alive expression of bishop collegiality at the extent that it is their responsibility.John Paul II has presented the Bishops’ Conference both in his large teaching about bishop’s ministry and his legislative role. In his genuine teaching about that, Pope using precise theological and legal terms, strengthen the theological and juridical nature of the Bishops’ Conferences. In this article a detailed analysis is made of the first fifteen years of teaching of the Pope John Paul II about the Episcopal Conferences communion and collegiality. The main sources of this paper are Apostolic Letter Apostolos Suos, that clarifies the theological and legal nature of Bishops’ Conferences, and Directory for the Pastoral Ministry of Bishops Apostolorum Successores, which refers to Bishops’ Conferences as instruments of communion in the Church and alive expression of bishop collegiality at the extent that it is their responsibility

    Tres fases del crecimiento económico argentino

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    Nuevos enfoques en la historia económica de España y de América Latina. Homenaje a Robert W. Fogel y Douglas C. North, Premios Nobel de Economía 1993Editada en la Universidad Carlos IIIEl empeoramiento de los resultados económicos relativos de Argentina puede atribuirse, en gran parte, a las desfavorables condiciones existentes para la acumulación de capital a partir de 1913. En la primera fase (antes de 1913) el éxito de la Belle Époque se debió a las espectaculares tasas de acumulación. En la segunda fase (1913-década de 1930) la baja tasa nacional de ahorro limitó la tasa de acumulación de capital. En la tercera fase (década de 1930-década de 1950) se adoptó una política de sustitución de las importaciones y el precio relativo de los bienes de capital importados que eran clave experimentó una brusca subida. Ahí comenzó el retraso: al principio, debido a que el ahorro era insuficiente ahorro y, más tarde, a que los altos precios de los bienes de capital importados redujeron los incentivos para realizar actividades de inversión que son las precursoras del crecimiento.Much of Argentina's decline in relative economic performance can be attributed to deleterious conditions for capital accumulation after 1913. In the first phase (pre-1913), the success of the Belle Époque was due to spectacular rates of accumulation. In the second phase (1913-1930s), low domestic savings rates constrained the rate of capital accumulation. In the third phase (1930s-1950s) import-substitution policies were implemented and the relative price of key imported capital goods rose sharply. Retardation ensued: at first because of insufficient saving; later because price disincentives channelled funds away from investment activities which are the precursor of growth.Publicad

    Structural Change in Argentina, 1935–1960: The Role of Import Substitution and Factor Endowments

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    This paper investigates structural change in Argentina from 1935 to 1960, a period of rapid industrialisation and relative decline of agriculture. The paper argues that the main driver of the relative decline of agriculture is the closing of the land frontier and the associated change in factor endowments as the population continued to grow

    Una gran unidad económica. La unión aduanera del sur.

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    Una gran unidad económica. La unión aduanera del sur.

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    La iglesia y la parroquia del Concilio ante la nueva evangelización : raíces y frutos de la novedad

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    Me corresponde inaugurar este curso sobre “Parroquia y nueva evangelización. A 50 años del Concilio”, y también clausurarlo. Me ha parecido posible presentar en la versión escrita de manera conjunta mis exposiciones realizadas en el curso, agregando el correspondiente aparato crítico, de rigor en todo trabajo de investigación, sea éste de análisis o de síntesis. En realidad, en este caso es más bien del segundo tipo, aunque por momentos incursione en los del primer tipo..