279 research outputs found

    Regret and Therapeutic Decisions in Multiple Sclerosis Care: Literature Review and Research Protocol

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    Decision making; Multiple sclerosis; NeurologistsToma de decisiones; Esclerosis múltiple; NeurólogosPresa de decisions; Esclerosi múltiple; NeuròlegsBackground: Decisions based on erroneous assessments may result in unrealistic patient and family expectations, suboptimal advice, incorrect treatment, or costly medical errors. Regret is a common emotion in daily life that involves counterfactual thinking when considering alternative choices. Limited information is available on care-related regret affecting healthcare professionals managing patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods: We reviewed identified gaps in the literature by searching for the combination of the following keywords in Pubmed: “regret and decision,” “regret and physicians,” and “regret and nurses.” An expert panel of neurologists, a nurse, a psychiatrist, a pharmacist, and a psychometrics specialist participated in the study design. Care-related regret will be assessed by a behavioral battery including the standardized questionnaire Regret Intensity Scale (RIS-10) and 15 new specific items. Six items will evaluate regret in the most common social domains affecting individuals (financial, driving, sports—recreation, work, own health, and confidence in people). Another nine items will explore past and recent regret experiences in common situations experienced by healthcare professionals caring for patients with MS. We will also assess concomitant behavioral characteristics of healthcare professionals that could be associated with regret: coping strategies, life satisfaction, mood, positive social behaviors, occupational burnout, and tolerance to uncertainty. Planned Outcomes: This is the first comprehensive and standardized protocol to assess care-related regret and associated behavioral factors among healthcare professionals managing MS. These results will allow to understand and ameliorate regret in healthcare professionals.This study protocol was funded by the Medical Department of Roche Farma Spain (SL42129)

    Assessing care-related regret among nurses specialized in multiple sclerosis: A psychometric analysis of a new assessment battery

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    Multiple sclerosis; Nurses; Psychometric methodsEsclerosis múltiple; Enfermeras; Métodos psicométricosEsclerosi múltiple; Infermeres; Mètodes psicomètricsExperiences of regret associated with caring for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) can affect medical decisions. A non-interventional study was conducted to assess the dimensionality and item characteristics of a battery including the Regret Intensity Scale (RIS-10) and 15 items evaluating common situations experienced by nurses in MS care. A total of 97 nurses were included. The RIS-10 showed good internal reliability and a unidimensional structure according to Mokken analysis. All-item homogeneity coefficients exceeded 0.30, whereas scalability for the overall RIS-10 was 0.66, indicating a strong scale. This battery showed adequate psychometric properties to evaluate regret among MS nurses.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study was funded by the Medical Department of Roche Farma Spain (SL42129)

    Assessing care-related regret among nurses specialized in multiple sclerosis: A psychometric analysis of a new assessment battery

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    Experiences of regret associated with caring for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) can affect medical decisions. A non-interventional study was conducted to assess the dimensionality and item characteristics of a battery including the Regret Intensity Scale (RIS-10) and 15 items evaluating common situations experienced by nurses in MS care. A total of 97 nurses were included. The RIS-10 showed good internal reliability and a unidimensional structure according to Mokken analysis. All-item homogeneity coefficients exceeded 0.30, whereas scalability for the overall RIS-10 was 0.66, indicating a strong scale. This battery showed adequate psychometric properties to evaluate regret among MS nurseThe author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study was funded by the Medical Department of Roche Farma Spain (SL42129)

    Do borrão às aguadas: os engenheiros militares e a representação da Capitania de São Paulo

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    A análise do papel dos engenheiros militares perpassa as discussões sobre regiões específicas, mesmo quando eles, aparentemente, estão ausentes delas. Sua presença ou ausência sempre foi sinônimo de interesse e de projeto colonizador mais ou menos dirigido. Este ensaio tem como objeto de estudo a cartografia dos engenheiros militares atuantes na Capitania de São Paulo, território comumente visto como economicamente periférico e mais autônomo face aos desígnios da Coroa portuguesa. Com foco no corpus cartográfico de alguns profissionais que aqui atuaram, trata indiretamente da multifacetada atuação desses engenheiros, bem como do processo de feitura das cartas geográficas, corográficas e topográficas, do borrão às aguadas. Investigar a cartografia de alguns desses profissionais permite não apenas explorar a riqueza de suas biografias, como, também, acompanhar o processo de produção técnica dos mapas e os desígnios políticos envolvidos no devassamento e representação das terras descobertas no Novo Mundo.Analyzing the role of military engineers means venturing into discussions about specific regions, even those from which they are apparently absent. Their presence or absence has always been synonymous with interest and a more or less directed colonization project. This essay examines the maps produced by the military engineers working in the Captaincy of São Paulo, a territory often looked upon as one of little economic import and a rather autonomous area in light of the plans of the Portuguese Crown. By focusing on the cartographic corpus bequeathed by certain professionals serving in this region, we deal indirectly with the multifaceted role of these engineers as well as with the process of making geographic, chorographic and topographic charts - all the way from the sketch to watercolored maps. Perusing the charts constructed by some of these professionals enabled us not only to delve into the rich details of their biographies but also to observe the technical mapmaking process and to unravel the political designs behind the exploration and representation of the lands discovered in the New World

    Conversion from immediate-release tacrolimus to prolonged-release tacrolimus in stable heart transplant patients: a retrospective study

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    [Abstract] Background Lifelong adherence with post-transplant immunosuppression is challenging, with nonadherence associated with greater acute rejection (AR) risk. Methods This retrospective study evaluated conversion from immediate-release tacrolimus (IRT) to prolonged-release tacrolimus (PRT), between January 2008 and December 2012 in stable adult heart transplant recipients. Cumulative incidence rate (IR) of AR and infection pre- and postconversion, safety, tacrolimus dose and trough levels, concomitant immunosuppression, and PRT discontinuation were analyzed (intention-to-treat population). Results Overall, 467 patients (mean age, 59.3 [SD, 13.3] years) converted to PRT at 5.1 (SD, 4.9) years post transplant and were followed for 3.4 (SD, 1.5) years. During the 6 months post conversion, 5 patients (1.1%; 95% CI, 0.35%–2.48%) had an AR episode and IR was 2.2/100 patient-years (95% CI, 0.91–5.26). Incidence of rejection preconversion varied by time from transplant to conversion. Infection IR was similar post- and preconversion (9.2/100 patient-years [95% CI, 7.4–11.3] vs 10.6/100 patient-years [95% CI, 8.8–12.3], respectively; P = .20). Safety variables remained similar post conversion. The IR of mortality/graft loss was 2.3/100 patient-years (95% CI, 1.7–3.1). Conclusions Conversion from IRT to PRT in heart transplant recipients in Spain was associated with no new safety concerns and appropriate immunosuppressive effectiveness

    Decifrando mapas:sobre o conceito de "território" e suas vinculações com a cartografia

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    This essay studies the cartographic documentation left by military engineers in Portugal, during the 18th Century. The technical dimension of map making is analysed, focusing on the instruments and the methods employed both in field surveys and in subsequent graphic representations. From the point of view of Material Culture, maps are understood as cultural artefacts, therefore historical artefacts; in this sense, the particularities of cartographic language reveal the world conceptions particular to each period. This article proposes a methodology of morphological analysis of the cartographic language, deconstructing the several strata in the organisation of this kind of visual representation. In order to do so, a vast array of heterogeneous correlate documents is mobilised, such as practical geometry, drawing and architecture treatises, contemporary to the period studied.O ensaio versa sobre a documentação cartográfica legada pelos engenheiros militares, em Portugal, no século XVIII. Analisa a dimensão técnica da produção de mapas, focalizando os instrumentos e os métodos empregados nos levantamentos de campo e no desenho de gabinete. Do ponto de vista da cultura material, os mapas são interpretados como artefatos culturais e, portanto, históricos; dessa forma, as particularidades da linguagem cartográfica revelam as concepções de mundo, o estado do conhecimento científico, as convenções e os códigos de representação próprios de cada período. Propõe uma metodologia de análise morfológica da linguagem cartográfica, desconstruindo os diversos estratos da tessitura desse tipo de representação visual. Para tanto, mobiliza um vasto campo de documentos correlatos, heterogêneos, tais como tratados de geometria prática, desenho e arquitetura, contemporâneos ao objeto de estudo

    Regret and Therapeutic Decisions in Multiple Sclerosis Care: Literature Review and Research Protocol

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    Background: Decisions based on erroneous assessments may result in unrealistic patient and family expectations, suboptimal advice, incorrect treatment, or costly medical errors. Regret is a common emotion in daily life that involves counterfactual thinking when considering alternative choices. Limited information is available on care-related regret affecting healthcare professionals managing patients with multiple sclerosis (MS).Methods: We reviewed identified gaps in the literature by searching for the combination of the following keywords in Pubmed: “regret and decision,” “regret and physicians,” and “regret and nurses.” An expert panel of neurologists, a nurse, a psychiatrist, a pharmacist, and a psychometrics specialist participated in the study design. Care-related regret will be assessed by a behavioral battery including the standardized questionnaire Regret Intensity Scale (RIS-10) and 15 new specific items. Six items will evaluate regret in the most common social domains affecting individuals (financial, driving, sports—recreation, work, own health, and confidence in people). Another nine items will explore past and recent regret experiences in common situations experienced by healthcare professionals caring for patients with MS. We will also assess concomitant behavioral characteristics of healthcare professionals that could be associated with regret: coping strategies, life satisfaction, mood, positive social behaviors, occupational burnout, and tolerance to uncertainty.Planned Outcomes: This is the first comprehensive and standardized protocol to assess care-related regret and associated behavioral factors among healthcare professionals managing MS. These results will allow to understand and ameliorate regret in healthcare professionals.Spanish National Register (SL42129-20/598-E)