791 research outputs found


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    Calcium oxide (CaO) is recognized as an effective carbon dioxide (CO2) adsorbent. It can be synthesized via calcination of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) sources including seashell. Malaysia is abundantly available with cockle shell and exploiting this resource as the potential alternative CO2 adsorbent is an advantage. Main objective of this research is to synthesis CaO by calcining waste cockle shells and demonstrate its capability to capture CO2 via carbonation reaction. The performance of calcination and carbonation reaction under various conditions such as particle sizes of sample, heating rate, calcination duration and temperature, are examined. Characterization analysis are conducted using x-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), x-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (EDX), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and physisorption analyzer while thermal stability, reactivity and kinetic analysis for calcination and carbonation of cockle shell are illustrated using thermal gravimetric analyzer (TGA). Material characterization indicates cockle shell is made up of aragonite and CaO can be synthesized at calcination temperature higher than 700°C and held for more than 20 minutes. Carbonation is maximized when CaO is synthesized at calcination temperature of 850°C for 40 minutes and heating rate is 20°C/min and using particle size of < 0.125 mm. At carbonation temperature of 600-650°C, 0.72kg of CO2 can be captured by 1kg of synthesized CaO. During palm kernel shell (PKS) steam gasification, CO2 released is 16% lesser once synthesized CaO is applied. Kinetics analysis shows that activation energy (Ea) to synthesis CaO from cockle shell is estimated to be 297.39kJ/mol and fit to zero order reaction where regression coefficient value is 0.999. Carbonation that been tested at 500-850°C shows that activation energy (Ea) at product layer diffusion control region is 102.5kJ/mol and chemical reaction control region is 72.7 kJ/mol. This study concludes that cockle shell is a good source to generate CaO adsorbent to capture CO2. At selected condition, synthesized CaO able to adsorb more CO2 and acquire lower activation energy compared to commercial CaO


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    This work presents the characterization of electromagnetic vibration based energy harvesting system. Energy harvesting is the process which energy is derived from external sources, captured, and stored for low power application devices. Vibration energy is an alternative energy sources beside solar, wind, and thermal energies. Energy harvesting is crucially important as it is environmental friendly and renewable sources. Overall, the electromagnetic vibration based energy harvesting converted vibration energy into electrical energy based on electromagnetic principle and second order mass spring system. It mainly consists of proof mass, vibrating membrane (spring), coil and also permanent magnet. The main objective of this project is to perform the characterization for electromagnetic vibration based energy harvester. The characterizations are divided to two parts which cover both the electrical and mechanical characterizations. Under the electrical characterization, the open loop, closed loop, impedance matching and the effect of difference gravitational acceleration to output voltage are investigated. For mechanical characterization, the resonance frequency, bandwidth frequency and damping ratio are analyzed. From the electrical and mechanical characterization, it was found that the open loop voltage produced by the device is 0.6759V, while the close loop voltage is 0.3073V at 260 matched impedance. Device resonance occurs at 22.7 Hz with damping ratio of 0.001862 and 10Hz operating bandwidth. From the characterization results, this device is found to be suitable for low power and autonomous applications such as the wireless sensor network, memory cell for portable electronic device and others


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    Calcium oxide (CaO) is recognized as an effective carbon dioxide (CO2) adsorbent. It can be synthesized via calcination of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) sources including seashell. Malaysia is abundantly available with cockle shell and exploiting this resource as the potential alternative CO2 adsorbent is an advantage. Main objective of this research is to synthesis CaO by calcining waste cockle shells and demonstrate its capability to capture CO2 via carbonation reaction. The performance of calcination and carbonation reaction under various conditions such as particle sizes of sample, heating rate, calcination duration and temperature, are examined. Characterization analysis are conducted using x-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), x-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (EDX), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and physisorption analyzer while thermal stability, reactivity and kinetic analysis for calcination and carbonation of cockle shell are illustrated using thermal gravimetric analyzer (TGA). Material characterization indicates cockle shell is made up of aragonite and CaO can be synthesized at calcination temperature higher than 700°C and held for more than 20 minutes. Carbonation is maximized when CaO is synthesized at calcination temperature of 850°C for 40 minutes and heating rate is 20°C/min and using particle size of < 0.125 mm. At carbonation temperature of 600-650°C, 0.72kg of CO2 can be captured by 1kg of synthesized CaO. During palm kernel shell (PKS) steam gasification, CO2 released is 16% lesser once synthesized CaO is applied. Kinetics analysis shows that activation energy (Ea) to synthesis CaO from cockle shell is estimated to be 297.39kJ/mol and fit to zero order reaction where regression coefficient value is 0.999. Carbonation that been tested at 500-850°C shows that activation energy (Ea) at product layer diffusion control region is 102.5kJ/mol and chemical reaction control region is 72.7 kJ/mol. This study concludes that cockle shell is a good source to generate CaO adsorbent to capture CO2. At selected condition, synthesized CaO able to adsorb more CO2 and acquire lower activation energy compared to commercial CaO

    Tahap Pengetahuan, Kemahiran dan Sikap Guru Pendidikan Islam (GPI) Terhadap Kesediaan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (PdP) Mod Atas Talian

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau kesediaan GPI dalam PdP mod atas talian. Selain itu, kajian ini juga dijalankan untuk menentukan tahap pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap GPI terhadap kesediaan PdP mod atas talian. Seramai 236 orang guru Pendidikan Islam yang mengajar di sekolah kebangsaan daerah Kota Setar telah dipilih sebagai sampel kajian. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah tinjauan dengan instrumen borang soal selidik. Analisis deskriptif menggunakan kekerapan, peratus dan min. Secara keseluruhan, dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa guru-guru Pendidikan Islam mempunyai tahap pengetahuan yang tinggi, tahap kemahiran yang sederhana dan tahap sikap yang sederhana terhadap kesediaan PdP mod atas talian ini. Dalam konteks PdP atas talian pula, ia diklasifikasikan kepada dua bahagian iaitu sikronis dan asikronis. Menjadi keperluan untuk guru-guru menambahkan ilmu perkakasan aplikasi digital semasa supaya seiring dengan arus pembangunan pendidikan moden masa kini

    Constructing theory with big result now (BRN): Contribution of Tanzania to the theory of knowledge sharing behavior

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    Purpose- This paper intends to discourse development of theory in the Tanzania context, based on potentiality&nbsp;of advancing of knowledge sharing theory globally. The aim of this paper is to develop a theoretical framework&nbsp;which essential for studying knowledge sharing behaviour which is critical significant for the organizational&nbsp;changes and national reforms as well for sustaining in tremendous competition. Moreover, the study&nbsp;established the needs to undergo investigation in order to illustrate the degree of performance of theory in the&nbsp;context of Tanzania, which will depict comparison with developed countries.Methodology- This paper reviewed the theory of planned behaviour and it portrayed TPB as underpinned&nbsp;theory for revising knowledge sharing in the context of Tanzania.Findings- The study revealed propositions which are fundamental in developing theory of planned behaviour&nbsp;for studying knowledge sharing in Tanzania context.Limitations of the study- this paper offers suggestions for proposition testing and direction for further studies&nbsp;in knowledge sharing behaviour.Implication of the study- the paper provides development of theory and practically, the research might provide&nbsp;insight for improving knowledge sharing practices in order to realise organizational development and national&nbsp;reforms(BRN) in the context of Tanzania.Value- This paper relies on theoretical approaches, particularly on advancement of theory of planned of&nbsp;behaviour under addition of the collectivist culture and interpersonal relation towards knowledge sharing&nbsp;behaviour in Tanzania

    Mandatory detention and treatment of drug users in Malaysia : The implications for the principles of human rights

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    The research framework is founded upon a critical analysis of the extent to which the legal process involved in the mandatory treatment and rehabilitation of drug users in Malaysia is consistent with the principles of human rights according to the national and international human rights instruments; the Malaysian Constitution and the UDHR respectively. The mandatory treatment is based upon the principles of punishment rather than rehabilitation. The arrest and detention of these drug users, which are salient features of the legal process raises the issue of serious violations of the human rights principles. To fulfill the true objective of the government's Drug Intervention Programme (DIP) through treatment and rehabilitation at Puspen centres, by reducing drug dependency and preventing relapse, treatment must be consistent with the principles of human rights for it to be effective. Data and information were gathered from empirical research through the application of various qualitative methods: these include a case study, direct observation, semistructured and unstructured interviews with key stakeholders, focus group with former drug users and an analysis of case files. Findings revealed that the legal process of funneling 'suspected drug dependants' into treatment involved a series of breaches of the fundamental human rights principles that could not be justified. The scope of police powers with regard to the arrest and detention of 'suspected drug dependants' has been widely abused and such exercise of power has been without proper statutory safeguards to protect the rights of these individuals from such arbitrary arrest. Unnecessary prolonged period of detention have led to grave infringement of individual liberty whilst conditions of confinement and failure to provide medical assistance and medication-assisted treatment particularly during withdrawal symptoms have amounted to inhuman, cruel and degrading treatment. Lack of due process including denying the right to legal representation has caused severe legal implications upon the drug users. As a consequence, the flaw in the legal system has deprived them of their constitutional rights and in contravention of the international human rights principles. Recommendations are proposed for an immediate reform to the drug policies and procedures with paramount consideration towards a more humane and effective treatment


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    Objective: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common disease affecting about 5 in 1,000 people in Malaysia. Medication adherence among RA patients can be as low as 30% and non-adherence of disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARD) may result in irreversible joint damage. This study aimed to assess adherence rates and to identify potential factors influencing adherence.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Rheumatology Clinic of a tertiary hospital for 8 w from May to June 2014. A total of 51 RA patients using DMARD were recruited in this study. Researcher-assisted questionnaires were utilized. The study assessed adherence by using Compliance Questionnaire on Rheumatology (CQR5) and data retrieved from pharmacy dispensing records which were measured using Medication Possession Ratio (MPR). Questionnaires to assess beliefs about medicines and satisfaction about medicine information were also used. Subsequently, associations between adherence and demographics, socioeconomics, medication, disease and patient-related factors were determined.Results: The response rate was 75%. Depending on the instruments used, 75% (CQR5) and 60% (MPR) of the patients were adherent to DMARD. Non-adherence was not associated with demographic, socioeconomic and clinical characteristics, satisfaction about medication information and medication concerns. Beliefs about the necessity of medication (r = 0.372; p = 0.007) and necessity-concerns differential (r = 0.439; p = 0.001) were moderately associated with adherence.Conclusion: Patient-related factor was associated with medication adherence in our study population. The necessity-concerns differential of medication beliefs may serve as a possible screening tool for non-adherence or target for adherence-improving intervention among RA patients.Keywords: Rheumatoid arthritis, Medication adherence, Medication beliefs, DMAR

    Struggle for Making of Pakistan 1947

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    Committee was shaped under the support of Gandhi however it neglected to get the help from all the three fundamental gatherings in the political diversion i.e., the British, Congress and the League; Congress at first bolstered the board affected by Gandhi yet when Sapru Committee presented the proposal for Hindu-Muslim equality, the Congress additionally dismissed the report of the council. The Committee restricted the possibility of Pakistan on the premise of dialect, race, religion, and the difficulty of isolating Hindu and Muslim people group. It additionally dismissed the two country hypothesis. The Committee contended that the possibility of Pakistan or division of India can't fulfill the issue of minorities. As such these proposition dismissed the Muslim request of isolated electorates and in particular the segment of India, which around then was upheld by both Jinnah and the League. Along these lines, the League additionally emphatically dismissed the recommendations of the panel and considered it as a scheme against the interest for Pakistan. This article examinations the Sapru Proposals in setting of the interest for Pakistan and explores the explanations for the disappointment of the proposition. Keywords: Pakistan, India, Divisio


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    Malaria masih menjadi masalah yang serius bagi penduduk dunia, terlihat dengan masih tingginya morbiditas dan motalitas penyakit ini. Tercatat bahwa malaria menyebabkan kematian lebih dari 10.000 penduduk dunia setiap tahunnya (Anonim1 , 2007). Prevalensi kasus malaria di Indonesia sekitar 15 juta dan setiap tahun 42 ribu jiwa mati karena malaria (Anonim2 , 2007). Tahun 2006 terdapat sekitar 2 juta kasus malaria klinis, sedangkan tahun 2007 menjadi 1,7 juta kasus (Litbang Depkes, 2008). Penyakit infeksi malaria oleh Plasmodium falcifarum merupakan penyebab kesakitan dan kematian tertinggi di antara jenis malaria yang lain. Hal ini kerana infeksi Plasmodium falcifarum cenderung mengakibatkan komplikasi seperti malaria serebral, anemia, hipoglikemia, gagal ginjal dan edema pulmonal nonkardiak. Pada hati, malaria menyebabkan komplikasi fatal hepatitis malaria, yaitu sindrom menyerupai hepatitis seperti hepatomegali, ikterik dan penurunan fungsi yang dapat menyebabkan disfungsi hati (White, 2003). Patogenesis infeksi parasit ini melibatkan tahap infeksi hati dimana sporozoit menyerang dan berkembang biak di hepatosit dan tahap erythrocytic di mana merozoit menyebabkan penghancuran sel darah merah yang terinfeksi sebelum diferensiasi mereka menjadi gametosit. Karena baik hati dan eritrosit merupaka
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