11 research outputs found


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    oai:jurnal.ugm.ac.id:article/2346Batteries are chemical devices to save electricity. device capable of generating a DC voltage, ie by converting chemical energy contained in it into electrical energy through the reaction of electro clams, Redox (Reduction - Oxidation). The battery consists of several cells, these cells become energy storage in the form of chemical energy. Negative electrode called the cathode, which serve as electron donors. Positive electrode called the anode which serves as an electron acceptor. Between the anode and the cathode current will flow from the positive pole (anode) to the negative pole (cathode). While the electrons will flow from ktoda toward the anode.In this study, the batteries are designed to use sea water as electrolyte. Voltage measured for one cell is 0,75 Volt and measurable current of 100mA, to get the required voltage is 10 Volts 15 cells arranged in series. Testing is done by loading a flashlight with 5 LED, the results of this special design battery capable of powering 5 LED for seven days without stopping, this suggests that there are large energy stored in batteries. After charging the battery energy runs out of energy again just by replacing the sea water as electrolyte. These batteries are designed to be placed in the beach area and waterfront, it is intended that the sea water needs as the electrolyte can be easily obtained. The especially designed battery is one of the low technology and easy to be made, because the necessary materials readily available in the manufacture of batteries, the battery does not require extra maintenance, environmentally friendly and can be used for twenty-four hours as long as there is sea water

    Evaluasi Keandalan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap Di PT. PJB Unit Pembangkitan Paiton

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    Dalam mensuplai energi listrik, unit pembangkit cenderung mengalami gangguan yang menyebabkan unit pembangkit tersebut keluar dari jaringan (outage) ataupun tidak dapat beroperasi secara maksimal. Kemampuan tiap unit pembangkit dapat mengalami penurunan (derated) karena adanya sebagian komponen unit pembangkit mengalaini kerusakan. Oleh karena itu, analisis ketersediaan pembangkit diperlukan agar kebutuhan listrik tersebut dapat terpenuhi. Pada skripsi ini dilakukan analisis terhadap ketersediaan PLTU Paiton unit 1 dan 2 milik PT. PJB Unit Pembangkitan Paiton dengan metode Loss of Load Probability (LOLP). Perhitungan nilai LOLP ini dengan cara manual menggunakan program Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Analisis dengan metode LOLP dihitung dengan menggunakan dua model, yaitu model dua keadaan yang hanya menggambarkan pembangkit dalam keadaan Up (beroperasi) dan Down (mati), dan model tiga keadaan yang menggczmbarkankemampuan pembangkit menurun (derated). Perhitungan indeks LOLP harus memperhatikan keadaan derated agar ketelitian hasilnya lebih tinggi. Pada metode ini, digunakan suatu kurva lama beban (load duration curve)yang diwakili oleh variasi bebanpzmcak harian (daily peak load variation)selama tahun 2009. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai LOLP yang cukup besar, yaitu untuk model dua keadaan sebesar 22.06 hari/tahun dan untuk model derated sebesar 41.10 hari/tahun. Besarnya nilai LOLP PLTU Paiton unit I dan 2 ini diakibatkan oleh kemampuan unit pembangkit yang tidak dapat beroperasi secara penuh (full load) karena gangguan peralatan dan pemeliharaan


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    Micro hydro power system (PLTMh) is a plant thai utilizes water flow. To stabilize the flow of electricity produced by the generator it is necessary to control the use of the load on the generator. PLTMh currently only using electronic devices to controls the lood have some weakness such as monitoring of the PLTMh to be done is directly and continuously so it will cost and effort very much. This research aims to control the PLTMH automatically using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) twido TWDLMDA 20 DRT using the algorithm Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) and can allow remote monitoring of the PLTMH in combination with Supervisory Control and data Acquisition (SCADA). By wing the PLC controlling the generator can be stabilized on the circumstances we want is at a voltage of 220 volts with a frequency of 50 Hz.Keyword: PLTM


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    The need for electrical energy is increasing, as more extensive network of electric power due to greater demand, as well as the distance between the centers of power to the load centers will lead to a reduction in power, because in the delivery of power from the generator to the consumer or customers there is a power loss and voltage drop. To overcome this, there is one solution that can be used to install the Distributed Generation (DG) on distribution networks. The focus of research is to see how the influence of DG before installation and after installation of DG on power distribution systems to improve voltage profile and power losses in distribution networks with variable injection and location. DG potential used is 3 pieces of micro power plants. Testing is done by simulation using ETAP Power Station 6.0 software. The simulation results show before the installation of DG voltage at the end of the network having a voltage drop of 7.06%, after the installation of DG with the injection of 85% of total capacity in section 8, the voltage drop to 1.12% successfully repaired. Key words: Distributed Generation, Voltage Profil

    Analisis Transformator Tiga Belitan

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    Makalah ini membahas tentang transformator tiga belitan dalam sistem tenaga listrik yang mempunyai kinerja berbeda dengan tramsformator dua belitan. Transformator yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa NE9040/NE9044 Educational Transformer yang terdiri atas satu buah transformator tiga fase dua belitan tiap fasenya dan tiga buah transformator satu fase yang masing-masing mempunyai tiga belitan. Pengukuran dilakukan pada ketiga transformator satu fase yang memiliki tiga belitan dengan memasang beban pada belitan skunder dan tersier secara bersamaan. Kemidian ketiga transformator tersebut disusun menjadi sebuah transformator tiga fase dengan hubungan Y-Y- &#916yang terdiri atas tiga belitan tiapfasenya. Transformator tiga fase tersebut dibebani pada belitan skunder yang terhubung Y dengan beban seimbang dan tidak seimbang, sedangkan pada belitan tersier yang terhubung delta tidak dibebani. Dari hasi/ pengukuran didapatkan hasi/ kinerja transformator tiga belitan lebih stabil tegangannya ketika beban tidak seimbang hal ini karena beban tidak seimbang dikompensasi oleh belitan tersier yang terhubung delta, selain into arus netral yang mengalir menjadi lebih kedl daripada tanpa belitan tersier


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    University of Gadjah Mada�s Faculty of Engineeringis one of the faculty of electrical energy users are quite large. Effectiveand efficient assets utilization is very necessary in order to process towards energy conservation.Therefore, the load characteristics studies are required in the faculty of Engineering. Observations on the load characteristics of the department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology building (JTETI), Engineering Physics (JTF), Geological Engineering (JTG), and the Main Office of Faculty of Engineering (KPFT) will have an effect on efficiency enhanchement in electrical energyconsumption. that is used This research used the PM710 and PM810 Power Meter and EGX300 Ethernet Gateway Server manufactured by Schneider Electric to implement a process of observation and recording of data. The program as the interface is PowerLogic PowerView.Data recordingexcecuted with aninterval time of every 30 minutes within 24 hours fromthe last week of lectures, week-off and final exams week. Dataincluded on the records are the current and voltage of each phase, and Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) on voltage system.Based on the observations, there are three characteristics of the electric loadin the observed building


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    Indonesia has a lot of renewable energy sources, especially water energy. Water energy can be used for Minihydro Power Plant (Pusat Listrik Tenaga Minihidro, PLTM) as well as Microhydro Power Plant (Pusat Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro, PLTMh). Most of the PLTM and PLTMh are using Induction Motor As Generator (IMAG) because it is cheap and easy in operation. However, this generator requires an electrical network system as a reactive power supplier. Synchronous generator has the advantage in providing the required reactive power supply of IMAG, so parallel operation between IMAG with a synchronous generator is one of the solutions that can be developed. In addition , regulation and load order for IMAG and synchronous generator are needed for supplying the load according to each proportions. This study aims to determine the performance and load settings of IMAG parallel with synchronous generator. Research was conducted by simulation using Powersim software (PSIM 9). Simulations were performed include: induction motor as a generator (IMAG) simulation, performance of synchronous generator simulation, parallel synchronous generator with IMAG without load simulation, parallel synchronous generator and IMAG with load simulation, and load settings simulation. Load used was a 3-phase resistive load. Synchronous generator active power control is done by varying the value of the excitation voltage and maintain the speed value of synchronous generator prime movers according to the speed of synchronization. While active power settings IMAG done by varying the speed value of IMAG prime movers. The capacity of IMAG parallel with synchronous generator is lower than the sum of the capacity IMAG and synchronous generator


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    In electrical power system, the factors to determine a system whether is good or not is power loss and voltage drop. Power loss is defined as the received energy is not 100 % the same as the delivered energy and this is happen in the conductor wire. The length of conductor wire determine the value of voltage drop whether it is high or low. If the conductor wire is so long, then the voltage drop will be high, and this is also happen to power loss. One of the methods to increase the efficiency of distribution system is by reconfiguring the system to decrease the value power loss and voltage drop. The reconfiguration will make use of the DS (disconnecting switch) that have been available to increase the reliability of the system. To manually calculate the load flow for the whole system need a lot of times. Because of that, to easily calculate the load flow for the entire system, we can use one of the electrical power system simulation program, and the program that will be used to help this calculation is ETAP 7.0.0 (Electrical Transient analysis Program) The object in this research is the distribution system of the Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Existing configuration of UGM today is consists of 5 loop/ring type feeder which still operated as one distribution line or in the other word as an open loop/ring type feeder. Those 5 loop/ring type feeder are potentially reconfigured to decrease the value power loss and voltage drop. There are 2 possibilities of reconfiguration, which will be simulated in ETAP 7.0.0. The result of the simulation will show us, the best configuration to decrease the value power loss and voltage drop. The simulation show us that configuration 1 is the best configuration to decrease the value of power loss and voltage drop by 2,25 kW (27,8%) in the distribution system of the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) than the existing configuration

    Studi Potensi Waduk Sermo Sebagai Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Minihidro

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    Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik Minihidro (PLTMH) adalah suatu teknologi pembangkit listrik yang merubah potensi energi yang dimi/iki air menjadi energi listrik. Waduk Senno yang terletak di kabupaten kulon progo adalah bendungan serba-guna yang merupakan bangunan tipe urugan batu. Yang mungkin mempunyai potensi yang bisa dijadikan pembangkit listrik tenaga minihidro. Pembangkit listrik tenaga minihidro merupakan pembangkit yang menghasilkan daya yang tidak terlalu besar selain sungai-sungai yang ada waduk juga memiliki potensi sebagai pembangkit listrik tenaga minihidro. Selain melihat potensi sebagai PLTMH pada waduk sermo juga melakukan perhitungan potensi yang ada secara manual dan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak TURBNPRO


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    Microgrid is an electricity grid at limited area without being connected or isolated to the main grid network. Indonesia as a vast archipelago certainly needs this microgrid. Research about this matter should be done considering the development of electrical energy in Indonesia, especially microgrid which is high. One of microgrid configuration is the microgrid with permanent magnet synchronous generator on MHP and photovoltaic (PV) as power sources. With loads are generally located in rural areas, the power required is complex power consisting of active power and reactive power. Because of the PV is only capable of producing active power, then the role of the permanent magnet synchronous generator is to producing most of the active power and providing all the required reactive power system. This condition will certainly affect the performance of permanent magnet synchronous generator and the overall system. This research is focused on the impact of load variation of PV connected to permanent magnet synchronous generator grid system to the performance of the system, the search of potential problems and determining appropriate solutions to the problems that may occur. In this study will be observed and analyzed the performance characteristics of the hybrid system with the modeling and simulation of systems using PSIM software. System modeling is adapted to real conditions and using data corresponding to the real data. The power source is decided consist of PV and MHP with permanent magnet synchronous generator with constant power input. Maximum power rating is maximum 3 kW for PV and 5 kW for MHP. Loading variations is done in stages either pure resistive load or inductive load. Electrical characteristics those will be observed are the voltage, frequency and harmonic distortion of system. The results of this research are the model of microgrid system and its simulation at variation of loading. From this research result is revealed that in order to gain power quality meets the standards required at various loading schemes, the installation of additional schemes is needed, which are capacitor bank, the flywheel for generator and compensato