16,064 research outputs found

    Radio-controlled, sound-operated switch

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    Switch presently provides remote control switching, by radio signals, or pollution sampling devices. Can be used for remote weather station interrogation, firing of pyrotechnics, control of dangerous equipment, or control of device in location where it is impractical to run metallic conductors because of time limitations, distance, or terrain

    Improving School Leadership: The Connection of Transformational Leadership and Psychological Well-Being of the Followers

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    In this current era of public school accountability in the United States, the passage of No Child Left Behind resulted in dramatic changes for public school districts (U.S. Department of Education, 2001). Although the recent reauthorization, entitled Every Student Succeeds Act, allowed greater flexibility on the state and local levels, effective school leadership still remained a critical factor when establishing and maintaining high standards of student learning (Executive Office of the President, 2015). Onorato (2013) noted the federal and state accountability mandates have forced public school administrators to transform the educational environment while serving as instructional leaders for teachers and students. Additionally, Onorato noted as accountability pressures increased, educational leaders were compelled to strengthen student achievement through increased leadership qualities. Furthermore, transformational leadership empowered the followers to strive with higher levels of confidence and motivation while the followers also assumed the traits and actions of transformational leadership (Onorato, 2013). This phenomenological narrative study was designed to describe the transformational leadership components of selected superintendents in the state of Texas, which directly affected a follower\u27s psychological well-being. All seven individuals who participated in the research study were current or recent superintendents with experience in turning around a low-performing campus or district. The leader participants self-identified their own transformational leadership skills using the MLQ SX-Short by Avolio and Bass (2013). The research questions allowed for further investigation into the influence of the four components of transformational leadership on the follower\u27s psychological well-being. Findings indicated idealized influence and inspirational motivation as the most dominant transformational leadership components of the participants. Findings also emphasized the importance of the positive impact of transformational leadership processes on the follower\u27s psychological well-being

    Vehicle test report: South Coast technology electric conversion of a Volkswagen Rabbit

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    The South Coast Technology Volkswagen Rabbit, was tested at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's (JPL) dynamometer facility and at JPL's Edwards Test Station (ETS). The tests were performed to characterize certain parameters of the South Coast Rabbit and to provide baseline data that will be used for the comparison of near term batteries that are to be incorporated into the vehicle. The vehicle tests were concentrated on the electrical drive system; i.e., the batteries, controller, and motor. The tests included coastdowns to characterize the road load, maximum effort acceleration, and range evaluation for both cyclic and constant speed conditions. A qualitative evaluation of the vehicle was made by comparing its constant speed range performance with those vehicles described in the document 'state of the Art assessment of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles'. The Rabbit performance was near to the best of the 1977 vehicles

    Characterizing small-scale migration behavior of sequestered CO2 in a realistic geological fabric

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    For typical reservoir conditions, buoyancy and capillary forces grow dominant over viscous forces within a few hundred meters of the injection wells as the pressure gradient due to injection decreases, resulting in qualitatively different plume migration regimes. The migration regime depends on two factors: the capillary pressure of the leading edge of the plume and the range of threshold entry pressures within the rock at the leading edge of the plume. A capillary channel regime arises when these two factors have the same magnitude. Flow patterns within this regime vary from finger-like structures with minimal rock contact to back-filling structures with compact volumes of saturation distributed between fingers. Reservoir heterogeneity is one of the principal factors influencing CO2 migration pathway in the capillary channel regime. Here we characterize buoyancy-driven migration in a natural 2D geologic domain (1 m × 0.5 m peel from an alluvium) in which sedimentologic heterogeneity has been resolved at sub-millimeter (depositional) resolution. The relevant features of the heterogeneity are grain size distribution, which determines the mean and range of threshold pressures and correlation lengths of threshold pressures in horizontal and vertical directions. The relevant physics for this migration regime is invasion percolation, and simulations indicate that CO2 migrates through the peel in a few narrow pathways which cannot be captured by conventional coarse-grid simulations. The storage efficiency of the capillary channel regime would be low and consequently CO2 would also migrate greater distances than expected from models or simulations that neglect the capillary channel flow regime.Bureau of Economic Geolog

    LUMIS Interactive graphics operating instructions and system specifications

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    The LUMIS program has designed an integrated geographic information system to assist program managers and planning groups in metropolitan regions. Described is the system designed to interactively interrogate a data base, display graphically a portion of the region enclosed in the data base, and perform cross tabulations of variables within each city block, block group, or census tract. The system is designed to interface with U. S. Census DIME file technology, but can accept alternative districting conventions. The system is described on three levels: (1) introduction to the systems's concept and potential applications; (2) the method of operating the system on an interactive terminal; and (3) a detailed system specification for computer facility personnel

    That Survival Apparatus

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    As a point of departure, I will be interpreting the poem “Mask” by Maya Angelou. By looking at its literal and interpretive meaning, I will explain how African diasporic fugitivity is reflected in my work. In my paper I will examine art historic and cultural indicators to explain my strategy within making. A part of this strategy uses media and imagery that is mostly familiar to me

    Floyd County - Wheelwright

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    A class survey titled A Community Study on Wheelwright, Kentucky by Geneva T. Bryant circa 1950

    Forecasting the KC-135 Cost Per Flying Hour: A Panel Data Analysis

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    This thesis developed models to forecast the KC-135R monthly Consumables (CONS) and Depot Level Reparable (DLR) Cost per Flying Hour (CPFH) for each U.S. Air Force service component. Using data for each operating location from FY1998 to FY2004, the models were constructed using panel data analysis, a form of regression that adds a cross-sectional and time-series dimension. In addition to including factors previously identified as prime contributors to CPFH, the models added new elements that may influence maintenance costs and be of interest to policymakers. These elements included mission capable rates, airframe operating hours, and climatology factors. An interaction variable for utilization rate and combat flying hours is also included. The results reveal that utilization rate can be a major factor to determine if the CPFH increases or decreases when a wing is flying combat hours. Furthermore, mission capable rates have an inverse relationship on the KC-135R CPFH, while average airframe hours have a positive relationship. Average airframe hours is an alternative measure to aircraft age, although this measure is better suited for quarterly or yearly models. Overall, this research extends knowledge of the KC-135R CPFH program and provides a tool for planners, programmers, and decision makers at all levels

    The Number of Zeros of a Polynomial in a Disk as a Consequence of Coefficient Inequalities with Multiple Reversals

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    In this thesis, we explore the effect of restricting the coefficients of polynomials on the bounds for the number of zeros in a given region. The results presented herein build on a body of work, culminating in the generalization of bounds among three classes of polynomials. The hypotheses of monotonicity on each class of polynomials were further subdivided into sections concerning r reversals among the moduli, real parts, and both real and imaginary parts of the coefficients