325 research outputs found

    Chapter The Old Serbian Version of the Antiochene Recension of Samuel-Kings: Some Preliminary Issues in Textual Criticism

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    The article discusses several textual features of the second Church Slavonic version of 1–4 Kingdoms, which has come down to us in two manuscripts, written in Serbian Resavian orthography. The earliest copy dates from 1418 (National Research Library of Odessa, no. 6 [1/106]), while the second is from 1523–1543 (Moscow, Russian State Library, f. 87 N° 1 [1684]). The paper presents this tradition to scholars as new material for the study of the Antiochene or Lucianic recension of 1–4 Kingdoms, a text-type found in five Greek manuscripts. The analysis shows that it represents a new witness, not only to the Antiochene recension of 1–4 Kingdoms as a whole, but also to its proto-Lucianic textual stratum

    In-group bias in preferences for redistribution: a survey experiment in Italy

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    Using a new survey and experimental data, we investigate how information on inequality and immigration affect preferences for redistribution in Italy. Our randomized treatments show that preferences for redistribution are often inelastic to information. However, we find that provision of information on poverty statistics related to the native-immigrant composition of poverty reduces economic in-group bias by affecting exclusionary redistributive preferences: respondents are less likely to support policies which exclude immigrants from access to the welfare state once they learn that immigrants are less represented among the poor and natives are not as poor as they used to believe. Finally, we find some evidence of in-group bias by investigating the presence of heterogeneous treatment effects across groups

    Textüberlieferung und Textkritik der altkirchenslavischen Übersetzung der Homilie «zum Neuen Sonntag» des Gregor von Nazianz

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    Der vorliegende Aufsatz bietet eine textkritische Untersuchung der ältesten slavischen (altkirchenslavischen) Übersetzung der Homilie «zum Neuen Sonntag» (Oratio 44 Εἰς τὴν καινὴν Κυριακήν) des Gregor von Nazianz. Ziel des Autors ist es, die Abhängigkeitsverhältnisse zwischen den Textzeugen aus dem 13./14. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert zu bestimmen und das erste stemma codicum dieser Überlieferung zu erstellen. Die Untersuchung ist auf die Methode der Leitfehler gegründet, die allgemein als die zuverlässigste in der Textkritik anerkannt ist. Sie kommt zum Schluss, dass die slavische Überlieferung der «Homilie zum Neuen Sonntag» auf einen einzigen Archetypus (α) zurückgeht, von dem sich drei Zweige abspalten. Wir haben zunächst den Variantenträger β, von dem zwei serbische Abschriften abstammen. Dann haben wir den Variantenträger γ, von dem eine ostslavische Abschrift des Toržestvennik triodnyj sowie alle ostlavischen Handschriften der liturgischen Sammlung der 16 Homilien von Gregor von Nazianz mit den Kommentaren von Niketas von Herakleia abhängen. Hinzu kommt noch die ostslavische Handschrift Q, in der die Kommentare von Niketas getrennt vom Text der Homilien abgeschrieben worden sind und die den dritten Variantenträger darstellt. Was Datierung und Herkunft der Übersetzung betrifft, so wurde sie aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach spätestens im 10. Jahrhundert in Bulgarien durchgeführt, wofür vor allem die sprachlichen Merkmale (insbesondere lexikalische Archaismen) sprechen. Darüber hinaus beweist die durchgeführte Textanalyse die vollkommene Beherrschung des Griechischen und des Altkirchenslavischen vonseiten des Übersetzers, da Übersetzungsfehler tatsächlich minimal sind

    Палеографические заметки о древнерусском кодексе слов Григория Назианзина (гим, чуд. 11)

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    Palaeographic remarks on the Old Russian codex from the Collection of the Chudov Monastery (GIM, Čud. 11) The paper offers a number of palaeographic remarks on an Old Russian parchment codex from the Collection of the Chudov Monastery of the State Historical Museum in Moscow (Gosudarstvennyj Istoričeskij Muzej, Čud. 11) that contains the Old Church Slavonic translation of the Sixteen Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus accompanied by a later Church Slavonic version of the Commentaries of Nicetas of Heraclea to these works. This manuscript, which dates from the late fourteenth-early fifteenth centuries, represents not only one of the main witnesses to this abundant textual corpus, but also a source of primary importance in studying Cyrillic palaeography. On this specific point, one should first emphasize that the Čud. 11 is one of the rare examples of a very peculiar kind of East Slavic shorthand writing, in which ligatures, contractions and abbreviations are employed systematically for copying the main text, the titles and the rubrics. Beyond that, this testimony also stands out for several other palaeographic features that have hitherto completely escaped scholarly attention. They are: (1) the extensive use of the Byzantine marginal signs ἡλιακόν and σηµείωσαι; (2) the presence of Greek glosses written by the Slavic scribe; (3) several scholia copied in an otherwise unknown Slavic script-type that revealed itself to be an imitative writing of the Greek minuscule script; (4) the curious tendency of replicating the Greek sampi in shaping the Cyrillic letter ѥ and other marginal symbols. The author concludes his analysis with a complete description of codex Čud. 11 (5

    Memoria e oblio nel “Diario romano del 1944” di Vjačeslav Ivanov: per un’analisi della poesia “Via Appia”

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    Стихотворение «Via Appia» рассмотрено как образец диалектического познания мира, выражение особой религиозно-философской концепции

    Enamel remineralization and repair results of Biomimetic Hydroxyapatite toothpaste on deciduous teeth: an effective option to fluoride toothpaste

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    Background: Dental caries is a recognized worldwide public health problem. Despite being one of the most efective strategies against dental caries, the excessive use of fuorine may result in a potential risk of developing dental fuorosis especially in children under age of six. The purpose of this work is to analyze a fuorine-free toothpaste containing Biomimetic Hydroxyapatite to assess enamel re-mineralizing and repairing properties. Results: The study was performed in vitro and in vivo, comparing the hydroxyapatite toothpaste with two others toothpaste containing diferent fuorine concentrations. The coating efect of the micro-structured Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles reintegrates the enamel with a biomimetic flm reproducing the structure and the morphology of the biologic Hydroxyapatite of the enamel. As demonstrated, the coating is due to the deposit of a new layer of apatite, which presents fewer particles than the natural enamel, not based on the chemical—physical changes occurring in fuorinated toothpastes. Moreover, it shows resistance to brushing as a consequence of chemical bonds between the synthetic and natural crystals of the enamel. Conclusions: The use of Biomimetic Hydroxyapatite toothpastes has proven to be a valuable prevention measure against dental caries in primary dentition since it prevents the risk of fuorosis

    Riječ urednika

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    Mechanical ventilation weaning issues can be counted on the fingers of just one hand: part 1

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    Although mechanical ventilation may be a patient's vital ally during acute illness, it can quickly transform into an enemy during chronic conditions. The weaning process is the fundamental phase that enables the resumption of physiological respiratory function; however, it is also associated with a number of life-threatening complications, and a large percentage of critically ill patients never achieve airway device removal or require the resumption of mechanical ventilation just a few days post-weaning. Indeed, the weaning process is, at present, more of an art than a science. As such, there is urgent need for novel contributions from the scientific literature to abate the growing rates of morbidity and mortality associated with weaning failure. The physician attempting to wean a patient must integrate clinical parameters and common-sense criteria. Numerous studies have striven to identify single predictive factors of weaning failure and sought to standardize the weaning process, but the results are characterized by remarkable heterogeneity. Despite the lack of benchmarks, it is clear that the analysis of respiratory function must include a detailed overview of the five situations described below rather than a single aspect. The purpose of this two-part review is to provide a comprehensive description of these situations to clarify the "arena" physicians are entering when weaning critically ill patients from mechanical ventilation

    A computational approach identifies two regions of Hepatitis C Virus E1 protein as interacting domains involved in viral fusion process

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The E1 protein of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) can be dissected into two distinct hydrophobic regions: a central domain containing an hypothetical fusion peptide (FP), and a C-terminal domain (CT) comprising two segments, a pre-anchor and a trans-membrane (TM) region. In the currently accepted model of the viral fusion process, the FP and the TM regions are considered to be closely juxtaposed in the post-fusion structure and their physical interaction cannot be excluded. In the present study, we took advantage of the natural sequence variability present among HCV strains to test, by purely sequence-based computational tools, the hypothesis that in this virus the fusion process involves the physical interaction of the FP and CT regions of E1.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two computational approaches were applied. The first one is based on the co-evolution paradigm of interacting peptides and consequently on the correlation between the distance matrices generated by the sequence alignment method applied to FP and CT primary structures, respectively. In spite of the relatively low random genetic drift between genotypes, co-evolution analysis of sequences from five HCV genotypes revealed a greater correlation between the FP and CT domains than respect to a control HCV sequence from Core protein, so giving a clear, albeit still inconclusive, support to the physical interaction hypothesis.</p> <p>The second approach relies upon a non-linear signal analysis method widely used in protein science called Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA). This method allows for a direct comparison of domains for the presence of common hydrophobicity patterns, on which the physical interaction is based upon. RQA greatly strengthened the reliability of the hypothesis by the scoring of a lot of cross-recurrences between FP and CT peptides hydrophobicity patterning largely outnumbering chance expectations and pointing to putative interaction sites. Intriguingly, mutations in the CT region of E1, reducing the fusion process <it>in vitro</it>, strongly reduced the amount of cross-recurrence further supporting interaction between this region and FP.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results support a fusion model for HCV in which the FP and the C-terminal region of E1 are juxtaposed and interact in the post-fusion structure. These findings have general implications for viruses, as any visualization of the post-fusion FP-TM complex has been precluded by the impossibility to obtain crystallised viral fusion proteins containing the trans-membrane region. This limitation gives to sequence based modelling efforts a crucial role in the sketching of a molecular interpretation of the fusion process. Moreover, our data also have a more general relevance for cell biology as the mechanism of intracellular fusion showed remarkable similarities with viral fusion</p