2,574 research outputs found

    Application of advanced technologies to small, short-haul aircraft

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    The results of a preliminary design study which investigates the use of selected advanced technologies to achieve low cost design for small (50-passenger), short haul (50 to 1000 mile) transports are reported. The largest single item in the cost of manufacturing an airplane of this type is labor. A careful examination of advanced technology to airframe structure was performed since one of the most labor-intensive parts of the airplane is structures. Also, preliminary investigation of advanced aerodynamics flight controls, ride control and gust load alleviation systems, aircraft systems and turbo-prop propulsion systems was performed. The most beneficial advanced technology examined was bonded aluminum primary structure. The use of this structure in large wing panels and body sections resulted in a greatly reduced number of parts and fasteners and therefore, labor hours. The resultant cost of assembled airplane structure was reduced by 40% and the total airplane manufacturing cost by 16% - a major cost reduction. With further development, test verification and optimization appreciable weight saving is also achievable. Other advanced technology items which showed significant gains are as follows: (1) advanced turboprop-reduced block fuel by 15.30% depending on range; (2) configuration revisions (vee-tail)-empennage cost reduction of 25%; (3) leading-edge flap addition-weight reduction of 2500 pounds

    Constructing habitus: promoting an international arts trend at the Singapore Arts Festival

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    The Singapore Arts Festival (SAF) is Singapore’s largest government-supported international arts festival. SAF presents the best in international and local arts, in an attempt, to develop what it perceives to be a lack of cultural knowledge of the Singaporean arts-going public. Using Pierre Bourdieu’s key concept of ‘habitus’ together with an analysis of the programming of the festival, this paper will highlight how the festival seeks to create a specific cultural taste in Singaporean art-goers through privileging and promoting works that are internationally marketable to European countries. The paper will conclude that this programming style occurs at the expense of Singaporean artists and hinders the development of the city’s state cultural and artistic development

    Claimed Co-ethnics and Kin-State Citizenship in Southeastern Europe

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    The paper introduces the often neglected concept of 'claimed co-ethnics' in the analysis of citizenship policies. It argues that this is an interstitial category that further complicates the triadic nexus between national minorities, nationalising states and kin-states. The 'claimed co-ethnics' are defined as people who are recognised by the citizenship (or ethnizenship) conferring state as belonging to its main ethnic group, although they themselves do not embrace that definition. In addition to bringing the issue of claimed co-ethnics into focus, the paper elucidates how citizenship policies can affect groups that challenge the exact fit between ethnicity and nation, showing how national governments through particular citizenship policies and categorisation practices engage in the construction of these groups. The paper shows that the triadic nexus framework, which has had a strong influence on citizenship and minorities scholarship, needs to be revised to include unidirectional relations between the elements of the triadic nexus. The paper is based on the comparison between the cases of ethnic Vlachs (in the context of Albania and Greece) and Bunjevci (in the context of Serbia and Croatia).European Commission - Seventh Framework Programme (FP7

    Pollen grains in lake sediments: Pollen percentages in surface sediments from southern Michigan

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    Pollen in surface sediments from five lakes in southern Michigan shows evidence of differential deposition. In most lakes, pollen from ragweed occurs in a higher ratio to tree pollen in shallow-water sediment than in deep water. Pine and certain herbs with small pollen grains follow the same pattern. One very deep lake is an exception, with the ratio of ragweed to tree pollen highest in deep-water sediment. Pollen from local aquatics and from willow, which grows along the lake shore, is also unevenly distributed, occurring in highest frequencies near the parent plants. Pollen from deciduous trees, however, occurs in similar ratios at all sampling stations within each lake. Deciduous pollen occurs in uniform ratios, also in older sediment, deposited in the early 19th century, when the landscape was still forested.Percentages of deciduous tree pollen (as percent tree pollen) were compared among lakes. Single samples were taken for this purpose from the deepest part of each lake basin. Oak pollen percentages are higher in three lakes in western Washtenaw County than in three lakes in eastern Washtenaw County. This difference reflects a similar difference in present-day vegetation: second-growth oak forests grow near the lakes in the western half of the county, while all but 5% of the area in the eastern part of the county is farmland. (The difference in the ratio of farmland to forestland in the two parts of the county is not reflected clearly in the ratio of herb pollen to tree pollen, because there is so much variation within each lake.) In 140-year-old sediment, on the other hand, tree pollen percentages in the six samples are homogeneous as shown by a chi-square test. The homogeneity in sediment deposited before the forest was cleared is surprising, because witness-tree data from presettlement time show that the frequencies of tree species in the two areas were quite different. Pollen dispersal at that time must have been effective enough, to counteract differences over distances of a few tens of kilometers in the amounts and kinds of pollen produced by the vegetation.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/33513/1/0000011.pd

    Village Water Ozonation System

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    The Village Water Ozonation System (VWOS) team’s core mission statement is to provide economically sustainable and culturally sensitive drinking water solutions for communities, to empower communities with the ability to properly maintain their drinking water supply, and to transform people’s lives by decreasing the occurrences of waterborne diseases. Currently, the VWOS team is partnering with Friends in Action to design and implement two drinking water treatment systems for the community living on Rama Cay, an island in the Bluefields Lagoon on the eastern coastline of Nicaragua. The wells on the island are contaminated with E. coli and other bacteria and contain high levels of salt that cause the water to be unhealthy, distasteful, and corrosive to metal equipment in the system. The team hopes to design a system that will disinfect the water, remove salinity from the well water with a safe and efficient disposal of all byproducts, and decrease corrosion agents. VWOS is partnering with Forward Edge International for the third time (Nicaragua 2009 and Mexico 2016) to design water treatment systems for communities in Oaxaca, Mexico and Kijabe, Kenya. The system for Oaxaca is ready for implementation and awaits availability to travel. The system for Kijabe is in the initial stage of communicating with the client on specifics for the design.https://mosaic.messiah.edu/engr2021/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Ethnopolitics Across Central and Eastern Europe in a State of Flux: Time for Updating and Upgrading?

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    This chapter illustrates why and how the existing theoretical models in the study of ethnopolitics need to be updated in light of the latest developments and the increasing impact of new catalysts. These are, namely, anti-immigration and the rise of the populist and radical right across Central and Eastern Europe. This chapter hints that the more systematic cooperation between academic experts in nationalism and academic experts in the populist and radical right will enable: (a) the former to assess more accurately the degree to which new variables such as Euroscepticism and anti-immigrant trends can reshape ethnopolitics, both as a living reality and a field of study, across Central and Eastern Europe; (b) the latter to formulate new interpretative models about how (right-wing) populist and Eurosceptic actors embed their agendas inside the pre-existing political cultures of nationalism and particularistic identity and memory politics. This chapter introduces and outlines the ethnosymbolic approach as well as the triadic and quadratic configurations of ethnopolitics. Then, it proceeds into a more empirical assessment of the applicability of these theoretical approaches in a series of case studies during the 1990s, as well as the more recent emergence of new catalysts and the ensuing necessity to update and upgrade the existing theoretical models

    Two Late Quaternary Pollen Records from South-Central Alaska

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    Pollen records from Wonder and Ten Mile lakes, located at aititudinal treeline to the north and south of the Alaska Range respectively, document the vegetation history of a portion of the southern Alaskan boreal forest. The new pollen diagrams indicate a Betula shrub tundra, preceded at Wonder Lake by a sparse herb tundra, which characterized these two areas during latest Wisconsinan times. Populus was in the vicinity of Ten Mile Lake ca. 10,000 BP, but was apparently absent from Wonder Lake. Picea glauca grew at or near Ten Mile Lake by 9100 BP, with P. mariana becoming important ca. 7000 BP. The first forests at Wonder Lake were also dominated by P. glauca and followed by increased numbers of P. mariana. The timing of forest establishment at Wonder Lake is uncertain due to problematic radiocarbon dates. Alnus appears to be common in both regions by ca. 7000 BP. These records suggest that paleo-vegetational reconstructions are more difficult for the southern than northern boreal forests in Alaska because of greater topographic diversity, difficulties with over-representation of some pollen taxa, and problems with radiocarbon dating. Despite these concerns, available data from south-central Alaska suggest that southern and northern forests differ in their vegetational histories. Such differences, when related to temperature fluctuations that have been postulated for the Holocene, imply that the Alaskan boreal forest may not respond uniformly to future global warming.Les inventaires polliniques de Wonder Lake et de Ten Mile Lake, situés à la limite altitudinale des arbres au nord et au sud de la chaîne de l'Alaska permettent de reconstituer l'histoire de la végétation d'une portion de la forêt boréale du sud de l'Alaska. Les nouveaux diagrammes polliniques montrent une toundra arbustive à Betula, précédée au Wonder Lake par une toundra herbacée clairsemée, à la fin du Wisconsinien. Vers 10 000 BP, Populus était dans les environs du Ten Mile Lake, mais était apparamment absent du Wonder Lake. Picea glauca croissait autour du Ten Mile Lake à 9100 BP et P. mariana prenait de l'importance vers 7000 BP. Au Wonder Lake, les premières forêts ont également été dominées par P. glauca, puis par un nombre croissant de P. mariana. La chronologie de !'afforestation est incertaine en raison de datations au radiocarbone douteuses. Alnus semble être une espèce courante dans les deux régions vers 7000 BP. Les inventaires indiquent que la reconstitution de la paléovégétation est plus difficile à faire pour les forêts méridionales que septentrionales de l'Alaska, en raison de la plus grande diversité topographique, la sur-représentation de certains taxons et des problèmes de radio-datation. Les données indiquent tout de même que l'histoire de la végétation des forêts diffèrent au nord et au sud. Ces différences, mises en relation avec les fluctuations de températures présumées de l'Holocène, laissent croire que la forêt de l'Alaska ne répondra pas nécessairement de façon uniforme à un réchauffement climatique éventuel.DbiJibneBbie aiiarpa.viMbi ocaaKOB 03ep Baeae n TeHMaRJi, pacnojioxeHiibix B6JIII3H Bepxiiert rpaiiMUbi Jieca Ha ceBepe H wre A/iflCKiiHCKoro xpeôîa, OTpaacaioT ncropnio pacTHTejibHOCTH KOKIIOH lacr" Sopea/ibHoro jieca AJIBCKH. HoBbie ribiJibuebe anarpaMMbi iiOKaabiBaioT, HTO KycTapmiKOBOfi 6epr30B0fi TyHApe, xapaKTepiioft aJifl 3TMX aByx TeppiiTopufl B Teieime no3iuiero BiicKoiicmia, npemuecTBOBajia B oTaoaceiinnx 03. Banae 6emiaH TpaBHHUCTHa iyHapa. Populus iipopn3parra.n B otcpecruocnix 03. Teii.vianji 10000 /J.H., HO, JlO-BIUHMOMy, OTCyTCTBOBaa B pafione 03. BaHae. 9100 JI.H. B panoHe 03. Tenvianj] H.11I B iienocpeacrBeimoH 6/IH30CTH OT iiero npoH3pacTajia Picea glauca, KOTopan BMepTe c Picea mariana nrpaeT 3Ha'iiiTe/ibnyio pojib B codaBe pacTHTeJibHOCTM OKO/IO 7000 .i.n. B nepBbix Jiecax B paflone 03. BaHae TaKjKe aoMiiiuipoBajia Picea glauca, 110 3aTe,vi pojib Picea mariana iiaHimaeT B03pacacTaTb. Bpe.viH noflB/ieiiHfl jiecoB B panone 03. Banae uoKaiie ycraiiaBJiiiBaeTca iiaaeacHo paaiioyr-jiepoaiibiM McroaoM. Alnus o6pa3yer cooBiuecTBa B06011X pafioiiax OKOJIO 7000 JI.H. nojiyieiuibie aaiiHbie cBiiaeTejibCTByioT 0 TOM, HTO peKoiicTpyKniifl pacTiiTejibiiocTH 6yaer 6ojieecjio>KHon aJin lOîKHbix, ieM aJifl ceaepiibix 6opeajibiibix JiecoB AJIHCKH 1133a SHa'iinejibiioro TonorpafpimecKoro iiecxoacTBa,3aTpyaiieiii!Ji B iiHTepnpeTaumi neKOTopwx nbijibneitbix TaKCOHOB, npoGjieM c paanoyrjiepoaiibiM aaTHpBaiine.M. HeavioTpa tia 3TH npo6jieivibi, nojicpieHHbie aaHiibie noKa3biaiOT, HTO fjopeajibiibie Jieca 11a wre 11 ceBepe ioaciion iacni UetiTajibiion AJIHCKH wweioT pa3Jiiiiyio iiCTopnio. TaKiie pa3Jinmtfl, cBfl3xaiuibie c n3MeiieiijiflMii 3eMJiepaTyp B Teieiuie ro.'ioueiia, cBiiae-Te.TbCTByioT, HTO 6opeajibiibiri Jiec AJIHCKH ,vioxer ne OTBenaTb cienapnio rjio6aJibiioro noTen.ieiina u SyaymeM