5,624 research outputs found

    Zintl phases for thermoelectric devices

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    By converting waste heat into electricity and improving the efficiency of refrigeration systems, thermoelectric devices could play a significant role in solving today's energy problems. Increasing the thermoelectric efficiency (as measured by the thermoelectric material's figure-of-merit, zT) is critical to the development of this technology. Complex Zintl phases, in particular, make ideal candidates for thermoelectric materials because the necessary electron–crystal, phonon–glass properties can be engineered with an understanding of the Zintl chemistry. A recent example is the discovery that Yb14MnSb11, a transition metal Zintl compound, has twice the zT as the material currently in use at NASA. This perspective outlines a strategy to discover new high zT materials in Zintl phases, and presents results pointing towards the success of this approach

    Green investment strategies: a positive force in cities

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    Deterioration of urban neighborhoods is known to induce out migration, but how well do public investments to reverse decline actually work? To evaluate Philadelphia’s greening investment, researchers measured property buyers’ willingness to pay more—and found that greening works.Community development

    Prospectus, July 7, 1993

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    Treatment for Anogenital Molluscum Contagiosum

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    There is no evidence from comparative trials to suggest a single best treatment method for anogenital molluscum contagiosum. Randomized controlled trials suggest self-administered topical imiquimod or podophyllotoxin cream is effective for resolving lesions. (Strength of Recommendation: B, based on inconsistent or limited quality patient-oriented evidence). There are no comparative trials of other commonly used treatments, such as carbon dioxide laser, cryotherapy, or curettage

    A Comment on “Is Information Systems a Science?”

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    In this paper, we respond to McBride’s (2018) paper on whether information systems is a science. We first argue that information systems is indeed a science in that it draws from and creates knowledge in a form similar to many different disciplines, including psychology, sociology, mathematics, economics, computer science, and engineering. We counter the flawed logic of methodical extremists who believe that their approach represents the best or only path to knowledge. Specifically, we argue that many different methods of inquiry and discovery are appropriate in information systems and that each has its strengths and weaknesses

    Statistical analysis of the features of diatonic music with jMusic

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    Much has been written about the rules of melody writing and this paper reports research that uses computer-based statistical analysis to test the efficacy of these rules. As a method to assist in the computer generation of melodies, we have devised computer software that analyses melodic features. This paper will outline the melodic features identified in melody-writing literature and the results of their fit with our statistical analysis of melodies from the western music repertoire. We will also present details of the computer-based analysis software and the jMusic software environment in which it was built. The software and jMusic environment are open source software projects that are freely available, and so opportunities to develop these tools to suit other music analysis tasks will be discussed.Hosted by the Scholarly Text and Imaging Service (SETIS), the University of Sydney Library, and the Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (RIHSS), the University of Sydney

    Chemisorption studies of Pt/SnO2 catalysts

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    The low temperature CO oxidation catalysts that are being developed and tested at NASA-Langley are fairly unique in their ability to efficiently oxidize CO at low temperatures (approx. 303 K). The bulk of the reaction data that has been collected in the laboratory has been determined using plug flow reactors with a low mass of Pt/SnO2/SiO2 catalyst (approx. 0.1 g) and a modest flow rate (5 to 10 sc sm). The researchers have previously characterized the surface solely in terms of N2 BET surface areas. These surface areas have not been that indicative of reaction rate. Indeed, some of the formulations with high BET surface area have yielded lower reaction rates than those with lower BET surface areas. As a result researchers began a program of determining the chemisorption of the various species involved in the reaction; CO, O2 and CO2. Such a determination of will lead to a better understanding of the mechanism and overall kinetics of the reaction. The pulsed-reactor technique, initially described by Freel, is used to determine the amount of a particular molecule that is adsorbed on the catalyst. Since there is some reaction of CO with the surface to produce CO2, the pulsed reactor had to be coupled with a gas chromatograph in order to distinguish between the loss of CO that is due to adsorption by the surface and the loss that is due to reaction with the surface

    The Immune Response to Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection in Susceptible Mice is a Major Cause of CNS Pathology Resulting in Fatal Encephalitis

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    This study was undertaken to investigate possible immune mechanisms in fatal HSV-1 encephalitis (HSE) after HSV-1 corneal inoculation. Susceptible 129S6 (129) but not resistant C57BL/6 (B6) mice developed intense focal inflammatory brainstem lesions of primarily F4/80+ macrophages and Gr-1+ neutrophils detectable by MRI as early as day 6 post infection (PI). Depletion of macrophages and neutrophils significantly enhanced survival of infected 129 mice. Immunodeficient B6 (IL-7R-/-Kitw41/w41) mice lacking adaptive cells (B6-E mice) transplanted with 129 bone marrow showed significantly accelerated fatal HSE compared to B6-E mice transplanted with B6 marrow or control non-transplanted B6-E mice. In contrast, there was no difference in ocular viral shedding in B6-E mice transplanted with 129 bone marrow or B6 bone marrow. Acyclovir treatment of 129 mice beginning day 4 PI (24 h after HSV-1 first reaches the brain stem) reduced nervous system viral titers to undetectable levels but did not alter brainstem inflammation or mortality. We conclude that fatal HSE in 129 mice results from widespread damage in the brainstem caused by destructive inflammatory responses initiated early in infection by massive infiltration of innate cells
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