3,251 research outputs found

    Social Dilemmas Among Supergenes: Intragenomic Sexual Conflict and a Selfing Solution in Oenothera

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    Recombination is a powerful policing mechanism to control intragenomic cheats. The ā€˜parliament of the genesā€™ can often rapidly block driving genes from cheating during meiosis. But what if the genome parliament is reduced to only two members, or supergenes? Using a series of simple game-theoretic models inspired by the peculiar genetics of Oenothera sp. we illustrate that a 2 supergene genome (Ī± and Ī²) can produce a number of surprising evolutionary dynamics, including increases in lineage longevity following a transition from sexuality (outcrossing) to asexuality (clonal self-fertilization). We end by interpreting the model in the broader context of the evolution of mutualism, which highlights that greater Ī±, Ī² cooperation in the self-fertilizing model can be viewed as an example of partner fidelity driving multi-lineage cooperation

    Formation of Influenza Virus Particles Lacking Hemagglutinin on the Viral Envelope

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    We investigated the intraceUular block in the transport of hemagglutinin (HA) and the role of HA in virus particle formation by using temperature-sensitive (Is) mutants (1s134 and 1s61S) of inOuenza virus AlWSN/33. We found that at the nonpermissive temperature (39.5Ā°C), the exit of ts HA from the rough endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi complex was blocked and that no additional block was apparent in either the exit from the Golgi complex or post-Golgi complex transport. When MDBK ceUs were infected with these mutant viruses, they produced noninfectious virus particles at 39.5Ā°C. The efficiency of particle formation at 39.5Ā°C was essentiaUy the same for both wild-type (wt) and Is virus-infected cells. When compared with the wt virus produced at either 33 or 39.5Ā°C or the ts virus formed at 33Ā°C, these noninfectious virus particles were lighter in density and lacked spikes on the envelope. However, they contained the full complement of genomic RNA as well as aU of the structural polypeptides of inOuenza virus with the exception of HA. In these spikeless particles, HA could not be detected at the limit of 0.2% of the HA present in wt virions. In contrast, neuraminidase appeared to be present in a twofold excess over the amount present in Is virus formed at 33Ā°C. These observations suggest that the presence of HA is not an obligatory requirement for the assembly and budding of inftuenza virus particles from infected ceUs. The implications of these results and the possible role of other viral proteins in inOuenza virus morphogenesis are discussed

    Planetary astronomy

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    The authors profile the field of astronomy, identify some of the key scientific questions that can be addressed during the decade of the 1990's, and recommend several facilities that are critically important for answering these questions. Scientific opportunities for the 1990' are discussed. Areas discussed include protoplanetary disks, an inventory of the solar system, primitive material in the solar system, the dynamics of planetary atmospheres, planetary rings and ring dynamics, the composition and structure of the atmospheres of giant planets, the volcanoes of IO, and the mineralogy of the Martian surface. Critical technology developments, proposed projects and facilities, and recommendations for research and facilities are discussed

    Nighttime chemistry at a high altitude site above Hong Kong

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    Nighttime reactions of nitrogen oxides influence ozone, volatile organic compounds, and aerosol and are thus important to the understanding of regional air quality. Despite large emissions and rapid recent growth of nitrogen oxide concentrations, there are few studies of nighttime chemistry in China. Here we present measurements of nighttime nitrogen oxides, NO3 and N2O5, from a coastal mountaintop site in Hong Kong adjacent to the megacities of the Pearl River Delta region. This is the first study of nighttime chemistry from a site within the residual layer in China. Key findings include the following. First, highly concentrated urban NOx outflow from the Pearl River Delta region was sampled infrequently at night, with N2O5 mixing ratios up to 8 ppbv (1 min average) or 12 ppbv (1 s average) in nighttime aged air masses. Second, the average N2O5 uptake coefficient was determined from a best fit to the available steady state lifetime data as Ī³(N2O5) = 0.014 Ā± 0.007. Although this determination is uncertain due to the difficulty of separating N2O5 losses from those of NO3, this value is in the range of previous residual layer determinations of N2O5 uptake coefficients in polluted air in North America. Third, there was a significant contribution of biogenic hydrocarbons to NO3 loss inferred from canister samples taken during daytime. Finally, daytime N2O5 mixing ratios were in accord with their predicted photochemical steady state. Heterogeneous uptake of N2O5 in fog is determined to be an important production mechanism for soluble nitrate, even during daytime. Key Points Large (up to 12 ppbv N2O5) but infrequent nocturnal NOx outflow from the Pearl River Delta Average N2O5 uptake coefficients 0.014 Ā± 0.007, in line with residual layer measurements in the U.S. Daytime N2O5 follows predicted steady state but rapidly produces soluble nitrate in fog.Department of Civil and Environmental Engineerin

    Treatment with an anti-CD11d integrin antibody reduces neuroinflammation and improves outcome in a rat model of repeated concussion

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    Background: Concussions account for the majority of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and can result in cumulative damage, neurodegeneration, and chronic neurological abnormalities. The underlying mechanisms of these detrimental effects remain poorly understood and there are presently no specific treatments for concussions. Neuroinflammation is a major contributor to secondary damage following more severe TBI, and recent findings from our laboratory suggest it may be involved in the cumulative properties of repeated concussion. We previously found that an anti-CD11d monoclonal antibody that blocks the CD11d/CD18 integrin and adhesion molecule interaction following severe experimental TBI reduces neuroinflammation, oxidative activity, and tissue damage, and improves functional recovery. As similar processes may be involved in repeated concussion, here we studied the effects of the anti-CD11d treatment in a rat model of repeated concussion.Methods: Rats were treated 2 h and 24 h after each of three repeated mild lateral fluid percussion injuries with either the CD11d antibody or an isotype-matched control antibody, 1B7. Injuries were separated by a five-day inter-injury interval. After the final treatment and either an acute (24 to 72 h post-injury) or chronic (8 weeks post-injury) recovery period had elapsed, behavioral and pathological outcomes were examined.Results: The anti-CD11d treatment reduced neutrophil and macrophage levels in the injured brain with concomitant reductions in lipid peroxidation, astrocyte activation, amyloid precursor protein accumulation, and neuronal loss. The anti-CD11d treatment also improved outcome on tasks of cognition, sensorimotor ability, and anxiety.Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that reducing inflammation after repeated mild brain injury in rats leads to improved behavioral outcomes and that the anti-CD11d treatment may be a viable therapy to improve post-concussion outcomes. Ā© 2013 Shultz et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Clinical and hemodynamic follow-up of left ventricular to aortic conduits in patients with aortic stenosis

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    To assess the long-term results of left ventricular outflow tract reconstruction utilizing an apical left ventricular to aortic valved (porcine) conduit the clinical and hemodynamic data were reviewed from 24 patients who had placement of an apico-aortic conduit. Eighteen of the patients are asymptomatic and taking no cardiac medications. Three patients were reoperated on, one patient 1.5 years after his original operation for subacute bacterial endocarditis and two patients 3 to 4 years after their original operation for severe conduit valve insufficiency. None of the patients is taking anticoagulants and no thromboembolic events have occurred. Postoperative catheterization has been performed 1 to 1.5 years (mean 1.2) after repair in 15 of 21 patients. The rest left ventricular outflow tract gradient has decreased from 102.5 Ā± 20 mm Hg preoperatively to 14.8 Ā± 9.9 mm Hg postoperatively (probability [p] < 0.001). Some degree of conduit obstruction was demonstrated by catheter passage in 11 of the 15 patients. In these 11 patients, the obstruction occurred at three distant sites: at the egress of the left ventricle in 9, at the porcine valve in 5 and at the aortic to conduit junction in 1. Isometric exercise in five and supine bicycle exercise in six patients increased the left ventricular outflow tract gradient by 2.5 Ā± 1.1 and 20.8 Ā± 11.8 mm Hg, respectively, despite an increase in cardiac index of 1 Ā± 0.3 and 3.7 Ā± 0.4 liters/min per m2, respectively. The data suggest that a left ventricular to aortic conduit is an effective form of therapy for severe left ventricular outflow tract obstruction

    Daily mood, partner support, sexual interest, and sexual activity among adolescent women

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    This is a post print version of the article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below.Objective: to examine day-to-day associations of coitus, sexual interest, partner emotional support, negative mood and positive mood among adolescent women. Methods: Women (ages 14 ā€“ 17 at enrollment; N=146) enrolled from one of three adolescent primary care clinics completed up to five 84-day diaries over a 27-month period. The diaries assessed partner interactions, sexual activity, substance use and mood. Partner-specific measures assessed on each day included partner emotional support (4 items; alpha = 0.94), argument with a partner (no/yes) and coitus (no/yes). Within-day measures assessed marijuana use (no/yes), Positive Mood (3-items; alpha = 0. 86); Negative Mood (3-items; alpha = 0.82) and Sexual Interest (1-item). Lagged measures of mood and sexual activity were included in multivariate models to control for recent mood and sexual behavior effects on current day mood and coitus. Two main analyses were conducted: coitus as a predictor of positive and negative mood; and the role of positive and negative mood as predictors of coitus. Analyses were conducted by multivariate mixed effect regression and mixed effect logistic regression models. Results: Data represent 28,376 days from 146 participants. The average number of diary days was 194 days per participant. Sexual activity was reported on 8.3% of days, with condoms used for 27.0% of these coital events. Marijuana was used on 11% of days. Significant predictors of positive mood on a given day included partner support, marijuana use, and coitus. Negative mood was associated with having an argument with a partner and with prior day coitus. Predictors of coitus on a given day included age (Odds ratio = 1.22), increased coital frequency in previous week (OR = 1.49), coitus on the previous day (1.21), increased same-day sexual interest (OR = 2.8) and decreased same-day negative mood (OR = 0.92). Conclusions: The data demonstrate complex associations of sexual interest, mood, partner interactions and sexual activity

    Observations of nitryl chloride and modeling its source and effect on ozone in the planetary boundary layer of southern China

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    Nitryl chloride (ClNO2) plays potentially important roles in atmospheric chemistry, but its abundance and effect are not fully understood due to the small number of ambient observations of ClNO2 to date. In late autumn 2013, ClNO2 was measured with a chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS) at a mountain top (957 m above sea level) in Hong Kong. During 12 nights with continuous CIMS data, elevated mixing ratios of ClNO2 (&gt;400 parts per trillion by volume) or its precursor N2O5 (&gt;1000 pptv) were observed on six nights, with the highest ever reported ClNO2 (4.7 ppbv, 1 min average) and N2O5 (7.7 ppbv, 1 min average) in one case. Backward particle dispersion calculations driven by winds simulated with a mesoscale meteorological model show that the ClNO2/N2O5-laden air at the high-elevation site was due to transport of urban/industrial pollution north of the site. The highest ClNO2/N2O5 case was observed in a later period of the night and was characterized with extensively processed air and with the presence of nonoceanic chloride. A chemical box model with detailed chlorine chemistry was used to assess the possible impact of the ClNO2 in the well-processed regional plume on next day ozone, as the air mass continued to downwind locations. The results show that the ClNO2 could enhance ozone by 5-16% at the ozone peak or 11-41% daytime ozone production in the following day. This study highlights varying importance of the ClNO2 chemistry in polluted environments and the need to consider this process in photochemical models for prediction of ground-level ozone and haze. Key Points First observation of ClNO2 in the planetary boundary layer of China Combined high-resolution meteorological and measurement-constrained chemical models in data analysis ClNO2 enhances daytime ozone peak by 5-16% in well-processed PRD air.Department of Civil and Environmental Engineerin

    Spatially structured brown-headed cowbird control measures and their effects on Kirtlandā€™s warbler long-term population sustainability

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    Context: Brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater), through brood parasitism, can exert extrinsic population growth pressures on North American songbirds. Cowbird removal programs may reduce parasitism rates on host species but can be expensive and difficult to implement throughout a host speciesā€™ breeding range. Aim: We estimated cowbird abundance and nest parasitism rates within Kirtlandā€™s warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii) primary breeding range in Michigan, USA, and determined the maximum sustainable parasitism rate for Kirtlandā€™s warblers under several spatially structured cowbird removal designs. Methods: We conducted point counts to estimate cowbird abundance and monitored nests to quantify nest parasitism rates during 2019ā€“2021. We used the modelling software STELLA to determine the maximum sustainable parasitism rate for Kirtlandā€™s warblers under different spatially structured cowbird removal scenarios (complete, core-only, and no removal). Key results: Cowbird abundance and parasitism rates remained low following cowbird trap closures in 2018. In the simulation study, complete removal was the most robust scenario with no replications having \u3c1000 Kirtlandā€™s warbler males. The core-only removal scenario had a substantially higher sustainable parasitism rate in the peripheral breeding area than the no removal scenario. Assumed hatch-year dispersal distance had the greatest impact on the maximum sustainable parasitism rate in the core-only scenario. Conclusions: Low cowbird abundance and nest parasitism following suspension of cowbird removal efforts showed resuming the removal program may not be required in the short-term. If cowbird abundance increases, however, adaptive cowbird removal programs can be used to sustain Kirtlandā€™s warbler populations long-term. Implications: Our results indicate that incorporating spatial structure of host speciesā€™ habitat into designing cowbird removal programs may minimise costs of cowbird management while sustaining populations of Kirtlandā€™s warbler and possibly other host species that are affected by brood parasitism
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