104 research outputs found

    The Worst Distortions of Astrometric Instruments and Orthonormal Models for Rectangular Fields of View

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    The non-orthogonality of algebraic polynomials of field coordinates traditionally used to model field-dependent corrections to astrometric measurements, gives rise to subtle adverse effects. In particular, certain field dependent perturbations in the observational data propagate into the adjusted coefficients with considerable magnification. We explain how the worst perturbation, resulting in the largest solution error, can be computed for a given non-orthogonal distortion model. An algebraic distortion model of full rank can be converted into a fully orthonormal model based on the Zernike polynomials for a circular field of view, or a basis of functions constructed from the original model by a variant of the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process for a rectangular field of view. The relative significance of orthonormal distortion terms is assessed simply by the numerical values of the corresponding coefficients. Orthonormal distortion models are easily extendable when the distribution of residuals indicate the presence of higher order terms.Comment: 1 figure; submitted in PAS

    A GLIMPSE into the Nature of Galactic Mid-IR Excesses

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    We investigate the nature of the mid-IR excess for 31 intermediate-mass stars that exhibit an 8 micron excess in either the Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire or the Mid-Course Space Experiment using high resolution optical spectra to identify stars surrounded by warm circumstellar dust. From these data we determine projected stellar rotational velocities and estimate stellar effective temperatures for the sample. We estimate stellar ages from these temperatures, parallactic distances, and evolutionary models. Using MIPS [24] measurements and stellar parameters we determine the nature of the infrared excess for 19 GLIMPSE stars. We find that 15 stars exhibit Halpha emission and four exhibit Halpha absorption. Assuming that the mid-IR excesses arise in circumstellar disks, we use the Halpha fluxes to model and estimate the relative contributions of dust and free-free emission. Six stars exhibit Halpha fluxes that imply free-free emission can plausibly explain the infrared excess at [24]. These stars are candidate classical Be stars. Nine stars exhibit Halpha emission, but their Halpha fluxes are insufficient to explain the infrared excesses at [24], suggesting the presence of a circumstellar dust component. After the removal of the free-free component in these sources, we determine probable disk dust temperatures of Tdisk~300-800 K and fractional infrared luminosities of L(IR)/L(*)~10^-3. These nine stars may be pre-main-sequence stars with transitional disks undergoing disk clearing. Three of the four sources showing Halpha absorption exhibit circumstellar disk temperatures ~300-400 K, L(IR)/L(*)~10^-3, IR colors K-[24]< 3.3, and are warm debris disk candidates. One of the four Halpha absorption sources has K-[24]> 3.3 implying an optically thick outer disk and is a transition disk candidate.Comment: 17 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Astrometry and geodesy with radio interferometry: experiments, models, results

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    Summarizes current status of radio interferometry at radio frequencies between Earth-based receivers, for astrometric and geodetic applications. Emphasizes theoretical models of VLBI observables that are required to extract results at the present accuracy levels of 1 cm and 1 nanoradian. Highlights the achievements of VLBI during the past two decades in reference frames, Earth orientation, atmospheric effects on microwave propagation, and relativity.Comment: 83 pages, 19 Postscript figures. To be published in Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 70, Oct. 199

    Cosmology, Oscillating Physics and Oscilllating Biology

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    According to recent reports there is an excess correlation and an apparent regularity in the galaxy one-dimensional polar distribution with a characteristic scale of 128 h1h^{-1} Mpc. This aparent spatial periodicity can be naturally explained by a time oscillation of the gravitational constant GG. On the other hand, periodic growth features of bivalve and coral fossiles appear to show a periodic component in the time dependence of the number of days per year. In this letter we show that a time oscillating gravitational constant with similar period and amplitude can explain such a feature.Comment: 9 pages. latex using revtex. This revised version is supposed to be free of e-mail nois

    The angular momentum-vs-mass relation and the distribution of mass ratios for visual binary systems

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    The investigation of the angular momentum vs mass relation for binary stars is completed with a study of the 847 systems contained in the Fourth Catalog of Orbits of Visual Binary Stars. Because both J and M of a visual binary depend steeply on the distance to the system (5th and 3rd powers, respectively), and many of the distances are not well known, the study makes use of an auxiliary parameter R which is independent of distance and proportional to JM-5/3. R appears to be uncorrelated with M for the 789 systems for which both can be determined. The non-correlation implies that J ∝M5/3, expected from Kepler's third law, provides a better fit to the visual binaries than does J ∝M2, predicted by some more complex considerations. The distribution function f(q=M2/M1) of mass ratios for the visual binaries results as a byproduct of the investigation. It peaks extremely sharply toward q=1.0 (much more so than for spectroscopic binaries). Because most visual binaries are wide enough to consist of stars that condensed independently (and so that can be thought of as chosen at random from an initial mass function), one expects the real f(q) to rise toward low ratios. Observational selection against the discovery and study of systems with large magnitude differences between the components must be very large indeed to account for the discrepancy between expectation and observation. The alternative is a mechanism for formation of wide binaries that favours equal components. The distribution of mass ratios for eclipsing binaries is given in an appendix. It peaks strongly at q=0.6-0.75 and largely reflects processes of angular momentum, mass, and energy exchange between the stars in contact systems. © 1986 D. Reidel Publishing Company

    Metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis of the rice response to the bacterial blight pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae

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    Bacterial leaf blight (BLB), caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), gives rise to devastating crop losses in rice. Disease resistant rice cultivars are the most economical way to combat the disease. The TP309 cultivar is susceptible to infection by Xoo strain PXO99. A transgenic variety, TP309_Xa21, expresses the pattern recognition receptor Xa21, and is resistant. PXO99△raxST, a strain lacking the raxST gene, is able to overcome Xa21-mediated immunity. We used a single extraction solvent to demonstrate comprehensive metabolomics and transcriptomics profiling under sample limited conditions, and analyze the molecular responses of two rice lines challenged with either PXO99 or PXO99△raxST. LC–TOF raw data file filtering resulted in better within group reproducibility of replicate samples for statistical analyses. Accurate mass match compound identification with molecular formula generation (MFG) ranking of 355 masses was achieved with the METLIN database. GC–TOF analysis yielded an additional 441 compounds after BinBase database processing, of which 154 were structurally identified by retention index/MS library matching. Multivariate statistics revealed that the susceptible and resistant genotypes possess distinct profiles. Although few mRNA and metabolite differences were detected in PXO99 challenged TP309 compared to mock, many differential changes occurred in the Xa21-mediated response to PXO99 and PXO99△raxST. Acetophenone, xanthophylls, fatty acids, alkaloids, glutathione, carbohydrate and lipid biosynthetic pathways were affected. Significant transcriptional induction of several pathogenesis related genes in Xa21 challenged strains, as well as differential changes to GAD, PAL, ICL1 and Glutathione-S-transferase transcripts indicated limited correlation with metabolite changes under single time point global profiling conditions

    A Central Role of Abscisic Acid in Stress-Regulated Carbohydrate Metabolism

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    Background: Abiotic stresses adversely affect plant growth and development. The hormone abscisic acid (ABA) plays a central role in the response and adaptation to environmental constraints. However, apart from the well established role of ABA in regulating gene expression programmes, little is known about its function in plant stress metabolism. Principal Findings: Using an integrative multiparallel approach of metabolome and transcriptome analyses, we studied the dynamic response of the model glyophyte Arabidopsis thaliana to ABA and high salt conditions. Our work shows that salt stress induces complex re-adjustment of carbohydrate metabolism and that ABA triggers the initial steps of carbon mobilisation. Significance: These findings open new perspectives on how high salinity and ABA impact on central carbohydrate metabolism and highlight the power of iterative combinatorial approaches of non-targeted and hypothesis-driven experiments in stress biology

    Myelin Proteomics: Molecular Anatomy of an Insulating Sheath

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    Fast-transmitting vertebrate axons are electrically insulated with multiple layers of nonconductive plasma membrane of glial cell origin, termed myelin. The myelin membrane is dominated by lipids, and its protein composition has historically been viewed to be of very low complexity. In this review, we discuss an updated reference compendium of 342 proteins associated with central nervous system myelin that represents a valuable resource for analyzing myelin biogenesis and white matter homeostasis. Cataloging the myelin proteome has been made possible by technical advances in the separation and mass spectrometric detection of proteins, also referred to as proteomics. This led to the identification of a large number of novel myelin-associated proteins, many of which represent low abundant components involved in catalytic activities, the cytoskeleton, vesicular trafficking, or cell adhesion. By mass spectrometry-based quantification, proteolipid protein and myelin basic protein constitute 17% and 8% of total myelin protein, respectively, suggesting that their abundance was previously overestimated. As the biochemical profile of myelin-associated proteins is highly reproducible, differential proteome analyses can be applied to material isolated from patients or animal models of myelin-related diseases such as multiple sclerosis and leukodystrophies