7 research outputs found

    Influence of the magnetic field on microorganisms in the oral cavity

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    Since the beginning of their lives, all living organisms are exposed to the influence of geomagnetic fields. Objectives : With respect to the positive effects that magnetic fields have on human tissues, especially the bactericidal effect, this investigation aimed to assess their influence on the reduction of oral microorganisms. Material and Methods : In order to obtain adequate specimens of dental plaque deposit, microbes such as Streptococcus parasanguinis, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Rhodococcus equi and Candida albicans were isolated from the human mouth. To establish the intensity of microbial growth on the basis of the modified optical density (OD) of agar turbidimetry assay, microbial count and spectrophotometry were applied. The study was carried out with two microbial concentrations (1 and 10 CFU/ml) after periods of incubation of 24 and 48 h and using micromagnets. Results : A positive effect of the magnetic field, resulting in the reduction of dental plaque microbes in vitro, was found. In the first 24 hours of exposure to the magnetic field, the number of all isolated microbes was significantly reduced. The most potent influence of magnets and the most intensified reduction after 24 hours were evident in Candida albicans colonies. The decrease in the influence of magnets on microbes in vitro was also detected. Conclusions : Magnets reduce the number of microbes and might be recommended as a supplement in therapy for reduced periodontal tissues. This is important because periodontal tissues that are in good conditions provide prolonged support to the oral tissues under partial and supradental denture

    Sadržaj metala u zemljištu i odabranim biljkama na jednom serpentinitskom lokalitetu (Srbija)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of 11 metals in the soil and selected plant species in one serpentinite sites in the foothills of the mountain Goc. The concentrations of Ni and Cr in the investigated soil were above the maximum allowable concentration of substances in the soil, also above limit and remediation values for a given metals in the soil, and also the concentration of Cd and Co were above limit values for a given metals in the soil according to regulation of Republic of Serbia. Biological absorption coefficient higher than one for Ni the species A. markgrafii, and for Zn species E. glabriflora showed. It was found the species A. markgrafii is hyperaccumulator of Ni.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se odrede koncentracije 11 metala u zemljištu i odabranim vrstama biljaka na jednom serpentinitskom lokalitetu u podnožju planine Goč. Koncentracije Ni i Cr u istraživanom zemljištu prelazile su propisane maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije, granične vrednosti kao i remedijacione vrednosti ovih metala u zemljištu saglasno uredbi i pravilniku Republike Srbije. Takođe, prema pomenutoj uredbi koncentracije Co i Cd su bile iznad graničnih vrednosti za date metale u zemljištu. Biološki apsorpcioni koeficijent veći od jedan za Ni pokazala je vrsta A. markgrafii, a za Zn vrsta E. glabriflora. Pokazano je da vrsta A. markgrafii ima sposobnost hiperakumulacije Ni

    Efekat teških metala (Cd, Fe, Ni, Zn) na klijanje semena robinia pseudoacacia l.

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    In our study we researched the inhibitory effect of different concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Fe, Ni, Zn) on germination and growth on Robinia pseudoacacia L. radicle. The results showed that the percentage of seed germination and growth of radicle is inversely correlated with the concentration of the investigated metals. The strongest inhibitory effect has cadmium and the weakest effect has nickle. Robinia pseudoakacia L. is tolerant, to some degree on the concentration of heavy metals of 1 mol /m3, 0.1 mol /m3 and 0.01 mol /m3.Matični supstrat je prirodni izvor teških metala u zemljištu. Ubrzanim tehnološkim razvojem antropogeni izvori teških metala su postali značajni zagađivači zemljišta. Robinia pseudoacacia L., invazivna vrsta flore Srbije, tolerantna je vrsta prema brojnim ekološkim faktorima što joj omogućava da sve više širi svoj areal. Prvi uslov prirodnog širenja populacija bagrema na različitim zemljištima je mogućnost klijanja semena. U radu smo ispitali sposobnost klijanja semena i rast korenka R. pseudoacacia L. u uslovima stresa izazvanim različitim koncentracijama teških metala Cd, Ni, Fe, Zn. Rezultati su pokazali da semena imaju izvesnu stopu tolerantnosti na ispitivane metale u koncentracijama 1mol/m3, 0,1mol/m3 i 0,01mol/m3 svih ispitivanih metala


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    Cilj ovog rada bio je da se odrede koncentracije nekih metala (Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr) u zemljištu i vrsti Eupatorium cannabinum L. na jalovištu i flotacije rudnika DOO “Rudnik”. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su koncentracije Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni i Cu u istraživanom zemljištu prelazile propisane maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije, Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cu i Zn granične, a Pb i Cu remedijacione vrednosti ovih metala u zemljištu saglasno uredbi i pravilniku Republike Srbije. Najveći sadržaj svih ispitivanih metala pokazao je list vrste E. canabinum u kojima su koncentracije Cu, Ni, Pb i Cd bile u nivou toksičnih koncentracija, a Cr iznad toksične koncentracije. Koren je sadržao više Mn, Ni, Fe i Cu od stabla, a stablo Zn, Cr, Ca, Mg, Pb i Cd od korena proučavane vrste. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata možemo preporučiti upotrebu vrste E. canabinum u fitoekstrakciji ispitivanih metala iz zagađenih zemljišta, pre svega Zn, Cr, Ca, Mg, Pb i Cd.Publishe


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    The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of some metals (Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr, Cd) in the soil and species of Tussilago farfara L. and Clematis vitalba L. on the tailings and flotation of the mine DOO "Rudnik". Concentrations in the soil were: Pb and Cu - higher than the maximum allowed, limit and remediation values; Cd, Cr and Ni - higher than the maximum allowed and limit values, and Zn higher than the limit values (according to the regulations of the Republic of Serbia). Better bioaccumulation of all tested metals was shown by T. farfara species, especially leaves for Zn. The results indicate the possible use of aboveground parts of both plant species in the revitalization of tailings by bioaccumulation of tested metals.Publishe

    Influence of the magnetic field on microorganisms in the oral cavity

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    Since the beginning of their lives, all living organisms are exposed to the influence of geomagnetic fields. Objectives : With respect to the positive effects that magnetic fields have on human tissues, especially the bactericidal effect, this investigation aimed to assess their influence on the reduction of oral microorganisms. Material and Methods : In order to obtain adequate specimens of dental plaque deposit, microbes such as Streptococcus parasanguinis, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Rhodococcus equi and Candida albicans were isolated from the human mouth. To establish the intensity of microbial growth on the basis of the modified optical density (OD) of agar turbidimetry assay, microbial count and spectrophotometry were applied. The study was carried out with two microbial concentrations (1 and 10 CFU/ml) after periods of incubation of 24 and 48 h and using micromagnets. Results : A positive effect of the magnetic field, resulting in the reduction of dental plaque microbes in vitro, was found. In the first 24 hours of exposure to the magnetic field, the number of all isolated microbes was significantly reduced. The most potent influence of magnets and the most intensified reduction after 24 hours were evident in Candida albicans colonies. The decrease in the influence of magnets on microbes in vitro was also detected. Conclusions : Magnets reduce the number of microbes and might be recommended as a supplement in therapy for reduced periodontal tissues. This is important because periodontal tissues that are in good conditions provide prolonged support to the oral tissues under partial and supradental denture