46 research outputs found

    The Significance of Prosthodontic Appliances in Identification of Human Remains in Croatia

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    This paper reports the results of dental identification of 1200 human remains exhumed from mass graves in Croatia up to 2000. A total of 989 (82%) victims were positively identified, while 211 (18%) victims remained unidentified. Dental identification based on available dental ante mortem data was achieved in 25% of the cases. Dental identification based on dental charts was achieved in 35%, on x-rays in 15%, on photographs of teeth in 22%, on interviews in 18%, and on dental supports in 10% of the cases. Teeth, in combination with anthropological parameters - age, sex and height as well as with other specific characteristics such as tattoos, personal identification cards, clothes, jewelry and DNA - were helpful for identification of 64% of victims, but their significance for the identification was not dominant. Only in 11% of the cases identification was achieved by other relevant means of identification and teeth were not used at all. Dental findings that were the most significant for the identifications were prosthetic appliances in 30% of cases. Dentures were helpful in the identification of only 1% of the cases, while crowns and bridges were helpful in 29% of the cases. Non marked full dentures caused problems in the determination of identification.

    The Significance of Prosthodontic Appliances in Identification of Human Remains in Croatia

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    This paper reports the results of dental identification of 1200 human remains exhumed from mass graves in Croatia up to 2000. A total of 989 (82%) victims were positively identified, while 211 (18%) victims remained unidentified. Dental identification based on available dental ante mortem data was achieved in 25% of the cases. Dental identification based on dental charts was achieved in 35%, on x-rays in 15%, on photographs of teeth in 22%, on interviews in 18%, and on dental supports in 10% of the cases. Teeth, in combination with anthropological parameters - age, sex and height as well as with other specific characteristics such as tattoos, personal identification cards, clothes, jewelry and DNA - were helpful for identification of 64% of victims, but their significance for the identification was not dominant. Only in 11% of the cases identification was achieved by other relevant means of identification and teeth were not used at all. Dental findings that were the most significant for the identifications were prosthetic appliances in 30% of cases. Dentures were helpful in the identification of only 1% of the cases, while crowns and bridges were helpful in 29% of the cases. Non marked full dentures caused problems in the determination of identification.

    Hereditary and Environmental Dental Findings in Identification of Human Remains

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    The paper presents the results on hereditary and environmental dental findings in identification of human remains exhumed from mass graves in the Republic of Croatia. The total of 17.880 teeth from all the categories (incisors, canines, premolars and molars) was examined. Hereditary findings of the teeth such as shape, size, position, as well as age were used in all of the cases confirming and completing the identification. In only 15% of the cases they were the starting points for the identification that would be later confirmed with another 3 ā€“ 5 traditional identification procedures. Disturbances in tooth eruption were recorded in 22% of the cases, impaction of teeth in 10%, and retarded eruption of teeth in 12%. Disturbances of tooth position were recorded in 65% of the cases. Tooth rotation in 26% and diastema mediana in maxilla or mandible in 39%. Disorders of tooth number in the form of unilateral and bilateral missing of lateral maxillary incisors were recorded only in 2% of the monitored cases. Abnormalities of the tooth shape were found in 11% of the cases. The majority of them were found on the tooth crowns 6%, and less on the tooth roots 5%. Environmental dental findings that were the most significant for the identifications were prosthetic appliances in 30% of cases. Prostheses were helpful in the identification of 3% of the cases, while crowns and bridges were helpful in 27% of the cases. Ante mortem teeth extractions were helpful in 25% of the cases. Teeth restorations were recorded in 20 % of the identified cases, amalgams in 19% and aesthetic filings in 1%. Dental caries was helpful in only 10% of the cases, superficial caries in 3% and caries of dentin in 7% of cases

    Hereditary and Environmental Dental Findings in Identification of Human Remains

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    The paper presents the results on hereditary and environmental dental findings in identification of human remains exhumed from mass graves in the Republic of Croatia. The total of 17.880 teeth from all the categories (incisors, canines, premolars and molars) was examined. Hereditary findings of the teeth such as shape, size, position, as well as age were used in all of the cases confirming and completing the identification. In only 15% of the cases they were the starting points for the identification that would be later confirmed with another 3 ā€“ 5 traditional identification procedures. Disturbances in tooth eruption were recorded in 22% of the cases, impaction of teeth in 10%, and retarded eruption of teeth in 12%. Disturbances of tooth position were recorded in 65% of the cases. Tooth rotation in 26% and diastema mediana in maxilla or mandible in 39%. Disorders of tooth number in the form of unilateral and bilateral missing of lateral maxillary incisors were recorded only in 2% of the monitored cases. Abnormalities of the tooth shape were found in 11% of the cases. The majority of them were found on the tooth crowns 6%, and less on the tooth roots 5%. Environmental dental findings that were the most significant for the identifications were prosthetic appliances in 30% of cases. Prostheses were helpful in the identification of 3% of the cases, while crowns and bridges were helpful in 27% of the cases. Ante mortem teeth extractions were helpful in 25% of the cases. Teeth restorations were recorded in 20 % of the identified cases, amalgams in 19% and aesthetic filings in 1%. Dental caries was helpful in only 10% of the cases, superficial caries in 3% and caries of dentin in 7% of cases


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    Poznavanje korelacija između različitih svojstava kod kukuruza može biti od velike pomoći oplemenjivaču u izboru najučinkovitijeg selekcijskog postupka. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti korelaciju između različitih agronomskih svojstava tijekom drugog ciklusa rekurentne selekcije u FAOSYNFR1B populaciji kukuruza. U 1995. godini provedeni su selekcijski pokusi koji su uključivali 167 S1 potomstava, kao i 167 njima pripadajućih test-križanaca s inbred linijom BcA632N. Pokusi su postavljeni prema shemi 13x13 nepotpunog bloka na tri lokacije. Ukupno gledano pronađeno je viÅ”e signifikantnih korelacija između proučavanih svojstava u pokusima sa S1 potomstvima nego u pokusima s test-križancima. Većina korelacija kretala se u rasponu od vrlo slabe (r= 0.15*) do osrednje (r= 0.49**). Jedine dvije korelacije koje su u svim pokusima bile jake do potpune bile su korelacija između metličanja i svilanja (r= 0.85** do r= 0.96**), te korelacija između visine biljke i visine do klipa (r= 0.72** do r= 0.81**). Korelacija za trulež stabljike između S1 potomstava i test-križanaca kretala se u rasponu od slabe (r= 0.34**) do osrednje (r= 0.40**). Za prinos zrna niti na jednoj lokaciji nije pronađena signifikantna korelacija između S1 potomstava i test-križanaca. Ukupno je pronađen manji broj signifikantnih korelacija između različitih lokacija za isto svojstvo kod test-križanaca nego kod S1 potomstava. Stoga se može zaključiti da su rezultati S1 potomstava manje varirali s okolinom u usporedbi s test-križancima, Å”to je omogućilo bolju procjenu vrijednosti kod S1 potomstava nego kod test-križanaca za svojstva na koja se vrÅ”ila selekcija.Information on correlations among different traits in maize could help plant breeders to choose the most suitable selection procedure. The aim of this study was to estimate the correlation among different agronomic traits during the second cycle of recurrent selection in FAOSYNFR1B maize population. In 1995 the selection trials with 167 S1 progenies as well as with their 167 corresponding testcrosses with inbred line BcA632N were set up as 13x13 incomplete block design at three locations. On average, more significant correlations among studied traits were found in the trials including S1 progenies than in those including testcrosses. Most correlations ranged from very weak (r= 0.15*) to intermediate (r= 0.49**). The highest correlations at all locations for both S1 progenies and testcrosses were between pollen shed and silking (r= 0.85** to r= 0.96**), and between ear and plant height (r= 0.72** to r= 0.81**). The correlation for stalk rot between S1 progenies and testcrosses ranged from weak (r= 0.34**) to intermediate (r= 0.40**). The correlations between S1 progenies and testcrosses for grain yield were not significant at all locations. Generally, less significant correlations among different locations for the same trait were found in testcrosses than in S1 progenies. Thus it can be concluded that the traits in S1 progenies varied to the lower extent with the environment compared to the testcrosses. This allowed a better estimate of S1 progeny performances than testcross performances for traits under selection

    Spatially-resolved potential measurement with ion crystals

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    We present a method to measure potentials over an extended region using one-dimensional ion crystals in a radio frequency (RF) ion trap. The equilibrium spacings of the ions within the crystal allow the determination of the external forces acting at each point. From this the overall potential, and also potentials due to specific trap features, are calculated. The method can be used to probe potentials near proximal objects in real time, and can be generalized to higher dimensions.Comment: 7 pages (double spaced), 3 figure

    Design and Test of a Forward Neutron Calorimeter for the ZEUS Experiment

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    A lead scintillator sandwich sampling calorimeter has been installed in the HERA tunnel 105.6 m from the central ZEUS detector in the proton beam direction. It is designed to measure the energy and scattering angle of neutrons produced in charge exchange ep collisions. Before installation the calorimeter was tested and calibrated in the H6 beam at CERN where 120 GeV electrons, muons, pions and protons were made incident on the calorimeter. In addition, the spectrum of fast neutrons from charge exchange proton-lucite collisions was measured. The design and construction of the calorimeter is described, and the results of the CERN test reported. Special attention is paid to the measurement of shower position, shower width, and the separation of electromagnetic showers from hadronic showers. The overall energy scale as determined from the energy spectrum of charge exchange neutrons is compared to that obtained from direct beam hadrons.Comment: 45 pages, 22 Encapsulated Postscript figures, submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Method

    Stres na radu i zdravlje medicinskih sestara u jedinicama intenzivne njege u Srbiji

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    The aim of this study was to identify and analyse professional stressors, evaluate the level of stress in nurses in Intensive Care Units (ICU), and assess the correlation between the perception of stress and psychological and somatic symptoms or diseases shown by nurses. The research, designed as a crosssectional study, was carried out in the Intensive Care Units (ICU), in health centres in Serbia. The sample population encompassed 1000 nurses. Expanded Nursing Stress Scale (ENSS) was used as the research instrument. ENSS revealed a valid metric characteristic within our sample population. Nurses from ICUs rated situations involving physical and psychological working environments as the most stressful ones, whereas situations related to social working environment were described as less stressful; however, the differences in the perception of stressfulness of these environments were minor. Socio-demographic determinants of the participants (age, marital status and education level) significantly affected the perception of stress at work. Significant differences in the perception of stressfulness of particular stress factors were observed among nurses with respect to psychological and somatic symptoms (such as headache, insomnia, fatigue, despair, lower back pain, mood swings etc.) and certain diseases (such as hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, diabetes mellitus etc). In view of permanent escalation of professional stressors, creating a supportive working environment is essential for positive health outcomes, prevention of job-related diseases and better protection of already ill nurses.Cilj je ovoga rada bio identifi cirati i analizirati profesionalne stresore, procijeniti razinu stresa kod medicinskih sestara u jedinicama intenzivne njege te procijeniti korelaciju između percepcije stresa i prisutnosti psiholoÅ”kih i somatskih simptoma ili bolesti kod medicinskih sestara. Istraživanje je provedeno u obliku studije presjeka u Jedinicama intenzivne njege u zdravstvenim centrima u Srbiji. Uzorak se sastojao od 1000 medicinskih sestara-tehničara. Za procjenu i analizu profesionalnih stresora koriÅ”ten je upitnik Expanded Nursing Stress Scale (ENSS), koji je pokazao validne metrijske karakteristike na naÅ”oj ispitanoj populaciji. Medicinske sestre u Jedinicama intenzivne njege ocijenile su situacije iz fizičkoga i psiholoÅ”koga radnog okruženja kao izrazito opterećujuće, a situacije iz socijalnoga radnog okruženja kao manje opterećujuće. Razlika u percepciji stresogenosti navedenih radnih okruženja nije bila statistički značajna. Sociodemografske determinante ispitanika (dob, bračno stanje i stupanj obrazovanja) značajno utječu na percepciju stresa na radnom mjestu. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u opažanju stresogenosti pojedinih stresnih situacija na radnom mjestu između medicinskih sestara u odnosu na postojanje psihosomatskih simptoma (kao Å”to su glavobolja, nesanica, umor, očaj, bol u leđima, česte promjene raspoloženja) ili određenih bolesti (kao Å”to su poviÅ”ena hipertenzija, infarkt miokarda, cerebrovaskularni inzult, Å”ećerna bolest). Zbog sve izraženije prisutnosti profesionalnih stresora nužno je poduzeti određene strateÅ”ke mjere kod medicinskih sestara u Jedinicama intenzivne njege. StrateÅ”ke mjere podrazumijevaju unaprjeđenje psihosocijalne radne klime, Å”to bi unaprijedilo njihovo zdravlje i spriječilo nastanak bolesti u svezi s radom, ali i omogućilo bolju zaÅ”titu već oboljelim medicinskim sestrama

    Trends of European research and development in district heating technologies

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    There is a considerable diversity of district heating (DH) technologies, components and interaction in EU countries. The trends and developments of DH are investigated in this paper. Research of four areas related to DH systems and their interaction with: fossil fuels, renewable energy (RE) sources, energy efficiency of the systems and the impact on the environment and the human health are described in the following content. The key conclusion obtained from this review is that the DH development requires more flexible energy systems with building automations, more significant contribution of RE sources, more dynamic prosumers׳ participation, and integration with mix fuel energy systems, as part of smart energy sustainable systems in smart cities. These are the main issues that Europe has to address in order to establish sustainable DH systems across its countries.This research was conducted in collaboration between Wrocław University of Technology (Poland) and Brunel University London (UK). The support for the Polish team was by the Ministry of Science and HigherEducationunderGrantno.50532