6 research outputs found

    Clinicopathological Aspects And Their Relation To Prognosis In Adult-type Granulosa Cell Tumor Of The Ovary [aspectos Clinicopatológicos E Sua Relação Com O Prognóstico Em Tumor De Células Da Granulosa Do Tipo Adulto Do Ovário]

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    Introduction and objective: The adult granulosa cell tumors (AGCT) correspond to less than 5% of ovarian neoplasias. They are considered low malignant potential tumors and may recur after many years. The differential diagnosis must be made with other primary or metastatic ovarian neoplasias. The aim was to analyze clinical and pathological aspects of AGCT and relate them to its evolution. Method: in a 10- year (1995-2004) review of the files from University of Campinas Clinical Hospital, Brazil, 20 AGCT cases were found. The clinical records and slides were reviewed and age, symptoms, macro and microscopic aspects, diagnostic staging and recurrence were considered. When there was intraoperative biopsy, its accuracy was evaluated. Results: Age ranged from 27 to 79 years (mean: 53) and the follow-up from 12 to 96 months (mean: 42). The main symptoms were post-menopause bleeding (45%), abdominal pain (35%) and palpable mass (25%). Most tumors were yellowish (60%) and the solid aspect (40%) was more common than the cystic or solid-cystic. The histological patterns were 40% solid, 15% macrofollicular and 45% combined forms. All of them with low mitotic index. Only three out of nine intraoperative frozen sections were accurately diagnosed. The clinical staging was 13 cases in Ia (65%), one case Ic and 6 IIIc. In three out of 14 hysterectomies there was simple endometrial hyperplasia with no atypia. Only the disease staging was significantly associated with recurrence (p < 0.0001). Conclusion: ACGT generally occurs after menopause and intraoperative biopsies are commonly inconclusive. Only advanced staging was related to the worst prognosis.455395400Auranen, A., Prognostic factors of ovarian granulosa cell tumor: A study of 35 patients and review of the literature (2007) Int J Gynecol Cancer, 17, pp. 1011-1018Brooks, S.E., Zweizig, S.L., Wakeley, K., Ovarian cancer: A clinician's perspective (2006) Pathology Case Reviews, 11 (1), pp. 3-8Fox, H., Agrawal, K., Langley, F.A., A clinicopathologic study of 92 cases of granulosa cell tumor of the ovary with special reference to the factors influencing prognosis (1975) Cancer, 35, pp. 231-241Fujimoto, T., Histopathological prognostic factors of adult granulosa cell tumors of the ovary (2001) Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 80, pp. 1069-1074Kim, Y.M., Adult granulosa cell tumor of the ovary: 35 cases in a single Korean Institute (2006) Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 85, pp. 112-115Mccluggage, W.G., Immunohistochemical and functional biomarkers of value in female genital tract lesions (2006) Int J Gynecol Pathol, 25, pp. 101-120Miller, K., Mccluggage, W.G., Prognostic factors in ovarian adult granulose cell tumor (2008) J Clin Pathol, 61 (8), pp. 881-884Pinto, P.B.C., Andrade L, A.L.A., Derchain, S.F.M., Accuracy of intraoperative frozen section diagnosis of ovarian tumors (2001) Gynecol Oncology, 81, pp. 230-232Roth, L.M., Recent advances in the pathology and classification of ovarian sex cord-stromal tumors (2006) Int J Gynecol Pathol, 25, pp. 199-215Scully, R.E., Young, R.H., Clement, P.B., Tumors of the ovary, maldeveloped gonads, Fallopian tube and broad ligament (1998) Atlas of Tumor Pathology, , Fascicle 23, Washington, DC: AFIPSingh-ranger, G., Sharp, A., Crinnion, J.N., Recurrence of granulosa cell tumor after thirty years with small bowel obstruction (2004) Int Semin Surg Oncol, 1 (1), p. 4Stuart, G.C.E., Dawson, L.M., Update on granulosa cell tumors of the ovary (2003) Curr Opinion Obstet Gynecol, 15, pp. 33-37Tavassoli, F.A., Deville, P., Tumors of the breast and female genital organs (2003) World Health Organization Classification of Tumors, , TAVASSOLI, F. A. DEVILLE, P. (eds.). Lyon: IARC Pres

    Comparação de Sistemas de Avaliação de Dietas para Bovinos no Modelo de Produção Intensiva de Carne: Confinamento de Tourinhos Jovens Comparison of Diet Evaluation Systems for Cattle in an Intensive Beef Production Model: Feedlot of Young Bulls

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    Trinta tourinhos ¾ Canchim + ¼ Nelore com 15 meses de idade e peso corporal médio de 417 kg foram confinados durante 84 dias. Os animais foram alimentados com rações compostas por silagem de milho, milho, farelo de algodão, farelo de soja, soja integral e mistural mineral, ajustadas segundo as recomendações do Sistema de Proteína Metabolizável (MP), do Sistema de Proteína e Carboidratos Líquidos de Cornell (CNCPS) e do Sistema de Proteína Digestível no Intestino (PDI), para ganho de peso corporal previsto de 1,3 kg/cab/dia. O ganho diário de peso corporal não diferiu entre os tratamentos CNCPS, MP e PDI, com médias de 1,48; 1,51; e 1,13 kg/cab, respectivamente. A análise econômica revelou lucro líquido de R116,25;R116,25; R148,30; e R108,51/cab,paraossistemasCNCPS,MPePDI,respectivamente.AsdietasajustadaspelossistemasCNCPSeMPproporcionaramdesempenhoanimalsuperioraoesperado,enquantoadietaajustadapelosistemaPDIna~opossibilitouoganhodepesopreconizado.<br>Thirty¾Canchim+¼Neloreyoungbullswith417kgofbodyweightand15monthsofage,wereconfinedduring84days.Theanimalswerefedwithdietscomposedwithcornsilage,corngrain,cottonseedmeal,soybeanmeal,wholesoybeanandmineralmix,adjustedinagreementwiththerecommendationsoftheMetabolizableProteinSystem(MP),CornellNetCarbohydrateandProteinSystem(CNCPS)andIntestineDigestibleProteinSystem(PDI),forpredictedbodyweightgainof1.3kg/head/day.ThedailybodyweightgaindidnotdifferamongtreatmentsCNCPS,MPandPDI,with1.51;1.48;and1.13kg/head,respectively.TheeconomicanalysisrevealednetprofitofR108,51/cab, para os sistemas CNCPS, MP e PDI, respectivamente. As dietas ajustadas pelos sistemas CNCPS e MP proporcionaram desempenho animal superior ao esperado, enquanto a dieta ajustada pelo sistema PDI não possibilitou o ganho de peso preconizado.<br>Thirty ¾ Canchim + ¼ Nelore young bulls with 417 kg of body weight and 15 months of age, were confined during 84 days. The animals were fed with diets composed with corn silage, corn grain, cottonseed meal, soybean meal, whole soybean and mineral mix, adjusted in agreement with the recommendations of the Metabolizable Protein System (MP), Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) and Intestine Digestible Protein System (PDI), for predicted body weight gain of 1.3 kg/head/day. The daily body weight gain did not differ among treatments CNCPS, MP and PDI, with 1.51; 1.48; and 1.13 kg/head, respectively. The economic analysis revealed net profit of R116.25; R148.30;andR148.30; and R108.51/head for CNCPS, MP and PDI systems, respectively. The diets adjusted by CNCPS and MP systems provided superior animal performance than that expected, while the diet adjusted by PDI system did not allow the predicted body weight gain

    Heterogeneidade de desempenho das pequenas empresas brasileiras: uma abordagem da Visão Baseada em Recursos (VBR) Performance heterogeneity of Brazilian small firms: a resource-based view approach

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar se as diferenças de desempenho econômico (Taxa de Crescimento das Vendas -TCV) de pequenas empresas brasileiras, dentro de um mesmo setor, foram maiores do que as diferenças de desempenho econômico entre os setores. Sugeriu-se que os fatores internos (capacidades e competências organizacionais) exerceriam maior influência do que os fatores externos (posicionamento estratégico e localização) na heterogeneidade de desempenho econômico das pequenas empresas brasileiras. Os dados foram coletados de uma amostra de 328 pequenas empresas que mais cresceram no Brasil no ano de 2010. Os principais resultados evidenciaram diferenças significativas de desempenho econômico (TCV) entre as pequenas empresas brasileiras independentemente do setor de atuação, confirmando o efeito firma na variação de desempenho. O efeito setor foi não significativo, uma vez que os resultados sugeriram não haver diferenças significativas de desempenho econômico (TCV) nas pequenas empresas brasileiras a nível setorial. Observou-se ainda que a variância de desempenho econômico (TCV) entre os setores de atuação das empresas foi menor do que a variância de desempenho econômico (TCV) dentro do setor de atuação das empresas. Reforçou assim, o pressuposto de que os fatores internos, relacionados às empresas de forma individual, exerceram influência mais significativa do que os fatores externos na heterogeneidade de desempenho econômico. Concluiu-se que as capacidades e competências organizacionais foram distribuídas de forma heterogênea entre as firmas, causando influências diversas em seus indicadores de desempenho econômico (TCV), validando os fundamentos teóricos da Visão baseada em recursos.<br>The aim of this study was to verify whether the differences in performance (Sales growth rate -SGR) of Brazilian's small firms within the same sector were higher than the differences in economic performance between sectors. It was suggested that the internal factors (organizational capabilities and skills) would exert greater influence than the external factors (strategic positioning and location) in the heterogeneity of performance of Brazilian's small firms. Data were collected from a sample of 328 fastest growing Brazilian's small firms in 2010. The main results showed significant differences in performance (Sales growth rate -SGR) between the Brazilian's small firms regardless of industry sector, confirming the effect of variation in firm performance. The industry effect was not significant, since the results suggested no significant differences in performance (Sales growth rate -SGR) in Brazilian's small firms at the sectoral level. It was also observed that the variance of performance (Sales growth rate -SGR) among the sectors where the companies was lower than the variance of performance within the sector where the companies operate. Thus reinforcing the assumption that the internal factors related to the companies individually, able to influence more significant than external factors in the performance heterogeneity. It was concluded that the skills and organizational skills were unevenly distributed among firms, causing various influences on their performance (Sales growth rate -SGR), validating the theoretical foundations of the resource based view