285 research outputs found


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    The abiotic degradation of iodosulfuron-methyl-ester was investigated under both alkaline and acidic pH conditions in the dark, and results showed it to be a rather stable molecule in neutral or slightly alkaline environments. Photochemical reactions were studied using a high-pressure mercury arc lamp, and results showed that direct phototransformation is possible under normal environmental conditions (ì > 290 nm). High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-UV and HPLC-MS) analyses were used to identify the degradates and to study the kinetics of photodecomposition and hydrolysis. Five main products of iodosulfuron-methyl-ester degradation were tentatively identified, and one of them (4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-amine) was confirmed using an authentic standard. Among the phototransformation mechanisms, photosubstitution of the iodide atom by a hydroxyl group, photodissociation of the N-S bond, and photoassisted hydrolysis were observed. The quantum efficiencies (multiwavelength quantum yield) of the photodegradation under different conditions were determined, and values of 0.054 ( 0.02 (pH 9.6), 0.08 ( 0.02 (pH 7), and 0.044 ( 0.008 (pH 5.3) were obtained

    Central Executive Dysfunction and Deferred Prefrontal Processing in Veterans with Gulf War Illness.

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    Gulf War Illness is associated with toxic exposure to cholinergic disruptive chemicals. The cholinergic system has been shown to mediate the central executive of working memory (WM). The current work proposes that impairment of the cholinergic system in Gulf War Illness patients (GWIPs) leads to behavioral and neural deficits of the central executive of WM. A large sample of GWIPs and matched controls (MCs) underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging during a varied-load working memory task. Compared to MCs, GWIPs showed a greater decline in performance as WM-demand increased. Functional imaging suggested that GWIPs evinced separate processing strategies, deferring prefrontal cortex activity from encoding to retrieval for high demand conditions. Greater activity during high-demand encoding predicted greater WM performance. Behavioral data suggest that WM executive strategies are impaired in GWIPs. Functional data further support this hypothesis and suggest that GWIPs utilize less effective strategies during high-demand WM

    Horizons and the Thermal Harmonic Oscillator

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    We show that two-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime (AdS_2) can be put in correspondence, holographically, both with the harmonic oscillator and the free particle. When AdS_2 has an horizon the corresponding mechanical system is a thermal harmonic oscillator at temperature given by the Hawking temperature of the horizon.Comment: Content changed, title slightly modifie

    Morphometric multislice computed tomography examination of the craniovertebral junction in neck flexion and extension

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    Background: Detailed study of the craniovertebral junction (CVJ) is necessary to completely understand the mechanism of its flexion and extension. Materials and methods: One cadaver head was sectioned in the sagittal plane. Also, in 22 volunteers, examined using the multislice computed tomography (MSCT), 14 parameters and 2 angles were measured in the neutral position, flexion and extension. Results: The obtained measurements showed the anterior part of the occiput to move inferiorly in flexion, and the anterior atlas arch and the tip of the dens to get closer to the basion. At the same time, the opisthion moves superiorly, but the cervical spine bends anteriorly. Consequently, the dens-opisthion diameter and the opisthion-posterior atlas arch distance slightly decrease in length, whilst the arches of the atlas (C1), axis (C2) and C3 vertebra become more distant. Following extension, the posterior part of the occiput moves inferiorly, so that the basion-dens tip, the basion-axis arch, and the basion-posterior atlas arch distances increase in length. In contrast, the distances of the C1–C3 arches decrease in length. The angle between the foramen magnum and the dens tip decreases 1.620 on average in flexion, but increases 3.230 on average in extension. The angle between the axis body and the opisthion also decreases in flexion (mean, 3.360) and increases in extension (mean, 6.570). Among the congenital anomalies, a partial agenesis of the posterior atlas arch was revealed (4.5%), as well as an anterior dehiscence of the C1 foramen transversarium (13.6%). Conclusions: The mentioned measurements improved our understanding of the CVJ biomechanics. The obtained data can be useful in the evaluation of the CVJ instability caused by trauma, congenital anomalies and certain spine diseases

    Hematoma esofágico como manifestación atípica de Vasculitis ANCA asociada: reporte de un caso

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    Las Vasculitis ANCA pueden causar lesiones diversas a lo largo del tracto gastrointestinal pero la afectación esofágica es infrecuente. Dentro del espectro de lesiones que pueden aparecer un hematoma esofágico no es una mención habitual en la bibliografía. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 67 años con diagnóstico de vasculitis ANCA asociada (VAA) y hematemesis. Consideramos que el hematoma esofágico es una manifestación atípica de una enfermedad infrecuente. La prevalencia real de este tipo de manifestaciones atípicas es des-conocida ya sea por su carácter infrecuente o por la baja tasa de reportes, por lo que creemos es de utilidad la publicación de este tipo de manifestaciones

    On graviton non-Gaussianities during inflation

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    We consider the most general three point function for gravitational waves produced during a period of exactly de Sitter expansion. The de Sitter isometries constrain the possible shapes to only three: two preserving parity and one violating parity. These isometries imply that these correlation functions should be conformal invariant. One of the shapes is produced by the ordinary gravity action. The other shape is produced by a higher derivative correction and could be as large as the gravity contribution. The parity violating shape does not contribute to the bispectrum [1106.3228, 1108.0175], even though it is present in the wavefunction. We also introduce a spinor helicity formalism to describe de Sitter gravitational waves with circular polarization. These results also apply to correlation functions in Anti-de Sitter space. They also describe the general form of stress tensor correlation functions, in momentum space, in a three dimensional conformal field theory. Here all three shapes can arise, including the parity violating one.Comment: 51 pages, v2: Corrected statement about parity violation in the gravitational wave bispectrum. Some other changes and references adde

    Causality in AdS/CFT and Lovelock theory

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    We explore the constraints imposed on higher curvature corrections of the Lovelock type due to causality restrictions in the boundary of asymptotically AdS space-time. In the framework of AdS/CFT, this is related to positivity of the energy constraints that arise in conformal collider physics. We present explicit analytic results that fully address these issues for cubic Lovelock gravity in arbitrary dimensions and give the formal analytic results that comprehend general Lovelock theory. The computations can be performed in two ways, both by considering a thermal setup in a black hole background and by studying the scattering of gravitons with a shock wave in AdS. We show that both computations coincide in Lovelock theory. The different helicities, as expected, provide the boundaries defining the region of allowed couplings. We generalize these results to arbitrary higher dimensions and discuss their consequences on the shear viscosity to energy density ratio of CFT plasmas, the possible existence of Boulware-Deser instabilities in Lovelock theory and the extent to which the AdS/CFT correspondence might be valid for arbitrary dimensions.Comment: 35 pages, 20 figures; v2: minor amendments and clarifications include