6,181 research outputs found

    Normal ordering and boundary conditions in open bosonic strings

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    Boundary conditions play a non trivial role in string theory. For instance the rich structure of D-branes is generated by choosing appropriate combinations of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. Furthermore, when an antisymmetric background is present at the string end-points (corresponding to mixed boundary conditions) space time becomes non-commutative there. We show here how to build up normal ordered products for bosonic string position operators that satisfy both equations of motion and open string boundary conditions at quantum level. We also calculate the equal time commutator of these normal ordered products in the presence of antisymmetric tensor background.Comment: 7 pages no figures, References adde

    Principais doenças e parasitas que ocorrem no rebanho ovino de Roraima.

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    Ovino. Consideracoes gerais. Aquisicao de animais. Instalacoes. Aprisco. Bebedouros. Pediluvio. Local de isolamento. Doencas infecto-contagiosas. Linfadenite caseosa. Pododermatite. Necrotica. Mamite. Ectima contagioso. Ceraconjuntivite. Ceratite. Tumores de olhos. Doencas parasitarias. Miiase. Helmintos gastrintestinais.bitstream/item/64864/1/CPAFRR-DOCUMENTOS-01-PRINCIPAIS-DOENCAS-E-PARASITAS-QUE-OCORREN-NO-REBANHO-OVINO-DE-RORAIMA-FL-11.pd

    Alternatives in polymerization contraction stress management

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    Polymerization contraction stress of dental composites is often associated with marginal and interfacial failure of bonded restorations. The magnitude of the stress depends on the composite's composition (filler content and matrix composition) and its ability to flow before gelation, which is related to the cavity configuration and curing characteristics of the composite. This article reviews the variations found among studies regarding the contraction stress testing method, contraction stress values of current composites, and discusses the validity of contraction stress studies in relation to results from microleakage tests. The effect of lower curing rates and alternative curing routines on contraction stress values is also discussed, as well as the use of low elastic modulus liners. Moreover, studies with experimental Bis-GMA-based composites and recent developments in low-shrinkage monomers are described

    Identificação taxonômica de três lepidópteros em cajueiro no Brasil.

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    Este trabalho objetiva relatar a identificacao taxonomica de tres especies de lepidopteros, pragas do cajueiro.bitstream/CNPAT-2010/5372/1/Ct-026.pd

    Ocorrência e controle de alguns artrópodes associados ao abacaxizeiro no distrito irrigado de Jaguaribe-Apodi, Ceará.

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    Como objetivo de se conhecer as principais pragas do abacaxizeiro na regiao da chapada do Jaguaribe-Apodi, foram conduzidos levantamentos fitossanitarios quinzenais ... os levantamentos das pragas foram feiiotos atraves de visitas a area de cultivo ..bitstream/CNPAT-2010/5413/1/Ct-039.pd

    Ocorrência de Plectrophoroides incertus Voss, 1990, em cajueiro (Anacardium occidentale L.)

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    No presente trabalho registra-se, pela primeira vez, a ocorrencia do curculionideo Plectrophoroides incertus Voss, 1990 (Coleoptera; Curculionidae), como inseto nocivo ao cajaueiro (anacardium occidentale L.). A constatacao ocorreu no Campo Experimental de Pacajus, da Embrapa Agroindustria Tropical, em Pacajus, Ceara, Brasil, onde o adulto foi observado atacando folhas da planata, alimentando-se dos tecidos internervurais. Apresenta-se tambem um resumo de descricao original da especie publicada em 1990 por Eduard Voss

    Extended BRST invariance in topological Yang Mills theory revisited

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    Extended BRST invariance (BRST plus anti-BRST invariances) provides in principle a natural way of introducing the complete gauge fixing structure associated to a gauge field theory in the minimum representation of the algebra. However, as it happens in topological Yang Mills theory, not all gauge fixings can be obtained from a symmetrical extended BRST algebra, where antighosts belong to the same representation of the Lorentz group of the corresponding ghosts. We show here that, at non interacting level, a simple field redefinition makes it possible to start with an extended BRST algebra with symmetric ghost antighost spectrum and arrive at the gauge fixing action of topological Yang Mills theory.Comment: Interaction terms heve been included in all the calculations. Two references added. Version to be published in Phys. Rev. D. 7 pages, Latex, no figure
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