727 research outputs found

    The determinants of success in university entrance

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    This paper proposes that high school graduates applying to higher education institutions do not have equal chances of succeeding. Therefore, admission outcomes must be taken into account by researchers and policy makers analysing college-going behaviour and the equity and efficiency of higher education systems.Educational economics, higher education, chances of success

    The Computer question in Brazil : high technology in a developing society : papers

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    "July 1985."Includes bibliographical referencesIntroduction / Antonio Botelho and Peter H. Smith -- High Technology or Self Reliance? : Brazil Enters the Computer Age / Simon Schwartzman -- Varieties of Nationalism : The Politics of the Brazilian Computer Industry / Peter Evans -- The Brazilian Computer Industry : Performance and Perspectives / Paulo Bastos Tigr

    The Electronic library : vision and implementation

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    Extrato de alho melhora a superação da dormência de videiras ‘Niagara Rosada’em regiões subtropicais.

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    Nas regiões com invernos amenos, normalmente as exigências de frio para a quebra de dormência de gemas de videiras não são atendidas, e apenas os produtos altamente tóxicos CaCN2 e H2CN2 são recomendados na viticultura convencional para quebra de dormência. A proposta deste estudo foi verificar o efeito do extrato de alho na quebra de dormência de videiras ‘Niagara Rosada’, em dois diferentes vinhedos. A dose mais elevada de extrato de alho (70mL L-1)demonstrou ter um grande potencial para a quebra de dormência na produção orgânica, apresentando efeitos similares aos das cianamidas, na quebra de dormência. Este tratamento aumentou a porcentagem de brotação e o número de cachos, antecipou o começo da brotação e reduziu o ciclo entre poda e colheita

    A psicologia no manual de aritmética de Backheuser

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    Disponível em: https://aplicacoes.ifs.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/caminhos_da_educacao_matematica/article/view/89Este artigo apresenta uma análise da obra A Aritmética na Escola Nova - a nova didática da Aritmética, de Everardo Backheuser, editada em 1933 pela Livraria Católica, Rio de Janeiro. Esta análise visa compreender os processos metodológicos do ensino da matemática dentro de uma nova proposta pedagógica presente em reformas educacionais, que vai além de simplesmente descrever documentos. Para estudar os manuais pedagógicos ou livros didáticos, tomados como fontes privilegiadas para conhecer práticas de épocas passadas, e compreender os objetivos e metodologias, adotaremos como referencial teórico-metodológico, para estudos culturais, a história do livro didático (CHOPPIN, 2008) e a história da educação matemática (VALENTE, 2008). De acordo com Valente (2008), a história da educação matemática e os livros didáticos são elementos inseparáveis, e estes são fontes fundamentais para a construção de uma trajetória histórica de constituição e no desenvolvimento da matemática escolar. Pode-se concluir que Backheuser apropria-se das ideias escolanovistas, com ressalvas, que circulavam nos Estados Unidos e na Europa e que delinearam a forma ideal de ensinar matemática, trazido em seu manual

    Viva Mulher : constructing a cervical cancer control program in Brazil

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    Through a number of isolated initiatives that began in the 1960s, Brazil accumulated knowledge and experience that in the late 1990s culminated in the implementation of the first nationwide public health action meant to coordinate health bodies and personnel from the federal, state, and municipal administrative levels to address a chronic degenerative disease. The main goal of this article is to analyze the process of construction of this public policy for cancer control in Brazil -more specifically, organized screening for the control of cervical cancer in the form of the Viva Mulher program. Our analytical approach relies on elements from the history of public policy and from the history of institutions, combining the use of documental sources, scientific literature, and interviews with managers involved in the process under study. Our analysis endeavors to show how and to what extent this national process incorporated the experiences of local projects and responded both to pressure from the social movement and to the country's political environment. It further shows how the new context, shaped by changes in the organization of the Brazilian health system, influenced this process

    Heard any good stories lately? : narratives in communications, cognition and society

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    Viva Mulher: Constructing a cervical cancer control program in Brazil

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    Through a number of isolated initiatives that began in the 1960s, Brazil accumulated knowledge and experience that in the late 1990s culminated in the implementation of the first nationwide public health action meant to coordinate health bodies and personnel from the federal, state, and municipal administrative levels to address a chronic degenerative disease. The main goal of this article is to analyze the process of construction of this public policy for cancer control in Brazil —more specifically, organized screening for the control of cervical cancer in the form of the Viva Mulher program. Our analytical approach relies on elements from the history of public policy and from the history of institutions, combining the use of documental sources, scientific literature, and interviews with managers involved in the process under study. Our analysis endeavors to show how and to what extent this national process incorporated the experiences of local projects and responded both to pressure from the social movement and to the country’s political environment. It further shows how the new context, shaped by changes in the organization of the Brazilian health system, influenced this process

    The cost of type 2 diabetes in Brazil: evaluation of a diabetes care center in the city of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Background: the worldwide increase of diabetes, a long duration, slow progression disease, impacts health care costs. the aim of this study was to estimate, from the society's perspective, the annual cost per patient with Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) at a specialized, outpatient center in the city of São Paulo, capital of São Paulo state, Brazil.Methods: Data from 209 patients were collected during the years 2009 and 2010 in a São Paulo diabetes care center which is part of the tertiary sector of SUS, Brazil's National Health Care System. Data were collected by means of interviews and reviews of medical charts, and the quality of life was appraised using the SF36-v2 questionnaire. Direct medical costs were divided in five categories: 1) medication; 2) laboratory tests; 3) hospitalizations and procedures; 4) reactive strips for capillary blood glucose monitoring; and 5) medical consultations. Direct non-medical costs referred to transportation of patient and companion for treatment. Indirect costs included early retirements, sick leave and absenteeism in the workplace. Statistical analysis of the data was performed by the SPSS software, version 17.0.Results: Our sample comprised 122 women (58%) and 87 men (42%), with mean age of 63 years and average diabetes duration of 13 years. the mean annual cost was US1,844perpatient,outofwhichUS 1,844 per patient, out of which US 1,012 corresponded to direct costs (55%) and US831toindirectcosts(45 831 to indirect costs (45%). From the direct medical costs, medications accounted for the greatest proportion (42%), followed by reactive strips (27%), hospitalizations and procedures (14%), laboratory tests and image examinations (7%), as well as medical consultations (4%). Non-medical costs (transportation) corresponded to 7% of the total direct costs. Besides, the results indicated that men have better quality of life than women.Conclusion: This study demonstrated a high T2DM cost in Brazil, considering the governmental per capita expenses in health care, which accounted for US 466 in 2010 (World Health Statistics 2013 96-104 2013). Taking into account the high prevalence of the disease (IDF Diabetes Atlas. 5th edition. 29-48 2012), this survey recommends the enforcement of policies for the prevention of diabetes and its complications, and urges for better allocation of healthcare resources.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Ctr Diabet, BR-04022001 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Ctr Diabet, BR-04022001 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc