346 research outputs found
Nephrolithiasis in a Portuguese Pediatric Population
Introduction and Aims: Nephrolithiasis incidence in children has increased considerably. It is associated with
substantial morbidity, recurrence and increased adulthood cardiovascular risk and chronic kidney disease. A
thorough investigation is essential, as rare forms of urolithiasis have increased risk of renal failure. We aim to
determine the epidemiology and outcomes of a pediatric population with nephrolithiasis presented in a nephrology
unit of a tertiary centre.
Methods: Retrospective study of the records of all children (<18 years) with nephrolithiasis diagnosis between
2008‑17. Clinical features, etiology, recurrence, treatment, and outcomes were evaluated and compared throughout the study period through two equal periods (2008‑12 versus 2013‑17).
Results: We identified 80 cases: isolated nephrolithiasis (86%) and associated with nephrocalcinosis (14%).
Mean follow‑up was 36 months (14–120). Median age at presentation was 8.6 years [3 months – 17 years]: 21% < 2 years‑old and 46% ≥ 10 years. The annual ratio of referrals for nephrolithiasis increased on average 1.2% per year [0.3‑11.8%]. Multiple etiological factors were present in 34%. A metabolic abnormality was identified in 54%: hypocitraturia (34%), hypercalcuria (24%), hyperoxaluria (15%), hyperuricosuria (15%) and cystinuria (1%), without age predominance (p=0.2). Urinary tract infection (24%) was the next most significant etiology and was more frequent below 2 years of age (p=0.001) and associated with struvite calculi (p=0.033). Median age at diagnosis was significantly lower in the study’s first half (5 vs 10 years; p=0.019) and an infectious etiology was more frequent (p=0.043). In a logistic‑regression analysis, a family history of nephrolithiasis was associated with a metabolic cause (p<0.01). Sixty‑three percent became stone free and 24% had recurrence.
Discussion: Nephrolithiasis new referrals gradually increased throughout the study period. The most common
etiology was metabolic, which is usually responsible for nephrolithiasis appearance and its recurrence, emphasizing the need for a complete evaluation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale
In this era of complete genomes, our knowledge of neuroanatomical circuitry
remains surprisingly sparse. Such knowledge is however critical both for basic
and clinical research into brain function. Here we advocate for a concerted
effort to fill this gap, through systematic, experimental mapping of neural
circuits at a mesoscopic scale of resolution suitable for comprehensive,
brain-wide coverage, using injections of tracers or viral vectors. We detail
the scientific and medical rationale and briefly review existing knowledge and
experimental techniques. We define a set of desiderata, including brain-wide
coverage; validated and extensible experimental techniques suitable for
standardization and automation; centralized, open access data repository;
compatibility with existing resources, and tractability with current
informatics technology. We discuss a hypothetical but tractable plan for mouse,
additional efforts for the macaque, and technique development for human. We
estimate that the mouse connectivity project could be completed within five
years with a comparatively modest budget.Comment: 41 page
Workflow and Atlas System for Brain-Wide Mapping of Axonal Connectivity in Rat
Detailed knowledge about the anatomical organization of axonal connections is important for understanding normal functions of brain systems and disease-related dysfunctions. Such connectivity data are typically generated in neuroanatomical tract-tracing experiments in which specific axonal connections are visualized in histological sections. Since journal publications typically only accommodate restricted data descriptions and example images, literature search is a cumbersome way to retrieve overviews of brain connectivity. To explore more efficient ways of mapping, analyzing, and sharing detailed axonal connectivity data from the rodent brain, we have implemented a workflow for data production and developed an atlas system tailored for online presentation of axonal tracing data. The system is available online through the Rodent Brain WorkBench (www.rbwb.org; Whole Brain Connectivity Atlas) and holds experimental metadata and high-resolution images of histological sections from experiments in which axonal tracers were injected in the primary somatosensory cortex. We here present the workflow and the data system, and exemplify how the online image repository can be used to map different aspects of the brain-wide connectivity of the rat primary somatosensory cortex, including not only presence of connections but also morphology, densities, and spatial organization. The accuracy of the approach is validated by comparing results generated with our system with findings reported in previous publications. The present study is a contribution to a systematic mapping of rodent brain connections and represents a starting point for further large-scale mapping efforts
Relationships between Gene Expression and Brain Wiring in the Adult Rodent Brain
We studied the global relationship between gene expression and neuroanatomical connectivity in the adult rodent brain. We utilized a large data set of the rat brain “connectome” from the Brain Architecture Management System (942 brain regions and over 5000 connections) and used statistical approaches to relate the data to the gene expression signatures of 17,530 genes in 142 anatomical regions from the Allen Brain Atlas. Our analysis shows that adult gene expression signatures have a statistically significant relationship to connectivity. In particular, brain regions that have similar expression profiles tend to have similar connectivity profiles, and this effect is not entirely attributable to spatial correlations. In addition, brain regions which are connected have more similar expression patterns. Using a simple optimization approach, we identified a set of genes most correlated with neuroanatomical connectivity, and find that this set is enriched for genes involved in neuronal development and axon guidance. A number of the genes have been implicated in neurodevelopmental disorders such as autistic spectrum disorder. Our results have the potential to shed light on the role of gene expression patterns in influencing neuronal activity and connectivity, with potential applications to our understanding of brain disorders. Supplementary data are available at http://www.chibi.ubc.ca/ABAMS
Virtual Touch (TM) Quantification to Diagnose and Monitor Liver Fibrosis in Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C: A NICE Medical Technology Guidance
King’s Technology Evaluation Centre is funded by NICE to
act as an External Assessment Centre for the Medical Technologies
Evaluation Programme. The NHS has a financial interest in the
guidance issued by NICE as a result of this work and two authors are
NHS employees (Prof. Keevil and Dr. Lewis
Common Atlas Format and 3D Brain Atlas Reconstructor: Infrastructure for Constructing 3D Brain Atlases
One of the challenges of modern neuroscience is integrating voluminous data of diferent modalities derived from a variety of specimens. This task requires a common spatial framework that can be provided by brain atlases. The first atlases were limited to two-dimentional presentation of structural data. Recently, attempts at creating 3D atlases have been made to offer navigation within non-standard anatomical planes and improve capability of localization of different types of data within the brain volume. The 3D atlases available so far have been created using frameworks which make it difficult for other researchers to replicate the results. To facilitate reproducible research and data sharing in the field we propose an SVG-based Common Atlas Format (CAF) to store 2D atlas delineations or other compatible data and 3D Brain Atlas Reconstructor (3dBAR), software dedicated to automated reconstruction of three-dimensional brain structures from 2D atlas data. The basic functionality is provided by (1) a set of parsers which translate various atlases from a number of formats into the CAF, and (2) a module generating 3D models from CAF datasets. The whole reconstruction process is reproducible and can easily be configured, tracked and reviewed, which facilitates fixing errors. Manual corrections can be made when automatic reconstruction is not sufficient. The software was designed to simplify interoperability with other neuroinformatics tools by using open file formats. The content can easily be exchanged at any stage of data processing. The framework allows for the addition of new public or proprietary content
Transformation of human bronchial epithelial cells alters responsiveness to inflammatory cytokines
BACKGROUND: Inflammation is commonly associated with lung tumors. Since inflammatory mediators, including members of the interleukin-6 (IL-6) cytokine family, suppress proliferation of normal epithelial cells, we hypothesized that epithelial cells must develop mechanisms to evade this inhibition during the tumorigenesis. This study compared the cytokine responses of normal epithelial cells to that of premalignant cells. METHODS: Short-term primary cultures of epithelial cells were established from bronchial brushings. Paired sets of brushings were obtained from areas of normal bronchial epithelium and from areas of metaplastic or dysplastic epithelium, or areas of frank endobronchial carcinoma. In 43 paired cultures, the signalling through the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) and extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) pathways and growth regulation by IL-6, leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), oncostatin M (OSM), interferon-γ (IFNγ) or epidermal growth factor (EGF) were determined. Inducible expression and function of the leukemia inhibitory factor receptor was assessed by treatment with the histone deacetylase inhibitor depsipeptide. RESULTS: Normal epithelial cells respond strongly to OSM, IFNγ and EGF, and respond moderately to IL-6, and do not exhibit a detectable response to LIF. In preneoplastic cells, the aberrant signaling that was detected most frequently was an elevated activation of ERK, a reduced or increased IL-6 and EGF response, and an increased LIF response. Some of these changes in preneoplastic cell signaling approach those observed in established lung cancer cell lines. Epigenetic control of LIF receptor expression by histone acetylation can account for the gain of LIF responsiveness. OSM and macrophage-derived cytokines suppressed proliferation of normal epithelial cells, but reduced inhibition or even stimulated proliferation was noted for preneoplastic cells. These alterations likely contribute to the supporting effects that inflammation has on lung tumor progression. CONCLUSION: This study indicates that during the earliest stage of premalignant transformation, a modified response to cytokines and EGF is evident. Some of the altered cytokine responses in primary premalignant cells are comparable to those seen in established lung cancer cell lines
Landscape determinants of European roller foraging habitat: implications for the definition of agri-environmental measures for species conservation
Across much of Europe, farmland birds are declining more than those in other habitats. From a conservation perspective, identifying the primary preferred habitats could help improve the foraging conditions of target species and, consequently, enhance their breeding success and survival. Here, we investigated the ranging behaviour and foraging habitat selection of the European roller (Coracias garrulus) during the breeding season in an agricultural landscape of South Iberia. The occurrence of foraging rollers was predicted to gradually increase with decreasing distance from the nest and increasing availability of perches, such as fences and electric wires. Traditional olive groves and stubble fields were positively and negatively associated with the occurrence of rollers, respectively. Additionally, analysis of hunting strikes showed that rollers highly prefer foraging in fallows rather than cereal or stubble fields. Prey surveys revealed that fallows had the highest abundance of grasshoppers, rollers’ preferred prey during chick-rearing. Pair home-ranges, obtained from 95% fixed Kernel estimators averaged 70.9 ha (range = 34–118 ha) and most foraging trips (80%) occurred in the close vicinity of the nest (<500 m). Number of chicks fledged was not affected by mean foraging distances travelled during the chick-rearing period. Overall, our results suggest that traditional extensive practices of cereal cultivation, with large areas of low-intensity grazed fallows, represent a high-quality foraging habitat for rollers and should be promoted through agri-environmental schemes within at least 1-km radius from the nest. These recommendations are targeted at the roller, but have been shown to apply broadly to several other steppe-bird species
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